文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def verifyTrace(self, traceName):
    Verify that a trace is compatible with the loaded project

    @param traceName:  Trace name
        if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

        trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
        TraceOperations.verify(self, self.analyzer.project, trace)
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
  def verifyTrace(self, traceName):
    Verify that a trace is compatible with the loaded project

    @param traceName:  Trace name
    if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)
    trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
    TraceOperations.verify(self, self.analyzer.project, trace)
 def testJoining(self):
   for traceFile in [testTrace1, testTrace2]:
     trace = self.loadTrace(traceFile)
     l = len(trace.events)
     a = TraceOperations.extract(trace, 0, l / 2)
     b = TraceOperations.extract(trace, l / 2, l)
     assert len(a.events) + len(b.events) == l
     newTrace = TraceOperations.join(a, b)
     self.assertEqualEventLists(newTrace.events, trace.events)
     for i, event in enumerate(newTrace.events):
       self.assertEqual(event.seq, i)
    def testJoining(self):
        for traceFile in [testTrace1, testTrace2]:
            trace = self.loadTrace(traceFile)

            l = len(trace.events)
            a = TraceOperations.extract(trace, 0, l / 2)
            b = TraceOperations.extract(trace, l / 2, l)

            assert len(a.events) + len(b.events) == l

            newTrace = TraceOperations.join(a, b)
            self.assertEqualEventLists(newTrace.events, trace.events)

            for i, event in enumerate(newTrace.events):
                self.assertEqual(event.seq, i)
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def extractTraceWithState(self, traceName, eventRange, traceNameOut=None):
    Extract a portion of a trace including preceding state to form a new trace. The command collects events
    prior to the first extracted event from the trace to set up the same state in the new trace.
    @param traceName:     Name of the source trace
    @param eventRange:    Event range to extract
    @param traceNameOut:  Name under which the resulting trace is saved, or the original trace by default.
        if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

        if traceNameOut is None:
            traceNameOut = traceName

        trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
        firstEvent, lastEvent = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(
            trace, eventRange)
        trace = TraceOperations.extractWithState(self.analyzer.project, trace,
                                                 firstEvent, lastEvent)

        self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace

        self.reportInfo("%d events extracted from trace %s to trace %s." %
                        (len(trace.events), traceName, traceNameOut))
        return trace
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def mergeTraces(self,
    Merge two traces together to produce a third, sequentially coherent trace.
    @param traceName1:    Name of the first trace
    @param traceName2:    Name of the second trace
    @param traceNameOut:  Name under which resulting trace is saved, or the first trace by default.
        if not traceName1 in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName1)

        if not traceName2 in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName2)

        if traceNameOut is None:
            traceNameOut = traceName1
        useTimeStamps = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(useTimeStamps)

        trace = TraceOperations.merge(self.analyzer.traces[traceName1],
        self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace

        self.reportInfo("Traces %s and %s merged to trace %s." %
                        (traceName1, traceName2, traceNameOut))
        return trace
  def createCallHistogramTable(self):
    t = Report.Table(["Call", "# of Calls"])
    hist = TraceOperations.calculateCallHistogram(self.trace)
    values = [(count, name) for name, count in hist.items()]
    for i, value in enumerate(sorted(values, reverse = True)):
       count, name = value
       t.addRow(name, count)

    return t
    def createCallHistogramTable(self):
        t = Report.Table(["Call", "# of Calls"])

        hist = TraceOperations.calculateCallHistogram(self.trace)
        values = [(count, name) for name, count in hist.items()]
        for i, value in enumerate(sorted(values, reverse=True)):
            count, name = value
            t.addRow(name, count)

        return t
文件: bitgdi.py 项目: se210/tracy
def histogram(trace):
    s = StringIO.StringIO()
    print >> s, "Call histogram:"
    hist = TraceOperations.calculateCallHistogram(trace)
    values = [(count, name) for name, count in hist.items()]

