def fluxTrans(intens, flx, lambdas, cosTheta, radius, iFirstTheta,
              numTransThetas, rPlanet):
    #print("iFirstTheta ", iFirstTheta, " numTransThetas ", numTransThetas,\
    #      " rPlanet ", rPlanet)

    #//console.log("Entering flux3");

    logTiny = -49.0
    tiny = math.exp(logTiny)

    logPi = math.log(math.pi)

    numLams = len(lambdas)
    numThetas = len(cosTheta[0])
    fluxTransSpec = [[[numpy.double(0.0) for i in range(numTransThetas)]
                      for k in range(numLams)] for j in range(2)]
    #Earth-radii to solar radii:
    rPlanet = numpy.double(rPlanet)
    rPlanet = rPlanet * Useful.rEarth() / Useful.rSun()

    #dPlanet = 2.0 * rPlanet
    #print("dPlanet ", dPlanet)

    #subtract off flux eclipsed by transiting planet:
    #thisImpct = rPlanet  #Default
    ##Can it really be this simple??:
    logOmega = math.log(math.pi) + (numpy.double(2.0) *
                                    (math.log(rPlanet) - math.log(radius)))
    #omega = math.exp(logOmega)
    #print("omega ", omega)
    helper = 0.0
    logHelper = 0.0

    for it in range(iFirstTheta, numThetas):

        for il in range(numLams):

            #Subtracting the very small from the very large - let's be sophisticated about it:
            logHelper = logPi + math.log(
                intens[il][it]) + logOmega - flx[1][il]
            helper = numpy.double(1.0) - math.exp(logHelper)
            #if (fluxTransSpec[0][il][it-iFirstTheta] > tiny):
            fluxTransSpec[1][il][it -
                                 iFirstTheta] = flx[1][il] + math.log(helper)
            #if (il == 150):
            #    print("logHelper ", logHelper, " helper ", helper, " logFluxTransSpec ", logFluxTransSpec)
            fluxTransSpec[0][il][it - iFirstTheta] = math.exp(
                fluxTransSpec[1][il][it - iFirstTheta])
            #if (il == 150):
            #    print("fluxTransSpec 2 ", fluxTransSpec[0][il][it-iFirstTheta])

        #plt.plot(cosTheta[1][iFirstTheta: iFirstTheta+numTransThetas],\
        #         )

    return fluxTransSpec
def radPress(numDeps, temp):

    pRad = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2)]

    logC = Useful.logC()
    logSigma = Useful.logSigma()
    radFac = math.log(4.0) + logSigma - math.log(3.0) - logC
    for i in range(numDeps):
        pRad[1][i] = radFac + 4.0 * temp[1][i]
        pRad[0][i] = math.exp(pRad[1][i])

    return pRad
def opacHescat(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c  This routine computes He I Rayleigh scattering opacities.

    #//System.out.println("opacHescat called");

    sigHe = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        sigHe[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2

    #//      include 'Atmos.com'
    #//      include 'Kappa.com'
    #//      include 'Linex.com'

    wavetemp = 2.997925e18 / min(freq, 5.15e15)
    ww = math.pow(wavetemp, 2)
    sig = (5.484e-14 / ww / ww) * math.pow(
        (1.0 + ((2.44e5 + (5.94e10 / (ww - 2.90e5))) / ww)), 2)
    for i in range(numDeps):
        sigHe[i] = sig * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])

    return sigHe
def opacH2scat(numDeps, temp, lambda2, molPops):

    sigH2 = [0.0e0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        sigH2[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2
//c  This routine computes H2 I Rayleigh scattering opacities.

//      include 'Atmos.com'
//      include 'Kappa.com'
//      include 'Linex.com'
    wavetemp = 2.997925e18 / min(freq, 2.463e15)
    ww = wavetemp**2
    sig = (8.14e-13 + (1.28e-6 / ww) + (1.61 / (ww * ww))) / (ww * ww)
    #print("freq ", freq, " wavetemp ", wavetemp, " ww ", ww, " sig ", sig)
    for i in range(numDeps):
        sigH2[i] = sig * math.exp(molPops[i])
        #print("i " , i , " molPops " , molPops[i] , " sigH2 " , sigH2[i])

    return sigH2
def plot_Oede(i,
    ax = fig.add_subplot(4, 3, i)
    for i in range(rr):
        sc = ax.scatter(Oede_cmb[i], param[i], color=Usf.colour(i + 1))
    if quint:
        plt.xticks(np.arange(0.02, 0.0601, 0.01))
        plt.xlim([0.02, 0.0601])
        plt.xticks(np.arange(0.0, 0.09, 0.02))
    if ylim is not None:
        yin, yf = ylim
        plt.ylim([yin, yf])
    if ytick is not None:
        yin, yf, yd = ytick
        plt.yticks(np.arange(yin, yf, yd))
    plt.xlabel("$ \Omega_{ede}(z_{drag})$")
def getNz(numDeps, temp, pGas, pe, ATot, nelemAbnd, logAz):

   #double[][] logNz = new double[nelemAbnd][numDeps];
   logNz = [ [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(nelemAbnd) ]
   logATot = math.log(ATot)

   #double help, logHelp, logNumerator;
   for i in range(numDeps):

 #// Initial safety check to avoid negative logNz as Pg and Pe each converge:
 #// maximum physical Pe is about 0.5*PGas (complete ionization of pure H): 
       if (pe[0][i] > 0.5 * pGas[0][i]):
           pe[0][i] = 0.5 * pGas[0][i]
           pe[1][i] = math.log(pe[0][i])
 #// H (Z=1) is a special case: N_H(tau) = (Pg(tau)-Pe(tau))/{kTk(tau)A_Tot}
       logHelp = pe[1][i] - pGas[1][i]
       help = 1.0 - math.exp(logHelp)
       logHelp = math.log(help)
       logNumerator = pGas[1][i] + logHelp 
       logNz[0][i] = logNumerator - Useful.logK() - temp[1][i] - logATot

#// Remaining elements:
       for j in range(nelemAbnd):
          #// N_z = A_z * N_H:
           logNz[j][i] = logAz[j] + logNz[0][i]
   return logNz 
def opacHscat(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c  This routine computes H I Rayleigh scattering opacities.

    #//System.out.println("opacHscat called");

    sigH = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        sigH[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2

    #//      include 'Atmos.com'
    #//      include 'Kappa.com'
    #//      include 'Linex.com'

    wavetemp = 2.997925e18 / min(freq, 2.463e15)
    ww = math.pow(wavetemp, 2)
    sig = (5.799e-13 + (1.422e-6 / ww) + (2.784 / (ww * ww))) / (ww * ww)
    for i in range(numDeps):
        sigH[i] = sig * 2.0 * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])

    return sigH
def PickTopLap(y,MU,mret,epsilon=1.0,sc=[],sens=-1):

	scDP=[s+us.Lap(0,2*deltQ/epsilon) for s in sc];

	return sorted([i for i in range(0,m)],key=lambda i:-scDP[i])[:mret];
def f(n):
    s = 0
    for x in xrange(2,n/2):
        for y in range(1,x):
            if not Useful.gcd(x,y) == 1 and not y == 1:
            if (x+y)<= (n/2):
                s += n/(x+y)-1
    return s*12 + (n-1)*6 + (n/2-1)*6
def massDensity(numDeps, temp, press, mmw, zScale):

    """Solves the equation of state (EOS) for the mass density (rho) given total
 * pressure from HSE solution, for a mixture of ideal gas particles and photons
 * Need to assume a mean molecular weight structure, mu(Tau)
    logE = math.log10(math.e) #// for debug output

    #//press is a 4 x numDeps array:
    #// rows 0 & 1 are linear and log *gas* pressure, respectively
    #// rows 2 & 3 are linear and log *radiation* pressure
    #// double c = 9.9989E+10; // light speed in vaccuum in cm/s
    #// double sigma = 5.670373E-5;   //Stefan-Boltzmann constant ergs/s/cm^2/K^4   
    #//Row 0 of mmwNe is Mean molecular weight in amu
    k = Useful.k()
    logK = Useful.logK()
    amu = Useful.amu()
    logAmu = Useful.logAmu()
    #double logMuAmu

#//System.out.println("STATE: logK " + logK + " logMuAmu " + logMuAmu);
    rho = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2)]

    #// Declare scatch variables:
    #// double logPrad, pRad, pGas, logPgas;
    for i in range(numDeps):

        logMuAmu = math.log(mmw[i]) + logAmu

        #// Compute LTE bolometric radiation contribution to total HSE pressure
        #//logPrad = radFac + 4.0*temp[1][i] ;
        #//pRad = Math.exp(logPrad);
        #//pGas = press[0][i] - pRad;
        #//logPgas = Math.log(pGas);
        rho[1][i] = press[1][i] - temp[1][i] + (logMuAmu - logK)
        rho[0][i] = math.exp(rho[1][i])
        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " press[1] " + logE * press[1][i] + " mmw[i] " + mmw[i] + " rho " + logE * rho[1][i]);
        #//System.out.println("temp " + temp[0][i] + " rho " + rho[0][i]);

    return rho
def phxSunNe(grav, numDeps, tauRos, scaleTemp, kappaScale): 

    logE = math.log10(math.e)
    logEg = math.log(grav) #//base e!
    logEkappaScale = math.log(kappaScale);

#//Theoretical radiative/convective model from Phoenix V15:
    phxSunPe64 = [
    1.53086468021591745e-07, 5.66518458165471424e-03, 6.72808433760886656e-03,
    8.00271552708326656e-03, 9.51809762875982208e-03, 1.13117438884935648e-02,
    1.34299756939525680e-02, 1.59287848014678144e-02, 1.88751877391284448e-02,
    2.23491173128862976e-02, 2.64457686695698400e-02, 3.12779350532322240e-02,
    3.69791374171045888e-02, 4.37078139287801024e-02, 5.16503829681397248e-02,
    6.10221573903118336e-02, 7.20768505868849536e-02, 8.51123959415642752e-02,
    1.00475763241309840e-01, 1.18571138726675232e-01, 1.39870552376136714e-01,
    1.64923053015554560e-01, 1.94357063774820192e-01, 2.28928720249475840e-01,
    2.69525262128246720e-01, 3.17192228891198592e-01, 3.73192988074577856e-01,
    4.39058414038311360e-01, 5.16615873984964544e-01, 6.08066526878471680e-01,
    7.16264581324812416e-01, 8.44657163125294336e-01, 9.97267452897639808e-01,
    1.17915717019238848e+00, 1.39715732004723136e+00, 1.66026825646718432e+00,
    1.97886823850223904e+00, 2.36716912384854112e+00, 2.84540915928013805e+00,
    3.44853013665125120e+00, 4.21529199485384704e+00, 5.21488490421314560e+00,
    6.56660005867586432e+00, 8.55643059606379776e+00, 1.16931723772200080e+01,
    1.71629079266534368e+01, 2.75152019254691616e+01, 4.18720694941323264e+01,
    7.66283674228108288e+01, 1.45995186997127872e+02, 3.04766672331673792e+02,
    5.44151864837275328e+02, 8.17181982032739072e+02, 1.11216222784450608e+03,
    1.43633935534913856e+03, 1.79603721463325728e+03, 2.19692608617747040e+03,
    2.64548745663525184e+03, 3.14931730610757952e+03, 3.71721361233669376e+03,
    4.35932065708395904e+03, 5.08736399892079296e+03, 5.91634943413070720e+03,

    numPhxDeps = len(phxSunPe64)  #//yeah, I know, 64, but that could change!
    logPhxSunPe64 = [0.0 for i in range(numPhxDeps)]
    for i in range(len(phxSunPe64)):
        logPhxSunPe64[i] = math.log(phxSunPe64[i]);

    logPhxSunTau64 = getLogPhxSunTau64()
#// interpolate onto gS3 tauRos grid and re-scale with Teff:
    phxSunPe = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logPhxSunPe = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logScalePe = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    scaleNe = [ [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2) ]

    for i in range(numDeps):
        logPhxSunPe[i] = ToolBox.interpol(logPhxSunTau64, logPhxSunPe64, tauRos[1][i])
        logScalePe[i] = logEg + logPhxSunPe[i] - phxSunLogEg() - logEkappaScale
        scaleNe[1][i] = logScalePe[i] - scaleTemp[1][i] - Useful.logK()
        scaleNe[0][i] = math.exp(scaleNe[1][i])
        #//System.out.println("scaleNe[1][i] " + logE * scaleNe[1][i]);

    return scaleNe
def dBdT(temp, lambda2):
    """// Computes the first partial derivative of B(T) wrt T, dB/dT:"""

    #double logdBdTlam; 

    #//double c = Useful.c; //linear
    logC = Useful.logC()  #//log
    #//double k = Useful.k  #//linear
    logK = Useful.logK()  #//log
    #//double h = Useful.h  #//linear
    logH = Useful.logH()  #//log

    logPreFac = math.log(2.0) + logH + 2.0 * logC  #//log
    logExpFac = logH + logC - logK      #//log

    #//Declare scratch variables:
    #double logLam, logTemp, logPreLamFac, logExpLamFac, expon, logExpon, eTerm, denom, logDenom;  //log

    #//lambda = lambda * 1.0E-7;  // convert nm to cm
    logLam = math.log(lambda2) #// Do the call to log for lambda once //log
    logTemp = math.log(temp)

    logPreLamFac = logPreFac + logExpFac - 6.0 * logLam - 2.0 * logTemp  #//log
    logExpLamFac = logExpFac - logLam    #//log
    #//This is very subtle and dangerous!
    logExpon = logExpLamFac - logTemp  #// log of hc/kTlambda
    expon = math.exp(logExpon)  #// hc/kTlambda
    eTerm = math.exp(expon) #// e^hc/ktlambda
    denom = eTerm - 1.0 #// e^hc/ktlambda - 1
    logDenom = math.log(denom) #// log(e^hc/ktlambda - 1)
    logdBdTlam = logPreLamFac + expon - 2.0 * logDenom  #//log
    return logdBdTlam;
    #} //end method dBdT
def phxRefNe(numDeps, scaleTemp, scalePe):

    logE = math.log10(math.e)
    scaleNe = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2)]

