def process_clients(SERVER_RUN, OPList, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA):
    Check each client, if client.cmd_ready == True then there is a line of
    input available via client.get_command().

    for client in CLIENT_LIST:
        if client.active and client.cmd_ready:
            msg = client.get_command()      # the string recieved from the client
            if msg.startswith("'"):
                msg = msg[:1] + " " + msg[1:]
            lmsg = msg.lower()              # an all-lowercase version of the string recieved from the client
            if msg == '':
                cmd = ''                    # cmd is the first word of the string from the client. It represents the command sent by the client, to be processed below
                cmd = lmsg.split()[0]

            args = msg.split()[1:]         # args is everything following the first word, not including the first word(cmd)
            #print "args: " + str(args)

            clientDataID = str(client.addrport())       # location of client's data in CLIENT_DATA
            #prompt = CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].prompt 


            commandSuccess = False
            # Command Definitions

            if CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name == "none" or CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name == '':     # client just logged in and doesn't have a name assigned.  Accept the first input and assign it to the client as it's name.
                CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name = str(msg)
                CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].lastCmd = str(msg)

                path = "data/client/" + CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name + "/" + CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name
                if os.path.isfile(path):
                    client.send("\nWelcome back, %s!\n" %CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name)
                    client.send("Please enter your password.\n")

                    client.send("\nHello, %s!\n" % CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name)
                    client.send("Choose a password.  It can be anything, just be sure to remember it.  If you lose your password, your character is gone forever!\n")

            while CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].authSuccess == False:
                path = "data/client/" + CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name + "/" + CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name
                if os.path.isfile(path):
                    with open(path, 'r') as f:
                        CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password = f.readline()
                        CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password = CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password[:-1]
                    CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password = '******'

                if CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password == ' ':
                    CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(str(msg))
                    # print CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password
                    # print "pwl:" + str(len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password))

                    CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].authSuccess = True

                    # path = "data/client/" + CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name
                        with open(path, 'r') as f:
                            password = f.readline()
                            password = password[:-1]
                        # print password
                        # print "pwl:" + str(len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password))
                        CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].authSuccess = sha256_crypt.verify(str(msg), password)
                        # print authSuccess
                        CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password = password


                if CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].authSuccess == False:
                    if CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].numTries == 2:
                        client.send("Last attempt is final before kick.\n")
                    elif CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].numTries > 2:
                        CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].numTries = 0
                        client.send("Too many failed passwords.  Goodbye.\n")
                        print "-- Disconnected " + str(clientDataID) + " (too many failed pw)"
                        client.active = False

                    client.send("Incorrect password.  Please try again.\n")
                    CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].numTries += 1
                    CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].lastCmd = str(msg)

            if CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].authSuccess == True and CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].loadFinish == False:
                for cli in CLIENT_DATA:
                    # print CLIENT_DATA[cli].name
                    # print CLIENT_DATA[cli].clientDataID
                    # print CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name
                    # print CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].clientDataID
                    # print "****"
                    if CLIENT_DATA[cli].name == CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name and CLIENT_DATA[cli].clientDataID != CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].clientDataID:
                        CLIENT_DATA[cli].client.send("You have been kicked because your username logged in again.\n")
                        print "-- Kicked " + CLIENT_DATA[cli].clientDataID + " " + CLIENT_DATA[cli].name + " (duplicate login)"
                        kickTimer = World.Timer(Globals.TIMERS, 1, None, actionArgs = [], attachedTo = None, respawns = False)
                        kickTimer.actionFunction = timerActions.kick(CLIENT_DATA[cli].client, kickTimer, Globals.TIMERS)

                print "** " + str(client.addrport()) + " identified as " + str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name)

                # client.send(prompt)
                mortalComponent = World.mortal(hp=100,maxHp=100,pp=10,maxPp=10,level=1,exp=0,money=0,offense=1,defense=1,speed=1,guts=1,luck=1,vitality=1,IQ=1,inventory=[])
                if os.path.isfile('data/client/'+str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name) + '/' + str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name)):
                    #print "cl:" + str(CLIENT_LIST)
                    #CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar = World.Player(description='Just another traveler.', currentRoom = Globals.startingRoom, name=CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name, client=client, clientDataID = clientDataID, kind=mortalComponent)          
                    SysInit.clientDataLoad(client, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA, Globals.TIMERS, mortalComponent)
                    # print 'sp:' + str(Globals.startingRoom.players) + " sr:" + str(Globals.startingRoom.name) + ' ' + str(Globals.startingRoom)
                    # print 'ava:' + str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.name)+ ' asrp:'+ str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.players)
                    # print 'avacr:' + str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom)
                    #print "cl2:" + str(CLIENT_LIST)
                    os.mkdir('data/client/'+str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name) + '/')
                    CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar = World.Player(description='Just another traveler.', currentRoom = Globals.startingRoom, name=CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name, client=client, clientDataID = clientDataID, kind=mortalComponent)
                    # print 'starting;' + str(Globals.startingRoom.players)

