def draw(self): p = picture.Picture("avatar.gif") x = (self.x+0.5)*Tile.SIZE y = (self.y+0.5)*Tile.SIZE StdDraw.picture(p,x,y) if self.timer < 100: StdDraw.text(x,y,str(self.hp))
def circle(n, fullN, x, y, size, turn, colorSet): setColor(colorSet, n, fullN) StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.01 * n / fullN) geom(1, x, y, size) geom(0, x, y, size / 2) n -= 1 if n > 0: a = size**1.1 if turn == 0: circle(n, fullN, x, y + (size + a), a, 1, colorSet) circle(n, fullN, x + (size + a), y, a, 2, colorSet) circle(n, fullN, x, y - (size + a), a, 3, colorSet) circle(n, fullN, x - (size + a), y, a, 4, colorSet) elif turn == 1: circle(n, fullN, x, y + (size + a), a, 1, colorSet) if n % 2 == 0: circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x + (size + a), y, a, 2, colorSet) circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x - (size + a), y, a, 4, colorSet) elif turn == 2: circle(n, fullN, x + (size + a), y, a, 2, colorSet) if n % 2 == 0: circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x, y + (size + a), a, 1, colorSet) circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x, y - (size + a), a, 3, colorSet) elif turn == 3: circle(n, fullN, x, y - (size + a), a, 3, colorSet) if n % 2 == 0: circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x + (size + a), y, a, 2, colorSet) circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x - (size + a), y, a, 4, colorSet) elif turn == 4: circle(n, fullN, x - (size + a), y, a, 4, colorSet) if n % 2 == 0: circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x, y + (size + a), a, 1, colorSet) circle(int(n / 2), fullN, x, y - (size + a), a, 3, colorSet)
def __init__(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: l = f.readline().split() self.width = int(l[0]) self.height = int(l[1]) l = f.readline().split() self.avatar = Avatar(int(l[0]), int(l[1]), int(l[2]), int(l[3]), float(l[4])) self.tiles = [[None for i in range(self.height)] for j in range(self.width)] for i in range(self.height - 1, -1, -1): l = f.readline().split() for j in range(0, self.width): self.tiles[j][i] = Tile(l[j]) #print(self.tiles[j][i].name) self.mons = [] for line in f: l = line.split() if len(l) == 6: m = Monster(self, l[0], int(l[1]), int(l[2]), int(l[3]), int(l[4]), int(l[5])) t = threading.Thread( self.mons.append(m) t.start() f.close() self.lock = threading.Lock() StdDraw.setCanvasSize(self.width * Tile.SIZE, self.height * Tile.SIZE) StdDraw.setXscale(0.0, self.width * Tile.SIZE) StdDraw.setYscale(0.0, self.height * Tile.SIZE) StdDraw.setFontSize(12) StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.RED)
def background(self, s): self.setUp(s) turn = 0.0 StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.WHITE) for i in range(0, 8): turn += 2 * math.pi / 8 self.tree(9, 0, 0, s, turn)
def anim(n, line): for i in range(1, n + 1): d = Dragon() d.curve(i, line) StdDraw.clear() d.draw()
def draw(self): p = picture.Picture( x = (self.x+0.5)*Tile.SIZE y = (self.y+0.5)*Tile.SIZE if[self.x][self.y].getLit(): StdDraw.picture(p,x,y) if self.timer < 3: StdDraw.text(x,y,str(self.hp))
def draw(self, x, y): p = picture.Picture("blank.gif") if self.lit: p = picture.Picture( StdDraw.picture(p, (x + 0.5) * self.SIZE, (y + 0.5) * self.SIZE) ##### YOUR CODE HERE ##### pass
def oDraw(self): le = len(self.list) for i in range(le): v = i / le #print(v) StdDraw.setPenColor(self.setColor(v)) StdDraw.filledSquare(self.list[i].x + 0.5, self.list[i].y + 0.5, 0.5)
def dragonCurve(self, n, size, xPos, yPos, turn): if n < 1: n = 1 for i in range(0, n): StdDraw.clear() StdDraw.setPenColor(Color(0, 0, 0)) StdDraw.filledRectangle(-s, -s, 2 * s, 2 * s) StdDraw.setPenColor(Color(255, 0, 0)) self.curve(i, size, xPos, yPos, turn, True)
def runCube(): c = Cube() while True: x = random.random() y = random.random() cols = c.randColors() size = random.random() / 2 c.cube(5, x, y, size, cols) time.sleep(1)