    #for i in range(numDeps):
    #    scaleNe[1][i] = scalePe[1][i] - scaleTemp[1][i] - Useful.logK()
    #    scaleNe[0][i] = math.exp(scaleNe[1][i])
    scaleNe[1] = [
        scalePe[1][i] - scaleTemp[1][i] - Useful.logK() for i in range(numDeps)
    scaleNe[0] = [math.exp(x) for x in scaleNe[1]]

    return scaleNe
def estHerit(filename, num, epsilon, getVar=False, mph=3, direct="Temp"):
    varEst = divideData(filename, direct, num=num, mph=mph, delet=True)
    if getVar:
        return varEst[0]
    est = sum([v[1] / (sum(v)) for v in varEst]) / float(num)
    if epsilon < 0:
        return [sum(varEst[0]), est]
    print "Averaging and adding noise"
    est = est + us.Lap(0, epsilon / float(num))
    if est < 0:
        est = 0.0
    if est > 1:
        est = 1.0
    print "The Result is " + str(est)
    return est
def plot_Oede(i, param, ylabel= None, ytick=None, ymax=1.01, quint= False, ylim=None):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(4,3,i)
    for i in range(rr):
        sc = ax.scatter(Oede_cmb[i], param[i], color=Usf.colour(i+1)) 
    if quint:
       plt.xticks(np.arange(0.02, 0.0601, 0.01))
       plt.xticks(np.arange(0.0, 0.09, 0.02))
    if ylim is not None:
       yin, yf = ylim
       plt.ylim([yin, yf])
    if ytick is not None:
       yin, yf, yd= ytick 
       plt.yticks(np.arange(yin, yf, yd))
    plt.xlabel("$ \Omega_{ede}(z_{drag})$")
def PickTopNeigh(y,MU,mret,epsilon,neighDist=[],randBND=True,bnd=-1):
	if len(neighDist)==0:
		sc=np.dot(MU,y);#[abs(sum([y[i]*mu[i] for i in range(0,n)])) for mu in MU];
		sc=[abs(s) for s in sc]

		if bnd<0:
			if randBND:
		print "Calculating Distance"

	sc=[nei*ep2/(2.0*mret) for nei in neighDist];

	return expPick(sc,mret);
def massDensity2(numDeps, nelemAbnd, logNz, cname):
    rho = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2)]

    #double logAddend, addend;
    lAmu = Useful.logAmu()

#//Prepare log atomic masses once for each element:
    logAMass = [0.0 for i in range(nelemAbnd)]
    for j in range(nelemAbnd):
        logAMass[j] = math.log(AtomicMass.getMass(cname[j]))
        #//System.out.println("j " + j + " logAMass " + logAMass[j]);
    for i in range(numDeps):

        rho[0][i] = 0.0
        for j in range(nelemAbnd):
            logAddend = logNz[j][i] + lAmu + logAMass[j]
            rho[0][i] = rho[0][i] + math.exp(logAddend) 
            rho[1][i] = math.log(rho[0][i])
    return rho  
def TransLight2(radius, cosTheta, vTrans, iFirstTheta, numTransThetas, impct):

    #Safety first:

    tiny = numpy.double(1.0e-49)
    logTiny = math.log(tiny)

    if (impct >= radius):
        #There is no eclipse (transit)
    #thetaMinRad is also the minimum theta of the eclipse path chord, in RAD
    thetaMinRad = math.asin(impct / radius)
    #cos(theta) *decreases* with increasing theta in Quadrant I:
    cosThetaMax = math.cos(thetaMinRad)

    #Compute array of distances traveled, r, along semi-chord from position of
    #minimum impact parameter
    #12D array of length number-of-eclipse-thetas
    transit = [0.0 for i in range(numTransThetas)]
    #test = [0.0 for i in range(numThetas)]

    thisImpct = numpy.double(0.0)

    for i in range(numTransThetas):
        #print("i ", i)
        thisTheta = math.acos(cosTheta[1][i + iFirstTheta])
        thisImpct = radius * math.sin(thisTheta)
        #test[i+iFirstTheta] = math.exp(logRatio)
        # impact parameter corresponding to this theta:
        thisB = radius * math.sin(thisTheta)
        # linear distance travelled along transit semi-path in solar radii
        transit[i] = math.sqrt(thisB**2 - impct**2)
        transit[i] = transit[i] * Useful.rSun()  #RSun to cm
        #row 1 is Times at which successive annuli are eclipsed, in s:
        #Ephemeris zero point at transit mid-point
        transit[i] = transit[i] / vTrans
        #print("i ", i, " i+iFirstTheta ", i+iFirstTheta, " transit[1] ", transit[1][i+iFirstTheta])

    return transit
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pylab
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import pandas as pd
import Useful as Usf

params1 = Usf.setting_plot()

zLOWZ  = 0.32
zCMASS = 0.57
zLyaA  = 2.34-0.06
zLyaC  = 2.36+0.06

z_CMB = 1090.43
rd_EHtoCAMB =153.19/149.281

H0_lcdm = 67.31
rs_lcdm = 147.42
Om_lcdm = 0.31457
sig_lcdm= 0.82853

lna_cmb = np.log(1./(1+1060.0))

quint = True
def kappas2(numDeps, pe, zScale, temp, rho, numLams, lambdas, logAHe, \
            logNH1, logNH2, logNHe1, logNHe2, Ne, teff, logKapFudge):

    """/* Compute opacities properly from scratch with real physical cross-sections
 */ //  *** CAUTION:
//  This return's "kappa" as defined by Gray 3rd Ed. - cm^2 per *relelvant particle* where the "releveant particle"
//  depends on *which* kappa """
#//  *** CAUTION:
#//  This return's "kappa" as defined by Gray 3rd Ed. - cm^2 per *relelvant particle* where the "releveant particle"
#//  depends on *which* kappa

    log10E = math.log10(math.e) #//needed for g_ff
    logLog10E = math.log(log10E)
    logE10 = math.log(10.0)
    logNH = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] #//Total H particle number density cm^-3
    #double logPH1, logPH2, logPHe1, logPHe2;
    for i in range(numDeps):
        logNH[i] = math.exp(logNH1[i]) + math.exp(logNH2[i])
        logNH[i] = math.log(logNH[i])

        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " logNH1 " + log10E*logNH1[i] + " logNH2 " + log10E*logNH2[i] 
    #//+ " logNHe1 " + log10E*logNHe1[i] + " logNHe2 " + log10E*logNHe2[i] + " logPe " + log10E*pe[1][i]);
     #//   logPH1 = logNH1[i] + temp[1][i] + Useful.logK();
      #//  logPH2 = logNH2[i] + temp[1][i] + Useful.logK();
       #// logPHe1 = logNHe1[i] + temp[1][i] + Useful.logK();
       #// logPHe2 = logNHe2[i] + temp[1][i] + Useful.logK();
        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " logPH1 " + log10E*logPH1 + " logPH2 " + log10E*logPH2 
    #//+ " logPHe1 " + log10E*logPHe1 + " logPHe2 " + log10E*logPHe2 + " logPe " + log10E*pe[1][i]);

    #double[][] logKappa = new double[numLams][numDeps];
    logKappa = [ [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(numLams) ]
    #double kappa; //helper
    #double stimEm; //temperature- and wavelength-dependent stimulated emission correction  
    #double stimHelp, logStimEm;
    #double ii; //useful for converting integer loop counter, i, to float
#//Input data and variable declarations:
#// H I b-f & f-f
    chiIH = 13.598433  #//eV
    Rydberg = 1.0968e-2  #// "R" in nm^-1
    #//Generate threshold wavelengths and b-f Gaunt (g_bf) helper factors up to n=10:
    #double n; //principle quantum number of Bohr atom E-level
    numHlevs = 10
     #double logChiHlev;
    invThresh = [0.0 for i in range(numHlevs)] #//also serves as g_bf helper factor
    threshLambs = [0.0 for i in range(numHlevs)]
    chiHlev = [0.0 for i in range(numHlevs)]
    for i in range(numHlevs):
        n = 1.0 + float(i)
        invThresh[i] = Rydberg / n / n #//nm^-1; also serves as g_bf helper factor 
        threshLambs[i] = 1.0 / invThresh[i] #//nm
        logChiHlev = Useful.logH() + Useful.logC() + math.log(invThresh[i]) + 7.0*logE10 #// ergs
        chiHlev[i] = math.exp(logChiHlev - Useful.logEv()) #//eV
        chiHlev[i] = chiIH - chiHlev[i]
#// System.out.println("i " + i + " n " + n + " invThresh " + invThresh[i] + " threshLambs[i] " + threshLambs[i] + " chiHlev " + chiHlev[i]);

    logGauntPrefac = math.log(0.3456) - 0.333333*math.log(Rydberg)

    #// ****  Caution: this will require lamba in A!:
    a0 = 1.0449e-26  #//if lambda in A 
    logA0 = math.log(a0)
#// Boltzmann const "k" in eV/K - needed for "theta"
    logKeV = Useful.logK() - Useful.logEv() 

    #//g_bf Gaunt factor - depends on lower E-level, n:
    loggbf = [0.0 for i in range(numHlevs)]
    #//initialize quantities that depend on lowest E-level contributing to opacity at current wavelength:
    for iThresh in range(numHlevs):
        loggbf[iThresh] = 0.0
     #double logGauntHelp, gauntHelp; 
     #double gbf, gbfHelp, loggbfHelp;
     #double gff, gffHelp, loggffHelp, logffHelp, loggff;
     #double help, logHelp3;
     #double chiLambda, logChiLambda;
     #double bfTerm, logbfTerm, bfSum, logKapH1bf, logKapH1ff;
#//initial defaults:
    gbf = 1.0
    gff = 1.0
    loggff = 0.0
    logChiFac = math.log(1.2398e3) #// eV per lambda, for lambda in nm

#// Needed for kappa_ff: 
    #double ffBracket; 
    logffHelp = logLog10E - math.log(chiIH) - math.log(2.0)
    #//logHelp = logffHelp - math.log(2.0)

#// H^- b-f
#//This is for the sixth order polynomial fit to the cross-section's wavelength dependence
    numHmTerms = 7
    logAHm = [0.0 for i in range(numHmTerms)]
    signAHm = [0.0 for i in range(numHmTerms)]     
    aHmbf = 4.158e-10
    #//double logAHmbf = Math.log(aHmbf);
    #//Is the factor of 10^-18cm^2 from the polynomial fit to alpha_Hmbf missing in Eq. 8.12 on p. 156 of Gray 3rd Ed??
    logAHmbf = math.log(aHmbf) - 18.0*logE10
    #double alphaHmbf, logAlphaHmbf, logTermHmbf, logKapHmbf; 

    #//Computing each polynomial term logarithmically
    logAHm[0] = math.log(1.99654)
    signAHm[0] = 1.0
    logAHm[1] = math.log(1.18267e-5)
    signAHm[1] = -1.0
    logAHm[2] = math.log(2.64243e-6)
    signAHm[2] = 1.0
    logAHm[3] = math.log(4.40524e-10)
    signAHm[3] = -1.0
    logAHm[4] = math.log(3.23992e-14)
    signAHm[4] = 1.0
    logAHm[5] = math.log(1.39568e-18)
    signAHm[5] = -1.0
    logAHm[6] = math.log(2.78701e-23)
    signAHm[6] = 1.0
    alphaHmbf = math.exp(logAHm[0]) #//initialize accumulator

#// H^- f-f:

    logAHmff = -26.0*logE10
    numHmffTerms = 5
    #double fPoly, logKapHmff, logLambdaAFac; 
    fHmTerms = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numHmffTerms) ] for j in range(3) ]
    fHm = [0.0 for i in range(3)]
    fHmTerms[0][0] = -2.2763
    fHmTerms[0][1] = -1.6850
    fHmTerms[0][2] = 0.76661
    fHmTerms[0][3] = -0.053346
    fHmTerms[0][4] = 0.0
    fHmTerms[1][0] = 15.2827
    fHmTerms[1][1] = -9.2846
    fHmTerms[1][2] = 1.99381
    fHmTerms[1][3] = -0.142631
    fHmTerms[1][4] = 0.0
    fHmTerms[2][0] = -197.789
    fHmTerms[2][1] = 190.266
    fHmTerms[2][2] = -67.9775
    fHmTerms[2][3] = 10.6913
    fHmTerms[2][4] = -0.625151

#//H_2^+ molecular opacity - cool stars
#// scasles with proton density (H^+)
#//This is for the third order polynomial fit to the "sigma_l(lambda)" and "U_l(lambda)"
#//terms in the cross-section
    numH2pTerms = 4
    sigmaH2pTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numH2pTerms)]
    UH2pTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numH2pTerms)]
    #double logSigmaH2p, sigmaH2p, UH2p, logKapH2p;  
    aH2p = 2.51e-42
    logAH2p = math.log(aH2p)
    sigmaH2pTerm[0] = -1040.54
    sigmaH2pTerm[1] = 1345.71
    sigmaH2pTerm[2] = -547.628
    sigmaH2pTerm[3] = 71.9684
    #//UH2pTerm[0] = 54.0532
    #//UH2pTerm[1] = -32.713
    #//UH2pTerm[2] = 6.6699
    #//UH2pTerm[3] = -0.4574
    #//Reverse signs on U_1 polynomial expansion co-efficients - Dave Gray private communcation 
    #//based on Bates (1952)
    UH2pTerm[0] = -54.0532
    UH2pTerm[1] = 32.713
    UH2pTerm[2] = -6.6699
    UH2pTerm[3] = 0.4574

#// He I b-f & ff: 
    #double totalH1Kap, logTotalH1Kap, helpHe, logKapHe;

#//He^- f-f
    AHe = math.exp(logAHe) 
    #double logKapHemff, nHe, logNHe, thisTerm, thisLogTerm, alphaHemff, log10AlphaHemff;

#// Gray does not have this pre-factor, but PHOENIX seems to and without it
#// the He opacity is about 10^26 too high!:
    logAHemff = -26.0*logE10

    numHemffTerms = 5
    logC0HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]
    logC1HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]
    logC2HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]
    logC3HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]
    signC0HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]
    signC1HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]
    signC2HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]
    signC3HemffTerm = [0.0 for i in range(numHemffTerms)]

