def start(self): if self.settings['player1'] == "grid": player1 = GridPlayer() elif self.settings['player1'] == "circle": player1 = CirclePlayer(300) elif self.settings['player1'] == "line": player1 = LinePlayer() else: player1 = RandomPlayer()"Get player 1's points") points1 = player1.get_points(number_of_points=self.settings['number_of_points1'], settings=self.settings) delaunay_triangulation_player1 = Delaunay.computeDelaunay(points1, self.settings['point_loc_method']) voronoi_player1 = Voronoi.computeVoronoi(delaunay_triangulation_player1, self.settings['width'], self.settings['height']) if self.settings['player2'] == "grid": player2 = GridPlayer() elif self.settings['player2'] == "circle": player2 = CirclePlayer(300) elif self.settings['player2'] == "line": player2 = LinePlayer() elif self.settings['player2'] == "longest Delaunay edge": player2 = LongestEdgePlayer(delaunay_triangulation_player1) elif self.settings['player2'] == "largest Voronoi face": player2 = LargestFacePlayer(voronoi_player1) else: player2 = RandomPlayer()"Get player 2's points") points2 = player2.get_points(number_of_points=self.settings['number_of_points2'], settings=self.settings, points=points1) self.points = points1 + points2 shuffle(self.points)"Compute Delaunay triangulation") self.delaunay_triangulation = Delaunay.computeDelaunay(self.points, self.settings['point_loc_method'])"Compute Voronoi diagram") self.voronoi_diagram = Voronoi.computeVoronoi(self.delaunay_triangulation, self.settings['width'], self.settings['height']) self.voronoi_areas = Voronoi.get_area_percentages(self.voronoi_diagram, self.settings['width'], self.settings['height'])
def onClickCalculate(self): if not self.LOCK_FLAG: self.LOCK_FLAG = True pObj = self.w.find_all() points = [] for p in pObj: coord = self.w.coords(p) points.append((coord[0] + self.RADIUS, coord[1] + self.RADIUS)) print(points) vp = Voronoi.Voronoi(points) vp.process() lines = vp.get_output() self.drawLinesOnCanvas(lines) print(lines)
def generate(self, vertcount, mapObject): if mapObject is None: return mesh = bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') = True count = (vertcount / len(mesh.vertices) - 1) if count >= 0: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.subdivide(number_cuts=count) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.context.scene['lastMapObject'] = mapObject else: if bpy.context.scene['lastMapObject'] != mapObject: bpy.context.scene['lastMapObject'] = mapObject voromap = Voronoi.VoronoiMap(512, 512, pointscount=500) image = voromap.toimage() with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".jpg", dir=BASE_PATH) as tmp: name = tmp.close(), "JPEG") bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method='ANGLE_BASED', margin=0.001) tex ="SomeName", 'IMAGE') = "map_mat" mat = bpy.context.object.active_material slot = mat.texture_slots.add() slot.texture = tex mesh.materials.append(mat) try: img = except: print("Cannot load image %s" % name) return tex.image = img
def get_points(self, number_of_points, settings, points): self.color = "red" if points is not None: self.color = "blue" result = [] # Sort existing points by face area print(self.voronoi_diagram) points.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda p: Voronoi.get_area(p, self.voronoi_diagram[p])) for point in points: if len(result) >= number_of_points: break face = [p for p in self.voronoi_diagram[point]] face.sort(key=lambda p: math.atan2(point.y - p[1], point.x - p[0])) # Candidate line that are perpendicular to a Voronoi edge and that go through the Delaunay point candidates = {} for i in range(len(face)): # Voronoi edge e = (face[i], face[(i + 1) % len(face)]) # Find the edge that the perpendicular line through point intersects normal = ((-(e[1][1] - e[0][1]), e[1][0] - e[0][0]), (e[1][1] - e[0][1], -(e[1][0] - e[0][0]))) multiplier = self.get_length( ((0, 0), (settings['width'], settings['height']))) / self.get_length(normal) normal = ((normal[0][0] * multiplier, normal[0][1] * multiplier), (normal[1][0] * multiplier, normal[1][1] * multiplier)) perp_edge = ((point.x, point.y), (point.x + normal[0][0] - normal[1][0], point.x + normal[0][1] - normal[1][1])) for j in range(len(face)): intersect_edge = (face[j], face[(j + 1) % len(face)]) if self.is_intersecting(perp_edge, intersect_edge): break #print("intersect_edge", intersect_edge) #print("e", e) #print("perp_edge", perp_edge) intersect1 = self.get_intersection(e, perp_edge) intersect2 = self.get_intersection(intersect_edge, perp_edge) candidates[e] = (intersect1, intersect2) # Best candidate e = None best_candidate_perp = None best_candidate_length = sys.float_info.max # Find the shortest perpendicular edge for voronoi_edge, perp_edge in candidates.items(): if self.get_length(perp_edge) < best_candidate_length: best_candidate_length = self.get_length(perp_edge) e = voronoi_edge best_candidate_perp = perp_edge # Find the voronoi edges that intersect with the line parallel to best_candidate through point multiplier = self.get_length( ((0, 0), (settings['width'], settings['height']))) / self.get_length(e) # Check both directions from the point result_line1 = ((point.x, point.y), (point.x + multiplier * (e[1][0] - e[0][0]), point.y + multiplier * (e[1][1] - e[0][1]))) result_line2 = ((point.x, point.y), (point.x - multiplier * (e[1][0] - e[0][0]), point.y - multiplier * (e[1][1] - e[0][1]))) for voronoi_edge in candidates: if self.is_intersecting(result_line1, voronoi_edge): intersect_voronoi1 = self.get_intersection( result_line1, voronoi_edge) if self.is_intersecting(result_line2, voronoi_edge): intersect_voronoi2 = self.get_intersection( result_line2, voronoi_edge) best_intersect = intersect_voronoi1 if self.get_length( ((point.x, point.y), intersect_voronoi2)) > self.get_length( ((point.x, point.y), intersect_voronoi1)): best_intersect = intersect_voronoi2 xdiff = best_intersect[0] - point.x ydiff = best_intersect[1] - point.y print("xdiff", xdiff, "ydiff", ydiff) result.append( Point( point.x + .01 * xdiff + uniform(0.0001 * xdiff, 0.001 * xdiff), point.y + .01 * ydiff + uniform(0.0001 * ydiff, 0.001 * ydiff), self.color)) return result
def plot(chain, generation, experiment=None, colour_palette=None, use_rgb=False, spectrum=[0.5, 1.0], show_prototypes=False, label_cells=False, join_contiguous_cells=False, colour_candidates=False, random_seed=False, save_location=False): # Determine experiment number if none supplied if experiment == None: experiment = basics.determine_experiment_number(chain) # Get strings and triangles for this generation strings = basics.getWords(experiment, chain, generation, 's') triangles = basics.getTriangles(experiment, chain, generation, 's') # Pick a colour palette if none has been supplied if colour_palette == None: colour_palette, random_seed = generate_colour_palette(strings, use_rgb, spectrum, random_seed) chain_palette = False else: chain_palette = True if type(colour_candidates) == int: candidate_num = '_' + str(random_seed) else: candidate_num = '' # Organize strings and triangles into categories word_dict = {} triangle_dict = {} for i in range(0, len(strings)): if strings[i] in word_dict.keys(): word_dict[strings[i]].append(i) triangle_dict[strings[i]].append(triangles[i]) else: word_dict[strings[i]] = [i] triangle_dict[strings[i]] = [triangles[i]] # Set up subplot in top left plt.subplots(figsize=(figure_width, figure_width/1.375)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((11,2), (0,0), rowspan=7) # Determine the optimum size for the grid of triangle images / grid of legend labels # (a square number larger than the number of unique strings) for square in [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]: if square >= len(word_dict.keys()): break grid_size = int(np.sqrt(square)) # Rearrange words so that they'll appear in alphabetical order along rows of the legend words = rearrange(word_dict.keys(), grid_size) # Plot MDS coordinates and the Voronoi polygons for word in words: indices = word_dict[word] colour, colour_light = colour_palette[word] X, Y = triangle_coordinates[indices, 