def RVtoRSW(R,V):
    """Convert R and V (Postion and Velocity) into RWS matrix"""

    ### Equations (1)
    ### Convert chief position and velocity to RSW1 unit vectors
    rHatEci = sp.vhat(R)
    wHatEci = sp.ucrss(R,V)
    ### W cross R, not R cross W which is in paper
    sHatEci = sp.ucrss(wHatEci,R)

    ### Equations (2)
    ### Combine RSW1 unit vector into [Rhat|Shat|What] matrix
    return numpy.vstack((rHatEci,sHatEci,wHatEci,))
  def __init__(self,stateChf,mu,stateDep=None):
    """Make chief-only calculations.  Save deputy-based calculations for
Deputy() method below; call it now if stateDep is provided

mu = GM, km**3 s**-2

    ### Extract ECI Positions and ECI velocities from 6-element ECI states
    ### Save mu in self object
    self.rChfEci,self.velChfEci = stateChf[:3], stateChf[3:]
    self.mu = mu

    ### Equations (1) and (2)
    ### Convert chief position and velocity to [Rhat|Shat|What]1 matrix
    self.mtxEciToRsw1 = RVtoRSW(self.rChfEci,self.velChfEci)

    ### Transform chief position and velocity to RSW1 frame
    ) = [ sp.mxv(self.mtxEciToRsw1,v)
          for v in 

    ### Equations (3) - postponed to deputy calculation

    ### Equations (4)
    ### Eccentricity and semi-major axis
    ### - vHChf = momentum vector
    ### - self.pChf = semiparameter or semilatus rectum = distance from
    ###               the primary focus to the orbit, measured
    ###               perpendicular to the semi-major axis
    ### - self.eccChfSquared = Square of Eccentricity
    ###   - derivation, dot product of vEccChf with itself, will always
    ###       be non-negative
    ###   - square root of (1-self.eccChfSquared) will throw math domain
    ###       exception if eccentricity exceeds unity.
    ###   - reciprocal of (1-self.eccChfSquared) will throw division by
    ###       zero exception if eccentricity is unity
    ### - self.eccChf = Eccentricity (also Elliptic Modulus, k)
    ### - self.bOverA = ratio of semi-minor to semi-major axes' lengths
    ### - self.aChf = length of semi-major axis
    ### - self.bChf = length of semi-minor axis
    vHChf = sp.vcrss(self.rChfRsw1,self.velChfRsw1)
    self.pChf = sp.vdot(vHChf,vHChf) / self.mu
    vEccChf = sp.vsub(sp.vscl(1./self.mu,sp.vcrss(self.velChfRsw1,vHChf)),sp.vhat(self.rChfRsw1))
    self.eccChfSquared = sp.vdot(vEccChf,vEccChf)
    self.eccChf = math.sqrt(self.eccChfSquared)
    self.bOverA = math.sqrt(1 - self.eccChfSquared)
    self.aChf = self.pChf / (1. - self.eccChfSquared)
    self.bChf = self.pChf / self.bOverA
    self.cChf = self.aChf * self.eccChf
    if self.eccChfSquared>0.: self.vEccHatChf = sp.vhat(vEccChf)
    else                    : self.vEccHatChf = sp.vhat(self.rChfRsw1)

    ### Use SPICE toolkit routine to calculate perfocal distance (rp), eccentricity, and semi-major axis
    self.rpChf,self.eccChfSpice,inc,lnode,argp,m0,t0,muTmp = sp.oscelt(stateChf,0.,self.mu)
    self.aChfSpice = self.rpChf / (1. - self.eccChfSpice)

    ### Quadrant arc length; used later
    self.quadArc = self.aChf * E(halfpi,self.eccChfSquared)

    ### Equations (5)
    ### Chief True anomaly posiiton
    ### Deputy True anomaly postponed to deputy calculation
    self.lambdaPerigee = sp.recrad(self.vEccHatChf)[iRA]
    self.trueAnom1 = (twopi - self.lambdaPerigee) % twopi

    ### Equations (6 through 9) - postponed to deputy calculation

    ### Equations (9) - chief only

    ### 9.1) Convert True Anomaly 1 (chief) to Eccentric Anomaly
    self.eccAnom1 = self.TrueToEccAnom(self.trueAnom1)

    ### Get the arc length from periapse to the chief
    self.arcChf = self.E(self.eccAnom1)

    ### Complete conversion to EQCM for Deputy if Deputy state is present

    if not (stateDep is None): self.Deputy(stateDep)