#//we'll be evaluating the polynominal in theta logarithmically by adding logarithmic terms - 
    logC0HemffTerm[0] = math.log(9.66736) 
    signC0HemffTerm[0] = 1.0
    logC0HemffTerm[1] = math.log(71.76242) 
    signC0HemffTerm[1] = -1.0
    logC0HemffTerm[2] = math.log(105.29576) 
    signC0HemffTerm[2] = 1.0
    logC0HemffTerm[3] = math.log(56.49259) 
    signC0HemffTerm[3] = -1.0
    logC0HemffTerm[4] = math.log(10.69206) 
    signC0HemffTerm[4] = 1.0
    logC1HemffTerm[0] = math.log(10.50614) 
    signC1HemffTerm[0] = -1.0
    logC1HemffTerm[1] = math.log(48.28802) 
    signC1HemffTerm[1] = 1.0
    logC1HemffTerm[2] = math.log(70.43363) 
    signC1HemffTerm[2] = -1.0
    logC1HemffTerm[3] = math.log(37.80099) 
    signC1HemffTerm[3] = 1.0
    logC1HemffTerm[4] = math.log(7.15445)
    signC1HemffTerm[4] = -1.0
    logC2HemffTerm[0] = math.log(2.74020)
    signC2HemffTerm[0] = 1.0
    logC2HemffTerm[1] = math.log(10.62144) 
    signC2HemffTerm[1] = -1.0
    logC2HemffTerm[2] = math.log(15.50518) 
    signC2HemffTerm[2] = 1.0
    logC2HemffTerm[3] = math.log(8.33845)
    signC2HemffTerm[3] = -1.0
    logC2HemffTerm[4] = math.log(1.57960)
    signC2HemffTerm[4] = 1.0
    logC3HemffTerm[0] = math.log(0.19923)
    signC3HemffTerm[0] = -1.0
    logC3HemffTerm[1] = math.log(0.77485)
    signC3HemffTerm[1] = 1.0
    logC3HemffTerm[2] = math.log(1.13200)
    signC3HemffTerm[2] = -1.0
    logC3HemffTerm[3] = math.log(0.60994)
    signC3HemffTerm[3] = 1.0
    logC3HemffTerm[4] = math.log(0.11564)
    signC3HemffTerm[4] = -1.0
#    //initialize accumulators:
    cHemff = [0.0 for i in range(4)]
    cHemff[0] = signC0HemffTerm[0] * math.exp(logC0HemffTerm[0]);   
    cHemff[1] = signC1HemffTerm[0] * math.exp(logC1HemffTerm[0]);   
    cHemff[2] = signC2HemffTerm[0] * math.exp(logC2HemffTerm[0]);   
    cHemff[3] = signC3HemffTerm[0] * math.exp(logC3HemffTerm[0]);   
#//Should the polynomial expansion for the Cs by in 10g10Theta??  No! Doesn't help:
    #//double[] C0HemffTerm = new double[numHemffTerms];
    #//double[] C1HemffTerm = new double[numHemffTerms];
    #//double[] C2HemffTerm = new double[numHemffTerms];
    #//double[] C3HemffTerm = new double[numHemffTerms];
    #//C0HemffTerm[0] = 9.66736; 
    #//C0HemffTerm[1] = -71.76242; 
    #//C0HemffTerm[2] = 105.29576; 
    #//C0HemffTerm[3] = -56.49259; 
    #//C0HemffTerm[4] = 10.69206; 
    #//C1HemffTerm[0] = -10.50614; 
    #//C1HemffTerm[1] = 48.28802; 
    #//C1HemffTerm[2] = -70.43363; 
    #//C1HemffTerm[3] = 37.80099; 
    #//C1HemffTerm[4] = -7.15445;
    #//C2HemffTerm[0] = 2.74020; 
    #//C2HemffTerm[1] = -10.62144; 
    #//C2HemffTerm[2] = 15.50518; 
    #//C2HemffTerm[3] = -8.33845; 
    #//C2HemffTerm[4] = 1.57960;
    #//C3HemffTerm[0] = -0.19923; 
    #//C3HemffTerm[1] = 0.77485; 
    #//C3HemffTerm[2] = -1.13200; 
    #//C3HemffTerm[3] = 0.60994; 
    #//C3HemffTerm[4] = -0.11564;
    #//initialize accumulators:
    #// double[] cHemff = new double[4];
    #// cHemff[0] = C0HemffTerm[0];   
    #// cHemff[1] = C1HemffTerm[0];   
    #// cHemff[2] = C2HemffTerm[0];   
    #// cHemff[3] = C3HemffTerm[0];   

#// electron (e^-1) scattering (Thomson scattering)

    #double kapE, logKapE;
    alphaE = 0.6648e-24 #//cm^2/e^-1
    logAlphaE = math.log(0.6648e-24)

#     double theta, logTheta, log10Theta, log10ThetaFac;
#     double logLambda, lambdaA, logLambdaA, log10LambdaA, lambdanm, logLambdanm;
#//Okay - here we go:
#//Make the wavelength loop the outer loop - lots of depth-independnet lambda-dependent quantities:
#   //System.out.println("Kappas called...");
    for iLam in range(numLams):
 #//Re-initialize all accumulators to be on safe side:
        kappa = 0.0
        logKapH1bf = -99.0 
        logKapH1ff = -99.0
        logKapHmbf = -99.0 
        logKapHmff = -99.0
        logKapH2p = -99.0
        logKapHe = -99.0
        logKapHemff = -99.0
        logKapE = -99.0
#//*** CAUTION: lambda MUST be in nm here for consistency with Rydbeg 
        logLambda = math.log(lambdas[iLam])  #//log cm
        lambdanm = 1.0e7 * lambdas[iLam]
        logLambdanm = math.log(lambdanm)
        lambdaA = 1.0e8 * lambdas[iLam] #//Angstroms
        logLambdaA = math.log(lambdaA)
        log10LambdaA = log10E * logLambdaA

        logChiLambda = logChiFac - logLambdanm
        chiLambda = math.exp(logChiLambda)   #//eV

#// Needed for both g_bf AND g_ff: 
        logGauntHelp = logGauntPrefac - 0.333333*logLambdanm #//lambda in nm here
        gauntHelp = math.exp(logGauntHelp)

  #//            if (iLam == 142){
   #// System.out.println("lambdaA " + lambdaA);
   #//         }

#//HI b-f depth independent factors:
#//Start at largest threshold wavelength and break out of loop when next threshold lambda is less than current lambda:
        #for (iThresh = numHlevs-1; iThresh >= 0; iThresh--){
        for iThresh in range(0, numHlevs-1, -1):
            if (threshLambs[iThresh] < lambdanm):
            if (lambdanm <= threshLambs[iThresh]):
           #//this E-level contributes
                loggbfHelp = logLambdanm + math.log(invThresh[iThresh]) # //lambda in nm here; invThresh here as R/n^2
                gbfHelp = math.exp(loggbfHelp)
                gbf = 1.0 - (gauntHelp * (gbfHelp - 0.5))
#//              if (iLam == 1){}
#//    System.out.println("iThresh " + iThresh + " threshLambs " + threshLambs[iThresh] +  " gbf " + gbf);
#//              }
                loggbf[iThresh] = math.log(gbf)
        #//end iThresh loop 

#//HI f-f depth independent factors:
#        //logChi = logLog10E + logLambdanm - logChiFac; //lambda in nm here
#        //chi = Math.exp(logChi);
        loggffHelp = logLog10E - logChiLambda

#//  ******  Start depth loop iTau ******
        for iTau in range(numDeps):
# //Re-initialize all accumulators to be on safe side:
            kappa = 0.0
            logKapH1bf = -99.0 
            logKapH1ff = -99.0
            logKapHmbf = -99.0 
            logKapHmff = -99.0
            logKapH2p = -99.0
            logKapHe = -99.0
            logKapHemff = -99.0
            logKapE = -99.0
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//    System.out.println("lambdanm[142] " + lambdanm + " temp[0][iTau=36] " + temp[0][iTau=36]);
#// }
#//This is "theta" ~ 5040/T:
            logTheta = logLog10E - logKeV - temp[1][iTau]
            log10Theta = log10E * logTheta
            theta = math.exp(logTheta)
            #//System.out.println("theta " + theta + " logTheta " + logTheta);

#// temperature- and wavelength-dependent stimulated emission coefficient:
            stimHelp = -1.0 * theta * chiLambda * logE10
            stimEm = 1.0 - math.exp(stimHelp)
            logStimEm = math.log(stimEm)
# //          if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
# //   System.out.println("stimEm " + stimEm);
# //}

            ffBracket = math.exp(loggffHelp - logTheta) + 0.5 
            gff = 1.0 + (gauntHelp*ffBracket)

#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 1){
#//    System.out.println("gff " + gff);
#// }
            loggff = math.log(gff)

#//H I b-f:
#//Start at largest threshold wavelength and break out of loop when next threshold lambda is less than current lambda:
            bfSum = 0.0 #//initialize accumulator
            logHelp3 = logA0 + 3.0*logLambdaA #//lambda in A here
            #for (int iThresh = numHlevs-1; iThresh >= 0; iThresh--){
            for iThresh in range(0, numHlevs-1, -1):
                if (threshLambs[iThresh] < lambdanm):
            n = 1.0 + float(iThresh)
            if (lambdanm <= threshLambs[iThresh]):
                #//this E-level contributes
                logbfTerm = loggbf[iThresh] - 3.0*math.log(n) 
                logbfTerm = logbfTerm - (theta*chiHlev[iThresh])*logE10 
                bfSum = bfSum + math.exp(logbfTerm)
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#  //System.out.println("lambdanm " + lambdanm + " iThresh " + iThresh + " threshLambs[iThresh] " + threshLambs[iThresh]);
#  //System.out.println("loggbf " + loggbf[iThresh] + " theta " + theta + " chiHlev " + chiHlev[iThresh]);
#  //System.out.println("bfSum " + bfSum + " logbfTerm " + logbfTerm);
#//  }
            #//end iThresh loop 

#// cm^2 per *neutral* H atom
            logKapH1bf = logHelp3 + math.log(bfSum) 

#//Stimulated emission correction
            logKapH1bf = logKapH1bf + logStimEm
#//System.out.println("lambda " + lambdas[iLam] + "iTau " + iTau + " sigma " + Math.exp(logKapH1bf)); 

#//Add it in to total - opacity per neutral HI atom, so multiply by logNH1 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
            logKapH1bf = logKapH1bf + logNH1[iTau]
#//System.out.println(" aH1 " + Math.exp(logKapH1bf)); 
#////Nasty fix to make Balmer lines show up in A0 stars!
#//     if (teff > 8000){
#//          logKapH1bf = logKapH1bf - logE10*1.5;
            kappa = math.exp(logKapH1bf) 
#//System.out.println("HIbf " + log10E*logKapH1bf);
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//           System.out.println("lambdaA " + lambdaA + " logKapH1bf " + log10E*(logKapH1bf)); //-rho[1][iTau]));
#//H I f-f:
#// cm^2 per *neutral* H atom
            logKapH1ff = logHelp3 + loggff + logffHelp - logTheta - (theta*chiIH)*logE10

#//Stimulated emission correction
            logKapH1ff = logKapH1ff + logStimEm
#//Add it in to total - opacity per neutral HI atom, so multiply by logNH1 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
            logKapH1ff = logKapH1ff + logNH1[iTau]
#////Nasty fix to make Balmer lines show up in A0 stars!
#//     if (teff > 8000){
#//          logKapH1ff = logKapH1ff - logE10*1.5;
            kappa = kappa + math.exp(logKapH1ff); 
#//System.out.println("HIff " + log10E*logKapH1ff);

#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//           System.out.println("logKapH1ff " + log10E*(logKapH1ff)); //-rho[1][iTau]));

#// H^- b-f:
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
# // System.out.println("temp " + temp[0][iTau] + " lambdanm " + lambdanm);
# // }
            logKapHmbf =  -99.0 #//initialize default
            #//if ( (temp[0][iTau] > 2500.0) && (temp[0][iTau] < 10000.0) ){
            #//if ( (temp[0][iTau] > 2500.0) && (temp[0][iTau] < 8000.0) ){
            #//Try lowering lower Teff limit to avoid oapcity collapse in outer layers of late-type stars
            if ( (temp[0][iTau] > 1000.0) and (temp[0][iTau] < 10000.0) ):
                if ((lambdanm > 225.0) and (lambdanm < 1500.0) ):  # //nm 
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
# //              System.out.println("In KapHmbf condition...");
                    ii = 0.0
                    alphaHmbf = signAHm[0]*math.exp(logAHm[0]) #//initialize accumulator
                    #for (int i = 1; i < numHmTerms; i++){
                    for i in range(1, numHmTerms):
                        ii = float(i)
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//                   System.out.println("ii " + ii);
                        logTermHmbf = logAHm[i] + ii*logLambdaA 
                        alphaHmbf = alphaHmbf + signAHm[i]*math.exp(logTermHmbf)  
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//                  System.out.println("logTermHmbf " + log10E*logTermHmbf + " i " + i + " logAHm " + log10E*logAHm[i]); 
                    logAlphaHmbf = math.log(alphaHmbf)
#// cm^2 per neutral H atom
                    logKapHmbf = logAHmbf + logAlphaHmbf + pe[1][iTau] + 2.5*logTheta + (0.754*theta)*logE10 
#//Stimulated emission correction
                    logKapHmbf = logKapHmbf + logStimEm
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//  System.out.println("alphaHmbf " + alphaHmbf);
#//  System.out.println("logKapHmbf " + log10E*logKapHmbf + " logAHmbf " + log10E*logAHmbf + " logAlphaHmbf " + log10E*logAlphaHmbf);
#//  }

#//Add it in to total - opacity per neutral HI atom, so multiply by logNH1 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
                    logKapHmbf = logKapHmbf + logNH1[iTau]
                    kappa = kappa + math.exp(logKapHmbf)
#//System.out.println("Hmbf " + log10E*logKapHmbf);
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//           System.out.println("logKapHmbf " + log10E*(logKapHmbf)); //-rho[1][iTau]));
                #//wavelength condition
            #// temperature condition

#// H^- f-f:
            logKapHmff = -99.0 #//initialize default
          #//if ( (temp[0][iTau] > 2500.0) && (temp[0][iTau] < 10000.0) ){
          #//Try lowering lower Teff limit to avoid oapcity collapse in outer layers of late-type stars
          #//if ( (temp[0][iTau] > 2500.0) && (temp[0][iTau] < 8000.0) ){
            if ( (temp[0][iTau] > 1000.0) and (temp[0][iTau] < 10000.0) ):
                if ((lambdanm > 260.0) and (lambdanm < 11390.0) ): #//nm 
                    #//construct "f_n" polynomials in log(lambda)
                    for j in range(3):
                        fHm[j] = fHmTerms[j][0]  #//initialize accumulators                        
                    ii = 0.0  
                    for i in range(1, numHmffTerms):
                        ii = float(i)
                        logLambdaAFac = math.pow(log10LambdaA, ii)
                        for j in range(3):
                            fHm[j] = fHm[j] + (fHmTerms[j][i]*logLambdaAFac)    
                        #} #// i
                    #} #// j
                    fPoly = fHm[0] + fHm[1]*log10Theta + fHm[2]*log10Theta*log10Theta
#// In cm^2 per neutral H atom:
#// Stimulated emission alreadya ccounted for
                    logKapHmff = logAHmff + pe[1][iTau] + fPoly*logE10

#//Add it in to total - opacity per neutral HI atom, so multiply by logNH1 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
                    logKapHmff = logKapHmff + logNH1[iTau]
                    kappa = kappa + math.exp(logKapHmff)
#//System.out.println("Hmff " + log10E*logKapHmff);
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//           System.out.println("logKapHmff " + log10E*(logKapHmff)); //-rho[1][iTau]));
                #//wavelength condition
            #// temperature condition

#// H^+_2:
            logKapH2p = -99.0 #//initialize default 
            if ( temp[0][iTau] < 4000.0 ):
                if ((lambdanm > 380.0) and (lambdanm < 2500.0) ): # //nm 
                    sigmaH2p = sigmaH2pTerm[0] #//initialize accumulator
                    UH2p = UH2pTerm[0] #//initialize accumulator
                    ii = 0.0#
                    for i in range(1, numH2pTerms):
                        ii = float(i) 
                        logLambdaAFac = math.pow(log10LambdaA, ii)
                        #// kapH2p way too large with lambda in A - try cm:  No! - leads to negative logs
                        #//logLambdaAFac = Math.pow(logLambda, ii);
                        sigmaH2p = sigmaH2p +  sigmaH2pTerm[i] * logLambdaAFac 
                        UH2p = UH2p +  UH2pTerm[i] * logLambdaAFac                    
                    logSigmaH2p = math.log(sigmaH2p)
                    logKapH2p = logAH2p + logSigmaH2p - (UH2p*theta)*logE10 + logNH2[iTau] 
#//Stimulated emission correction
                    logKapH2p = logKapH2p + logStimEm

