 def run_starburst(self, run_SB99=True):
     Method to run the starburst model. Simply calls the function "run_starburst" defined below.
     output_data = sb.out_data(self.model_name)
     output_data = run_starburst(self, run_SB99=run_SB99)
     return output_data
def run_starburst(input_param, run_SB99=True):
    This is where the work happens. SbInput object must be passed in.
    Organized as follows:
        1. Write input parameters to file.
        2. Run Starburst99.
        3. Read output files written by Starburst99. 
           Convert to hdf5 if necessary. [Not implemented yet.]
    output_data = sb.out_data(input_param.model_name)
    Step 1

    output_dir = sb.indata.output_dir
    file_name = input_param.model_name + '_input.txt'
    full_name = os.path.join(output_dir, file_name)
    if os.path.exists(full_name):
    if input_param.outputs['input']:
        sb.write_input_txt(input_param, full_name)
    Step 2

    if run_SB99:
        file_name = input_param.model_name + '.input'
        full_name = os.path.join(output_dir, file_name)
        sb.write_input_original(input_param, full_name)
        output_data.data, output_data.headers = run_original_SB99(
    Step 3

    return output_data
    def read_data_files(self, model_name=None, output_dir=None):
        Method for reading in Starburst99 output. This can be used to load existing 

        if model_name is None:
            model_name = self.model_name

        if output_dir is None:
            output_dir = self.output_dir

        self.data, self.headers = sb.read_output_data(model_name=model_name,
    def __init__(self, model_name, chatter=2):
        Creates starburst input object.
            - A model name is required.
            - Optional: chatter, this controls how much output is printed to stdout.
                chatter = 0 : No output
                chatter = 1 : Only errors
                chatter = 2 : Errors and warnings [default]
                chatter = 3 : Errors, warnings, and messages

        self.model_name = model_name
        self.sb_messages = sb.sb_messages(chatter=chatter)
import StarburstPy as sb
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 18

datapaths = sb.indata
datapaths.output_dir = '../sboutput/sfr'
model_name_base = 'happy'

sfrrange = np.logspace(1, 2, num=10)
y = []

for sfr in sfrrange:
    model_name = model_name_base + '{0}'.format(int(sfr))
    output_data = sb.out_data(model_name)
    output_data.data, output_data.headers = sb.read_output_data(
        model_name=model_name, output_dir=datapaths.output_dir)
    data = output_data.data
    x = data['power']['Time'] / 1e6

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

for i in range(10):
                 label='SFR {0}'.format(int(sfrrange[i])),
def run_original_SB99(model_name):
    Runs the original Fortran77 code of Starburst99. Creates a 'go_galaxy.sh' script
    to run the code. This is the same script that comes with the code.
    Output directory and Starburst99 directory need to be set previously in 
    sb.indata.output_dir and sb.indata.SB99_dir respectively.

    output_dir = sb.indata.output_dir
    rel_path = os.path.relpath(sb.indata.SB99_dir, output_dir)
    file_name = model_name + '.input'
    full_name = os.path.join(output_dir, file_name)
    if not os.path.exists(full_name):
            'Input File does not exist in {0}.'.format(output_dir),
    run_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'go_galaxy.sh')
    if os.path.exists(run_file):
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(sb.indata.SB99_dir, 'galaxy')):
            'Starburst99 exacutable not found in {0} directory.'.format(
                sb.indata.SB99_dir), 'run_original_SB99')

    f = open(run_file, 'w')

