def __startCacheManager(firstRun=False): Thread.CreateTimer(HTTP.__autoUpdateCacheTime, __triggerAutoHTTPCacheUpdate) if "UpdateCache" in __pluginModule.__dict__: if firstRun: Thread.Create(__triggerCacheUpdate) else: Thread.CreateTimer((__cacheUpdateInterval / 2) + random.randrange(__cacheUpdateInterval), __triggerCacheUpdate) PMS.Log("(Framework) Cache manager started")
def __triggerCacheUpdate(): global UpdatingCache if UpdatingCache: return UpdatingCache = True __callNamed("UpdateCache", addToLog=False) Thread.CreateTimer(__cacheUpdateInterval, __triggerCacheUpdate) UpdatingCache = False
def Log(msg, debugOnly=True, encoding=None): if not debugOnly or Plugin.Debug: global __logSaveScheduled global __logSaveBuffer # Try to decode the message if the encoding is specified try: if encoding is not None: msg = str(msg.decode(encoding).encode("utf8")) except: pass msg = "%s: %-40s: %s" % (str( Datetime.Now().time()), Plugin.Identifier, msg) # Don't write to stderr on Windows, it causes issues. if __sys.platform != "win32": __sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) Thread.Lock("Framework.Log", addToLog=False) if __logSaveBuffer == None: __logSaveBuffer = msg + "\n" else: __logSaveBuffer += msg + "\n" if not __logSaveScheduled: Thread.CreateTimer(5, __saveLog) __logSaveScheduled = True Thread.Unlock("Framework.Log", addToLog=False)
def Set(key, value, addToLog=True): global __dict global __saveScheduled Thread.Lock("Framework.Dict", addToLog=False) __dict[key] = value if not __saveScheduled: Thread.CreateTimer(5, __save, addToLog=addToLog) __saveScheduled = True Thread.Unlock("Framework.Dict", addToLog=False)
def __triggerAutoHTTPCacheUpdate(): HTTP.__autoUpdateCachedPages() Thread.CreateTimer(HTTP.__autoUpdateCacheTime, __triggerAutoHTTPCacheUpdate)
def Request(url, values=None, headers={}, cacheTime=None, autoUpdate=False, encoding=None, errors=None, addToLog=True): global __cache global __saveScheduled now = Datetime.Now() # If no cache time is given, use the default if cacheTime is None: cacheTime = __cacheTime # Attempt to return a cached copy, fetching again if an exception occurs try: # Make sure we don't cache POST requests if values == None and cacheTime > 0: if __cache.has_key(url): cachedAt = __cache[url]["CheckTime"] expiresAt = cachedAt + Datetime.Delta(seconds=cacheTime) if Datetime.Now() < expiresAt: if addToLog: PMS.Log( "(Framework) Loaded %s from the cache (expires at %s)" % (url, expiresAt)) return __cache[url]["Content"] except: if addToLog: PMS.Log( "(Framework) Couldn't load %s from the cache, attempting to fetch again." ) # Try to fetch the page from the server try: # Encode the values data = None if values is not None: data = urllib.urlencode(values) h = __headers.copy() for header in headers: h[header] = headers[header] request = urllib2.Request(url, data, h) f = urllib2.urlopen(request) response = # If the response is gzipped, unzip it if f.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == "gzip": if addToLog: PMS.Log("(Framework) Received gzipped response from %s" % url) stream = StringIO.StringIO(response) gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=stream) response = else: if addToLog: PMS.Log("(Framework) Received response from %s" % url) # Try to decode the response if manually specified try: if not (encoding is None and errors is None): if encoding is None: encoding = "utf8" if errors is None: errors = "strict" response = str( response.decode(encoding, errors).encode("utf8", errors)) except: if addToLog: PMS.Log( "(Framework) Unable to decode response from '%s' with codec %s" % (url, encoding)) # Handle common errors except urllib2.HTTPError: PMS.Log("(Framework) HTTPError when requesting '%s'" % url) return None except urllib2.URLError: PMS.Log("(Framework) URLError when requesting '%s'" % url) return None Thread.Lock("Framework.HTTPCache", addToLog=False) try: # Cache the data if required if response is not None and cacheTime > 0: item = {} item["Content"] = response item["CheckTime"] = Datetime.Now() if autoUpdate: item["UpdateTime"] = Datetime.Now() + Datetime.Delta( seconds=cacheTime) item["CacheTime"] = cacheTime item["Headers"] = headers item["Encoding"] = encoding item["Errors"] = errors __cache[url] = item if addToLog: PMS.Log("(Framework) Cached response from %s" % url) if not __saveScheduled: Thread.CreateTimer(5, __save) __saveScheduled = True finally: Thread.Unlock("Framework.HTTPCache", addToLog=False) # Return the data return response