def colorDraw(self,paths): drawing = True colors = [StdDraw.RED,StdDraw.ORANGE,StdDraw.YELLOW,StdDraw.GREEN,StdDraw.CYAN,StdDraw.BLUE,StdDraw.DARK_BLUE,StdDraw.MAGENTA,StdDraw.VIOLET] while drawing: for i in range(0,len(paths)): spin = i while spin >= len(colors): spin -= len(colors) StdDraw.setPenColor(colors[spin]) drawing = paths[i].draw()
def recursiveLines(self, n, nn, x, y, s, t): StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.015 * n / nn) xOne = x + s * math.cos(t) yOne = y + s * math.sin(t) StdDraw.line(x, y, xOne, yOne) n -= 1 if n > 0: s -= s / (10 * (nn - n)) tt = math.pi / 3 / n self.recursiveLines(n, nn, xOne, yOne, s, t - tt) self.recursiveLines(n, nn, xOne, yOne, s, t + tt)
def customLine(): print("Please select a start point") pOne = customPoint() print("Please select an end point") pTwo = customPoint() line = Line(pOne, pTwo) StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLACK) line.draw(50) StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.WHITE) line.draw(50) return line
def draw(l, n): p = l.getStart() x = p.X() y = p.Y() s = l.getSize() t = l.getTurn() setPenColor() if n == 1: Leaf.leaf(x, y, s, t) elif n == 2: Tree.tree(x, y, s, t)
def draw(self, x, y): if self.value != None: StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLACK) StdDraw.text(x, y, str(self.value)) elif self.testValue != None: StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.RED) StdDraw.text(x, y, str(self.testValue))
def tree(n, fullN, x, y, size, turn, colorSet): setColor(colorSet, n, fullN) StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.015 * n / fullN) extra = [ float(x) + size * math.cos(turn), float(y) + size * math.sin(turn) ] geom(2, x, y, extra) n -= 1 if n > 0: size -= size / (10 * (fullN - n)) tilt = (math.pi / 3) / n tree(n, fullN, extra[0], extra[1], size, turn - tilt, colorSet) tree(n, fullN, extra[0], extra[1], size, turn + tilt, colorSet)
def customPoint(): point = None while point == None: if StdDraw.mousePressed(): point = Point(StdDraw.mouseX(), StdDraw.mouseY()) StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLACK) point.draw(50) StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.WHITE) point.draw(50) return point
def animLine(self,x,y,s,t): scale = 100 xOne = x + s*math.cos(t) yOne = y + s*math.sin(t) a = (math.sqrt(0.5)**self.fullN)/(2**(self.fullN-1)) oldXone = self.oldX + a c = self.setColor() for i in range(1,scale): StdDraw.setPenColor(self.scaleColor(c,i/scale)) scaleX = self.oldX + (x-self.oldX)*i/scale scaleY = y*i/scale scaleXone = oldXone + (xOne-oldXone)*i/scale scaleYone = yOne*i/scale self.drawLine(scaleX,scaleY,scaleXone,scaleYone) self.oldX += a
def geom(geomType, x, y, extra): if geomType == 0: StdDraw.filledCircle(x, y, extra) elif geomType == 1:, y, extra) elif geomType == 2: StdDraw.line(x, y, extra[0], extra[1])
def drawTriangle(self, n, x, y, t, s, stage): if n > 0: xList = [ x, x + s / 2 * math.cos(t - self.thirty), x + s * math.cos(t - self.right) ] yList = [ y, y + s / 2 * math.sin(t - self.thirty), y + s * math.sin(t - self.right) ] self.setColor(stage) StdDraw.polygon(xList, yList) self.drawSquare(n, xList[1], yList[1], t - self.thirty, s / 2 * self.sqrtThree, 1, stage) self.drawSquare(n, xList[1], yList[1], t + self.sixty, s / 2, -1, stage + 1)
def background(self,n,s): self.setUp(s) StdDraw.setPenColor(Color(255,255,0)) self.dragonCurve(n,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) StdDraw.setPenColor(Color(0,255,0)) self.dragonCurve(n,1.0,0.0,0.0,math.pi/2) StdDraw.setPenColor(Color(0,0,255)) self.dragonCurve(n,1.0,0.0,0.0,math.pi) StdDraw.setPenColor(Color(255,0,0)) self.dragonCurve(n,1.0,0.0,0.0,3*math.pi/2)
def drawSquare(self, n, x, y, t, s, flip, stage): xList = [ x, x + s * math.cos(t), x + s * self.sqrtTwo * math.cos(t - flip * self.fortyFive), x + s * math.cos(t - flip * self.right) ] yList = [ y, y + s * math.sin(t), y + s * self.sqrtTwo * math.sin(t - flip * self.fortyFive), y + s * math.sin(t - flip * self.right) ] self.setColor(stage) StdDraw.polygon(xList, yList) if flip == 1: self.drawTriangle(n - 1, xList[1], yList[1], t, s, stage) else: self.drawTriangle(n - 1, xList[2], yList[2], t, s, stage)