    lines = [
        '#! /bin/csh -f\n', '# -----------------------------------------\n',
        '# UNIX Script to run galaxy code\n',
        '# -----------------------------------------\n', '#\n',
        '# Usage: 1) Edit six user-defined quantities found below\n',
        '#        2) Run code with \'nice go_galaxy &\' --> output in \'time_used\'\n',
        '# -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n',
        '# Six user-defined quantities:\n',
        '#           Directory where the run is made (=directory of this file):\n',
        'set    drun={0}\n'.format(output_dir),
        '#           Name of input file:\n',
        'set  ninput={0}\n'.format(model_name + '.input'),
        '#           Name and extension number of output files:\n',
        '#           --> files will be: noutput.colornext, noutput.quantnext etc.\n',
        'set noutput={0}\n'.format(model_name), 'set    next=1\n',
        '#           Directory where code is:\n',
        'set   dcode={0}\n'.format(rel_path), '#          Name of code: \n',
        'set   ncode=galaxy\n', '#           Directory where libraries are:\n',
        'set   dlib={0}\n'.format(rel_path),
        '#- - - - - - - DO NOT MODIFY below this line - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n',
        '\n', 'cd $drun\n',
        '# A) Create links (assign) to directories with input files\n',
        '	# Tracks + Spectral type calibration:\n',
        'if (!(-e tracks)) ln -s $dlib/tracks/ tracks\n',
        '	# Atmosphere models:\n',
        'if (!(-e lejeune)) ln -s $dlib/lejeune/ lejeune\n',
        '	# Spectral libraries:\n',
        'if (!(-e auxil)) ln -s $dlib/auxil/ auxil\n', '\n',
        '# B) Link input file, RUN code, and save output data\n',
        'echo "Job on `hostname` started at `date`" >time_used\n',
        'echo " ">>time_used\n', '\n', 'if (-e fort.1) /bin/rm fort.1\n',
        'if (-e $ninput) ln -s $ninput fort.1\n',
        '(/usr/bin/time $dcode/$ncode) >>& time_used\n',
        'echo " ">>time_used\n', ' \n',
        '$dcode/save_output $noutput $next >>time_used\n',
        'echo "Done at `date`" >>time_used\n'



    subprocess.call(['/bin/csh', '-c', run_file])

    data, headers = sb.read_output_data(model_name=model_name,

    return data, headers
# Sets path links to current directory, output directory, and the directory where
# the Starburst99 fortran code is compiled. Defaults set to current directory.

datapaths = sb.indata
datapaths.output_dir = './sboutput'
datapaths.SB99_dir = '../../starburst99'

# A model name must be passed in to make the input object.

model_name = 'happy'

# The input object "sbinput" contains all the input parameters and methods for
# setting all parameters, and a method for running Starburst99.
# If just the model name is given then the default parameters are set to the
# defaults from the Starburst99 webpage.

sbinput = sb.SbInput(model_name)

# Method for running Starburst99 based on input parameters that have been set.

output_data = sbinput.run_starburst()

# Data from Starburst99 is in
# output_data.data
# Headers from the output files are found in
# output_data.headers
# See run_sbpy_all_options.py for examples of all possible input parameters.
    Try run_sbpy_simp.py. Only the most common parameters 
    are shown in that example script.

    Author: Ryan Tanner
    email: [email protected]


datapaths = sb.indata
datapaths.output_dir = './sboutput'
datapaths.SB99_dir = '../../starburst99'

model_name = 'happy'

sbinput = sb.SbInput(model_name, rank = 3)

sbinput.set_star_formation(fixed_mass = False, SFR = 1.0)
sbinput.set_star_formation(fixed_mass = True, total_mass = 1e6)

sbinput.set_IMF(IMF = 'Salpeter')
sbinput.set_IMF(IMF = 'Kroupa')
sbinput.set_IMF(IMF_exp = [1.3,2.3], IMF_bound = [0.1, 0.5, 120.0], mass_lo = 0.1, mass_hi = 120.0)

sbinput.set_SN_cut_off(lo_mass = 8.0, hi_mass = 120.0)

sbinput.set_evolve_track(track = 'Genevav40', Z = 0.002)

sbinput.set_wind_model(wind = 'Evolution')

sbinput.set_time(start_time = 0, end_time = 1e8, log_scale = True, nsteps = 2000)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    A script to run multiple Starburst99 models. Runs 10 models with continuous
    star formation with SFR from 1.0 to 100.0 spaced logarithmically.
    Author: Ryan Tanner
    email: [email protected]
import StarburstPy as sb
import numpy as np

datapaths = sb.indata
datapaths.output_dir = '../sboutput/sfr'
datapaths.SB99_dir = '../../starburst99'
model_name = 'happy'

sbinput = sb.SbInput('happy', chatter = 2)

sbinput.set_time(start_time = 0, end_time = 1e7, log_scale = False, dt = 1e5)
sbinput.set_output(out_type = 'original')

sfrrange = np.logspace(1,2,num=10)

for sfr in sfrrange:
    sbinput.set_model_name(model_name = model_name+'{0}'.format(int(sfr)))
    sbinput.set_star_formation(fixed_mass = False, SFR = sfr)
    output_data = sbinput.run_starburst()