#//Add it in to total - opacity per neutral HI atom, so multiply by logNH1 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
                    logKapH2p = logKapH2p + logNH1[iTau]
                    kappa = kappa + math.exp(logKapH2p) 
#//System.out.println("H2p " + log10E*logKapH2p);
#//if (iTau == 16 && iLam == 142){
#           //System.out.println("logKapH2p " + log10E*(logKapH2p-rho[1][iTau]) + " logAH2p " + log10E*logAH2p
#// + " logSigmaH2p " + log10E*logSigmaH2p + " (UH2p*theta)*logE10 " + log10E*((UH2p*theta)*logE10) + " logNH2[iTau] " + log10E*logNH2[iTau]);
                #//wavelength condition
            #// temperature condition

#//He I 
#//  HeI b-f + f-f
#//Scale sum of He b-f and f-f with sum of HI b-f and f-f 

#//wavelength condition comes from requirement that lower E level be greater than n=2 (edge at 22.78 nm)
            logKapHe = -99.0 #//default intialization
            if ( temp[0][iTau] > 10000.0 ):
                if (lambdanm > 22.8): #//nm  
                    totalH1Kap = math.exp(logKapH1bf) + math.exp(logKapH1ff)
                    logTotalH1Kap = math.log(totalH1Kap) 
                    helpHe = Useful.k() * temp[0][iTau]
#// cm^2 per neutral H atom (after all, it's scaled wrt kappHI
#// Stimulated emission already accounted for
#//  *** CAUTION: Is this *really* the right thing to do???
#//    - we're re-scaling the final H I kappa in cm^2/g corrected for stim em, NOT the raw cross section
                    logKapHe = math.log(4.0) - (10.92 / helpHe) + logTotalH1Kap

#//Add it in to total - opacity per neutral HI atom, so multiply by logNH1 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
                    logKapHe = logKapHe + logNH1[iTau]
                    kappa = kappa + math.exp(logKapHe) 
#//System.out.println("He " + log10E*logKapHe);
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//           System.out.println("logKapHe " + log10E*(logKapHe)); //-rho[1][iTau]));
                #//wavelength condition
            #// temperature condition

#//He^- f-f:
            logKapHemff = -99.0 #//default initialization
            if ( (theta > 0.5) and (theta < 2.0) ):
                if ((lambdanm > 500.0) and (lambdanm < 15000.0) ): 

#// initialize accumulators:
                    cHemff[0] = signC0HemffTerm[0]*math.exp(logC0HemffTerm[0]);   
                    #//System.out.println("C0HemffTerm " + signC0HemffTerm[0]*Math.exp(logC0HemffTerm[0]));
                    cHemff[1] = signC1HemffTerm[0]*math.exp(logC1HemffTerm[0]);   
                    #//System.out.println("C1HemffTerm " + signC1HemffTerm[0]*Math.exp(logC1HemffTerm[0]));
                    cHemff[2] = signC2HemffTerm[0]*math.exp(logC2HemffTerm[0]);   
                    #//System.out.println("C2HemffTerm " + signC2HemffTerm[0]*Math.exp(logC2HemffTerm[0]));
                    cHemff[3] = signC3HemffTerm[0]*math.exp(logC3HemffTerm[0]);   
                    #//System.out.println("C3HemffTerm " + signC3HemffTerm[0]*Math.exp(logC3HemffTerm[0]));
#//build the theta polynomial coefficients
                    ii = 0.0
                    for i in range(1, numHemffTerms):
                        ii = float(i)
                        thisLogTerm = ii*logTheta + logC0HemffTerm[i] 
                        cHemff[0] = cHemff[0] + signC0HemffTerm[i]*math.exp(thisLogTerm) 
                        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " ii " + ii + " C0HemffTerm " + signC0HemffTerm[i]*Math.exp(logC0HemffTerm[i]));
                        thisLogTerm = ii*logTheta + logC1HemffTerm[i] 
                        cHemff[1] = cHemff[1] + signC1HemffTerm[i]*math.exp(thisLogTerm) 
                        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " ii " + ii + " C1HemffTerm " + signC1HemffTerm[i]*Math.exp(logC1HemffTerm[i]));
                        thisLogTerm = ii*logTheta + logC2HemffTerm[i]
                        cHemff[2] = cHemff[2] + signC2HemffTerm[i]*math.exp(thisLogTerm) 
                        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " ii " + ii + " C2HemffTerm " + signC2HemffTerm[i]*Math.exp(logC2HemffTerm[i]));
                        thisLogTerm = ii*logTheta + logC3HemffTerm[i] 
                        cHemff[3] = cHemff[3] + signC3HemffTerm[i]*math.exp(thisLogTerm) 
                        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " ii " + ii + " C3HemffTerm " + signC3HemffTerm[i]*Math.exp(logC3HemffTerm[i]));
    #//// Should polynomial expansion for Cs be in log10Theta??: - No! Doesn't help
    #// initialize accumulators:
    #// cHemff[0] = C0HemffTerm[0];   
    #// cHemff[1] = C1HemffTerm[0];   
    #// cHemff[2] = C2HemffTerm[0];   
    #// cHemff[3] = C3HemffTerm[0];   
    #// ii = 0.0;
    #// for (int i = 1; i < numHemffTerms; i++){
    #//    ii = (double) i;
    #//    log10ThetaFac = Math.pow(log10Theta, ii);
    #//    thisTerm = log10ThetaFac * C0HemffTerm[i]; 
    #//    cHemff[0] = cHemff[0] + thisTerm; 
    #//    thisTerm = log10ThetaFac * C1HemffTerm[i]; 
    #//    cHemff[1] = cHemff[1] + thisTerm; 
    #//    thisTerm = log10ThetaFac * C2HemffTerm[i]; 
    #//    cHemff[2] = cHemff[2] + thisTerm; 
    #//    thisTerm = log10ThetaFac * C3HemffTerm[i]; 
    #//    cHemff[3] = cHemff[3] + thisTerm; 
    #// }
#//Build polynomial in logLambda for alpha(He^1_ff):
                    log10AlphaHemff = cHemff[0] #//initialize accumulation
                    #//System.out.println("cHemff[0] " + cHemff[0]);
                    ii = 0.0
                    for i in range(1, 3+1):
                        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " cHemff[i] " + cHemff[i]);
                        ii = float(i)
                        thisTerm = cHemff[i] * math.pow(log10LambdaA, ii)
                        log10AlphaHemff = log10AlphaHemff + thisTerm 
                    #//System.out.println("log10AlphaHemff " + log10AlphaHemff);
                    alphaHemff = math.pow(10.0, log10AlphaHemff) #//gives infinite alphas!
                    #// alphaHemff = log10AlphaHemff; // ?????!!!!!
                    #//System.out.println("alphaHemff " + alphaHemff);

#// Note: this is the extinction coefficient per *Hydrogen* particle (NOT He- particle!)
#       //nHe = Math.exp(logNHe1[iTau]) + Math.exp(logNHe2[iTau]);
#       //logNHe = Math.log(nHe);
#       //logKapHemff = Math.log(alphaHemff) + Math.log(AHe) + pe[1][iTau] + logNHe1[iTau] - logNHe;
                    logKapHemff = logAHemff + math.log(alphaHemff) + pe[1][iTau] + logNHe1[iTau] - logNH[iTau]

#//Stimulated emission already accounted for
#//Add it in to total - opacity per H particle, so multiply by logNH 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
                    logKapHemff = logKapHemff + logNH[iTau]
                    kappa = kappa + math.exp(logKapHemff) 
#//System.out.println("Hemff " + log10E*logKapHemff);
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 155){
#//if (iLam == 155){
#//           System.out.println("logKapHemff " + log10E*(logKapHemff)); //-rho[1][iTau]));
                #//wavelength condition
            #// temperature condition

#// electron (e^-1) scattering (Thomson scattering)

#//coefficient per *"hydrogen atom"* (NOT per e^-!!) (neutral or total H??):
            logKapE = logAlphaE + Ne[1][iTau] - logNH[iTau]

#//Stimulated emission not relevent 
#//Add it in to total - opacity per H particle, so multiply by logNH 
#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
#//I know, we're adding logNH right back in after subtracting it off, but this is for dlarity and consistency for now... :
            logKapE = logKapE + logNH[iTau]   
            kappa = kappa + math.exp(logKapE) 
#//System.out.println("E " + log10E*logKapE);
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//           System.out.println("logKapE " + log10E*(logKapE)); //-rho[1][iTau]));

#//Metal b-f
#//Fig. 8.6 Gray 3rd Ed.

#// This is now linear opacity in cm^-1
#// Divide by mass density
#// This is now mass extinction in cm^2/g
            logKappa[iLam][iTau] = math.log(kappa) - rho[1][iTau]
#// Fudge is in cm^2/g:  Converto to natural log:
            logEKapFudge = logE10 * logKapFudge
            logKappa[iLam][iTau] = logKappa[iLam][iTau] + logEKapFudge
#//if (iTau == 36 && iLam == 142){
#//System.out.println(" " + log10E*(logKappa[iLam][iTau]+rho[1][iTau]));

        #// close iTau depth loop
    #//close iLam wavelength loop 

    return logKappa

pc = pycontrol.Idaq(cfgfile = configfile)

settings_pycontrol.debugging = False

#pc.instr.mips.maxFI = 5.5

import Useful, collections
import time
import Useful as useful
import AttrDict

celln = 'l1 l2 l3pm1 l4fh l5pm2 l6 fbias fil filV filP'.split()
tunelist = 'l1 l2 l3pm1 l4fh l5pm2 l6 fbias fil'.split()

Vtune = {'l3pm1': -5.4, 'fbias': -14.3, 'l4fh': 4.7, 'l6': -3.4, 'l2': -7.0, 'l1': 18.1, 'l5pm2': 20.8, 'fil': 0.0}
cellzero = {'l3pm1': 0, 'fbias': 0, 'l4fh': 0, 'l6': 0, 'l2': 0, 'l1': 0, 'l5pm2': 0, 'fil': 0}

optprior = dict(l1=24, l2=-7, l3pm1=-10, l4fh=-15, l5pm2=12, l6=-3.4, fbias=-20)
optavg = dict(l1=24.2, l2=-12.7, l3pm1=-0.2, l4fh=-20.6, l5pm2=11.9, l6=3.5, fbias=-24.9)
optnew = dict(l1=27.6, l2=-16.3, l3pm1=2.1, l4fh=-20.5, l5pm2=15.2, l6=0.1, fbias=-24.9)

ecdinit = {'l3pm1': 16.3, 'fbias': 7.44, 'l4fh': 22.28, 'l6': -6.0, 'l2': -20.3, 'l1': 23.3, 'l5pm2': 22.3, 'fil': 1.22}

ecdtune1 = {'l3pm1': 16.309999999999999, 'fbias': 2.4199999999999999, 'l4fh': 23.989999999999998, 'l6': -6.0, 'l2': -20.300000000000001, 'l1': 23.300000000000001, 'l5pm2': 22.300000000000001, 'fil': 1.22}
#based on http://arxiv.org/pdf/0906.0396.pdf
# or http://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/9711068v2.pdf
#Scalar Field potential V=V0*exp[-lam*\phi]

from RunBase import *
from scipy import *
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from matplotlib import gridspec
import pylab, sys
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import Useful as Usf

params1 = Usf.setting_plot()

name = 'Quint_vl_phi'

pts, pts2, pts3, pts4 =[], [], [], []
Oma, Ora = [], []
lam = []

H_0, Om0 = 0.6821, 0.3038
Or0= sqrt(3.05)*Om0*1E-4

def estVarY(y, epsilon):
    vr = np.var(y)
    n = len(y)
    return vr + us.Lap(0, epsilon * 3 / float(n))
import Useful
def has_mult(ps):
    for i,e in enumerate(ps):
        if e in ps[0:i]:
            return False
    return True
primes = Useful.sieve(10**7)

check = range(1,10)
remain = list(check)
count = 0
setsize = 2
while setsize < 10:
    for p in primes:
        ps = [int(n) for n in str(p)]
def flux3(intens, lambdas, cosTheta, phi,
          radius, omegaSini, macroV):
    #//console.log("Entering flux3");
    #//System.out.println("radius " + radius + " omegaSini " + omegaSini + " macroV " + macroV);
    numLams = len(lambdas)
    numThetas = len(cosTheta[0])
    fluxSurfSpec = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numLams) ] for j in range(2) ]
    #// returns surface flux as a 2XnumLams vector
    #//  - Row 0 linear flux (cgs units)
    #//  - Row 1 log_e flux
    #//  cosTheta is a 2xnumThetas array:
    #// row 0 is used for Gaussian quadrature weights
    #// row 1 is used for cos(theta) values
    #// Gaussian quadrature:
    #// Number of angles, numThetas, will have to be determined after the fact

    """/* Re-sampling makes thing worse - ?? 
//For internal use, interpolate flux spectrum onto uniform fine sampling grid:
   double specRes = 3.0e5; //spectral resolution R = lambda/deltaLambda
   double midLam = lambdas[numLams/2]  * 1.0e7; //nm 
   double delFine = midLam / specRes;  //nm
   double lam1 = lambdas[0] * 1.0e7; //nm
   double lam2 = lambdas[numLams-1] * 1.0e7; //nm;
   double numFineD = (lam2 - lam1) / delFine; 
   int numFine = (int) numFineD - 1;
   double newLambda[] = new double[numFine];
   double newIntens[][] = new double[numFine][numThetas];
   double thisNewIntens[] = new double[numFine];
   double thisIntens[] = new double[numLams];

   //System.out.println("midLam " + midLam + " delFine " + delFine + " lam1 " + lam1 + " lam2 " + lam2 + " numFine " + numFine);
//Create fine wavelength array
   double ilD;
   for (int il = 0; il < numFine; il++){
      ilD = (double) il;
      newLambda[il] = lam1 + ilD*delFine;  //nm
      newLambda[il] = newLambda[il] * 1.0e-7; //cm
   //System.out.println("newLambda[0] " + newLambda[0] + " [numFine-1] " + newLambda[numFine-1]);

   for (int it = 0; it < numThetas; it++){
       for (int il = 0; il < numLams; il++){
          thisIntens[il] = intens[il][it]; 
       } //il loop
       thisNewIntens = ToolBox.interpolV(thisIntens, lambdas, newLambda);
       for (int il = 0; il < numFine; il++){
          newIntens[il][it] = thisNewIntens[il];
       } //il
   } //it loop
#//For geometry calculations: phi = 0 is direction of positive x-axis of right-handed
#// 2D Cartesian coord system in plane of sky with origin at sub-stellar point (phi
#// increases CCW)

    #double thisThetFctr;
    #//var numThetas = 11;
    numPhi = len(phi)
    delPhi = 2.0 * math.pi / numPhi
    #//console.log("delPhi " + delPhi);

    #//macroturbulent broadening helpers:
    #double uRnd1, uRnd2, ww, arg, gRnd1, gRnd2;
    uRnd1 = 0.0
    uRnd2 = 0.0
    gRnd1 = 0.0
    gRnd2 = 0.0
    arg = 0.0