def curve(self, n, s, x, y, t, sign): if n == 0: StdDraw.line(x, y, x + s * math.cos(t), y + s * math.sin(t)) else: a = s * math.sqrt(0.5) if sign: t -= math.pi / 4 self.curve(n - 1, a, x, y, t, True) x = x + a * math.cos(t) y = y + a * math.sin(t) t += math.pi / 2 self.curve(n - 1, a, x, y, t, False) else: t += math.pi / 4 self.curve(n - 1, a, x, y, t, True) x = x + a * math.cos(t) y = y + a * math.sin(t) t -= math.pi / 2 self.curve(n - 1, a, x, y, t, False)
def fern(n, fullN, x, y, size, turn, colorSet): setColor(colorSet, n, fullN) StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.01 * n / fullN) geom(0, x, y, size) n -= 1 if n > 0: if turn == 0: a = size * 14 / 15 fern(n, fullN, x, y + size + a, a, turn, colorSet) fern(n, fullN, x - 3 * size / 2, y, size / 2, 1, colorSet) fern(n, fullN, x + 3 * size / 2, y, size / 2, 1, colorSet) else: if x > 1.5: fern(n, fullN, x + size * 29 / 15, y + math.sin(turn) * 2 * size, size * 14 / 15, turn + 1, colorSet) else: fern(n, fullN, x - size * 29 / 15, y + math.sin(turn) * 2 * size, size * 14 / 15, turn + 1, colorSet)
def recur(n, x, y, s, t, stage): xList = [ x, x + s / math.sqrt(3) * math.cos(t + math.pi / 6), x + s * math.cos(t), x + s / math.sqrt(3) * math.cos(t - math.pi / 6) ] yList = [ y, y + s / math.sqrt(3) * math.sin(t + math.pi / 6), y + s * math.sin(t), y + s / math.sqrt(3) * math.sin(t - math.pi / 6) ] StdDraw.filledPolygon(xList, yList) scale = math.sqrt(3) turn = math.pi / 6 n -= 1 if n > 0: if stage == 1: recur(n, xList[2], yList[2], 4 * s / 5, t, 1) recur(n, xList[1], yList[1], s / scale, t + turn, 1) recur(n, xList[3], yList[3], s / scale, t - turn, 1) else: recur(n, xList[2], yList[2], 1.5 * s, t, 1) recur(5, xList[1], yList[1], s / scale, t + turn, 1) recur(5, xList[3], yList[3], s / scale, t - turn, 1)
def outline(self, n, path): for i in range(1, n + 1): StdDraw.clear() paths = self.curve.dragonCurve(i, path, 1, []) self.curve.borderDraw(i, paths) print("Finished!")
def colors(self, n, path): for i in range(1, n + 1): StdDraw.clear() paths = self.curve.dragonCurve(i, path, 1, []) self.curve.colorDraw(paths) print("Finished!")
def __init__(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: l = f.readline().split() self.width = int(l[0]) self.height = int(l[1]) l = f.readline().split() self.player = Avatar(int(l[0]), int(l[1])) self.tiles = [[None for i in range(self.height)] for j in range(self.width)] for i in range(self.height - 1, -1, -1): l = f.readline().split() for j in range(0, self.width): self.tiles[j][i] = Tile(l[j]) #print(self.tiles[j][i].name) f.close() StdDraw.setCanvasSize(self.width * 16, self.height * 16) StdDraw.setXscale(0.0, self.width * 16) StdDraw.setYscale(0.0, self.height * 16) ##### YOUR CODE HERE ##### pass
def drawLines(self,x,y,s,flip,scale): angle = math.pi/6 xList = [x,x-s*math.sin(angle),x+s*math.sin(angle)] oneXlist = [x] twoXlist = [xList[1]] threeXlist = [xList[2]] yList = [y,y+flip*s*math.cos(angle),y+flip*s*math.cos(angle)] oneYlist = [y] twoYlist = [yList[1]] threeYlist = [yList[2]] for i in range(0,scale): oneXlist.append(x-(i+1)*s*math.sin(angle)/scale) twoXlist.append(xList[1]+(i+1)*s/scale) threeXlist.append(xList[2]-(i+1)*s*math.sin(angle)/scale) oneYlist.append(y+(i+1)*flip*s*math.cos(angle)/scale) twoYlist.append(y+flip*s*math.cos(angle)) threeYlist.append(yList[2]-(i+1)*flip*s*math.cos(angle)/scale) for i in range(0,scale): StdDraw.line(oneXlist[i],oneYlist[i],twoXlist[i+1],twoYlist[i+1]) StdDraw.line(twoXlist[i],twoYlist[i],threeXlist[i+1],threeYlist[i+1]) StdDraw.line(threeXlist[i],threeYlist[i],oneXlist[i+1],oneYlist[i+1])
def start(self, s): tree.setUp(s) StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.WHITE) tree.tree(9, 0, 0, s, 0)