def __interpolateParameters__(self, height, latitude, tkcDeep, tkcUpper):
     # Preallocate result array and start looping through all values
     isScalar = not util.isArray(height)
     results = []
     if isScalar:
         results = [0]
         height = [height]
         latitude = [latitude]
         results = np.zeros(height.shape)
     for i in range(0, len(height)):
         # Check where the height is with respect to the interpolation limits
         if height[i] <= tkcDeep[0][-1]:
             results[i] = scp_ip.splev(height[i], tkcDeep)
         elif height[i] >= tkcUpper[0][0]:
             results[i] = scp_ip.bisplev(height[i], latitude[i], tkcUpper)
             # Interpolate between the lower and upper interpolating functions (do
             # so linearly for now)
             low = scp_ip.splev(tkcDeep[0][-1], tkcDeep)
             high = scp_ip.bisplev(tkcUpper[0][0], latitude[i], tkcUpper)
             results[i] = low + (high - low) * (height[i] - tkcDeep[0][-1]) / \
                 (tkcUpper[0][0] - tkcDeep[0][-1])
     if isScalar:
         return results[0]
     return results
def __printSplineCoefficients__(variableName, variable, valuesPerLine=5, baseTab=1):
    if not isinstance(variable, list):
        if not hasattr(variable, "__len__"):
            raise ValueError("Expected variable 'variable' to be a list")
    tabs = ''
    for i in range(0, baseTab):
        tabs += '\t'
    msg = tabs + variableName + " = [ "
    for iVariable in range(0, len(variable)):
        if util.isArray(variable[iVariable]):
            numValues = len(variable[iVariable])
            numComplete = int((numValues - (numValues % valuesPerLine)) / valuesPerLine)
            numRemaining = numValues % valuesPerLine
            if (numRemaining == 0):
                numRemaining = valuesPerLine
                numComplete -= 1
            if iVariable != 0:
                msg += tabs + "[ "
                msg += "[ "
            for iComplete in range(0, numComplete):
                for iSub in range(0, valuesPerLine):
                    msg += str(variable[iVariable][iComplete * valuesPerLine + iSub]) + ", "
                msg += "\n\t" + tabs
            for iRemaining in range(0, numRemaining - 1):
                msg += str(variable[iVariable][numComplete * valuesPerLine + iRemaining]) + ", "
            msg += str(variable[iVariable][numComplete * valuesPerLine + numRemaining - 1]) + " ]"
            msg += tabs + str(variable[iVariable])
        if iVariable != len(variable) - 1:
            msg += ",\n\t"
    msg += " ]"
    def kinematicViscosity(self, height, latitude, solarLongitude):
        density = self.density(height, latitude, solarLongitude)
        temperature = self.temperature(height, latitude, solarLongitude)
        isScalar = not util.isArray(height)

        if isScalar:
            return [
                util.DynViscosity(temperature[0]) / density[2],
                util.DynViscosity(temperature[1]) / density[1],
                util.DynViscosity(temperature[2]) / density[0]

        dynViscosity = [

        density = np.flipud(density)
        return dynViscosity / density
 def __checkAndModifyParameters__(self, height, latitude, solarLongitude, tkc):
     # If any of the variables is an array, convert all the other scalars
     # to a similarly sized array
     arraySize = 0
     if util.isArray(height):
         arraySize = len(height)
     elif util.isArray(latitude):
         arraySize = len(latitude)
     elif util.isArray(solarLongitude):
         arraySize = len(solarLongitude)
     if arraySize != 0:
         if not util.isArray(height):
             height = np.asarray([height] * arraySize)
             height = np.asarray(height)
         if not util.isArray(latitude):
             latitude = np.asarray([latitude] * arraySize)
             latitude = np.asarray(latitude)
         if not util.isArray(solarLongitude):
             solarLongitude = np.asarray([solarLongitude] * arraySize)
             solarLongitude = np.asarray(solarLongitude)
     latitude = abs(latitude)
     if arraySize != 0:
         # Cap latitude values (do not interpolate above or below the
         # known bounds)
         for i in range(0, len(latitude)):
             if latitude[i] < tkc[1][0]:
                 latitude[i] = tkc[1][0]
             elif latitude[i] > tkc[1][-1]:
                 latitude[i] = tkc[1][-1]
         for i in range(0, len(height)):
             if height[i] < 0 or height[i] > tkc[0][-1]:
                 raise ValueError("Height is outside of the interpolation bounds")
         if height < 0 or height > tkc[0][-1]:
             raise ValueError("Height is outside of the interpolation bounds")
     return height, latitude, solarLongitude