    #//For macroturbulent broadening, we need to transform uniformly
    #//generated random numbers on [0, 1] to a Gaussian distribution
    #// with a mean of 0.0 and a sigma of 1.0
    #//Use the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation
    #// http://www.design.caltech.edu/erik/Misc/Gaussian.html
    #// Everett (Skip) Carter, Taygeta Scientific Inc.
    #//// Original code in c:
    #//    ww = Math.sqrt
    #//         do {
    #//                 x1 = 2.0 * ranf() - 1.0;
    #//                 x2 = 2.0 * ranf() - 1.0;
    #//                 w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
    #//         } while ( w >= 1.0 );
    #//         w = sqrt( (-2.0 * log( w ) ) / w );
    #//         y1 = x1 * w;
    #//         y2 = x2 * w;

    #//helpers for rotational broadening
    #double x, opposite, theta; //, delLam;
    thisIntens = [0.0 for i in range(numLams)]
    intensLam = [0.0 for i in range(numLams)]
    #//double[] intensLam = new double[numFine];

    #//This might not be the smartest approach, but, for now, compute the
    #//Doppler shifted wavelength scale across the whole tiled projected disk:

    #double sinTheta;
    #//double shiftedLam = 0.0;
    shiftedLamV = [0.0 for i in range(numLams)]
    #//double[] shiftedLamV = new double[numFine];
    vRad = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numPhi) ] for j in range(numThetas) ]
    #//For each (theta, phi) tile, compute the contributions to radial velocity
    #// from rotational broadening and macoturbulent broadening:
    #//test omegaSini = 0.0; //test
    for it in range(numThetas):
        #//theta = Math.acos(cosTheta[1][it]);
        #//opposite = radius * Math.sin(theta);
        #// Faster??
        sinTheta = math.sqrt( 1.0 - (cosTheta[1][it]*cosTheta[1][it]) )
        opposite = radius * sinTheta
        for ip in range(numPhi):

            #// x-position of each (theta, phi) point:
            #////theta = Math.acos(cosTheta[1][it]);
            #////opposite = radius * Math.sin(theta);
            #//sinTheta = Math.sqrt( 1.0 - (cosTheta[1][it]*cosTheta[1][it]) );
            #//opposite = radius * sinTheta;
            x = opposite * math.cos(phi[ip])
            vRad[it][ip] = x * omegaSini #// should be in cm/s
            #//System.out.println("it " + it + " cosTheta[1][it] " + cosTheta[1][it] + " ip " + ip + " phi[ip] " + (phi[ip]/2.0/Math.PI) + " x/R " + (x/radius) + " vRad " + (vRad[it][ip]/1.0e5));

            #//For macroturbulent broadening, we need to transform uniformly
            #//generated random numbers on [0, 1] to a Gaussian distribution
            #// with a mean of 0.0 and a sigma of 1.0
            #//Use the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation
            #// http://www.design.caltech.edu/erik/Misc/Gaussian.html
            #// Everett (Skip) Carter, Taygeta Scientific Inc.

            #//initialization that guarantees at least one cycle of the while loop
            ww = 2.0;

            #//cycle through pairs of uniform random numbers until we get a
            #//ww value that is less than unity
            while (ww >= 1.0):
                #// range [0, 1]
                uRnd1 = random.random()
                uRnd2 = random.random()
                #// range [-1, 1]
                uRnd1 = (2.0 * uRnd1) - 1.0
                uRnd2 = (2.0 * uRnd2) - 1.0
                ww = (uRnd1 * uRnd1) + (uRnd2 * uRnd2)
            #// We have a valid ww value - transform the uniform random numbers
            #// to Gaussian random numbers with sigma = macroturbulent velocity broadening
            arg = (-2.0 * math.log(ww)) / ww
            gRnd1 = macroV * arg * uRnd1
            #//gRnd2 = macroV * arg * uRnd2; //not needed?

            #//console.log("gRnd1 " + gRnd1)
            vRad[it][ip] = vRad[it][ip] + gRnd1 #// should be in cm/s

        #} //ip loop - phi
    #} //it loop - theta

    flx = [0.0 for i in range(numLams)]
    #//double[] newFlx = new double[numFine];
    #//Inititalize flux acumulator:
    for il in range(numLams):
    #//for (int il = 0; il < numFine; il++){
        flx[il] = 0.0
      #//newFlx[il] = 0.0;
    for it in range(numThetas):

        #//flx = flx + ( intens[it] * cosTheta[1][it] * cosTheta[0][it] ); //axi-symmetric version
        #//non-axi-symmetric version:
        thisThetFctr = cosTheta[1][it] * cosTheta[0][it]
        #//console.log("it " + it + " cosTheta[1] " + cosTheta[1][it] + " cosTheta[0] " + cosTheta[0][it]);
        #//console.log("thisThetFctr " + thisThetFctr);
        for il in range(numLams):
            #//for (int il = 0; il < numFine; il++){
            intensLam[il] = intens[il][it]
            #//intensLam[il] = newIntens[il][it];
        for ip in range(numPhi):
            for il in range(numLams):
                #//for (int il = 0; il < numFine; il++){
                #//delLam = lambdas[il] * vRad[it][ip] / Useful.c;
                #//shiftedLamV[il] = lambdas[il] + delLam;
                shiftedLamV[il] = lambdas[il] * ( (vRad[it][ip]/Useful.c()) + 1.0 )
                #//delLam = newLambda[il] * vRad[it][ip] / Useful.c;
                #//shiftedLamV[il] = newLambda[il] + delLam;
                #//shiftedLamV[il] = shiftedLam;
                #//if (il == 1){
                #//System.out.println("it " + it + " cosTheta[1][it] " + cosTheta[1][it] + " ip " + ip + " phi[ip] " + (phi[ip]/2.0/Math.PI) + " vRad[it][ip] " + (vRad[it][ip]/1.0e5));
                #//  System.out.println("it " + it + " ip " + ip + " il " + il + " delLam " + delLam + " shiftedLamV " + shiftedLamV[il] + " intensLam[il] " + intensLam[il]);
            #//for (int il = 0; il < numLams; il++){
            #//   intensLam[il] = intens[il][it];
            #thisIntens = ToolBox.interpolV(intensLam, shiftedLamV, lambdas);
            thisIntens = numpy.interp(lambdas, shiftedLamV, intensLam)
            #//thisIntens = ToolBox.interpolV(intensLam, shiftedLamV, newLambda);
            #//flx = flx + ( intens[it] * thisThetFctr * delPhi );
            for il in range(numLams):
                #//for (int il = 0; il < numFine; il++){
                flx[il] = flx[il] + ( thisIntens[il] * thisThetFctr * delPhi )
                #//newFlx[il] = newFlx[il] + ( thisIntens[il] * thisThetFctr * delPhi )
                #//console.log("il " + il + " thisIntens " + thisIntens[il] + " flx " + flx[il]);
        #} //ip - phi loop
    #}  // it - theta loop

    #//flx = ToolBox.interpolV(newFlx, newLambda, lambdas);

    #//fluxSurfSpec[0] = 2.0 * Math.PI * flx; //axi-symmetric version
    for il in range(numLams):
        fluxSurfSpec[0][il] = flx[il] #// non-axi-symmetric version
        fluxSurfSpec[1][il] = math.log(fluxSurfSpec[0][il])

    return fluxSurfSpec
def opacFe1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Fe I.

    #//System.out.println("opacFe1 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aFe1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aFe1[i] = 0.0

    waveno = 1.0 / lambda2  #//cm^-1??
    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2

    #//      include 'Atmos.com'
    #//      include 'Kappa.com'
    #      //real*8 bolt(48,100), gg(48), ee(48), wno(48), xsect(48)

    #// double[] gg = new double[48];
    bolt = [[0.0 for i in range(100)] for j in range(48)]
    xsect = [0.0 for i in range(48)]
    gg = [25.0, 35.0, 21.0, 15.0, 9.0,  35.0, 33.0, 21.0, 27.0, 49.0, 9.0,  21.0, 27.0, 9.0,  9.0, \
      25.0, 33.0, 15.0, 35.0, 3.0,   5.0, 11.0, 15.0, 13.0, 15.0, 9.0,  21.0, 15.0, 21.0, 25.0, 35.0, \
      9.0,  5.0,  45.0, 27.0, 21.0, 15.0, 21.0, 15.0, 25.0, 21.0, 35.0, 5.0,  15.0, 45.0, 35.0, 55.0, 25.0]
    #// double[] ee = new double[48];
    ee = [
        500.0, 7500.0, 12500.0, 17500.0, 19000.0, 19500.0, 19500.0, 21000.0,
        22000.0, 23000.0, 23000.0, 24000.0, 24000.0, 24500.0, 24500.0, 26000.0,
        26500.0, 26500.0, 27000.0, 27500.0, 28500.0, 29000.0, 29500.0, 29500.0,
        29500.0, 30000.0, 31500.0, 31500.0, 33500.0, 33500.0, 34000.0, 34500.0,
        34500.0, 35000.0, 35500.0, 37000.0, 37000.0, 37000.0, 38500.0, 40000.0,
        40000.0, 41000.0, 41000.0, 43000.0, 43000.0, 43000.0, 43000.0, 44000.0

    #// double[] wno = new double[48];
    wno = [
        63500.0, 58500.0, 53500.0, 59500.0, 45000.0, 44500.0, 44500.0, 43000.0,
        58000.0, 41000.0, 54000.0, 40000.0, 40000.0, 57500.0, 55500.0, 38000.0,
        57500.0, 57500.0, 37000.0, 54500.0, 53500.0, 55000.0, 34500.0, 34500.0,
        34500.0, 34000.0, 32500.0, 32500.0, 32500.0, 32500.0, 32000.0, 29500.0,
        29500.0, 31000.0, 30500.0, 29000.0, 27000.0, 54000.0, 27500.0, 24000.0,
        47000.0, 23000.0, 44000.0, 42000.0, 42000.0, 21000.0, 42000.0, 42000.0

    #//data freq1, modcount/0., 0/
    freq1 = 0.0

    #double hkt;

    #//c  set up some data upon first entrance with a new model atmosphere
    #//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
    #//         modcount = modelnum
    for i in range(numDeps):
        hkt = 6.6256e-27 / (1.38054e-16 * temp[0][i])
        #//do k=1,48
        for k in range(48):
            bolt[k][i] = gg[k] * math.exp(-ee[k] * Useful.c() * hkt)

#//      endif

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
#//c  the absorption begins at 4762 A.
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq
    #//waveno = freq/2.99792458d10
    #//if (waveno .ge. 21000.) then
    if (waveno >= 21000.0):
        #//do k=1,48
        for k in range(48):
            xsect[k] = 0.0
            #//if (wno(k) .lt. waveno){
            if (wno[k] < waveno):
                xsect[k] = 3.0e-18 / (1.0 + math.pow(
                    ((wno[k] + 3000.0 - waveno) / wno[k] / 0.1), 4))

#//      endif

#      //do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        #//aFe1 seems to be cumulative.  Moog does not seem to have this reset for each depth, but my aFe is blowing up, so let's try it...
        aFe1[i] = 0.0  #//reset accumulator each depth- ???
        #//if (waveno .ge. 21000.) then
        if (waveno >= 21000.0):
            #//do k=1,48
            for k in range(48):
                    i] = 0.0  #//reset accumulator each 'k' - ??? (like removing aFe1 term in expression below...
                sigma = aFe1[i] + xsect[k] * bolt[k][i]
                aFe1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
                #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aFe1 " + aFe1[i]);

    return aFe1
def opacSi2(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Si II.

    #//System.out.println("opacSi2 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aSi2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aSi2[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2
    freqlg = math.log(freq)  #//base e?

    #int thelp, nn;
    #double dd, dd1;

    #//      include 'Atmos.com'
    #//      include 'Kappa.com'
    xx = [0.0 for i in range(6)]
    dt = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    nt = [0 for i in range(100)]
    #/double peach = new double[6][14];
    #//c        10000
    peach0 = [
        -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -54.2389, -50.4108, -52.0936, -51.9548,
        -54.2407, -52.7355, -53.5387, -53.2417, -53.5097, -54.0561, -53.8469
    #//c        12000
    peach1 = [
        -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -52.2906, -48.4892, -50.0741, -49.9371,
        -51.7319, -50.2218, -50.9189, -50.6234, -50.8535, -51.2365, -51.0256
    #//c        14000
    peach2 = [
        -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -50.8799, -47.1090, -48.5999, -48.4647,
        -49.9178, -48.4059, -49.0200, -48.7252, -48.9263, -49.1980, -48.9860
    #//c        16000
    peach3 = [
        -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -49.8033, -46.0672, -47.4676, -47.3340,
        -48.5395, -47.0267, -47.5750, -47.2810, -47.4586, -47.6497, -47.4368
    #//c        18000
    peach4 = [
        -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -48.9485, -45.2510, -46.5649, -46.4333,
        -47.4529, -45.9402, -46.4341, -46.1410, -46.2994, -46.4302, -46.2162
    #//c        20000
    peach5 = [
        -43.8941, -42.2444, -40.6054, -48.2490, -44.5933, -45.8246, -45.6947,
        -46.5709, -45.0592, -45.5082, -45.2153, -45.3581, -45.4414, -45.2266

    peach = [peach0, peach1, peach2, peach3, peach4, peach5]

    #//double[] freqSi = new double[7];
    freqSi = [ 4.9965417e15, 3.9466738e15, 1.5736321e15,  \
                  1.5171539e15, 9.2378947e14, 8.3825004e14,  \
    #//c     2P, 2D, 2P, 2D, 2P
    #      //double[] flog = new double[9];
    flog = [ 36.32984, 36.14752, 35.91165, 34.99216, 34.95561,  \
                34.45951, 34.36234, 34.27572, 34.20161 ]
    #//double[] tlg = new double[6];
    tlg = [9.21034, 9.39266, 9.54681, 9.68034, 9.79813, 9.90349]
    freq1 = 0.0
    # // modcount/0/

    #//c  set up some data upon first entrance with a new model atmosphere
    #//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
    #//         modcount = modelnum
    for i in range(numDeps):
        thelp = int(math.floor(temp[0][i] / 2000.0)) - 4
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = Math.max( Math.min(5, thelp-4), 1 );
        nn = max(min(5, thelp), 1) - 1
        nt[i] = nn
        dt[i] = (temp[1][i] - tlg[nn]) / (tlg[nn + 1] - tlg[nn])

#//      endif

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq
    #//         do n=1,7
    #//            if (freq .gt. freqSi(n)) go to 23
    #//         enddo
    #//         n = 8
    #        //n = 0;
    #         //while ( (freq <= freqSi[n]) && (n < 6) ) {
    #         //   n++;
    #        // }
    nn = 0
    for n in range(7):
        if (freq > freqSi[n]):

        nn += 1

    if (freq <= freqSi[6]):
        nn = 7

    dd = (freqlg - flog[nn]) / (flog[nn + 1] - flog[nn])
    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n > 2){
    if (nn > 1):
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = 2*n - 2;
        nn = 2 * nn - 2  #// - 1; //n already adjusted by this point?

