class Walker(App): def appStarted(self): self.the_shape = Shape() def keyPressed(self, event): if event.key == "Right": self.the_shape.rotate('r') elif event.key == "Up": self.the_shape.rotate('u') elif event.key == "Left": self.the_shape.rotate('l') elif event.key == "Down": self.the_shape.rotate('d') def redrawAll(self, canvas): canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, fill=paintcan.toHex(paintcan.silver)) canvas.create_text(WIDTH / 2, 25, font=('Sans', 20), text="Use the arrow keys to control.") self.the_shape.draw(canvas)
def __init__(self, json): if JSONParser._parser(json) == 1: raise ValueError("Bad json") shapes = [] self.screen = dict() self.palette = dict() for i in json["Palette"]: self.palette[i] = JSONParser.return_color(dict(), json["Palette"][i]) self.screen["width"] = json["Screen"]["width"] self.screen["height"] = json["Screen"]["height"] self.screen["bg_color"] = JSONParser.return_color( self.palette, json["Screen"]["bg_color"]) self.screen["fg_color"] = JSONParser.return_color( self.palette, json["Screen"]["fg_color"]) for i in json["Figures"]: type = i["type"] if type == "point": if "color" in i: color = JSONParser.return_color(self.palette, i["color"]) else: color = self.screen["fg_color"] shapes.append(Shape.Point(i["x"], i["y"], color)) elif type == "polygon": if "color" in i: color = JSONParser.return_color(self.palette, i["color"]) else: color = self.screen["fg_color"] shapes.append(Shape.Polygon(i["points"], color)) elif type == "rectangle": if "color" in i: color = JSONParser.return_color(self.palette, i["color"]) else: color = self.screen["fg_color"] shapes.append( Shape.Rectangle(i["x"], i["y"], i["width"], i["height"], color)) elif type == "square": if "color" in i: color = JSONParser.return_color(self.palette, i["color"]) else: color = self.screen["fg_color"] shapes.append(Shape.Square(i["x"], i["y"], i["size"], color)) elif type == "circle": if "color" in i: color = JSONParser.return_color(self.palette, i["color"]) else: color = self.screen["fg_color"] shapes.append( Shape.Circle(i["x"], i["y"], i["radius"], color=color)) else: print("Bad type of figure") raise ValueError("Bad type of figure") self.shapes = shapes
def shape(self): """ Returns the `Shape` associated to self. Namely, it "forgets" the labels of the leafs. :return: `Shape` instance. """ if self.is_leaf: return Shape(None) else: return Shape([x.shape() for x in self.children])
def __init__(self, p, v, ttl, size): self.ttl = ttl s = [(-size, -size, size, size, None), (-size, size, size, -size, None)] self.shape = Shape(s) WorldObject.__init__(self, OBJECT_TYPE_NONE, p, 0, v, 0) if random.random() < .5: self.spin = 5 else: self.spin = -5
def __init__(self, signal): self.signal = signal self.curX = 0 self.curY = 0 self.curShape = Shape() # 当前Shape self.isCurShapeDropped = False # 当前shape是否落下完成 self.board = [] # 游戏区域 Col * Row self.num_lines_removed = 0 # 消除的行数 self.clear_board()
def nextpiece(self): self.curPiece, self.nextPiece, self.next2Piece, self.next3Piece, self.next4Piece = \ (self.nextPiece, self.next2Piece, self.next3Piece, self.next4Piece, self.next5Piece) self.next5Piece = Shape() newShape = self.newPiece() self.next5Piece.setShape(newShape) self.curX = Board.BoardWidth // 2 + 1 self.curY = Board.BoardHeight - 1 + self.curPiece.minY() #when cannot place new piece, GAME OVER ! if not self.tryMove(self.curPiece, self.curX, self.curY): self.game_over()
def __init__(self): s = [(-5, 5, 10, 0, None), (-5, -5, 10, 0, None), (-5, -5, -5, 5, None)] self.shape = Shape(s) self.fireCannon = False self.fireTorpedo = False self.rounds = 50.0 self.fuel = 50.0 self.torpedos = 50.0 self.torpedoDelay = 0 WorldObject.__init__(self, OBJECT_TYPE_SHIP, Point(SCREEN_WIDTH * .75, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2), PI, None, 7, SHIP_MASS)
