username = urllib.parse.quote_plus('') password = urllib.parse.quote_plus('') client = MongoClient('' % (username, password)) db = client.twichu UserTweets = db.userstweets Users = db.users Tweets = db.tweets p = re.compile(r'https?://.+', re.DOTALL) g = re.compile(r'@\S+\s') chinese = re.compile(u'[⺀-⺙⺛-⻳⼀-⿕々〇〡-〩〸-〺〻㐀-䶵一-鿃豈-鶴侮-頻並-龎]', re.UNICODE) japanese = re.compile(u'[\u3000-\u303f\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uff9f\u4e00-\u9faf\u3400-\u4dbf]', re.UNICODE) # while True: UserTweetsCursor = UserTweets.find({}) TweetsCursor = Tweets.find({}) TDM.init() for TweetDocument in TweetsCursor: dict = dumps(TweetDocument) dict = json.loads(dict) if dict['isAnalyzing'] == True: Tweets.update_one( {'_id': ObjectId(dict['_id']['$oid'])}, { '$set': { 'cate_keyword': TDM.twitter_to_keyword(dict['tweet']), 'isAnalyzing': False } }, upsert=False ) # 트렌드를 순회하는 부분
import Utils import TDM import Config feed = Utils.Rss.getrss(Config.RSS_URL) # Retrieve the days of the news in a list **** This has to be saved along with the titles dayslist = Utils.Rss.getrssdays(feed) TDM.writeDaysList(dayslist) # Getting a list of the titles (this is unused) titlelist = [] for entry in feed["entries"]: titlelist.append(entry["title"]) TDM.writeTitleList(titlelist) # Retrieve all news from feed and save them to csv TDM.saveallcsv(feed, dayslist)
def setdayinterval(input): global dayinterval, news, cedwords dayinterval = input news = TDM.getDocsFromCsv(dayinterval) setcedwords(cedwords)
import socket from TDM import * import time """-----------------------------------------------------------------------""" tdm = TDM() n = int(input("Ingrese el numero de entradas : ")) tdm.add_sources(n) for i in range(n): #Ingresa mensajes para N canales message = input("Ingrese un mensaje : ") tdm.add_msj(message) #Ingresar sincronizacion #Ingresar unidad to_send = tdm.mux() print(to_send) """socket""" IP = '' PORT = 3000 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #Descriptor sock.connect((IP, PORT)) print("connecting to %s with %s", IP, PORT) i = 0 print(len(to_send)) for bit in to_send: #print("...") #print(i)
dayinterval = input news = TDM.getDocsFromCsv(dayinterval) setcedwords(cedwords) # Loading lexicons positiveLex = Utils.Data.loadLexicon(Config.POS_LEX) negativeLex = Utils.Data.loadLexicon(Config.NEG_LEX) # ------------------RETRIEVING DATA -------------------------------------- # Getting the list of news from the csv to do the emotion analysis dayslist = Utils.Data.getListFromCsv("csv/Days.csv") dayinterval = makelast30days(dayslist) # last30days = makelast30days(dayslist) # last30daysnews = TDM.getDocsFromCsv(last30days) # it gets the news by day news = TDM.getDocsFromCsv(dayinterval) setcedwords(["default", "test"]) def EmotionAnalysis(epsilon, figure): global news, CED EM.setEpsilon(epsilon) # for each new compute the emotional value and show it output = [] # output is a list of tuples with [day,CED of that day] for i in range(0, len(dayinterval)): EM.computeday(news[i], negativeLex, positiveLex, CED) output.append([news[i], CED.copy()]) Graph.plotallfigure(figure, output, dayinterval) # after the execution we need to clean the values of the CED so they doesnt iterfere with next execution for word in cedwords: CED[word] = 0