                    with  open(path, 'w') as f:
                        f.write(str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password) + '\n')
                        # print CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].password

                player = CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar
                for playerName in OPList:
                    #print str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name)
                    #print str(playerName)
                    if playerName.endswith('\n'):
                        playerName = playerName[:-1]
                    if str(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name) == str(playerName):
                        CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].op = True
                        #print "op true"
                    #print CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].op

                cMove.alert(client, CLIENT_DATA, ("\n^g^!%s appeared.^~\n" %player.name))
                #print Rooms.startingRoom.players
                if CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].gameState == 'normal':
                    cInfo.render_room(client=client, player=CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar, room=CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom, CLIENT_DATA=CLIENT_DATA)
                elif CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].gameState == 'battle':
                    cInfo.battleLook(client=client, args=[], CLIENT_LIST=Globals.CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA=CLIENT_DATA)
                CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].loadFinish = True
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'say':
                ## If the client sends a 'say' command echo it to the room
                cChat.say(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'shout':
                ## If the client sends a 'shout' command echo it to the region
                cChat.shout(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'tell' or cmd == 't':
                cChat.tell(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'chat' or cmd == 'c':
                ## If the client sends a 'chat' command echo it to the chat channel
                cChat.chat(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                CLIENT_DATA[str(client.addrport())].replyTo = None
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == "'":
                if CLIENT_DATA[client.addrport()].replyTo is None:
                    cChat.chat(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                    args.insert(0, CLIENT_DATA[(CLIENT_DATA[client.addrport()].replyTo).addrport()].name)
                    isOnline = cChat.tell(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                    if isOnline == False:
                        CLIENT_DATA[str(client.addrport())].replyTo = None
                    #print CLIENT_DATA[client.addrport()].replyTo
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'channel':
                ## if the client sends a 'channel' command, create a new chat channel
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'who':
                ## display who is online
                cInfo.who(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'title':
                ## set player title to args
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'inventory' or cmd == 'i':
                ## If the client sends an 'inventory' command, display the contents of the client avatar's inventory
                cInfo.inventory(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'use' or cmd == 'u':
                ## Use an item in a player's inventory
                cInteractions.use(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'equip':
                ## Equip a bit of kit
                cInteractions.equip(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'remove':
                ## Remove a bit of kit
                cInteractions.remove(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif cmd == 'status' or cmd == 'st':
                cInfo.status(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)
                commandSuccess = True

            elif CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].op == True:        # OP-only commands.

                if cmd == 'spawn':     # don't spawn anything but top level items for testing, otherwise it breaks things
                    item = args[0]
                    if len(args)>1:
                        active = args[1]
                        #print active
                        if active == 'on':
                            active = True
                        elif active == 'off':
                            active = False
                        # elif active == '':
                        #     active = False
                            client.send("Second argument should be 'on' to turn on object spawning, else 'off' or nothing.\n")
                        if len(args)>2:
                            container = args[2]

                        active = False
                        container = None

                    newObject = cmdSpawnObject(item, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom, active)

                    if container is not None:
                        for item in CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.objects:
                            if item.name == str(container):
                                if hasattr(newObject, 'kind'):
                                    if hasattr(newObject.kind, 'objectSpawner'):
                                        if newObject.kind.objectSpawner is not None:
                                            newObject.kind.objectSpawner.container = item.kind
                                    if newObject.kind is not None:
                                        newObject.kind.spawnContainer = item

                            # elif item.inventory != []:
                            #     for item in item.inventory:
                            #         if item.name == str(container):
                            #             if newObject.kind.objectSpawner:
                            #                 newObject.kind.objectSpawner.container = item
                            #             item.kind.inventory.append(newObject)
                            #             CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.objects.inventory.remove(newObject)
                    commandSuccess = True

                elif cmd == 'shutdown':
                    ## shutdown the server (needs to be protected or removed)
                    print "** Shutdown request received from %s." % CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].name
                    return 'shutdown'
                    commandSuccess = True

            # State-dependant commands

            if CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].gameState == 'normal':
                if cmd in CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits: 
                    ## player used a room exit name as a command, move to room associated with the exit
                    cMove.move(client, cmd, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits)

                elif cmd in ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']:
                    exitList = []
                    for exit in CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits:
                    if len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits) >= int(cmd):
                        cMove.move(client, exitList[int(cmd)-1], args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits)