    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n == 14){
    if (nn == 13):
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = 13;
        nn = 12

    dd1 = 1.0 - dd
    for it in range(6):
        xx[it] = peach[it][nn + 1] * dd + peach[it][nn] * dd1

#//      endif

    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (freq >= 7.6869872e14):
            nn = nt[i]
            sigma = (6.0 * math.exp(xx[nn] *
                                    (1.0 - dt[i]) + xx[nn + 1] * dt[i]))
            aSi2[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aSi2 " + aSi2[i]);

    return aSi2
def opacSi1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Si I.  

    #//System.out.println("opacSi1 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aSi1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aSi1[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2
    freqlg = math.log(freq)  #//base e?

    #//    include 'Atmos.com'
    #//    include 'Kappa.com'
    xx = [0.0 for i in range(9)]
    dt = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    nt = [0 for i in range(100)]
    #//      save
    #//c       4000
    peach0 = [
        38.136, 37.834, 37.898, 40.737, 40.581, 45.521, 45.520, 55.068, 53.868,
        54.133, 54.051, 54.442, 54.320, 55.691, 55.661, 55.973, 55.922, 56.828,
    #//c       5000
    peach1 = [
        38.138, 37.839, 37.898, 40.319, 40.164, 44.456, 44.455, 51.783, 50.369,
        50.597, 50.514, 50.854, 50.722, 51.965, 51.933, 52.193, 52.141, 52.821,
    #//c       6000
    peach2 = [
        38.140, 37.843, 37.897, 40.047, 39.893, 43.753, 43.752, 49.553, 48.031,
        48.233, 48.150, 48.455, 48.313, 49.444, 49.412, 49.630, 49.577, 50.110,
    #//c       7000
    peach3 = [
        38.141, 37.847, 37.897, 39.855, 39.702, 43.254, 43.251, 47.942, 46.355,
        46.539, 46.454, 46.733, 46.583, 47.615, 47.582, 47.769, 47.715, 48.146,
    #//c       8000
    peach4 = [
        38.143, 37.850, 37.897, 39.714, 39.561, 42.878, 42.871, 46.723, 45.092,
        45.261, 45.176, 45.433, 45.277, 46.221, 46.188, 46.349, 46.295, 46.654,
    #//c       9000
    peach5 = [
        38.144, 37.853, 37.896, 39.604, 39.452, 42.580, 42.569, 45.768, 44.104,
        44.262, 44.175, 44.415, 44.251, 45.119, 45.085, 45.226, 45.172, 45.477,
    #//c       10000
    peach6 = [
        38.144, 37.855, 37.895, 39.517, 39.366, 42.332, 42.315, 44.997, 43.308,
        43.456, 43.368, 43.592, 43.423, 44.223, 44.189, 44.314, 44.259, 44.522,
    #//c       11000
    peach7 = [
        38.145, 37.857, 37.895, 39.445, 39.295, 42.119, 42.094, 44.360, 42.652,
        42.790, 42.702, 42.912, 42.738, 43.478, 43.445, 43.555, 43.500, 43.730,
    #//c       12000
    peach8 = [
        38.145, 37.858, 37.894, 39.385, 39.235, 41.930, 41.896, 43.823, 42.100,
        42.230, 42.141, 42.340, 42.160, 42.848, 42.813, 42.913, 42.858, 43.061,
    #//      real*8 peach(9,19)
    #      //double[][] peach = new double[9][19];
    peach = [
        peach0, peach1, peach2, peach3, peach4, peach5, peach6, peach7, peach8

    #//c     3P, 1D, 1S, 1D, 3D, 3F, 1D, 3P
    freqSi = [ 2.1413750e15, 1.9723165e15, 1.7879689e15,   \
                  1.5152920e15, 5.5723927e14, 5.3295914e14,  \
                   4.7886458e14, 4.7216422e14, 4.6185133e14 ]
    #//double[] flog = new double[11];
    flog = [ 35.45438, 35.30022, 35.21799, 35.11986, 34.95438,  \
                33.95402, 33.90947, 33.80244, 33.78835, 33.76626,  \
                33.70518 ]
    #//double[] tlg = new double[9];
    tlg = [ 8.29405, 8.51719, 8.69951, 8.85367, 8.98720, 9.10498, \
               9.21034, 9.30565, 9.39266 ]
    freq1 = 0.0
    #//, modcount/0/

    #   int thelp, nn;
    #   double dd, dd1;
    #//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
    #//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
    #//         modcount = modelnum
    #         //do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        thelp = int(math.floor(temp[0][i] / 1000.0)) - 3
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = Math.max( Math.min(8, thelp-3), 1 );
        nn = max(min(8, thelp), 1) - 1
        nt[i] = nn
        dt[i] = (temp[1][i] - tlg[nn]) / (tlg[nn + 1] - tlg[nn])

#//      endif

#//  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency
#//if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq
    #//         do n=1,9
    #//            if (freq .gt. freqSi(n)) go to 23
    #//         enddo
    #//         n = 9;
    #        // n = 0;
    #        // while ( (freq <= freqSi[n]) && (n < 8) ) {
    #       //    n++;
    #        // }
    nn = 0
    for n in range(9):
        if (freq > freqSi[n]):
        nn += 1

    if (freq <= freqSi[8]):
        nn = 9

    dd = (freqlg - flog[nn]) / (flog[nn + 1] - flog[nn])
    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n > 2) {
    if (nn > 1):
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        nn = 2 * nn - 2
        #// - 1 #// n already adjusted by this point?

    dd1 = 1.0 - dd
    for it in range(9):
        xx[it] = peach[it][nn + 1] * dd + peach[it][nn] * dd1


    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            nn = nt[i]
            sigma = (9.0 * math.exp(-(xx[nn] *
                                      (1. - dt[i]) + xx[nn + 1] * dt[i])))
            aSi1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aSi1 " + aSi1[i]);

    return aSi1
def opacMg2(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Mg II.  

    #//System.out.println("opacMg2 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aMg2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aMg2[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c / lambda2

    #double logTkev;
    tkev = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #//      include 'Atmos.com'
    #//      include 'Kappa.com'
    c1169 = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    freq1 = 0.0
    x824 = 0.0
    x1169 = 0.0
    #//data modcount/0/

    #//  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
    #//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
    #//         modcount = modelnum
    for i in range(numDeps):
        logTkev = temp[1][i] + Useful.logK() - Useful.logEv()
        tkev[i] = math.exp(logTkev)

    #//do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        c1169[i] = 6.0 * math.exp(-4.43e+0 / tkev[i])

#//      endif

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
#//c  there are two edges, one at 824 A and the other at 1169 A
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
#freq1 = freq;
    if (freq >= 3.635492e15):
        x824 = seaton(3.635492e15, 1.40e-19, 4.0e0, 6.7e0, freq)
        x824 = 1.0e-99

    if (freq >= 2.564306e15):
        x1169 = 5.11e-19 * math.pow((2.564306e15 / freq), 3.0)
        x1169 = 1.0e-99

#//      endif

    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (x1169 >= 1.0e-90):
            sigma = (x824 * 2.0 + x1169 * c1169[i])
            aMg2[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aMg2 " + aMg2[i]);

    return aMg2
def convec(numDeps, tauRos, depths, temp, press, rho, kappa, kappaSun, zScale,
           teff, logg, mmw):

    logE = math.log10(math.E)  #// for debug output
    ln10 = math.log(10.0)  #//needed to convert logg from base 10 to base e

    convTemp = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2)]

    #//Schwarzschild criterion for convective instability:
    gamma = 5.0 / 3.0  #//adiabatic gamma for ideal monatomic gas - the photon gas is negligible in stars w convection
    gammaFac = gamma / (
        gamma - 1.0
    )  #// yeah, yeah - I know it's 2.5, but let's show where it comes from for the record...
    invGamFac = 1.0 / gammaFac
    #//CHEAT: Set gammaThing to value that makes convection just disappear at bottom of mid-F star (7000 K)
    #//double gammaThing = 1.60;
    #//double invGamThing = 1.0 / gammaThing;
    #double invGamThing;
    #//System.out.println("gammaThing " + gammaThing);

    #double deltaP, deltaT; //, dlnPdlnT;
    #double dlnTdlnP, dlnMudlnP, deltaMu;

    #double Hp, logHp;

    #//double HpSun = 1.2535465715411615E7;  //cm, as computed by GrayStar at depth index=36
    HpSun = 2.0e7  #//cm, approximately as computed by GrayStar at depth index=36
    logHpSun = math.log(HpSun)

    #//Compute the presure scale height as a reality check:
    HpRefDep = 36  #//index of reference depth for computing pressure scale height
    logHp = press[1][HpRefDep] - rho[1][HpRefDep] - ln10 * logg
    Hp = math.exp(logHp)

    #//Try scaling gamma to "fix" the convective boundary
    #//invGamThing = invGamFac * HpSun/Hp;

    #//System.out.println("Hp/HpSun " + Hp/HpSun);

    #//double[] mmw = State.mmwFn(numDeps, temp, zScale);

    #//Search outward for top of convection zone
    isStable = False
    iBound = numDeps - 1  #//initialize index of depth where convection begins to bottom of atmosphere
    for i in range(numDeps - 2, 0, -1):

        #//System.out.println("Hp " + Hp);
        #//1st order finite difference - erratic?
        #//double deltaP = press[1][i] - press[1][i-1];
        #//double deltaT = temp[1][i] - temp[1][i-1];
        #//Try "2nd order" finite difference - non-uniform spacing in deltaT
        deltaP = press[1][i + 1] - press[1][i - 1]
        deltaT = temp[1][i + 1] - temp[1][i - 1]
        deltaMu = (mmw[i + 1] - mmw[i]) * Useful.amu
        #//dlnPdlnT = deltaP / deltaT;
        dlnTdlnP = deltaT / deltaP
        dlnMudlnP = deltaMu / deltaP
        #//System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f%n", logE * tauRos[1][i], dlnPlndT);
        #// This can be finicky - let's say we have not found the radiative zone unless two consecutive layers meet the criterion
        #//if (dlnPdlnT > gammaThing) {
        if (dlnTdlnP < invGamFac + dlnMudlnP):

            #//Convectively stable
            if (isStable == False):
                #//The previous convectively unstable layer was an isolated anomoly - we're have NOT found the zone!  Reset:
                isStable = true
                iBound = i
                #//System.out.println("First stable layer was found, tauRos " + logE * tauRos[1][i] + " NOW: isStable " + isStable);

    #//System.out.println("Convec: iBound " + iBound);

    #//Radiative zone - leave temperatures alone:
    for i in range(iBound):
        convTemp[0][i] = temp[0][i]
        convTemp[1][i] = temp[1][i]

    baseTemp = temp[0][iBound]
    baseLogTemp = temp[1][iBound]
    baseTau = tauRos[0][iBound]
    baseLogTau = tauRos[1][iBound]
    #//double baseDepth = depths[iBound]

    logSigma = Useful.logSigma()
    logK = Useful.logK()
    logAmu = Useful.logAmu()

    mixLSun = 1.0  #// convective mixing length in pressure scale heights (H_P)

    betaSun = 0.5  #// factor for square of  convective bubble velocity (range: 0.0 - 1.0)

    #double Cp, logCp;  //Specific heat capacity at constant pressure
    mixL = mixLSun  #//initialization
    beta = betaSun  #//initialization
    teffSun = 5778.0
    loggSun = 4.44

    #//Shameless fix:
    #//It seems mixL and beta need to be temp and press dependent:
    if (teff < teffSun):
        mixL = mixLSun * math.pow(
            teff / teffSun,
            4.0)  #//lower teff -> smaller mixL -> steeper SAdGrad
        beta = betaSun * math.pow(
            teff / teffSun,
            4.0)  #//lower teff -> smaller beta -> steeper SAdGrad

    mixL = mixL * math.pow(
        loggSun / logg, 2.0)  #// lower logg -> larger mixL -> smaller sAdGrad
    beta = beta * math.pow(
        loggSun / logg, 2.0)  #// lower logg -> larger beta -> smaller sAdGrad
        //Shameless fix:
        beta = betaSun;  // no fix?
        mixL = mixLSun * Math.pow(Hp / HpSun, 4.0);  //lower teff -> smaller Hp -> smaller mixL -> steeper SAdGrad
        //mixL = mixL * Math.pow(logg / loggSun, 4.0); // lower logg -> smaller mixL -> larger sAdGrad
    logMixL = math.log(mixL)
    logBeta = math.log(beta)

    logFluxSurfBol = logSigma + 4.0 * math.log(teff)

    #// This will get hairy when we take it super-adiabatic so let's take it *really* easy and make every factor and term clear:
    logInvGamFac = math.log(invGamFac)

    #//Get the mean molecular weight in amu from State - Row 0 is "mu" in amu:
    #double mu, logMu, logFctr1, logFctr2, logFctr3;
    #double nextTemp, lastTemp, nextTemp2;

    #//Adiabatic dT/dx gradients in various coordinates
    #//tau, logTau space
    #double logAdGradTauMag, logAdGradLogTauMag, adGradLogTau;
    #//SuperAdiabatic dT/dx gradients in various coordinates
    #double deltaTau, logDeltaTau, deltaLogTau, logDeltaLogTau;
    #double sAdGradLogTau, logSadGradR, logSadGradTau, logSadGradLogTau;
    #double lastLogTau;

    #//r space:
    #double logAdGradRMag, adGradR;

    #//SuperAdiabatic dT/dx gradients in various coordinates
    #double deltaR, logDeltaR;
    #     double sAdGradR;
    #     double lastDepth;
    #     */

    lastTemp = baseTemp
    lastLogTau = baseLogTau
    #//lastDepth = baseDepth;

    #//        "tauRos[1][i]   (tauRos[1][i]-lastLogTau)   adGradLogTau   rho[1][i]   kappa[1][i]   lastTemp   nextTemp");
    for i in range(iBound, numDeps):

        mu = mmw[i]
        logMu = math.log(mu)
        logFctr1 = logMu + logAmu - logK
        #//System.out.println("logFactr1 " + logE*logFctr1 + " logInvGamFac " + logE*logInvGamFac + " logg " + logg);
        logCp = math.log(
            5.0 / 2.0
        ) - logFctr1  #//ideal monatomic gas - underestimate that neglects partial ionization

        #// ** Caution: These are log_e of the *magnitude* of the temperature gradients!
        #//The adiabatic dT/dTau in r space
        logAdGradRMag = logInvGamFac + logFctr1 + ln10 * logg  #//logg is in base 10

        #//This is baaad stuff - remember our tuaRos scale has *nothing* to do with our kappa values!
        #//The adiabatic dT/dTau in tau space - divide dT/dr by rho and kappa and make it +ve becasue we're in tau-space:
        #//Bad fake to fix artificially small dT/dr at low Teff - use kappaSun instead of kappa
        logAdGradTauMag = logAdGradRMag - rho[1][i] - kappa[1][i]
        #//The adiabatic dT/dLnTau in log_e(tau) space
        logAdGradLogTauMag = tauRos[1][i] + logAdGradTauMag