def start(self, sides, centre=True): """ Starts with a polygon, optionally connected to the centre """ self.shapes = [] self.points = [] self.symetry = sides if sides < 3: raise "At least 3 sides are required" dt = math.pi / sides self.points = [ SPoint.SPoint(math.cos(i * dt), math.sin(i * dt)) for i in range(1, 2 * sides, 2) ] if centre: self.points.append(SPoint.SPoint(0, 0)) for i in range(sides): s = Shape.Shape() s.addPoint(self.points[i]) s.addPoint(self.points[(i + 1) % sides]) s.addPoint(self.points[sides]) self.shapes.append(s) else: s = Shape.Shape() for i in range(sides): s.addPoint(self.points[i]) self.shapes.append(s) self.findLines()
def assemblePoints(self, p1, p2, p11, p12, p21, p22): """ Common part of the two expand functions """ new_s1 = Shape.Shape() new_s2 = Shape.Shape() new_s3 = Shape.Shape() new_s1.addPoint(p1) new_s1.addPoint(p11) new_s1.addPoint(p12) new_s2.addPoint(p11) new_s2.addPoint(p12) new_s2.addPoint(p22) new_s2.addPoint(p21) new_s3.addPoint(p2) new_s3.addPoint(p21) new_s3.addPoint(p22) self.new_shapes.append(new_s1) self.new_shapes.append(new_s2) self.new_shapes.append(new_s3) # Add the new points to our list self.addPoint(p11) self.addPoint(p12) self.addPoint(p21) self.addPoint(p22)
def getDual(self): """ Return the dual of this pattern """ dual = SPattern() for pt in self.points: shape = Shape.Shape() if len(pt.shapes) == len(pt.lines): for s in pt.shapes: s.findCentre() newpt = dual.findPoint(s.centre) shape.addPoint(newpt) shape.sortPoints() dual.shapes.append(shape) dual.findLines() return dual
def kmeans_Shape_DNA(): ''' Was used to do kmeans on Shape DNA ''' l_eig = [] list_files = [ "camel-poses/camel-01.obj", "camel-poses/camel-02.obj", "camel-poses/camel-03.obj", #"flamingo-poses/flam-04.obj", "flamingo-poses/flam-02.obj", "flamingo-poses/flam-03.obj", #buggy "lion-poses/lion-01.obj", "lion-poses/lion-02.obj", "lion-poses/lion-03.obj", ] list_shapes = [] for name in list_files: t = time.time() list_shapes.append(Shape(name)) list_shapes[-1].compute_shape_dna(10) l_eig.append(list_shapes[-1].eigenvalues) list_shapes[-1].clear() #print(l_eig[-1]) print("Computed shape DNA for ", name, "in ", time.time() - t) print("Training k-means") kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=2, n_init=100) print("Trained.") for i in range(len(list_files)): print("File ", list_files[i], "is associated to cluster ", kmeans.predict(l_eig[i].reshape(1, -1)))
def __init__(self): self.env = Environment(Shape.Worm()) self.checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mlflow') self.best_run = 0 self.addative_noise_generator = noise_generators.OUActionNoise( output_size=self.env.action_size) self.multiplier_noise_generator = noise_generators.MarkovSaltPepperNoise( output_size=self.env.action_size) self.init_models() self.target_actor.set_weights(self.actor_model.get_weights()) self.target_critic.set_weights(self.critic_model.get_weights()) self.critic_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop( learning_rate=self.CRITIC_LR) self.actor_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop( learning_rate=self.ACTOR_LR) self.buffer = PrioritizedBuffer(self.env.state_size, self.env.action_size, self.GAMMA, self.BUFFER_SIZE, self.BATCH_SIZE) self.episode_reward_history = [] # show controls the appearance of a window with graphics, controlled by 's' and 'a' on the keyboard = False # show controls if the model is learning or not, affects the FPS of the graphics # controlled by 'l' and 'k' on the keyboard self.learn = True self.log_params()
def merge_shapes(self,slist,merged_name,replace=True): """ Merges a set of shapes, by taking the average of their points. Args slist is a python list of the ShapeSet.shapes keys of the Shapes to merge. merged_name is a name of the merged Shape that will be added to the dataset. replace: if True, the original shapes will be removed from the ShapeSet (default), if False, they will be left in The ShapeSet must be aligned before merging. Missing landmarks (with nan coordinates) will be ignored for calculating the average of that landmark. """ if self.__is_aligned__==False: raise Exception("ShapeSet must be aligned before shapes can be merged.") if len(slist)<2: raise Exception("Must be at least two shapes in slist to merge.") mean_lms = np.nanmean(np.array([self.shapes[i].landmarks for i in slist]), axis=0) merged_shape = Shape.Shape(data = mean_lms.tolist(),shape_name=merged_name) if replace==True: for s in slist: self.shapes.pop(s) self.n_shapes = self.n_shapes-1 self.append_shape(merged_shape)