    for i, value in enumerate(sorted(values, reverse=True)):
        count, name = value
        print >> s, "%4d. %8d - %s" % (i + 1, count, name)
    print >> s
    return s.getvalue()
文件: bitgdi.py 项目: se210/tracy
def histogram(trace):
  s = StringIO.StringIO()
  print >>s, "Call histogram:"  
  hist = TraceOperations.calculateCallHistogram(trace)
  values  = [(count, name) for name, count in hist.items()]

  for i, value in enumerate(sorted(values, reverse = True)):
    count, name = value
    print >>s, "%4d. %8d - %s" % (i + 1, count, name)
  print >>s
  return s.getvalue()
    def playTrace(self,
    Play back a trace file using a generated trace player.
    @param traceName:       Trace to play.
    @param eventRange:      Range of events to play, or all events by default.
    @param profile:         Should instrumentation data be collected or not.
    @param saveFrames:      Should frame buffer snapshots be saved or not.
    @param checkCoherence:  Verify that the trace is properly normalized before playing.
    @param sychronize:      Attempt to match the original trace timings.
        if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

        trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
        traceFileName = self.analyzer.traceFiles.get(traceName, None)
        profile = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(profile)
        saveFrames = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(saveFrames)
        checkCoherence = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(checkCoherence)
        synchronize = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(synchronize)

        # Create a temporary trace that only contains the needed events
        if eventRange is not None:
            firstEvent, lastEvent = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(
                trace, eventRange)
            traceFileName = None
            trace = TraceOperations.extract(trace, firstEvent, lastEvent)

        # Create a player
        player = Player.createPlayer(self.analyzer)

        # Play it
        self.analyzer.reportInfo("Playing trace.")
        logFile = player.play(trace,

        # Load the instrumentation data if it exists
        if profile and logFile:
            Instrumentation.loadInstrumentationData(self.analyzer, trace,
                "Instrumentation data loaded for trace %s." % traceName)
 def calculateFrameStatistics(self, traceName):
   For each frame marker event, calculate the sum of the instrumentation data
   for the intermediate events. This operation will help to highlight frames
   that are especially resource intensive.
   @param traceName:   Trace for which frame data should be calculated.
   if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
     self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)
   trace =  self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
   events = TraceOperations.calculateFrameStatistics(self.analyzer.project, trace)
   self.analyzer.reportInfo("Data for %d frames collected."% len(events))
    def testExtraction(self):
        for traceFile in [testTrace1, testTrace2]:
            trace = self.loadTrace(traceFile)

            newTrace = TraceOperations.extract(trace, 10, 20)

            assert len(newTrace.events) == 10
            assert newTrace.events[0].time == 0
            assert newTrace.events[0].seq == 0
            assert newTrace.events[9].seq == 9

            self.assertEqualEventLists(newTrace.events, trace.events[10:20])

            newTrace.events[0].name = "foo"
            assert trace.events[0].name != "foo"
 def testExtraction(self):
   for traceFile in [testTrace1, testTrace2]:
     trace = self.loadTrace(traceFile)
     newTrace = TraceOperations.extract(trace, 10, 20)
     assert len(newTrace.events) == 10
     assert newTrace.events[0].time == 0
     assert newTrace.events[0].seq  == 0
     assert newTrace.events[9].seq  == 9
     self.assertEqualEventLists(newTrace.events, trace.events[10:20])
     newTrace.events[0].name = "foo"
     assert trace.events[0].name != "foo"
    def calculateFrameStatistics(self, traceName):
    For each frame marker event, calculate the sum of the instrumentation data
    for the intermediate events. This operation will help to highlight frames
    that are especially resource intensive.
    @param traceName:   Trace for which frame data should be calculated.
        if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

        trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
        events = TraceOperations.calculateFrameStatistics(
            self.analyzer.project, trace)
        self.analyzer.reportInfo("Data for %d frames collected." % len(events))
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def loadTrace(self, fileName, traceName=None, format=None):
    Open a trace file.