        #//Build the T(tau) in the convection zone:
        #// Work in logTau space - numerically safer??
        adGradLogTau = math.exp(
            logAdGradLogTauMag)  #//No minus sign - logTau increases inward...
        nextTemp = lastTemp + adGradLogTau * (tauRos[1][i] - lastLogTau)

        #//System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %7.1f   %7.1f%n", logE * tauRos[1][i], logE * (tauRos[1][i] - lastLogTau), adGradLogTau, logE * rho[1][i], logE * kappa[1][i], lastTemp, nextTemp);
             // Do in geometric depth space
             adGradR = Math.exp(logAdGradRMag); // no minus sign - our depths *increase* inwards (they're NOT heights!)
             nextTemp = lastTemp + adGradR * (depths[i] - lastDepth);  
             //System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %7.1f   %7.1f%n", logE*tauRos[1][i], (depths[i] - lastDepth), adGradR, lastTemp, nextTemp);
        #//Okay - now the difference between the superadiabatic and adiabatic dT/dr:
        logFctr2 = rho[1][i] + logCp + 2.0 * logMixL

        #// ** NOTE ** Should temp in the following line be the *convective* temp of the last depth???
        #// logg is in base 10 - convert to base e
        logFctr3 = 3.0 * (ln10 * logg - math.log(lastTemp)) / 2.0

        #//Difference between SuperAdibatic dT/dr and Adiabtic dT/dr in r-space - Carroll & Ostlie 2nd Ed. p. 328
        #//System.out.println("logFluxSurfBol " + logE * logFluxSurfBol + " logFctr2 " + logE * logFctr2 + " logFctr1 " + logE * logFctr1 + " logFctr3 " + logE * logFctr3 + " logBeta " + logE * logBeta);
        logDeltaR = logFluxSurfBol - logFctr2 + 2.0 * logFctr1 + logFctr3 - 0.5 * logBeta
        logDeltaR = 2.0 * logDeltaR / 3.0  #//DeltaR is above formula to the 2/3 power

        #//This is baaad stuff - remember our tuaRos scale has *nothing* to do with our kappa values!
        #//Bad fake to fix artificially small dT/dr at low Teff - use kappaSun instead of kappa
        logDeltaTau = logDeltaR - rho[1][i] - kappa[1][i]
        logDeltaLogTau = tauRos[1][i] + logDeltaTau
        sAdGradLogTau = adGradLogTau + math.exp(logDeltaLogTau)
        #//System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f%n", logE*tauRos[1][i], logE*logDeltaR, logE*logDeltaTau, logE*logDeltaLogTau);
        nextTemp2 = lastTemp + sAdGradLogTau * (tauRos[1][i] - lastLogTau)
        // Do in geometric depth space
        sAdGradR = adGradR + Math.exp(logDeltaR);
        nextTemp2 = lastTemp + sAdGradR * (depths[i] - lastDepth);
        #// set everything to nextTemp2 for superadibatic dT/dr, and to nexTemp for adiabatic dT/dr
        convTemp[0][i] = nextTemp2
        convTemp[1][i] = math.log(nextTemp2)
        lastTemp = nextTemp2
        lastLogTau = tauRos[1][i]
        #//lastDepth = depths[i]

    return convTemp
def hydroFormalSoln(numDeps, grav, tauRos, kappa, temp, guessPGas):
    """This approach is based on integrating the formal solution of the hydrostaitc equilibrium equation
// on the otical depth (Tau) scale.  Advantage is that it makes better use of the itial guess at
// pgas 
//  Takes in *Gas* pressure, converts tot *total pressure*, then returns *Gas* pressure

    press = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2)]
    logC = Useful.logC()
    logSigma = Useful.logSigma()

    radFac = math.log(4.0) + logSigma - math.log(3.0) - logC

    logEg = math.log(grav)  #//Natural log g!!
    #// no needed if integrating in natural log?? //double logLogE = Math.log(Math.log10(Math.E));
    log1p5 = math.log(1.5)
    logE = math.log10(math.e)

    #//Compute radiation pressure for this temperature structure and add it to Pgas
    #double pT, pRad;
    logPRad = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logPTot = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//  System.out.println("hydroFormalSoln: ");
    for i in range(numDeps):
        logPRad[i] = radFac + 4.0 * temp[1][i]
        pRad = math.exp(logPRad[i])
        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " pRad " + pRad);
        pT = guessPGas[0][i] + pRad
        #//       System.out.println("i " + i + " guessPGas[1] " + logE*guessPGas[1][i]);
        logPTot[i] = math.log(pT)

    #double help, logHelp, logPress;
    #double term, logSum, integ, logInteg, lastInteg;
    #double deltaLogT;

    sum = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #//Upper boundary - inherit from intiial guess:
    #//Carefull here - P at upper boundary can be an underestimate, but it must not be greater than value at next depth in!
    #//  press[1][0] = logPTot[0];
    #//  press[1][0] = guessPGas[1][0];
    #//   press[1][0] = Math.log(1.0e-4); //try same upper boundary as Phoenix
    #//   press[0][0] = Math.exp(press[1][0]);
    press[0][0] = 0.1 * guessPGas[0][0]
    press[1][0] = math.log(press[0][0])
    #//Corresponding value of basic integrated quantity at top of atmosphere:
    logSum = 1.5 * press[1][0] + math.log(0.666667) - logEg
    sum[0] = math.exp(logSum)

    #// Integrate inward on logTau scale

    #// CAUTION; This is not an integral for Delta P, but for P once integral at each tau is exponentiated by 2/3!
    #// Accumulate basic integral to be exponentiated, then construct pressure values later:

    #//Jump start integration with an Euler step:
    deltaLogT = tauRos[1][1] - tauRos[1][0]
    #// log of integrand
    logInteg = tauRos[1][1] + 0.5 * logPTot[1] - kappa[1][1]
    lastInteg = math.exp(logInteg)
    sum[1] = sum[0] + lastInteg * deltaLogT

    #// Continue with extended trapezoid rule:

    for i in range(2, numDeps):

        deltaLogT = tauRos[1][i] - tauRos[1][i - 1]
        logInteg = tauRos[1][i] + 0.5 * logPTot[i] - kappa[1][i]
        integ = math.exp(logInteg)
        term = 0.5 * (integ + lastInteg) * deltaLogT
        sum[i] = sum[i - 1] + term  #//accumulate basic integrated quantity
        lastInteg = integ

    #//System.out.println("hydroFormalSoln: ");
    for i in range(1, numDeps):
        #//Evaluate total pressures from basic integrated quantity at edach depth
        #// our integration variable is the natural log, so I don't think we need the 1/log(e) factor
        logPress = 0.666667 * (log1p5 + logEg + math.log(sum[i]))
        #//Subtract radiation pressure:
        logHelp = logPRad[i] - logPress
        help = math.exp(logHelp)
        # For hot and low g stars: limit Prad to 50% Ptot so we doen't get netaive Pgas and rho values:
        if (help > 0.5):
            help = 0.5

        press[1][i] = logPress + math.log(1.0 - help)
        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " guessPGas[1] " + logE*guessPGas[1][i] + " press[1] " + logE*press[1][i]);
        press[0][i] = math.exp(press[1][i])

    return press  #//*Gas* pressure
def masterMetal(numDeps, numLams, temp, lambdaScale, stagePops):
    """/* Metal b-f opacity routines taken from Moog (moogjul2014/, MOOGJUL2014.tar)
Chris Sneden (Universtiy of Texas at Austin)  and collaborators
//From Moog source file Opacitymetals.f

    #//System.out.println("masterMetal called...");

    #//From Moog source file Opacitymetals.f
    #// From how values such as aC1[] are used in Moog file Opacit.f to compute the total opacity
    #// and then the optical depth scale, I infer that they are extinction coefficients
    #// in cm^-1
    #// There does not seem to be any correction for stimulated emission

    logE = math.log10(math.e)

    masterBF = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(numLams)]

    logUC1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUMg1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUMg2 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUAl1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUSi1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUSi2 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]
    logUFe1 = [0.0 for i in range(5)]

    logStatWC1 = 0.0
    logStatWMg1 = 0.0
    logStatWMg2 = 0.0
    logStatWAl1 = 0.0
    logStatWSi1 = 0.0
    logStatWSi2 = 0.0
    logStatWFe1 = 0.0

    theta = 1.0
    species = ""
    logGroundPopsC1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsMg1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsMg2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsAl1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsSi1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsSi2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logGroundPopsFe1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #// C I: Z=6 --> iZ=5:
    aC1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #// Mg I: Z=12 --> iZ=11:
    aMg1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #// Mg II: Z=12 --> iZ=11:
    aMg2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #// Al I: Z=13 --> iZ=12:
    aAl1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #// Si I: Z=14 --> iZ=13:
    aSi1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #// Si II: Z=14 --> iZ =13:
    aSi2 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #// Fe I: Z=26 --> iZ=25
    aFe1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    species = "CI"
    logUC1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "MgI"
    logUMg1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "MgII"
    logUMg2 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "AlI"
    logUAl1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "SiI"
    logUSi1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "SiII"
    logUSi2 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)
    species = "FeI"
    logUFe1 = PartitionFn.getPartFn2(species)

    #//System.out.println("iD     PpC1     PpMg1      PpMg2     PpAl1     PpSi1     PpSi2     PpFe1");
    for iD in range(numDeps):
        #//neutral stage
        #//Assumes ground state stat weight, g_1, is 1.0
        #theta = 5040.0 / temp[0][iD]
        #// U[0]: theta = 1.0, U[1]: theta = 0.5
        if (theta <= 0.5):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[1]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[1]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[1]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[1]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[1]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[1]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[1]
        elif ( (theta < 1.0) and (theta > 0.5) ):
            logStatWC1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUC1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUC1[1] )
            #//divide by common factor of interpolation interval of 0.5 = (1.0 - 0.5):
            logStatWC1 = 2.0 * logStatWC1 
            logStatWMg1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUMg1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUMg1[1] );
            logStatWMg1 = 2.0 * logStatWMg1; 
            logStatWMg2 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUMg2[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUMg2[1] );
            logStatWMg2 = 2.0 * logStatWMg2; 
            logStatWAl1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUAl1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUAl1[1] );
            logStatWAl1 = 2.0 * logStatWAl1; 
            logStatWSi1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUSi1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUSi1[1] );
            logStatWSi1 = 2.0 * logStatWSi1; 
            logStatWSi2 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUSi2[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUSi2[1] );
            logStatWSi2 = 2.0 * logStatWSi2; 
            logStatWFe1 = ( (theta-0.5) * logUFe1[0] ) + ( (1.0-theta) * logUFe1[1] );
            logStatWFe1 = 2.0 * logStatWFe1; 
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[0]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[0]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[0]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[0]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[0]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[0]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[0]

        #// NEW Interpolation involving temperature for new partition function: lburns
        thisTemp = temp[0][iD]
        if (thisTemp <= 130):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[0]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[0]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[0]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[0]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[0]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[0]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[0]
        elif (thisTemp > 130 and thisTemp <= 500):
            #// Add in interpolation here lburns
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUC1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUMg1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUMg2[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUAl1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUSi1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUSi2[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[1] * (thisTemp - 130)/(500 - 130) \
                + logUFe1[0] * (500 - thisTemp)/(500 - 130)
        elif (thisTemp > 500 and thisTemp <= 3000):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUC1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUMg1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUMg2[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUAl1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUSi1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUSi2[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[2] * (thisTemp - 500)/(3000 - 500) \
                + logUFe1[1] * (3000 - thisTemp)/(3000 - 500)
        elif (thisTemp > 3000 and thisTemp <= 8000):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUC1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUMg1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUMg2[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUAl1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUSi1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUSi2[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[3] * (thisTemp - 3000)/(8000 - 3000) \
                + logUFe1[2] * (8000 - thisTemp)/(8000 - 3000)
        elif (thisTemp > 8000 and thisTemp < 10000):
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUC1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUMg1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUMg2[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUAl1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUSi1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUSi2[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[4] * (thisTemp - 8000)/(10000 - 8000) \
                + logUFe1[3] * (10000 - thisTemp)/(10000 - 8000)
            #// for temperatures greater than or equal to 10000
            logStatWC1 = logUC1[4]
            logStatWMg1 = logUMg1[4]
            logStatWMg2 = logUMg2[4]
            logStatWAl1 = logUAl1[4]
            logStatWSi1 = logUSi1[4]
            logStatWSi2 = logUSi2[4]
            logStatWFe1 = logUFe1[4]

        logGroundPopsC1[iD] = stagePops[5][0][iD] - logStatWC1
        logGroundPopsMg1[iD] = stagePops[11][0][iD] - logStatWMg1
        logGroundPopsMg2[iD] = stagePops[11][1][iD] - logStatWMg2
        logGroundPopsAl1[iD] = stagePops[12][0][iD] - logStatWAl1
        logGroundPopsSi1[iD] = stagePops[13][0][iD] - logStatWSi1
        logGroundPopsSi2[iD] = stagePops[13][1][iD] - logStatWSi2
        logGroundPopsFe1[iD] = stagePops[25][0][iD] - logStatWFe1

        #// if (iD%5 == 1){
        #//     System.out.format("%03d, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f %n",
        #//          iD, logE*(logGroundPopsC1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
        #//              logE*(logGroundPopsMg1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
        #//              logE*(logGroundPopsMg2[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
        #//              logE*(logGroundPopsAl1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
        #//              logE*(logGroundPopsSi1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
        #//              logE*(logGroundPopsSi2[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()),
        #//              logE*(logGroundPopsFe1[iD]+temp[1][iD]+Useful.logK()));
    #id loop// }

    #double waveno;  //cm??
    #double freq, logFreq, kapBF;
    #double stimEmExp, stimEmLogExp, stimEmLogExpHelp, stimEm;

    #//System.out.println("iD    iL    lambda    stimEm    aC1     aMg1     aMg2     aAl1    aSi1    aSi2    aFe1 ");
    for iL in range(numLams):
        #print("iL ", iL)
        for i in range(numDeps):
            aC1[i] = 0.0
            aMg1[i] = 0.0
            aMg2[i] = 0.0
            aAl1[i] = 0.0
            aSi1[i] = 0.0
            aSi2[i] = 0.0
            aFe1[i] = 0.0

        waveno = 1.0 / lambdaScale[iL]  #//cm^-1??
        logFreq = Useful.logC() - math.log(lambdaScale[iL])
        freq = math.exp(logFreq)
        #if (iL%20 == 1):
        #    print("freq ", freq)

        stimEmLogExpHelp = Useful.logH() + logFreq - Useful.logK()

