def Multi_Country(S,I,sigma):
    I_dict = {"usa":0,"eu":1,"japan":2,"china":3,"india":4,"russia":5,"korea":6}
    #Parameters Zone
    T = int(round(4*S)) #Number of time periods to convergence, based on Rick Evans' function.
    I_touse = ["eu","russia","usa","japan","korea","china","india"]

    T_1 = S #This is like TransYear in the FORTRAN I think

    if S > 50:
        T_1 = 50

    g_A = 0.015 #Technical growth rate

    beta_ann=.95 #Starting future consumption discount rate
    delta_ann=.08 #Starting depreciation rate
    beta = beta_ann**(70./S) #Future consumption discount rate
    delta = 1-(1-delta_ann)**(70./S) #Depreciation Rate
    alpha = .3 #Capital Share of production
    chi = 1.5 #New Parameter
    rho = 1.3 #Other New Parameter

    tpi_tol = 1e-8 #Convergence Tolerance
    demog_ss_tol = 1e-8 #Used in getting ss for population share
    xi = .9999 #Parameter used to take the convex conjugate of paths
    MaxIters = 10000 #Maximum number of iterations on TPI.

    #Program Levers
    CalcTPI = False #Activates the calculation of Time Path Iteration

    PrintAges = False #Prints the different key ages in the demographics
    PrintLoc = False #Displays the current locations of the program inside key TPI functions
    PrintEulErrors = False #Prints the euler errors in each attempt of calculating the steady state
    PrintSS = True #Prints the result of the Steady State functions
    Print_cabqTimepaths = False #Prints the consumption, assets, and bequests timepath as it gets filled in for each iteration of TPI
    CheckerMode = False #Reduces the number of prints when checking for robustness

    DemogGraphs = False #Activates graphing graphs with demographic data and population shares
    TPIGraphs = True #Activates graphing the graphs.

    UseStaggeredAges = True #Activates using staggered ages
    UseDiffDemog = True #Turns on different demographics for each country
    UseSSDemog = False #Activates using only steady state demographics for TPI calculation
    UseDiffProductivities = False #Activates having e vary across cohorts
    UseTape = True #Activates setting any value of kd<0 to 0.001 in TPI calculation
    SAVE = False #Saves the graphs
    SHOW = True #Shows the graphs

    LeaveHouseAge, FirstFertilityAge, LastFertilityAge, MaxImmigrantAge, FirstDyingAge, agestopull = Stepfuncs.getkeyages(S, PrintAges, UseStaggeredAges)

    if len(I_touse) < I:
        print "WARNING: We are changing I from", I, "to", len(I_touse), "to fit the length of I_touse. So the countries we are using now are", I_touse
        I = len(I_touse)
    elif len(I_touse) > I:
        print "WARNING: We are changing I_touse from", I_touse, "to", I_touse[:I], "so there are", I, "regions"
        I_touse = I_touse[:I]

    if UseDiffDemog:
        A = np.ones(I)+np.cumsum(np.ones(I)*.05)-.05 #Techonological Change, used for when countries are different
        #A = np.ones(I)
        A = np.ones(I) #Techonological Change, used for idential countries

    if UseDiffProductivities:
        e = np.ones((I, S, T))
        e[:,FirstDyingAge:,:] = 0.3
        e[:,:LeaveHouseAge,:] = 0.3
        e = np.ones((I, S, T)) #Labor productivities


    #Gets demographic data
    demog_params = (I, S, T, T_1, LeaveHouseAge, FirstFertilityAge, LastFertilityAge, FirstDyingAge, MaxImmigrantAge, agestopull, g_A, demog_ss_tol)
    demog_levers = PrintLoc, UseStaggeredAges, UseDiffDemog, DemogGraphs, CheckerMode

    MortalityRates, Nhat_matrix, Nhat_ss, lbar = Stepfuncs.getDemographics(demog_params, demog_levers, I_dict, I_touse, ADJUSTKOREAIMMIGRATION)

    #Initalizes initial guesses
    assets_guess = np.ones((I, S-1))*.1
    kf_guess = np.zeros((I))

    #Gets the steady state variables
    params_ss = (I, S, beta, sigma, delta, alpha, chi, rho, e[:,:,-1], A,\
                 FirstFertilityAge, FirstDyingAge, Nhat_ss, MortalityRates[:,:,-1],\
                 g_A, lbar[-1], PrintEulErrors, CheckerMode)
    #assets_ss, kf_ss, kd_ss, n_ss, y_ss, r_ss, w_ss, c_vec_ss = Stepfuncs.getSteadyState(params_ss, assets_guess, kf_guess)

    r_ss_guess = .2
    bq_ss_guess = np.ones(I)*.2
    bq_ss, r_ss, w_ss, cvec_ss, avec_ss, kd_ss, kf_ss, n_ss, y_ss = Stepfuncs.getSteadyStateNEWEST(params_ss, bq_ss_guess, r_ss_guess, I_touse)

    if PrintSS==True: #Prints the results of the steady state, line 23 activates this
        print "assets steady state", avec_ss
        print "kf steady state", kf_ss
        print "kd steady state", kd_ss
        print "n steady state",n_ss
        print "y steady state", y_ss
        print "r steady state",r_ss
        print "w steady state", w_ss
        print "c_vec_ss steady state",cvec_ss

    if UseSSDemog == True:
        Nhat_matrix = np.einsum("is,t->ist", Nhat_matrix[:,:,-1],np.ones(T))
        MortalityRates = np.einsum("is,t->ist", MortalityRates[:,:,-1],np.ones(T))

    if CalcTPI==True: #Time Path Iteration, activated by line 24
        print "Beginning TPI..."
        #Gets initial guesses for TPI
        initialguess_params = (I, S, T, delta, alpha, e[:,:,0], lbar, A, FirstFertilityAge, FirstDyingAge, Nhat_matrix[:,:,0], MortalityRates[:,:,0], g_A)
        assets_init, wpath_initguess, rpath_initguess = \
            Stepfuncs.get_initialguesses(initialguess_params, assets_ss, kf_ss, w_ss, r_ss, PrintLoc)

        #Gets timepaths for w, r, C, K, and Y
        tp_params = (I, S, T, T_1, beta, sigma, delta, alpha, rho, chi, e, A, FirstFertilityAge, FirstDyingAge, Nhat_matrix, MortalityRates, g_A, lbar, tpi_tol, xi, MaxIters, CheckerMode)
        wpath, rpath, Cpath, Kpath, Ypath = Stepfuncs.get_Timepath(tp_params, wpath_initguess, rpath_initguess, assets_init, kd_ss, kf_ss, PrintLoc, Print_cabqTimepaths, UseTape)
        if TPIGraphs==True:
            Stepfuncs.plotTimepaths(I, S, T, sigma, wpath, rpath, Cpath, Kpath, Ypath, I_touse, SAVE, SHOW, CheckerMode)