async def worker_handler( reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, port: int, handle_finished: asyncio.Event, ): print("[SS{id_:2}][INFO] --- IN HANDLER ---")) await tcp_send(p, writer, delimiter, timeout=timeout) print("[SS{id_:2}][INFO] Port {port} is open.")) writer.close() await writer.wait_closed() handle_finished.set()
def recv_thread(q: Queue, e: threading.Event): c_sock.settimeout(TIMEOUT_FACTOR) # making a vague assumption of timeout situation. while True: try: data = c_sock.recv(65536) except (ConnectionAbortedError, ConnectionResetError): break except socket.timeout: if e.is_set(): print("[C][RECV] Event set!")) break else: if data == config.END_MARK: print("[C][RECV] Received eof <{data}>")) break q.put(read_b(data))
def send_thread(q: Queue, e: threading.Event): while True: try: n = q.get(timeout=TIMEOUT_FACTOR) except Empty: if e.is_set(): print("[C][SEND] Event set!")) break else: q.task_done() try: c_sock.send(write_b(n)) except (ConnectionAbortedError, ConnectionResetError): print("[C][SEND] Connection reset!")) break except AttributeError: print( f"[C][SEND] Tried to send <{type(n)}> type value {n}.") )
def worker(id_: int, send, recv, event: threading.Event): q: Queue send: Queue recv: Queue while not event.is_set(): # announce server that the worker is ready. print(f"[CS{id_:2}][Info] Worker {id_:2} READY.") send.put(id_) try: p = recv.get() except Empty: continue recv.task_done() print(f"[CS{id_:2}][Info] Worker {id_:2} received {p}.") if p > config.PORT_MAX: print(SharedData.cyan(f"[CS{id_:2}][Info] Stop Signal received!")) break print(f"[CS{id_:2}][Info] Connecting Port {p}.") child_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) child_sock.settimeout(config.TIMEOUT) try: child_sock.connect((host, p)) except socket.timeout: print("[CS{id_:2}][Info] Port {p} Timeout.")) except OSError: print("[CS{id_:2}][Warn] Port {p} in use.")) else: print("[CS{id_:2}][Info] Port {p} is open.")) child_sock.close()
async def worker(id_: int, host, send, recv, event, delimiter, timeout=None): q: asyncio.Queue send: asyncio.Queue recv: asyncio.Queue event: asyncio.Event try: # if one thread crashes, will trigger event and gradually stop all threads. while not event.is_set(): # announce server that the worker is ready. print(f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Worker {id_:2} READY.") await send.put(id_) try: p = await asyncio.wait_for(recv.get(), timeout=timeout) p = int(p) recv.task_done() except asyncio.TimeoutError: print( f"[CS{id_:2}][WARN] Worker {id_:2} timeout fetching from Queue." )) continue except ValueError: print( SharedData.cyan( f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Stop Signal received!")) break print(f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Connecting Port {p}.") try: child_recv, child_send = await asyncio.wait_for( asyncio.open_connection(host, p), timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: print( SharedData.purple(f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Port {p} timeout.")) except OSError: print( f"[CS{id_:2}][WARN] Port {p} connection refused.")) else: try: print(await tcp_recv(child_recv, delimiter, timeout=timeout)) except asyncio.TimeoutError: print( SharedData.purple( f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Port {p} timeout.")) except asyncio.IncompleteReadError: print( f"[CS{id_:2}][WARN] Port {p} disconnected!")) else: print(f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Port {p} open.") print( f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Port {p} is available.")) finally: child_send.close() await child_send.wait_closed() except Exception: # trigger event to stop all threads. print("[CS{id_:2}][CRIT] Exception Event set!.")) event.set() raise print(SharedData.bold(f"[CS{id_:2}][INFO] Task Finished."))