def __init__(self, parent, frame, attrpanel, treeview): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, size=(1, 1)) self.frame = frame self.attrpanel = attrpanel self.treeview = treeview self.listener = None # create mini toolbar self.CreateToolbar() self.editor = sae.ShapeCanvas(self, self.attrpanel, self.frame) = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL), 0, wx.EXPAND), 0, wx.EXPAND) self.pathtext = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(80, -1)), 0, wx.EXPAND), 1, wx.EXPAND) self.pathtext.SetEditable(False) self.SetSizer( self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) acceltbl = wx.AcceleratorTable([ (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('S'), MENU_SAVE), ]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(acceltbl)
def kmeans_D2(): ''' Was used to do kmeans on GPS-D2 ''' l_d2 = [] list_files = [ "camel-collapse/camel-collapse-01.obj", "camel-gallop/camel-gallop-01.obj", "cat-poses/cat-01.obj", "elephant-gallop/elephant-gallop-01.obj", "elephant-poses/elephant-01.obj", "face-poses/face-01-anger.obj", "head-poses/head-01-anger.obj", "horse-collapse/horse-collapose-01.obj", "horse-gallop/horse-gallop-01.obj", "horse-poses/horse-01.obj", "lion-poses/lion-01.obj" ] list_shapes = [] for name in list_files: t = time.time() list_shapes.append(Shape(name)) list_shapes[-1].compute_D2(k=20, N=50000, nb_cases=3, m=5) l_d2.append(list_shapes[-1].histogram) list_shapes[-1].clear() print("Computed D2-distrib for ", name, "in ", time.time() - t) print("Training k-means") kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=2, n_init=100) print("Trained.") for i in range(len(list_files)): print("File ", list_files[i], "is associated to cluster ", kmeans.predict(l_d2[i].reshape(1, -1)))
def estimate_from_symmetry(shape, lm_pairs, **kwargs): """ Estimates missing landmarks by reflecting through a plane of symmetry. Args: shape is a Shape object. lm_pairs is a list of lists/tuples of pairs of integers that specify which points are pairs. In addition either plane or midpoints needs to be specified. plane : a list of four numbers specifying a plane midpoints : a list of the integer indices of the landmarks that lie on the plane of symmetry. """ assert ('plane' in kwargs.keys() or 'midpoints' in kwargs.keys()) if 'plane' in kwargs.keys(): plane = kwargs['plane'] else: mid_lms = [] for idx, lm in enumerate(shape.landmarks): if idx in kwargs['midpoints']: mid_lms.append(lm) plane = linear.fit_plane(mid_lms) new_lms = shape.landmarks for idx, p in enumerate(shape.landmarks): if __point_present__(p) == False: opp = __opposite_lm__(idx, lm_pairs) if opp != -1 and __point_present__(shape.landmarks[opp]) == True: new_lms[idx] = __symm_point__(shape.landmarks[opp], plane) filled_shape = Shape.Shape(data=new_lms,, lm_names=shape.lm_names) return filled_shape
def estimate_from_mean(shapeset, shapes=None): """ Estimates missing landmarks in a ShapeSet from present values in other specimens. Args: shapeset: the ShapeSet to be filled. shapes: an optional list of Shapes to have missing data imputed for. If left as the default (None), then any taxa with missing data will be estimated. Note: the shapeset must be aligned before using this function. """ assert (shapeset.__is_aligned__ == True) mean_vals = np.nanmean(shapeset.__kmn__(typeof='np_array'), axis=0).tolist() new_shapeset = ShapeSet.ShapeSet( if shapes == None: shapes = shapeset.shapes.keys() for t in shapeset.shapes.keys(): new_data = np.array(shapeset.shapes[t].landmarks) for idx, lm in enumerate(shapeset.shapes[t].landmarks): if __point_present__(lm) == False: new_data[idx] = mean_vals[idx] new_shape = Shape.Shape(data=new_data.tolist(), shape_name=t) new_shapeset.append_shape(new_shape) return new_shapeset