        #//System.out.println("Calling opacC1 from masterMetal...");
        if (freq >= 2.0761e15):
            aC1 = opacC1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsC1)
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            #print("opacMg1 called")
            aMg1 = opacMg1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsMg1)
        if (freq >= 2.564306e15):
            aMg2 = opacMg2(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsMg2)
        if (freq >= 1.443e15):
            aAl1 = opacAl1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsAl1)
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            #print("opacSi1 called")
            aSi1 = opacSi1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsSi1)
        if (freq >= 7.6869872e14):
            aSi2 = opacSi2(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsSi2)
        if (waveno >= 21000.0):
            aFe1 = opacFe1(numDeps, temp, lambdaScale[iL], logGroundPopsFe1)

        for iD in range(numDeps):

            kapBF = 1.0e-99  #minimum safe value
            stimEmLogExp = stimEmLogExpHelp - temp[1][iD]
            stimEmExp = -1.0 * math.exp(stimEmLogExp)
            stimEm = (1.0 - math.exp(stimEmExp)
                      )  #//LTE correction for stimulated emission

            kapBF = kapBF + aC1[iD] + aMg1[iD] + aMg2[iD] + aAl1[iD] + aSi1[
                iD] + aSi2[iD] + aFe1[iD]
            #kapBF = aC1[iD] + aMg2[iD] + aAl1[iD] + aSi2[iD] + aFe1[iD]
            #if ( (iL%20 == 1) and (iD%10 == 1) ):
            #print("iL ", iL, " iD ", iD, " stimEm ", stimEm, " kapBF ", kapBF)
            #    print("aMg1 ", aMg1[iD], " aSi1 ", aSi1[iD])
            masterBF[iL][iD] = math.log(kapBF) + math.log(stimEm)
            #//  if ( (iD%10 == 0) && (iL%10 == 0) ) {
            #//    System.out.format("%03d, %03d, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %21.15f, %n",
            #//       iD, iL, lambdaScale[iL], Math.log10(stimEm), Math.log10(aC1[iD]), Math.log10(aMg1[iD]), Math.log10(aMg2[iD]), Math.log10(aAl1[iD]), Math.log10(aSi1[iD]), Math.log10(aSi2[iD]), Math.log10(aFe1[iD]));
            #//  }

        #} //iD

    #} //iL

    return masterBF
def planck(temp, lambda2):
    """ /**
 * Inputs: lambda: a single scalar wavelength in cm temp: a single scalar
 * temperature in K Returns log of Plank function in logBBlam - B_lambda
 * distribution in pure cgs units: ergs/s/cm^2/ster/cm

    #//int numLams = (int) (( lamSetup[1] - lamSetup[0] ) / lamSetup[2]) + 1; 
    #double logBBlam; //, BBlam;

    #//double c = Useful.c; //linear
    logC = Useful.logC() # //log
    #//double k = Useful.k;  //linear
    logK = Useful.logK()  #//log
    #//double h = Useful.h;  //linear
    logH = Useful.logH()  #//log

    logPreFac = math.log(2.0) + logH + 2.0 * logC  #//log
    logExpFac = logH + logC - logK      #//log
    #//double preFac = 2.0 * h * ( c * c );  //linear
    #//double expFac = ( h / k ) * c;      //linear

    #//System.out.println("logC " + logC + " logK " + logK + " logH " + logH);
    #//System.out.println("logPreFac " + logPreFac + " logExpFac " + logExpFac);
    #//Declare scratch variables:
    #double logLam, logPreLamFac, logExpLamFac, expon, logExpon, eTerm, denom, logDenom;  //log
    #//double preLamFac, expLamFac, expon, denom; //linear

    #//for (int il = 0; il < numLams; il++){
    #//lambda = lambda[il] * 1.0E-7;  // convert nm to cm
    #//lambda = lambda * 1.0E-7;  // convert nm to cm
    logLam = math.log(lambda2) #// Do the call to log for lambda once //log
    #//System.out.println("lambda " + lambda + " logLam " + logLam);

    logPreLamFac = logPreFac - 5.0 * logLam  #//log
    logExpLamFac = logExpFac - logLam    #//log
    #//System.out.println("logPreLamFac " + logPreLamFac + " logExpLamFac " + logExpLamFac);
    #// Be VERY careful about how we divide by lambda^5:
    #//preLamFac = preFac / ( lambda * lambda ); //linear
    #//preLamFac = preLamFac / ( lambda * lambda );  //linear
    #//preLamFac = preLamFac / lambda;   //linear
    #//expLamFac = expFac / lambda;

    #//for (int id = 0; id < numDeps; id++){
    #//logExpon = logExpLamFac - temp[1][id];
    #//This is very subtle and dangerous!
    logExpon = logExpLamFac - math.log(temp)  #// log of hc/kTlambda
    #//System.out.println("temp " + temp + " logTemp " + Math.log(temp));
    expon = math.exp(logExpon)  #// hc/kTlambda
    #//System.out.println("logExpon " + logExpon + " expon " + expon + " denom " + denom);
    #// expon = expLamFac / temp;  //linear
    eTerm = math.exp(expon) #// e^hc/ktlambda
    denom = eTerm - 1.0 #// e^hc/ktlambda - 1
    logDenom = math.log(denom) #// log(e^hc/ktlambda - 1)

    #//BBlam[1][id][il] = logPreLamFac - logDenom;
    #//BBlam[0][id][il] = Math.exp(BBlam[1][id][il]);
    logBBlam = logPreLamFac - logDenom  #//log
    #// Not needed? BBlam = math.exp(logBBlam)  #//log
    #//BBlam = preLamFac / denom;  //linear

    #// } //id loop - depths
    #// } //il loop - lambdas
    return logBBlam;
def opacC1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
#//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to C I.

    #//System.out.println("opacC1 called...");
    #// include 'Atmos.com'
    #// include 'Kappa.com'

    sigma = 0.0
    aC1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aC1[i] = 0.0

    waveno = 1.0 / lambda2  #//cm^-1??
    freq = Useful.c / lambda2

    #double arg;
    c1240 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    c1444 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    freq1 = 0.0
    #double logTkev;
    tkev = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//  int modcount = 0;
    for i in range(numDeps):
        logTkev = temp[1][i] + Useful.logK() - Useful.logEv()
        tkev[i] = math.exp(logTkev)

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
    for i in range(numDeps):
        c1240[i] = 5.0 * math.exp(-1.264 / tkev[i])
        c1444[i] = math.exp(-2.683 / tkev[i])

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
#//c  Luo, D. and Pradhan, A.K. 1989, J.Phys. B, 22, 3377-3395.
#//c  Burke, P.G. and Taylor, K.T. 1979, J. Phys. B, 12, 2971-2984.
#//      if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then

#double aa, bb, eeps;
#freq1 = freq;
    ryd = 109732.298  #//Rydberg constant in cm^-1
    #//waveno = freq/2.99792458d10
    xs0 = 0.0
    xs1 = 0.0
    xd0 = 0.0
    xd1 = 0.0
    xd2 = 0.0
    x1444 = 0.0
    x1240 = 0.0
    x1100 = 0.0
    #//c        P2 3P   1
    if (freq >= 2.7254e15):
        arg = -16.80 - ((waveno - 90777.000) / 3.0 / ryd)
        x1100 = math.pow(10.0, arg) * seaton(2.7254e15, 1.219e-17, 2.0e0,
                                             3.317e0, freq)

#//c        P2 1D   2
    if (freq >= 2.4196e15):
        arg = -16.80 - ((waveno - 80627.760) / 3.0 / ryd)
        xd0 = math.pow(10.0, arg)
        eeps = (waveno - 93917.0) * 2.0 / 9230.0
        aa = 22.0e-18
        bb = 26.0e-18
        xd1 = ((aa * eeps) + bb) / (math.pow(eeps, 2) + 1.0)
        eeps = (waveno - 111130.0) * 2.0 / 2743.0
        aa = -10.5e-18
        bb = 46.0e-18
        xd2 = ((aa * eeps) + bb) / (math.pow(eeps, 2) + 1.0)
        x1240 = xd0 + xd1 + xd2

#//c        P2 1S   3
    if (freq >= 2.0761e15):
        arg = -16.80 - ((waveno - 69172.400) / 3.0 / ryd)
        xs0 = math.pow(10.0, arg)
        eeps = (waveno - 97700.0) * 2.0 / 2743.0
        aa = 68.0e-18
        bb = 118.0e-18
        xs1 = ((aa * eeps) + bb) / (math.pow(eeps, 2) + 1.0)
        x1444 = xs0 + xs1

    #//System.out.println("freq " + freq + " lambda " + lambda);
    for i in range(numDeps):
        if (freq >= 2.0761e15):
            sigma = (x1100 * 9.0 + x1240 * c1240[i] + x1444 * c1444[i])
            aC1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aC1 " + aC1[i]);
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " logPop " + logGroundPops[i] + " aC1 " + aC1[i]);

    return aC1
def opacMg1(numDeps, temp, lambda2, logGroundPops):
//c     This routine computes the bound-free absorption due to Mg I.  

    #//System.out.println("opacMg1 called...");

    sigma = 0.0
    aMg1 = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #//cross-section is zero below threshold, so initialize:
    for i in range(numDeps):
        aMg1[i] = 0.0

    freq = Useful.c() / lambda2
    #//System.out.println("opacMg1: lambda, freq " + lambda + " " + freq);
    freqlg = math.log(freq)  #//base e?

    #//      include 'Atmos.com'
    #//      include 'Kappa.com'
    #//      real*8 flog(9), freqMg(7), peach(7,15), xx(7), tlg(7)
    #//      real*8 dt(100)
    #//      integer nt(100)

    xx = [0.0 for i in range(7)]
    dt = [0.0 for i in range(100)]
    nt = [0 for i in range(100)]

    #//      data peach/
    #      //double[][] peach = new double[7][15];
    #//c         4000 K
    peach0 = [
        -42.474, -41.808, -41.273, -45.583, -44.324, -50.969, -50.633, -53.028,
        -51.785, -52.285, -52.028, -52.384, -52.363, -54.704, -54.359
    #//c          5000 K
    peach1 = [
        -42.350, -41.735, -41.223, -44.008, -42.747, -48.388, -48.026, -49.643,
        -48.352, -48.797, -48.540, -48.876, -48.856, -50.772, -50.349
    #//c          6000 K
    peach2 = [
        -42.109, -41.582, -41.114, -42.957, -41.694, -46.630, -46.220, -47.367,
        -46.050, -46.453, -46.196, -46.513, -46.493, -48.107, -47.643
    #//c         7000 K
    peach3 = [
        -41.795, -41.363, -40.951, -42.205, -40.939, -45.344, -44.859, -45.729,
        -44.393, -44.765, -44.507, -44.806, -44.786, -46.176, -45.685
    #//c         8000 K
    peach4 = [
        -41.467, -41.115, -40.755, -41.639, -40.370, -44.355, -43.803, -44.491,
        -43.140, -43.486, -43.227, -43.509, -43.489, -44.707, -44.198
    #//c         9000 K
    peach5 = [
        -41.159, -40.866, -40.549, -41.198, -39.925, -43.568, -42.957, -43.520,
        -42.157, -42.480, -42.222, -42.488, -42.467, -43.549, -43.027
    #//c        10000 K
    peach6 = [
        -40.883, -40.631, -40.347, -40.841, -39.566, -42.924, -42.264, -42.736,
        -41.363, -41.668, -41.408, -41.660, -41.639, -42.611, -42.418

    peach = [peach0, peach1, peach2, peach3, peach4, peach5, peach6]

    #// double[] freqMg = new double[7];
    freqMg = [ 1.9341452e15, 1.8488510e15, 1.1925797e15,   \
                  7.9804046e14, 4.5772110e14, 4.1440977e14,  \
                  4.1113514e14 ]
    #// double[] flog = new double[9];
    flog = [ 35.23123, 35.19844, 35.15334, 34.71490, 34.31318, \
                33.75728, 33.65788, 33.64994, 33.43947 ]
    #// double[] tlg = new double[7];
    tlg = [ 8.29405, 8.51719, 8.69951, 8.85367, 8.98720, 9.10498, \
               9.21034 ] #//base e?
    freq1 = 0.0

    #int thelp, nn;
    #double dd, dd1;
    #//double log10E = Math.log10(Math.E);

    #//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere
    #//      if (modelnum .ne. modcount) then
    #//         modcount = modelnum
    #     //System.out.println("opacMg1 call, lambda " + lambda);
    for i in range(numDeps):
        thelp = int(math.floor((temp[0][i] / 1000.0))) - 3
        #//System.out.println("i " + i + " temp[0] " + temp[0][i] + " thelp " + thelp);
        #//n = Math.max( Math.min(6, thelp-3), 1 );
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        nn = max(
            min(6, thelp),
            1) - 1  #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        nt[i] = nn
        dt[i] = (temp[1][i] - tlg[nn]) / (tlg[nn + 1] - tlg[nn])  #//base e?
        #//System.out.println(" nn " + nn + " temp[1] " + temp[1][i] + " tlg[nn+1] " + tlg[nn+1] + " tlg[nn] " + tlg[nn] + " dt[i] " + dt[i]);

#//      endif

#//c  initialize some quantities for each new model atmosphere or new frequency;
#//if (modelnum.ne.modcount .or. freq.ne.freq1) then
    freq1 = freq
    #//  do n=1,7
    #//     if (freq .gt. freqMg(n)) go to 23
    #//  enddo
    #//n = 7;
    #//  n = 0;
    #//  while ( (freq <= freqMg[n]) && (n < 6) ) {
    #//     n++;
    #//  }
    nn = 0
    for n in range(7):
        #//System.out.println("freq " + freq + " n " + n + " freqMg[n] " + freqMg[n]);
        if (freq > freqMg[n]):

        nn += 1

    if (freq <= freqMg[6]):
        nn = 7

    #//System.out.println("nn " + nn + " flog[nn+1] " + flog[nn+1] + " flog[nn] " + flog[nn]);
    dd = (freqlg - flog[nn]) / (flog[nn + 1] - flog[nn])
    #//System.out.println("dd " + dd + " freqlg " + freqlg);
    #//if (n .gt. 2) n = 2*n -2
    #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
    #//if (n > 2){
    if (nn > 1):
        #// -1 term to adjust from FORTRAN to Java subscripting
        #//n = 2*n - 2 - 1;
        nn = 2 * nn - 2  #// - 1;

    dd1 = 1.0 - dd
    #//do it=1,7
    #//System.out.println("nn " + nn + " dd1 " + dd1);
    for it in range(7):
        xx[it] = peach[it][nn + 1] * dd + peach[it][nn] * dd1
        #//System.out.println("it " + it + " peach[it][nn+1] " + peach[it][nn+1] + "  peach[it][nn] " +  peach[it][nn] + " xx[it] " + xx[it]);


    #//do i=1,ntau
    for i in range(numDeps):
        #//if (freq .ge. 2.997925d+14) then
        if (freq >= 2.997925e+14):
            nn = nt[i]
            sigma = math.exp((xx[nn] * (1.0e0 - dt[i])) + (xx[nn + 1] * dt[i]))
            aMg1[i] = sigma * math.exp(logGroundPops[i])
            #//System.out.println("i " + i + " sigma " + sigma + " aMg1 " + aMg1[i]);


    return aMg1
import Useful, time

def pell(d):
    p = 1
    k = 1
    x1 = 1
    y = 0
    sd = d**.5

    while k != 1 or y == 0:
        p = k*(p/k+1)-p
        p = p - int((p-sd)/k)*k

        x = (p*x1+d*y) / abs(k)
        y = (p*y+x1) / abs(k)
        k = (p*p-d) / k

        x1 = x

    return x

print max([(pell(d),d) for d in Useful.get_primes(1000)])
print str(time.clock()*1000)+'ms'