	def __init__(self, players, board=None, tiles=None):
		self.players = players
		self.board = TsuroBoard() if board is None else board
		self.tiles = [TsuroTile(i, tileInfo) for i, tileInfo in enumerate(tileData)] if tiles is None else tiles
class TsuroGame(object):
	def __init__(self, players, board=None, tiles=None):
		self.players = players
		self.board = TsuroBoard() if board is None else board
		self.tiles = [TsuroTile(i, tileInfo) for i, tileInfo in enumerate(tileData)] if tiles is None else tiles

	def transform(self, tile, location, boardOnly=False):
		#print "Transforming by placing tile %d at %s" % (tile.index, str(location))
		newBoard = copy.deepcopy(self.board)
		newBoard.placeTile(tile, location)
		if boardOnly:
			return newBoard
			newGame = self.cloneGame(copy.deepcopy(self.players), newBoard, copy.deepcopy(self.tiles))
			return newGame

	def playCard(self, tile, location):
		self.board = self.transform(tile, location, boardOnly=True)

	def gameOver(self):
		livingPlayerCount = len(self.activePlayers())
		#print "there are %d living players out of %d total" % (livingPlayerCount, len(self.players))
		return livingPlayerCount == 1 or livingPlayerCount == 0 or self.board.isFull()

	def playTurn(self, turn):
		print "--------------------------------------------------------"
		print "it is turn %d" % turn
		for player in self.players:
			print "%d: %s" % (player.id, (str([tile.index for tile in player.hand])) if player.alive() else "DEAD")
		print "--------------------------------------------------------"
		currentPlayer = self.players[turn % len(self.players)]
		print "player %d who is at %s" % (currentPlayer.id, str(currentPlayer.position))

		if not currentPlayer.alive():
			print "Player %d is eliminated, skipping their turn" % currentPlayer.id
			return 1
			print "Their hand:"
			print currentPlayer.print_hand()
			print "selecting a tile \n-----------------------------"
			selectedTile = currentPlayer.play(turn)
			print "------------------------------"
			print "the selected tile is %d rotated %d times" % (selectedTile.index, selectedTile.rotation)
			#print "the base card paths are %s" % TsuroTilesAllTiles[selectedTile.index].easyPrint()
			#print "The rotated paths are: %s" % selectedTile.easyPrint()
			if self.isSuicide(currentPlayer, selectedTile):
				print "this is suicide :( "
				print "this is not suicide, good move"
			self.playCard(selectedTile, currentPlayer.play_position())
			print "moving all players"
			print "wrapping up turn"
			print "--------------------------------------------------------------"
	def printDeck(self):
		print "Deck remaining: %d cards" % len(self.tiles)
		print str([tile.index for tile in self.tiles])

	def isSuicide(self, player, tile):
		tileLocation = (player.position[0] + positions_adders[player.position[2]][0],
						player.position[1] + positions_adders[player.position[2]][1])
		tryBoard = self.transform(tile, tileLocation, boardOnly=True)
		testLocation = tryBoard.followPath(player.position, player.position[2])
		return not testLocation[0]

	def moveAllPlayers(self, report=False):
		for player in self.activePlayers():
			newLocation = self.board.followPath(player.position, player.position[2])
			if report:
				print "player %d has moved from %s to %s" % (player.id, str(player.position), str(newLocation))
			player.position = (newLocation[1][0], newLocation[1][1], newLocation[2])
			if not newLocation[0]:
				if report:
					print "Player %d has been eliminated" % player.id
				self.handlePlayerDeath(player, report)

	def activePlayers(self):
		return [livingPlayer for livingPlayer in self.players if livingPlayer.alive()]
	def active_players(self):
		return self.activePlayers()

	Anything after a turn, but mostly for drawing cards.
	Be sure to check whether or not the player is dead,
	because if a player is killed on his own turn, we will still call this on him
	def wrapUpTurn(self, player):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should be overwritten")

	When a player dies, this function will be called.
	Deal with handling recollection of tiles etc.
	def handlePlayerDeath(self, player):
		raise NotImplementedError("Should be overwritten")