                        if len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits) == 0:
                            client.send("You don't see any exits!.\n")
                        elif len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits) == 1:
                            client.send("You only see 1 exit.\n")
                            client.send("You only see " + str(len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom.exits)) + " exits.\n")

                elif cmd == 'get':
                    ## pick up an item in the room
                    cInteractions.get(client, args, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, (CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom))

                elif cmd == 'check':
                    cInteractions.check(client, args, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom)

                elif cmd == 'drop':
                    ## drop an item in the room
                    cInteractions.drop(client, args, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, (CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom))

                elif cmd == 'fight' or cmd == 'f':
                    ## start a battle with a mob
                    fighting = cInteractions.startBattle(client, args, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, (CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.currentRoom))
                    if fighting:
                        CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].gameState = 'battle'

                elif cmd == 'look' or cmd == 'l':
                    ## If the client sends a 'look' command, send back the description
                    cInfo.look(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == 'lh':
                    ## alias for 'look harder'
                    cInfo.look(client, ['harder'], CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == 'examine' or cmd == 'ex':
                    ## If the client sends an 'examine' command, send back the long description
                    cInfo.examine(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == 'quit':
                    ## client is disconnecting
                    client.active = False

                elif cmd == '':
                    ## client just send a return ony, with no information at all
                    client.send("\nDid you mean to tell me something?\n\n")

                elif commandSuccess == False:
                    ## command does not exist or is badly formed
                    client.send("\nHuh?  I don't know what '%s' means.\n\n" % msg)

            elif CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].gameState == 'battle':
                if cmd == 'look' or cmd == 'l':
                    cInfo.battleLook(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == 'examine' or cmd == 'ex':
                    cInfo.battleExamine(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == 'lh':
                    cInfo.battleExamine(client, ['lh'], CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == 'flee':
                    cMove.fleeBattle(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == 'bash' or cmd == 'b':
                    battleCommands.bash(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd in CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.battleCommands:
                    if cmd == 'identify':
                        commandFunction = battleCommands.identify

                    commandFunction(client, args, CLIENT_LIST, CLIENT_DATA)

                elif cmd == '':
                    ## client just send a return ony, with no information at all
                    client.send("\nDid you mean to tell me something?\n\n")

                elif commandSuccess == False:
                    ## command does not exist or is badly formed
                    client.send("\nI can't '%s' in a battle.\n\n" % msg)

            elif CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].gameState == 'levelup':
                if cmd == 'a' or cmd == 'A':
                    statRaiser(client, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.lvlchoiceslist[0])

                elif cmd == 'b' or cmd == 'B':
                    statRaiser(client, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.lvlchoiceslist[1])

                elif cmd == 'c' or cmd == 'C':
                    if len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].lvlchoiceslist) > 2:
                        statRaiser(client, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.lvlchoiceslist[2])
                        client.send("C is not an available choice.\n")

                elif cmd == 'd' or cmd == 'D':
                    if len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].lvlchoiceslist) > 3:
                        statRaiser(client, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.lvlchoiceslist[3])
                        client.send("D is not an available choice.\n")

                elif cmd == 'e' or cmd == 'E':
                    if len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].lvlchoiceslist) > 4:
                        statRaiser(client, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.lvlchoiceslist[4])
                        client.send("E is not an available choice.\n")

                elif cmd == 'f' or cmd == 'F':
                    if len(CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].lvlchoiceslist) > 5:
                        statRaiser(client, clientDataID, CLIENT_DATA, CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].avatar.lvlchoiceslist[5])
                        client.send("F is not an available choice.\n")

                    client.send("Please select using one letter from : A,B,C,D,E,F.\n")

            elif cmd == '':
                ## client just send a return ony, with no information at all
                client.send("\nDid you mean to tell me something?\n\n")

            elif commandSuccess == False:
                ## command does not exist or is badly formed
                client.send("\nHuh?  I don't know what '%s' means.\n\n" % msg)