    @param fileName:   Trace file to open
    @param traceName:  Resulting trace name
    @param format:     Force a specific format to be used instead of autodetection.
        trace = Trace.Trace()

        for importer in self.analyzer.importPlugins:
            if format is not None and importer.formatName == format:
            if importer.recognizeTraceFile(fileName):
            if format is not None:
                    "No such format. Available formats: %s." % (", ".join(
                        [i.formatName for i in self.analyzer.importPlugins])))
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace file format not recognized.")

            f = open(fileName, "rb")
            traces = importer.loadTrace(f)

            # Some decoders can load multiple trace files from one source
            if not isinstance(traces, list):
                traces = [traces]

            for trace in traces:
                traceName = traceName or "t%d" % len(self.analyzer.traces)
                self.analyzer.traces[traceName] = trace
                self.analyzer.traceFiles[traceName] = fileName
                if not TraceOperations.verify(self, self.analyzer.project,
                        "The loaded project probably does not match the trace file."

                self.reportInfo("Loaded trace from '%s' as %s." %
                                (fileName, traceName))
                traceName = None
            return traces[0]
        except IOError, e:
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
 def showTraceState(self, traceName, eventNumber = None):
   Print out the computed API state at a particular trace event.
   @param traceName:     Name of trace to examine
   @param eventNumber:   Print out state at this event, or at the end of the trace by default
   if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
     self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)
   trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
   if eventNumber is None:
     eventNumber = len(trace.events) - 1
     eventNumber = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(trace, eventNumber)[0]
   state = TraceOperations.computeStateAtEvent(self.analyzer.project, trace, eventNumber)
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
  def showCallHistogram(self, traceName):
    Show the function call frequency histogram for a trace.
    @param traceName:   Name of the trace to examine
    if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

    trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
    hist  = TraceOperations.calculateCallHistogram(trace)

    width   = 40
    largest = max(hist.values())
    values  = [(count, name) for name, count in hist.items()]
    for i, value in enumerate(sorted(values, reverse = True)):
      count, name = value
      self.reportInfo("%3d. %-25s %5d %s" % (i + 1, name, count, "#" * int(width * float(count) / largest)))
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def showTraceState(self, traceName, eventNumber=None):
    Print out the computed API state at a particular trace event.
    @param traceName:     Name of trace to examine
    @param eventNumber:   Print out state at this event, or at the end of the trace by default
        if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

        trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]

        if eventNumber is None:
            eventNumber = len(trace.events) - 1
            eventNumber = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(trace, eventNumber)[0]
        state = TraceOperations.computeStateAtEvent(self.analyzer.project,
                                                    trace, eventNumber)

文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
  def loadTrace(self, fileName, traceName = None, format = None):
    Open a trace file.

    @param fileName:   Trace file to open
    @param traceName:  Resulting trace name
    @param format:     Force a specific format to be used instead of autodetection.
    trace     = Trace.Trace()

    for importer in self.analyzer.importPlugins:
      if format is not None and importer.formatName == format:
      if importer.recognizeTraceFile(fileName):
      if format is not None:
        self.analyzer.fail("No such format. Available formats: %s." % (", ".join([i.formatName for i in self.analyzer.importPlugins])))
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace file format not recognized.")

      f = open(fileName, "rb")
      traces = importer.loadTrace(f)

      # Some decoders can load multiple trace files from one source
      if not isinstance(traces, list):
          traces = [traces]
      for trace in traces:
          traceName = traceName or "t%d" % len(self.analyzer.traces)
          self.analyzer.traces[traceName]     = trace
          self.analyzer.traceFiles[traceName] = fileName
          if not TraceOperations.verify(self, self.analyzer.project, trace):
            self.reportWarning("The loaded project probably does not match the trace file.")
          self.reportInfo("Loaded trace from '%s' as %s." % (fileName, traceName))
          traceName = None
      return traces[0]
    except IOError, e:
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def showCallHistogram(self, traceName):
    Show the function call frequency histogram for a trace.
    @param traceName:   Name of the trace to examine
        if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

        trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
        hist = TraceOperations.calculateCallHistogram(trace)

        width = 40
        largest = max(hist.values())
        values = [(count, name) for name, count in hist.items()]