def __detect_shape(img, height, width, shape): """ The process to detect the shape. It detects the number of shape's edges. If a shape has 3 edges, it's a triangle. Parameters ---------- img : numpy.ndarray The image whose shapes we want to detect height : int Image's height width : int Image's width shape : Shape The shape we want to detect Returns ------- detected : Shape The detected shape last_cont : numpy.ndarray Contours of the shape. detected_shapes : list The detected shapes. center : tuple of float Center of the detected shape. angle : float Angle of rotation of the detected shape. """ font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX contours, _ = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) hull_list = __convex_hull(contours) minimal_area = 200 maximal_area = (height * width) - 2000 detected = None detected_shapes = [] last_cont = np.array([]) center = None angle = None for cont in hull_list: area = cv2.contourArea(cont) #continue if area is too small(noise) or too big if area < minimal_area or area >= maximal_area: continue approx = __approx_poly(cont, img) detected = __check_partial(detected, approx, width, height) if detected != Shape.Shape.PARTIAL.value: detected = __check_non_partial_shape(cont, area, approx) shape_name = Shape.Shape(detected).name detected_shapes.append(shape_name) if shape == Shape.Shape.ALL.value or detected == shape: x = cont[0][0][0] #x value of a point of the shape y = cont[0][0][1] #y value of a point of the shape cv2.putText(img, shape_name, (x, y), font, 0.5, (255)) if detected == shape: last_cont = approx center, _, angle = cv2.minAreaRect(cont) break return detected, last_cont, detected_shapes, center, angle
def shape_probs_from_list(X): """ Return the probabilities of all the instances of `Shape` in a list (in string) of Newick codes. :param X: a string containing several Newick codes. :return: A list of symbolic expressions depending on `a`. """ l = Shape.from_newick_list(X) return [prob_shape(t) for t in l]
def read(filepath, filetype="Landmark.exe", shapename=None): if shapename == None: shapename == filepath if filetype == "Landmark.exe": n, p = __parse_landmarkexe__(filepath) return Shape.Shape(data=p, shape_name=shapename, lm_names=n) else: raise Exception("Trying to import an unknown file type: %s" % filepath)
def updateNGonSlider(event): """Called as the nGonSlider command""" global shape global shapeMessage shape = Shape.NGon(nGonSlider.get(), 100, PVector(0, 0)) shapeMessage = "Regular " + str(nGonSlider.get()) + "-gon\n" update() return
def updateParallelogramSlider(event): """Called as the parallelogramSlider command""" global shape global shapeMessage shape = Shape.Parallelogram(parallelogramSlider.get(), PVector(0, 0), 100) shapeMessage = "Parallelogram with shearing " + str( parallelogramSlider.get() ) + ", the ratio of the distance between midpoints of the horizontal sides and the height of the parallelogram\n" update() return
def updateKiteSlider(event): """Called as the kiteSlider command""" global shape global shapeMessage shape = Shape.Kite(kiteSlider.get(), PVector(0, 0), 100) shapeMessage = "Kite with droop " + str( kiteSlider.get() ) + ", the ratio of the vertical distance between the bottom and horizontal beam, and the top and the horizontal beam\n" update() return
def push_and_close(): i = 0 while i < len(temporary_shapes): if len(temporary_shapes[i].new_entries) != 0: temporary_shapes[i].push_entries() else: temporary_shapes[i].close_entries() shapes_list.append(Shape(temporary_shapes[i].point_list)) del temporary_shapes[i] i -= 1 i += 1
