class TSD_Parser: ## constructor that pulls up two subsequent file directory windows to initialize RDY and config files ## also instantiates one graphics window and two TSD_Graphics objects, one for each machine def __init__(self,machine1,machine2): fo1 = open("Records\\TSD_Record1.txt", "r") records1 = fo1.readlines() record1 = "" fo2 = open("Records\\TSD_Record2.txt", "r") records2 = fo2.readlines() record2 = "" for i in range(0,4): record1+= records1[i] record2+= records2[i] fo1.close() fo2.close() self.tsd_record = TSD_Record() self.rdyFile = rdyOpen() file_path = open(self.rdyFile, 'r') partNumber = "" linelist = file_path.readlines() for zipplyzoops in linelist[4]: if zipplyzoops != '\n': partNumber += zipplyzoops self.partNumber = partNumber self.folder = dirOpen() self.excelFile = excelOpen() self.priorityFile = priorityOpen() self.failList = None ## old init ## = GraphWin("Test Stand Diagnostics", GetSystemMetrics(0),GetSystemMetrics(0)/2) ##'white') ## self.machine1 = TSD_Graphics.TSD_Graphics(,machine1,record1,0,0) ## self.machine2 = TSD_Graphics.TSD_Graphics(,machine2,record2,500,0) # new init self.init = graphics_init() self.machine1 = TSD_Graphics(self.init,machine1,self.partNumber,record1,0,0) self.machine2 = TSD_Graphics(self.init,machine2,self.partNumber,record2,500,0) if (Debug == 1): print("initializing parser") ## check for new file in directory ## return true if new file + change self.rdyFile ## return false if no new file def checkNewRDY(self): global Sleep_count global Time_out global Sleep_timer global Testing sourceFiles = os.listdir(self.folder) #print("Source Files: " + sourceFiles) if (Debug == 1): print("checkNewRdy") print("Sleep_count: " + str(Sleep_count)) if (Sleep_count <Time_out): if (len(sourceFiles) > 0 and sourceFiles[len(sourceFiles)-1].endswith(".rdy")): #print("checking " + sourceFiles[len(sourceFiles)-1]) Sleep_count += 0 return True else: if (TESTING == 1): Testing.populate(1) Sleep_count = 0 else: Sleep_count += 1 time.sleep(Sleep_timer) print("Sleeping......") return False else: print("System timed out due to inactivity") sys.exit(0) def getNewRDY(self): sourceFiles = os.listdir(self.folder) for i in range(len(sourceFiles)): if (sourceFiles[i].endswith(".rdy")): self.rdyFile = self.folder + "/" + sourceFiles[i] if (Debug == 1): print("getNewRDY") def delRDY(self): os.remove(self.rdyFile) if (Debug == 1): print("delRdy") ## check the number of tests in RDY file def getNumLines(self): file_path = open(self.rdyFile, 'r') num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(self.rdyFile)) file_path.close() if (Debug == 1): print("getNumLines") return (num_lines - 38) / 6 ## check the number of lines in the excel config def getExcelRows(self): book = xlrd.open_workbook(self.excelFile) first_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) if (Debug == 1): print("getExcelRows") return first_sheet.nrows ## from RDY file, get the name of the machine. ex TS2000 or TS2000 B def getMachineName(self): file_path = open(self.rdyFile, 'r') machine_name = "" linelist = file_path.readlines() for zipplyzoops in linelist[7]: if zipplyzoops != '\n': machine_name += zipplyzoops if (Debug == 1): print("getMachineName") return machine_name # from the RDY file, check if overall test is 1(pass) or 2/3(fail) def getPassFail(self): file_path = open(self.rdyFile, 'r') linelist = file_path.readlines() file_path.close() #print("pass/fail value = " + str(linelist[19])) return int(linelist[15]) def getPartNumber(self): file_path = open(self.rdyFile, 'r') partNumber = "" linelist = file_path.readlines() for zipplyzoops in linelist[4]: if zipplyzoops != '\n': partNumber += zipplyzoops if (Debug == 1): print("getPartNumber") self.partNumber = partNumber return partNumber def checkTestPoints(self): failList = [] count = 0 file_path = open(self.rdyFile, 'r') linelist = file_path.readlines() book = xlrd.open_workbook(self.excelFile) first_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) book2 = xlrd.open_workbook(self.priorityFile) first_sheet2 = book2.sheet_by_index(0) p_size = first_sheet2.nrows counter = 0 for i in range(42,len(linelist),6): #print(first_sheet.cell(count,15).value + " " + first_sheet.cell(count,17).value +": " + linelist[i]) count += 1 if (int(linelist[i]) > 1): self.failList = str(first_sheet.cell(count,15).value) if (self.failList is not None): failure = "" for char in self.failList: if char == "T": failure = failure if char == "S": failure = failure if char == "#": break if char == "_": failure = "" else: failure += char for j in range (0, int(p_size), 1): system = "" system_value = str(first_sheet2.cell(j,0).value) for char2 in system_value: if char2 == "T": system = system if char2 == "S": system = system if char2 == "#": system = system if char2 == "_": system = "" else: system += char2 if (str(system) == str(failure)): print("Failure: " + str(failure) + "Recommended Fix: " + str(first_sheet2.cell(j, 3))) returned_data = str(failure) + "," + str(first_sheet2.cell(j, 3).value) self.failList = str(returned_data) # opens file directory window to replace current excel config def replaceExcel(self): try: book = xlrd.open_workbook(self.excelFile) first_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) #print (first_sheet.row_values(0)) except: print("No File Exists") newFileDir = excelOpen() try: book = xlrd.open_workbook(self.excelFile) first_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) #print (first_sheet.row_values(0)) except: print("No File Exists") self.excelFile = newFileDir # check if number of runs in RDY file matches number of excel rows # def checkMatch(self): # print (" ") ## while (self.getNumLines() != self.getExcelRows()): ## print("Number of lines in .RDY file does not match excel config" + str(self.getNumLines())) ## self.replaceExcel() ## self.getExcelRows() #check machine name and update that machine circle in GUI class with a pass/fail value def update(self): if(self.getMachineName() == self.machine1.getName()): # check which machine name matches with the one in RDY file self.checkTestPoints() self.machine1.update(self.getPassFail(),self.getPartNumber(),self.failList) self.tsd_record.updateRecord1(self.getMachineName(),self.getPartNumber(),self.machine1.getPercentage()) elif(self.getMachineName() == self.machine2.getName()): self.checkTestPoints() self.machine2.update(self.getPassFail(),self.getPartNumber(),self.failList) self.tsd_record.updateRecord2(self.getMachineName(),self.getPartNumber(),self.machine2.getPercentage()) else: print ("Error! Machine name, " + self.getMachineName() + " does not match existing machine names!") self.init[0].update() self.failList = None