        for i, value in enumerate(sorted(values, reverse=True)):
            count, name = value
            self.reportInfo("%3d. %-25s %5d %s" %
                            (i + 1, name, count,
                             "#" * int(width * float(count) / largest)))
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
  def extractTrace(self, traceName, eventRange, traceNameOut = None):
    Extract a portion of a trace to form a new trace.
    @param traceName:     Name of the source trace
    @param eventRange:    Event range to extract
    @param traceNameOut:  Name under which the resulting trace is saved, or the original trace by default.
    if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)
    if traceNameOut is None:
      traceNameOut = traceName

    trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
    firstEvent, lastEvent = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(trace, eventRange)
    trace = TraceOperations.extract(trace, firstEvent, lastEvent)
    self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace
    self.reportInfo("%d events extracted from trace %s to trace %s." % (len(trace.events), traceName, traceNameOut))
    return trace
  def playTrace(self, traceName, eventRange = None, profile = False, saveFrames = False, checkCoherence = True,
                synchronize = False):
    Play back a trace file using a generated trace player.
    @param traceName:       Trace to play.
    @param eventRange:      Range of events to play, or all events by default.
    @param profile:         Should instrumentation data be collected or not.
    @param saveFrames:      Should frame buffer snapshots be saved or not.
    @param checkCoherence:  Verify that the trace is properly normalized before playing.
    @param sychronize:      Attempt to match the original trace timings.
    if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)
    trace          = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
    traceFileName  = self.analyzer.traceFiles.get(traceName, None)
    profile        = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(profile)
    saveFrames     = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(saveFrames)
    checkCoherence = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(checkCoherence)
    synchronize    = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(synchronize)
    # Create a temporary trace that only contains the needed events
    if eventRange is not None:
      firstEvent, lastEvent = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(trace, eventRange)
      traceFileName = None
      trace = TraceOperations.extract(trace, firstEvent, lastEvent)
    # Create a player
    player = Player.createPlayer(self.analyzer)

    # Play it
    self.analyzer.reportInfo("Playing trace.")
    logFile = player.play(trace, traceFileName, profile = profile, saveFrames = saveFrames, 
                          checkCoherence = checkCoherence, synchronize = synchronize)
    # Load the instrumentation data if it exists
    if profile and logFile:
      Instrumentation.loadInstrumentationData(self.analyzer, trace, logFile)
      self.analyzer.reportInfo("Instrumentation data loaded for trace %s." % traceName)
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
  def joinTraces(self, traceName1, traceName2, traceNameOut = None):
    Join two traces together to produce a new third trace.
    @param traceName1:    Name of the first trace
    @param traceName2:    Name of the second trace
    @param traceNameOut:  Name under which resulting trace is saved, or the first trace by default.
    if not traceName1 in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName1)

    if not traceName2 in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName2)
    if traceNameOut is None:
      traceNameOut = traceName1
    trace = TraceOperations.join(self.analyzer.traces[traceName1], self.analyzer.traces[traceName2])
    self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace
    self.reportInfo("Traces %s and %s joined to trace %s." % (traceName1, traceName2, traceNameOut))
    return trace
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def extractTrace(self, traceName, eventRange, traceNameOut=None):
    Extract a portion of a trace to form a new trace.
    @param traceName:     Name of the source trace
    @param eventRange:    Event range to extract
    @param traceNameOut:  Name under which the resulting trace is saved, or the original trace by default.
        if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)

        if traceNameOut is None:
            traceNameOut = traceName

        trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
        firstEvent, lastEvent = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(
            trace, eventRange)
        trace = TraceOperations.extract(trace, firstEvent, lastEvent)
        self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace

        self.reportInfo("%d events extracted from trace %s to trace %s." %
                        (len(trace.events), traceName, traceNameOut))
        return trace
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
 def extractTraceWithState(self, traceName, eventRange, traceNameOut = None):
   Extract a portion of a trace including preceding state to form a new trace. The command collects events
   prior to the first extracted event from the trace to set up the same state in the new trace.
   @param traceName:     Name of the source trace
   @param eventRange:    Event range to extract
   @param traceNameOut:  Name under which the resulting trace is saved, or the original trace by default.
   if not traceName in self.analyzer.traces:
     self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName)
   if traceNameOut is None:
     traceNameOut = traceName
   trace = self.analyzer.traces[traceName]
   firstEvent, lastEvent = self.analyzer.parseEventRange(trace, eventRange)
   trace = TraceOperations.extractWithState(self.analyzer.project, trace, firstEvent, lastEvent)
   self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace
   self.reportInfo("%d events extracted from trace %s to trace %s." % (len(trace.events), traceName, traceNameOut))
   return trace
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
  def mergeTraces(self, traceName1, traceName2, traceNameOut = None, useTimeStamps = False):
    Merge two traces together to produce a third, sequentially coherent trace.
    @param traceName1:    Name of the first trace
    @param traceName2:    Name of the second trace
    @param traceNameOut:  Name under which resulting trace is saved, or the first trace by default.
    if not traceName1 in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName1)

    if not traceName2 in self.analyzer.traces:
      self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName2)
    if traceNameOut is None:
      traceNameOut = traceName1
    useTimeStamps = self.analyzer.parseBoolean(useTimeStamps)
    trace = TraceOperations.merge(self.analyzer.traces[traceName1], self.analyzer.traces[traceName2], useTimeStamps = useTimeStamps)
    self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace
    self.reportInfo("Traces %s and %s merged to trace %s." % (traceName1, traceName2, traceNameOut))
    return trace
文件: CorePlugin.py 项目: se210/tracy
    def joinTraces(self, traceName1, traceName2, traceNameOut=None):
    Join two traces together to produce a new third trace.
    @param traceName1:    Name of the first trace
    @param traceName2:    Name of the second trace
    @param traceNameOut:  Name under which resulting trace is saved, or the first trace by default.
        if not traceName1 in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName1)

        if not traceName2 in self.analyzer.traces:
            self.analyzer.fail("Trace not found: %s" % traceName2)

        if traceNameOut is None:
            traceNameOut = traceName1

        trace = TraceOperations.join(self.analyzer.traces[traceName1],
        self.analyzer.traces[traceNameOut] = trace

        self.reportInfo("Traces %s and %s joined to trace %s." %
                        (traceName1, traceName2, traceNameOut))
        return trace
  def calculateStatistics(self, frameSimilarityFunc = None, timeThreshold = .25, histogramThreshold = .96, frameCountThreshold = 20,
                          monochromaticThreshold = .99):
    # Reset the list of frames
    self.frames            = []
    self.interestingFrames = []
    # Combine frame level statistics
    TraceOperations.calculateFrameStatistics(self.project, self.trace)
    # Calculate some high level statistics
    events     = []
    for event in self.trace.events:
      func = self.library.functions[event.name]
      if func.isFrameMarker:
        frame = Frame()
        frame.startTime    = events[0].time / 1e6
        frame.endTime      = (events[-1].time + events[-1].duration) / 1e6
        frame.events       = events
        frame.renderEvents = [e for e in events if self.library.functions[e.name].isRenderCall]
        frame.swapEvent    = event
        frame.number       = len(self.frames)

        # Calculate frame duration
        frame.duration     = frame.endTime - frame.startTime
        if frame.duration < MIN_FRAME_DURATION:
          # If the frame has an essentially zero duration, the following event should give a proper time reading
            frame.duration = max(self.trace.events[self.trace.events.index(event) + 1].time / 1e6 - frame.startTime, MIN_FRAME_DURATION)
          except IndexError:
            frame.duration = MIN_FRAME_DURATION