def shape_probs_from_file(fname, encoding='utf8', strip_comments=False, **kw): """ Load a list of instances of `Shape` from a Newick formatted file and return their probabilities in a list, assuming they are instances of `Shape`. :param fname: file path. :param strip_comments: Flag signaling whether to strip comments enclosed in square \ brackets. :param kw: Keyword arguments are passed through to ``. :return: A list of symbolic expressions depending on `a`. """ l =, encoding, strip_comments, **kw) return [prob_shape(Shape.newick_node_to_shape(t)) for t in l]
def test_addShapes(self): s1 = Shape() s1.setPoints([(0,0),(1,1),(2,1),(3,0)]) s2 = Shape() s2.setPoints([(2,0),(4,2),(5,0)]) s3 = s1+s2 self.assertEqual(s3.points, [(0,0),(1,1),(2,1),(2.5,0.5),(4,2),(5,0)])
class SmokeParticle(WorldObject): def __init__(self, p, v, ttl, size): self.ttl = ttl s = [(-size, -size, size, size, None), (-size, size, size, -size, None)] self.shape = Shape(s) WorldObject.__init__(self, OBJECT_TYPE_NONE, p, 0, v, 0) if random.random() < .5: self.spin = 5 else: self.spin = -5 def update(self, e): WorldObject.update(self, e) if self.ttl > 0: self.ttl -= 1 return True else: return False def draw(self, canvas, p, a): self.shape.draw(canvas, p, a)
def updateTrapezoidSlider(event): """Called as the trapezoidSlider command""" global shape global shapeMessage shape = Shape.Trapezoid(trapezoidSlider.get(), PVector(0, 0), 100) shapeMessage = "Trapezoid of Modulus [" + str( (float(trapezoidSlider.get()) / (float(trapezoidSlider.get()) - 1)) ) + "] = " + str( int( floor( float(trapezoidSlider.get()) / (float(trapezoidSlider.get()) - 1))) ) + ", the ratio of the long horizontal edge to the difference in lengths between the two horizontal edges\n" # Modulus = floor{|AB| / (|AB| - |CD|)} = floor{s / (s - 1)}, where s = float(trapezoidSlider.get()) update() return
def setUp(self): self.c = Shape() self.ordered = [(20,0),(40,1),(60,0),(80,1),(100,0)] self.unordered = [(10.0,0.5),(12,1),(24.000,0),(14.0,0.500),(0,0)] self.mftri = MembershipFunction() self.mftri.tri(0,2,4) self.mftrap = MembershipFunction() self.mftrap.trap(0,2,4,6) self.mfout = MembershipFunction() self.mfout.tri(4,6,8) self.mfcold = MembershipFunction() self.mfcold.trap(0,0,2,4) self.mfdict = {} self.mfdict['cold'] = self.mfcold self.mfdict['blast'] = self.mfout self.rule = Rule(self.mfdict) self.cin = {} self.cin['temp']=3
def startGrid(self, n): """ Starts with a square grid, n x n """ self.shapes = [] self.points = [] self.symetry = 4 if n < 1: raise "At least 1 square is required" for i in range(n + 1): for j in range(n + 1): self.points.append(SPoint.SPoint(i, j)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): s = Shape.Shape() pos = (n + 1) * i + j s.addPoint(self.points[pos]) s.addPoint(self.points[pos + 1]) s.addPoint(self.points[pos + n + 2]) s.addPoint(self.points[pos + n + 1]) self.shapes.append(s) self.findLines()
def evaluate_opening(self): res = 0 black = 0 white = 0 territory = Territory.Territory(self._board, self._black_moves, self._white_moves, self._black_goban, self._white_goban) shape = Shape.Shape(self._board, self._black_moves, self._white_moves, self._black_goban, self._white_goban) for move in self._black_moves: ufcoord = Goban.Board.name_to_coord(move) x = ufcoord[0] y = ufcoord[1] if (1 <= x <= 7) and ( 1 <= y <= 7): # pierres sur la deuxième ligne pour l'ouverture black = black + 3000 for move in self._white_moves: ufcoord = Goban.Board.name_to_coord(move) x = ufcoord[0] y = ufcoord[1] if (1 <= x <= 7) and ( 1 <= y <= 7): # pierres sur la deuxième ligne pour l'ouverture white = white + 3000 # On maximise le nombre de territoires cardinaux conquéris black = black + territory.count_territories_black() white = white + territory.count_territories_white() if self._mycolor == Goban.Board._BLACK: res = black - white else: res = white - black return res