            CLIENT_DATA[clientDataID].lastCmd = str(msg)
def loadMobFromFile(file):
	handles loading a single mob from a given mob definition file into the world
	print file

	if str(file).endswith('~'):
		print '\n'

	path = 'blueprints/mob/' + file
	with open(path, 'r') as f:
		fileData = f.readlines()

	newMob = World.Mob('none', 'none', 'none')
	newMob.mobID = ''

	print fileData

	splitFile = file.split("/")
	mobID = None
	name = 'none'
	species = None
	currentRoom = None
	region = None
	description = ''
	longDescription = ''
	hp = 0
	exp = 0
	inventory = []
	inventorySize = 0
	equipment = {}
	kind = None
	expirator = None
	inventoryItems = []
	currentRoomString = ''
	moveAI = None
	battleAI = None

	newMob.kind = World.mortal(hp=0,maxHp=0,pp=0,maxPp=0,level=0,exp=0,money=0,offense=0,defense=0,speed=0,guts=0,luck=0,vitality=0,IQ=0,inventory=[],inventorySize=0,equipment={})
	newMob.region = splitFile[0]

	for Data in fileData:

		if Data.startswith('mobID='):
			IDstring = Data[6:-1]
			if IDstring != '':
				newMob.mobID = int(IDstring)
		if Data.startswith('name='):
			newMob.name = Data[5:-1]
		if Data.startswith('species='):
			newMob.species = Data[8:-1]

		if Data.startswith('currentRoom='):
			currentRoomString = Data[12:-1]

		if Data.startswith('description='):
			newMob.description = Data[12:-1]

		if Data.startswith('longDescription='):
			newMob.longDescription = Data[16:-1]

		if Data.startswith('speech='):
			newMob.speech = Data[7:-1]

		if Data.startswith('expirator='):
			expirator = Data[10:-1]
			if expirator != '':
				expirator = int(expirator)
		if Data.startswith('moveAI='):
			text = Data[7:-1]
			moveAI = text.split(":")
		if Data.startswith('battleAI='):
			text = Data[9:-1]
			if text == 'basicBash':
				battleAI = aiBattle.basicBash
				battleAI = ''

		if Data.startswith('kind.hp='):
			newMob.kind.hp = int(Data[8:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.maxHp='):
			newMob.kind.maxHp = int(Data[11:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.pp='):
			newMob.kind.pp = int(Data[8:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.maxPp='):
			newMob.kind.maxPp = int(Data[11:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.level='):
			newMob.kind.level = int(Data[11:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.exp='):
			newMob.kind.exp = int(Data[9:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.money='):
			newMob.kind.money = int(Data[11:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.offense='):
			newMob.kind.offense = int(Data[13:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.defense='):
			newMob.kind.defense = int(Data[13:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.speed='):
			newMob.kind.speed = int(Data[11:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.guts='):
			newMob.kind.guts = int(Data[10:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.luck='):
			newMob.kind.luck = int(Data[10:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.vitality='):
			newMob.kind.vitality = int(Data[14:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.IQ='):
			newMob.kind.IQ = int(Data[8:-1])
		if Data.startswith('kind.inventory='):
			invString = Data[15:-1]
			if invString != '':
				#print "invString:" + invString
				invList = invString.split(', ')
				#print 'invList:' + str(invList)
				for item in invList:
					for ob in Globals.fromFileList:
						if item == ob.name:
				inventoryItems = []
		if Data.startswith('kind.inventorySize='):
			newMob.kind.inventorySize = int(Data[19:-1])

	if currentRoomString != '':
		currentRoomCoords = currentRoomString.split(":")
		newMob.currentRoom = Globals.regionListDict[currentRoomCoords[0]][currentRoomCoords[1]]
		# newMob.currentRoom = Globals.regionListDict[newMob.region]['bullpen']
		newMob.currentRoom = None

	if expirator != None and expirator != '':
		expiratorComponent = World.expirator(newMob, expirator)
		newMob.expirator = expiratorComponent

	if moveAI != None and moveAI != []:
		newMoveAI = aiMove.movementAI(newMob, int(moveAI[1]))
		if moveAI[0] == 'basicRandom':
			newMoveAI.Timer.actionFunction = newMoveAI.basicRandom
		elif moveAI[0] == 'introvertRandom':
			newMoveAI.Timer.actionFunction = newMoveAI.introvertRandom
		elif moveAI[0] == 'extrovertRandom':
			newMoveAI.Timer.actionFunction = newMoveAI.extrovertRandom
		elif moveAI[0] == 'doNotMove':
			newMoveAI.Timer.actionFunction = newMoveAI.doNotMove

		newMob.aiMove = newMoveAI

	if battleAI != None:
		newMob.aiBattle = battleAI

	#print 'invItems:' + str(inventoryItems)
	for item in inventoryItems:
		#print 'invitem:' + str(item)
		removed = False
		newItem = Engine.cmdSpawnObject(item, newMob.currentRoom, alert=False, whereFrom='mobinv')
		# for obj in newMob.currentRoom.objects:
		# 	if obj.name == item:
		# 		newMob.currentRoom.objects.remove(obj)
		if newMob.currentRoom is not None:

	if newMob.currentRoom is not None:

	if expirator != None and expirator != '':
		#newMob.expirator.Timer = None