        events             = []
    # Now prune the list of frames down to frames of special interest
    lastFrame  = None
    histograms = {}
    def getFrameHistogram(frame):
      if not frame.swapEvent in histograms:
          image = player.Instrumentation.loadBuffer(frame.swapEvent)
        if image:
          # Calculate a normalized histogram
          hist = image.histogram()
          f    = 1.0 / (image.size[0] * image.size[1] * len(image.getbands()))
          hist = [h * f for h in hist]
          histograms[frame.swapEvent] = hist
      return histograms.get(frame.swapEvent)
    task = Task.startTask("choose-frames", "Choosing interesting frames", len(self.frames))
    for frame in self.frames:
      if lastFrame and len(self.frames) > frameCountThreshold:
        # If this frame's duration is pretty much the same as the last one, skip it
        if abs(frame.duration - lastFrame.duration) <= timeThreshold * lastFrame.duration:
        # Get color buffer histograms for both images
        hist1 = getFrameHistogram(frame)
        hist2 = getFrameHistogram(lastFrame)
        if hist1 and hist2:
          # Calculate the Bhattacharyya distance, i.e. the cosine of the angle
          # between the two histograms
          dist = sum([math.sqrt(h2 * h1) for h1, h2 in zip(hist1, hist2)])
          # If the distance is close to one, i.e. the frames are nearly identical,
          # skip this frame.
          if dist > histogramThreshold:
          # If the frame is mostly just one color, skip it
          if max(hist1) >= monochromaticThreshold:
        # If we have a similarity function, discard similar frames
        if frameSimilarityFunc and frameSimilarityFunc(lastFrame, frame):
      # Mark the new frame as interesting
      lastFrame = frame
    def calculateStatistics(self,
        # Reset the list of frames
        self.frames = []
        self.interestingFrames = []

        # Combine frame level statistics
        TraceOperations.calculateFrameStatistics(self.project, self.trace)

        # Calculate some high level statistics
        events = []

        for event in self.trace.events:
            func = self.library.functions[event.name]
            if func.isFrameMarker:
                frame = Frame()
                frame.startTime = events[0].time / 1e6
                frame.endTime = (events[-1].time + events[-1].duration) / 1e6
                frame.events = events
                frame.renderEvents = [
                    e for e in events
                    if self.library.functions[e.name].isRenderCall
                frame.swapEvent = event
                frame.number = len(self.frames)

                # Calculate frame duration
                frame.duration = frame.endTime - frame.startTime
                if frame.duration < MIN_FRAME_DURATION:
                    # If the frame has an essentially zero duration, the following event should give a proper time reading
                        frame.duration = max(
                            self.trace.events[self.trace.events.index(event) +
                                              1].time / 1e6 - frame.startTime,
                    except IndexError:
                        frame.duration = MIN_FRAME_DURATION

                events = []

        # Now prune the list of frames down to frames of special interest
        lastFrame = None
        histograms = {}

        def getFrameHistogram(frame):
            if not frame.swapEvent in histograms:
                    image = player.Instrumentation.loadBuffer(frame.swapEvent)
                if image:
                    # Calculate a normalized histogram
                    hist = image.histogram()
                    f = 1.0 / (image.size[0] * image.size[1] *
                    hist = [h * f for h in hist]
                    histograms[frame.swapEvent] = hist
            return histograms.get(frame.swapEvent)

        task = Task.startTask("choose-frames", "Choosing interesting frames",
        for frame in self.frames:
            if lastFrame and len(self.frames) > frameCountThreshold:
                # If this frame's duration is pretty much the same as the last one, skip it
                if abs(frame.duration - lastFrame.duration
                       ) <= timeThreshold * lastFrame.duration:

                # Get color buffer histograms for both images
                hist1 = getFrameHistogram(frame)
                hist2 = getFrameHistogram(lastFrame)

                if hist1 and hist2:
                    # Calculate the Bhattacharyya distance, i.e. the cosine of the angle
                    # between the two histograms
                    dist = sum(
                        [math.sqrt(h2 * h1) for h1, h2 in zip(hist1, hist2)])

                    # If the distance is close to one, i.e. the frames are nearly identical,
                    # skip this frame.
                    if dist > histogramThreshold:

                    # If the frame is mostly just one color, skip it
                    if max(hist1) >= monochromaticThreshold:

                # If we have a similarity function, discard similar frames
                if frameSimilarityFunc and frameSimilarityFunc(
                        lastFrame, frame):

            # Mark the new frame as interesting
            lastFrame = frame