def initSim(nbobj, rad, pos1): # créé le sol p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_PLANE) basePlane = p.createMultiBody(0, 0) # met une seed au rng random.seed(time.time()) # random.seed("Thibault") # créé la sphere qui sera le point centrale de la "Shape" nbPop = 100 pop = [] for i in range(0, nbPop - 1): body = p.createCollisionShape(p.GEOM_SPHERE, radius=rad * 4) temp = s.Shape(body, pos1) temp.createRandom(nbobj, rad) idtmp = temp.createBody() pop.append(temp) pop[i].setId(idtmp) for i in range(-1, nbobj): for j in range(-1, nbobj): for elem1 in range(0, nbPop - 1): for elem2 in range(elem1 + 1, nbPop - 1): p.setCollisionFilterPair(pop[elem1].getId(), pop[elem2].getId(), i, j, 0) print((i + 2) / (nbobj + 1)) # ========================================================== # Truc lié a la simulation # ========================================================== for elem in pop: for i in range(0, nbobj): p.setJointMotorControl2(bodyUniqueId=elem.getId(), jointIndex=i, controlMode=p.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=random.randint(0, 3)) # met la gravité p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) return pop
class TestShape(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.c = Shape() self.ordered = [(20,0),(40,1),(60,0),(80,1),(100,0)] self.unordered = [(10.0,0.5),(12,1),(24.000,0),(14.0,0.500),(0,0)] self.mftri = MembershipFunction() self.mftri.tri(0,2,4) self.mftrap = MembershipFunction() self.mftrap.trap(0,2,4,6) self.mfout = MembershipFunction() self.mfout.tri(4,6,8) self.mfcold = MembershipFunction() self.mfcold.trap(0,0,2,4) self.mfdict = {} self.mfdict['cold'] = self.mfcold self.mfdict['blast'] = self.mfout self.rule = Rule(self.mfdict) self.cin = {} self.cin['temp']=3 def test_addPoint_presentationValue(self): p = [(20,0),(34,0.7),(46,0.7),(54,0.3),(66,0.3),(70,0.5),(100,0.5)] for point in p: self.c.addPoint(point) self.c.solve() self.assertEqual(round(self.c.x,3),60.943) def test_addPoint_sorted(self): p = self.ordered for point in p: self.c.addPoint(point) self.c.solve() self.assertEqual(self.c.x,60) def test_addPoint_unsorted(self): p = self.unordered for point in p: self.c.addPoint(point) self.c.solve() self.assertEqual(self.c.x,12) def test_setPoints_unsorted(self): p = self.unordered self.c.setPoints(p) self.c.solve() self.assertEqual(self.c.x,12) def test_resultTri(self): self.assertEqual(self.mftri.getResult(0.5).points,[(0,0),(1,0.5),(3,0.5),(4,0)]) def test_resultTrap(self): self.assertEqual(self.mftrap.getResult(0.5).points,[(0,0),(1,0.5),(5,0.5),(6,0)]) def test_getDegreeTrap(self): self.assertEqual(self.mftrap.getDegree(1),0.5) def test_getDegreeTri(self): self.assertEqual(self.mftri.getDegree(3),0.5) def test_heaterRule(self): self.rule.addCondition('temp', 'cold') self.rule.setResult('heater','blast') (feat, shape) = self.rule.getResult(self.cin) shape.solve() self.assertEqual(shape.x, 6) def test_intersects(self): s1 = Segment((0,0),(1,1)) s2 = Segment((0,1),(1,0)) self.assertTrue(s1.intersects(s2)) def test_noIntersect(self): s1 = Segment((0,0),(1,1)) s2 = Segment((0,1),(2,3)) self.assertTrue(not s1.intersects(s2)) def test_intersect1(self): s1 = Segment((0,0),(1,1)) s2 = Segment((0,1),(1,0)) self.assertEqual(s1.intersection(s2), (0.5,0.5)) def test_intersect2(self): s1 = Segment((1,3),(3,1)) s2 = Segment((1,1),(3,3)) self.assertEqual(s1.intersection(s2), (2.0,2.0)) def test_addSegment(self): s = Shape() s.addSegment(Segment((0,0),(1,1))) s.addSegment(Segment((1,1),(2,2))) s.addSegment(Segment((2,2),(3,0))) self.assertEqual(s.points, [(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,0)]) def test_addShapes(self): s1 = Shape() s1.setPoints([(0,0),(1,1),(2,1),(3,0)]) s2 = Shape() s2.setPoints([(2,0),(4,2),(5,0)]) s3 = s1+s2 self.assertEqual(s3.points, [(0,0),(1,1),(2,1),(2.5,0.5),(4,2),(5,0)])
def test_addSegment(self): s = Shape() s.addSegment(Segment((0,0),(1,1))) s.addSegment(Segment((1,1),(2,2))) s.addSegment(Segment((2,2),(3,0))) self.assertEqual(s.points, [(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),(3,0)])