def UVMakeIF(outUV, nIF, err, solInt=10.):
    Change number of IFs from 1 to nIF
    Operation done in place
    * outUV       = output Obit UV object
                    Only really works for AIPS
    * nIF         = number of desired output IFs
                    MUST be the same number of channels per IF
    * err         = Obit error/message stack
    * solInt      = Solution interval for remade CL table.
    # Checks
    if not UV.PIsA(outUV):
        raise TypeError("outUV MUST be a defined Python Obit UV")
    # Input can have 1 or no IFs defined
    jlocif = outUV.Desc.Dict["jlocif"]
    if jlocif >= 0 and outUV.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][jlocif] > 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Input UV has excessive IFs already:" \
    # Check number of requested IFs
    if nIF < 2:
        raise RuntimeError("Too few output IFs requested: " + str(nIF))
    # Must be an even number of channels per output IF
    jlocf = outUV.Desc.Dict["jlocf"]
    nchan = outUV.Desc.Dict["inaxes"][jlocf]
    if (nchan % nIF) != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Unequal numbers of channels per " + str(nIF) +
                           " IFs")

    # Patch UV Descriptor
    DescMakeIF(outUV, nIF, err)
    # Convert FQ Table
    UpdateFQ2(outUV, nIF, err)
    # Convert AN Table
    maxant = UpdateAN2(outUV, nIF, err)
    # Convert SU Table
    UpdateSU2(outUV, nIF, err)
    # Regenerate CL table 1 - delete any old
    outUV.ZapTable("AIPS CL", -1, err)
    print('(Re) generate CL table')
    UV.PTableCLfromNX(outUV, maxant, err, calInt=solInt)
    # dummy FG 1
    print('Dummy entry in Flag table 1')
             timeRange=[-10., -9.],
             Ants=[200, 200],
    # Update
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error updating output")
    def attach_CL_from_NX_table(self, max_ant_nr):
        Creates a CL table associated with this UV file
        from an NX table.

        max_ant_nr : integer
            Maximum antenna number written to the AIPS AN table.
        err_msg = ("Error creating CL table "
                   "from NX table on UV file '%s'" % self.name)

            UV.PTableCLfromNX(self.uv, max_ant_nr, self._err)
        except Exception:
            raise Exception(err_msg)

        handle_obit_err(err_msg, self._err)
def KAT2AIPS (katdata, outUV, disk, fitsdisk, err, \
              calInt=1.0, static=None, **kwargs):
    """Convert MeerKAT MVF data set to an Obit UV.

    This module requires katdat and katpoint and their dependencies
    contact Ludwig Schwardt <*****@*****.**> for details.

    katdata : string
        input katdal object
    outUV : ??
        Obit UV object, shoud be a KAT template for the
        appropriate number of IFs and poln.
    disk  : int
        AIPS Disk number
    fitsdisk: int
        FITS Disk number
    err : ??
        Obit error/message stack
    calInt : 
        Calibration interval in min.
    targets : list, optinal
        List of targetnames to extract from the file
    stop_w : bool
        Fring stop data? (Values only for KAT-7)
    OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Info, "Converting MVF data to AIPS UV format.")
    print("Converting MVF data to AIPS UV format.\n")

    # Extract metadata
    meta = GetKATMeta(katdata, err)

    # TODO: Fix this all up so that the below isn't the case!
    if meta["products"].size != meta["nants"] * meta["nants"] * 4:
        raise ValueError(
            "Only full stokes and all correlation products are supported.")

    # Extract AIPS parameters of the uv data to the metadata
    meta["Aproject"] = outUV.Aname
    meta["Aclass"] = outUV.Aclass
    meta["Aseq"] = outUV.Aseq
    meta["Adisk"] = disk
    meta["calInt"] = calInt
    meta["fitsdisk"] = fitsdisk
    # Update descriptor
    UpdateDescriptor(outUV, meta, err)
    # Write AN table
    WriteANTable(outUV, meta, err)
    # Write FQ table
    WriteFQTable(outUV, meta, err)
    # Write SU table
    WriteSUTable(outUV, meta, err)

    # Convert data
                   blmask=kwargs.get('blmask', 1.e10),
                   stop_w=kwargs.get('stop_w', False),
                   timeav=kwargs.get('timeav', 1),
                   flag=kwargs.get('flag', False),
                   doweight=kwargs.get('doweight', True),
                   doflags=kwargs.get('doflags', True))

    # Index data
    OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Info, "Indexing data")
    UV.PUtilIndex(outUV, err)

    # Open/close UV to update header
    outUV.Open(UV.READONLY, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, message="Update UV header failed")

    # initial CL table
    OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Info, "Create Initial CL table")
    print("Create Initial CL table\n")
    UV.PTableCLfromNX(outUV, meta["maxant"], err, calInt=calInt)
    outUV.Open(UV.READONLY, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, message="Update UV header failed")

    # History
    outHistory = History.History("outhistory", outUV.List, err)
    outHistory.Open(History.READWRITE, err)
    outHistory.TimeStamp("Convert MeerKAT MVF data to Obit", err)
    for name in katdata.name.split(','):
        for line in _history_wrapper.wrap("datafile = " + name):
            outHistory.WriteRec(-1, line, err)
    outHistory.WriteRec(-1, "calInt   = " + str(calInt), err)
    outUV.Open(UV.READONLY, err)
    if err.isErr:
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, message="Update UV header failed")
    # Return the metadata for the pipeline
    return meta