
from ABE_ExpanderPi import ADC
import time

ABElectronics Expander Pi | ADC Read Demo
Version 1.0 Created 21/08/2014
Version 1.1 16/11/2014 updated code and functions to PEP8 format
run with: python demo-adcread.py

this demo reads the voltage from channel 1 on the ADC inputs

adc = ADC()  # create an instance of the ADC

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

while True:
    # read the voltage from channel 1 in single ended mode and display on the screen
    print adc.read_adc_voltage(1,0)
dac.set_dac_voltage(1, 1.5)  # set the voltage on channel 1 to 1.5V
dac.set_dac_voltage(2, 1.0)  # set the voltage on channel 2 to 1.0V

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

while True:
    # clear the console

    # read the date from the RTC in ISO 8601 format and print it to the screen
    print 'Date: ' + rtc.read_date()
    print ''
    print 'ADC: '
    print 'Channel 1: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(1, 0))
    print 'Channel 2: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(2, 0))
    print 'Channel 3: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(3, 0))
    print 'Channel 4: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(4, 0))
    print 'Channel 5: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(5, 0))
    print 'Channel 6: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(6, 0))
    print 'Channel 7: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(7, 0))
    print 'Channel 8: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(8, 0))
    print ''
    print 'IO: '
    print 'Pin 1: ' + str(io.read_pin(1))
    print 'Pin 2: ' + str(io.read_pin(2))
    print 'Pin 3: ' + str(io.read_pin(3))
    print 'Pin 4: ' + str(io.read_pin(4))
    print 'Pin 5: ' + str(io.read_pin(5))
    print 'Pin 6: ' + str(io.read_pin(6))
dac.set_dac_voltage(1, 1.5)  # set the voltage on channel 1 to 1.5V
dac.set_dac_voltage(2, 1.0)  # set the voltage on channel 2 to 1.0V

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

while True:
    # clear the console

    # read the date from the RTC in ISO 8601 format and print it to the screen
    print('Date: ' + rtc.read_date())
    print('ADC: ')
    print('Channel 1: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(1)))
    print('Channel 2: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(2)))
    print('Channel 3: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(3)))
    print('Channel 4: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(4)))
    print('Channel 5: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(5)))
    print('Channel 6: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(6)))
    print('Channel 7: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(7)))
    print('Channel 8: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(8)))
    print('IO: ')
    print('Pin 1: ' + str(io.read_pin(1)))
    print('Pin 2: ' + str(io.read_pin(2)))
    print('Pin 3: ' + str(io.read_pin(3)))
    print('Pin 4: ' + str(io.read_pin(4)))
    print('Pin 5: ' + str(io.read_pin(5)))
    print('Pin 6: ' + str(io.read_pin(6)))
GPIO.setup(relay, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(red_led, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(green_led, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(switch, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.output(relay, 0)
GPIO.output(red_led, 0)
GPIO.output(green_led, 0)

upload_folder = "./uploads"
allowed_ext = set(["txt", "gcode"])

adc = ADC()
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"] = upload_folder

curr_error = adc.read_adc_voltage(2) - 2.4

def allow_file(filename):
    return "." in filename and filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1] in allowed_ext

@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index():
    if request.method == "POST":
        global pps
        file = request.files["file"]
        if file and allow_file(file.filename):
            filename = "job.gcode"
            file.save(os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], filename))
            pps = 4

from ABE_ExpanderPi import ADC
import time
ABElectronics Expander Pi | ADC Read Demo
Version 1.0 Created 21/08/2014
Version 1.1 16/11/2014 updated code and functions to PEP8 format
Version 1.2 11/06/2017 updated to include changes to Expander Pi library

run with: python3 demo-adcread.py

this demo reads the voltage from channel 1 on the ADC inputs

adc = ADC()  # create an instance of the ADC

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

while True:
    # read the voltage from channel 1 in single ended mode and display on the screen
    print(adc.read_adc_voltage(1, 0))
dac.set_dac_voltage(1, 1.5)  # set the voltage on channel 1 to 1.5V
dac.set_dac_voltage(2, 1.0)  # set the voltage on channel 2 to 1.0V

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

while True:
    # clear the console

    # read the date from the RTC in ISO 8601 format and print it to the screen
    print ('Date: ' + rtc.read_date())
    print ('')
    print ('ADC: ')
    print ('Channel 1: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(1)))
    print ('Channel 2: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(2)))
    print ('Channel 3: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(3)))
    print ('Channel 4: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(4)))
    print ('Channel 5: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(5)))
    print ('Channel 6: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(6)))
    print ('Channel 7: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(7)))
    print ('Channel 8: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(8)))
    print ('')
    print ('IO: ')
    print ('Pin 1: ' + str(io.read_pin(1)))
    print ('Pin 2: ' + str(io.read_pin(2)))
    print ('Pin 3: ' + str(io.read_pin(3)))
    print ('Pin 4: ' + str(io.read_pin(4)))
    print ('Pin 5: ' + str(io.read_pin(5)))
    print ('Pin 6: ' + str(io.read_pin(6)))

from ABE_ExpanderPi import ADC
import time

ABElectronics Expander Pi | ADC Read Demo
Version 1.0 Created 29/03/2015

run with: python3 demo-adcread.py

this demo reads the voltage from channel 1 on the ADC inputs

adc = ADC()  # create an instance of the ADC

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

while True:
    # read the voltage from channel 1 and display on the screen
    print (adc.read_adc_voltage(1))
dac.set_dac_voltage(1, 1.5)  # set the voltage on channel 1 to 1.5V
dac.set_dac_voltage(2, 1.0)  # set the voltage on channel 2 to 1.0V

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

while True:
    # clear the console

    # read the date from the RTC in ISO 8601 format and print it to the screen
    print ('Date: ' + rtc.read_date())
    print ('')
    print ('ADC: ')
    print ('Channel 1: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(1, 0)))
    print ('Channel 2: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(2, 0)))
    print ('Channel 3: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(3, 0)))
    print ('Channel 4: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(4, 0)))
    print ('Channel 5: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(5, 0)))
    print ('Channel 6: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(6, 0)))
    print ('Channel 7: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(7, 0)))
    print ('Channel 8: ' + str(adc.read_adc_voltage(8, 0)))
    print ('')
    print ('IO: ')
    print ('Pin 1: ' + str(io.read_pin(1)))
    print ('Pin 2: ' + str(io.read_pin(2)))
    print ('Pin 3: ' + str(io.read_pin(3)))
    print ('Pin 4: ' + str(io.read_pin(4)))
    print ('Pin 5: ' + str(io.read_pin(5)))
    print ('Pin 6: ' + str(io.read_pin(6)))
Version 1.0 Created 29/03/2015

run with: python3 demo-adcread.py

this demo reads the voltage from all channels on the ADC inputs
def cls():
    os.system('cls' if os.name=='nt' else 'clear')

adc = ADC()  # create an instance of the ADC

# set the reference voltage.  this should be set to the exact voltage
# measured on the Expander Pi Vref pin.

clear = lambda: os.system('cls')

while True:
    # read the voltage from the 8 channels in single ended mode and display on the screen
    print ("Channel 1: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(1, 0))
    print ("Channel 2: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(2, 0))
    print ("Channel 3: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(3, 0))
    print ("Channel 4: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(4, 0))
    print ("Channel 5: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(5, 0))
    print ("Channel 6: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(6, 0))
    print ("Channel 7: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(7, 0))
    print ("Channel 8: ", adc.read_adc_voltage(8, 0))