0], triangle_coordinates[indices, 1] plt.scatter(X, Y, c=colour_light, label=word, marker='o', s=12, linewidth=0, zorder=0) plt.scatter(X, Y, c=colour, marker='o', s=12, linewidth=0, zorder=2) if join_contiguous_cells == True: regional_polys = Voronoi.join_contiguous_polygons(voronoi_polygons[indices]) for poly in regional_polys: ax1.add_patch(patches.Polygon(poly, facecolor=colour_light, edgecolor='white', linewidth=0.5, zorder=1)) else: for i in indices: ax1.add_patch(patches.Polygon(voronoi_polygons[i], facecolor=colour_light, edgecolor='white', linewidth=0.5, zorder=0)) if label_cells == True: x, y = centroid(voronoi_polygons[i]) ax1.text(x, y, word, {'fontsize':5}, ha='center', va='center') # Set axis style plt.xlim(-1, 1) plt.ylim(-1, 1) plt.xlabel("MDS dimension 1", fontsize=label_font_size) plt.ylabel("MDS dimension 2", fontsize=label_font_size) plt.xticks(fontsize=axis_font_size) plt.yticks(fontsize=axis_font_size) # Set up subplot at bottom for legend ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((11,2), (7,0), colspan=2) plt.axis('off') # Produce the legend handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() ax2.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=[0.45, 0.5], frameon=False, prop={'size':legend_font_size}, ncol=grid_size, scatterpoints=1, handletextpad=0.01, markerscale=2.5) # Tighten plot layout plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0.0) # Determine filename and directory if none has been specified if type(save_location) == bool and save_location == False: save_location = basics.desktop_location if chain_palette == True: filename = save_location + chain + str(generation) + '.svg' else: filename = save_location + chain + str(generation) + '_' + str(random_seed) + '.svg' # Save matplotlib plot as SVG file plt.savefig(filename) plt.close() # Draw the triangle images and splice them into the matplotlib SVG file triangle_code = draw_triangles(triangle_dict, colour_palette, show_prototypes, grid_size) splice_in_triangles(filename, triangle_code) # If multiple colour palette candidates have been requested, run plot() again. if colour_candidates > 1: plot(chain, generation, experiment, None, use_rgb, spectrum, show_prototypes, label_cells, join_contiguous_cells, colour_candidates-1, False, save_location)
n = len(mds_coordinates) mds_distances = [ED(mds_coordinates[i], mds_coordinates[j]) for i in range(n) for j in range(i+1, n)] return np.corrcoef(distances, mds_distances)[0,1] # Calculate stress-1 def stress_1(raw_stress, distances): return np.sqrt(raw_stress / sum(distances ** 2)) # Get dissimilarity ratings and format as square distance matrix triangle_distances = rater_analysis.reliable_distance_array triangle_distance_matrix = distance.squareform(triangle_distances, 'tomatrix') # Run ratings through MDS to get coordinates in 2-dimensional space triangle_mds = MDS(dissimilarity="precomputed", n_components=2, n_init=25, max_iter=2000, random_state=10) triangle_coordinates = triangle_mds.fit_transform(triangle_distance_matrix) # Scale each dimension over the interval [-0.9, 0.9] for a tidy plot for dim in range(0, triangle_coordinates.shape[1]): minimum = triangle_coordinates[:, dim].min() difference = triangle_coordinates[:, dim].max() - minimum triangle_coordinates[:, dim] = (((triangle_coordinates[:, dim] - minimum) / difference) * 1.8) - 0.9 # Compute the Voronoi polygons for these MDS coordinates voronoi_polygons = Voronoi.polygons(triangle_coordinates, [[-1,-1], [-1,1], [1,1], [1,-1]]) # Print MDS goodness-of-fit stats #print('Correspondence: %s' % correspondence_correlation(triangle_distances, triangle_coordinates)) #print('Stress-1: %s' % stress_1(triangle_mds.stress_, triangle_distances))
import random import time import Voronoi as V tab = [] def losowe(n): for i in range(n): x = random.randrange(-100, 100) y = random.randrange(-100, 100) tab.append((x, y)) losowe(100) print(len(tab)) start = time.time() vp = V.Voronoi(tab) vp.process() print(vp.get_output()) end = time.time() print((end - start))