def createInvCovMat(data, ICM_file=None, TSDT_file=None, C_file=None):
    from AZutilities import similarityMetrics
    import orange

    if data.hasMissingValues():
        averageImputer = orange.ImputerConstructor_average(data)
        data = averageImputer(data)
    training_set = similarityMetrics.getTrainingSet(data)

    # Calculate the Inv Cov Matrix and center
    covarMat = numpy.cov(numpy.asarray(training_set.data_table), rowvar=0)
    inverse_covarMat = numpy.linalg.pinv(covarMat, rcond=1e-10)
    center =  numpy.average(training_set.data_table, 0)

    #Save the respective files
    if ICM_file:
        numpy.save(ICM_file, inverse_covarMat)
    if TSDT_file:
        numpy.save(TSDT_file, training_set.data_table)
    if C_file:
        numpy.save(C_file, center)

    return inverse_covarMat
def createInvCovMat(data, TSDT_file=None, C_file=None, SQRTICM_file = None, MTD_file = None):
        data            - The train data orange table
     Outputs (all in numpy format:  .npy)
        *Not used*  ICM_file        - Path to save the Invertec Covariance Matrix 
        TSDT_file       - Path to save the TrainSet Data Table  
        C_file          - Path to save the Center file 
        SQRTICM_file    - Path to save the Sqrt Inverted Covariance Matrix 
        MTD_file        - Path to save the Mahalanobis Transformed Data 
    from AZutilities import similarityMetrics
    import orange

    if data.hasMissingValues():
        averageImputer = orange.ImputerConstructor_average(data)
        data = averageImputer(data)
    training_set = similarityMetrics.getTrainingSet(data)
    center =  numpy.average(training_set.data_table, 0)

    # BackCompatibility ONLY. TODO: To Remove when mahalanobis is updated
    if SQRTICM_file:
        ICM_file = os.path.join(os.path.split(SQRTICM_file)[0],"invCovMatrix.npy") 
        covarMat = numpy.cov(numpy.asarray(training_set.data_table), rowvar=0)
        inverse_covarMat = numpy.linalg.pinv(covarMat, rcond=1e-10)
        numpy.save(ICM_file, inverse_covarMat)

    if TSDT_file:
        numpy.save(TSDT_file, training_set.data_table)
    if C_file:
        numpy.save(C_file, center)
    # Next call to createMahalanobisData.sh is to be removed when the   sqrtm(CI) is working.
    #Thisis known to be working in python 2.7 - Numpy - scipy
    # not yet solve on module numpy/python2.7-64_1.6.0  (python/64_2.7.1)
    status,out = commands.getstatusoutput("env -i $AZORANGEHOME/azorange/AZutilities/createMahalanobisData.sh "+TSDT_file+" "+C_file+" "+SQRTICM_file+" "+MTD_file)
    if status:
        print "Error running Advanced Files creator: "+str(out)
        return False
        return True
    #Code runned at the momment by createMahalanobisData.sh using another version of python 
    #   (python2.7 locally installed in azorangeLive home directory)
    print "Creating advanced files"
    from scipy.linalg import sqrtm        
    data = numpy.load(TSDT_file)
    center = numpy.load(C_file)

    m = numpy.mean(data,axis=0)
    data -= center
    print " Covariance matrix..."
    C = numpy.cov(numpy.transpose(data))
    print "Inverse Covariance matrix..."
    CI = numpy.linalg.pinv(C, rcond=1e-10)
    print "Square Root Inverse Covariance matrix..."
    print CI
    SQI = sqrtm(CI).real

    print "Save Square Root Inverse Covariance matrix..."
    numpy.save(SQRTICM_file, SQI)

    print "Transforming..."
    MT = numpy.dot(data, SQI.T) # mahalanobis transformed data
    print " Saving Mahalanobis Transformed Data..."
    numpy.save(MTD_file, MT)

    return True
def createInvCovMat(data,
        data            - The train data orange table
     Outputs (all in numpy format:  .npy)
        *Not used*  ICM_file        - Path to save the Invertec Covariance Matrix 
        TSDT_file       - Path to save the TrainSet Data Table  
        C_file          - Path to save the Center file 
        SQRTICM_file    - Path to save the Sqrt Inverted Covariance Matrix 
        MTD_file        - Path to save the Mahalanobis Transformed Data 
    from AZutilities import similarityMetrics
    import orange

    if data.hasMissingValues():
        averageImputer = orange.ImputerConstructor_average(data)
        data = averageImputer(data)
    training_set = similarityMetrics.getTrainingSet(data)
    center = numpy.average(training_set.data_table, 0)

    # BackCompatibility ONLY. TODO: To Remove when mahalanobis is updated
    if SQRTICM_file:
        ICM_file = os.path.join(
            os.path.split(SQRTICM_file)[0], "invCovMatrix.npy")
        covarMat = numpy.cov(numpy.asarray(training_set.data_table), rowvar=0)
        inverse_covarMat = numpy.linalg.pinv(covarMat, rcond=1e-10)
        numpy.save(ICM_file, inverse_covarMat)

    if TSDT_file:
        numpy.save(TSDT_file, training_set.data_table)
    if C_file:
        numpy.save(C_file, center)

    # Next call to createMahalanobisData.sh is to be removed when the   sqrtm(CI) is working.
    #Thisis known to be working in python 2.7 - Numpy - scipy
    # not yet solve on module numpy/python2.7-64_1.6.0  (python/64_2.7.1)
    status, out = commands.getstatusoutput(
        "env -i $AZORANGEHOME/azorange/AZutilities/createMahalanobisData.sh " +
        TSDT_file + " " + C_file + " " + SQRTICM_file + " " + MTD_file)
    if status:
        print "Error running Advanced Files creator: " + str(out)
        return False
        return True

    #Code runned at the momment by createMahalanobisData.sh using another version of python
    #   (python2.7 locally installed in azorangeLive home directory)
    print "Creating advanced files"
    from scipy.linalg import sqrtm

    data = numpy.load(TSDT_file)
    center = numpy.load(C_file)

    m = numpy.mean(data, axis=0)
    data -= center
    print " Covariance matrix..."
    C = numpy.cov(numpy.transpose(data))
    print "Inverse Covariance matrix..."
    CI = numpy.linalg.pinv(C, rcond=1e-10)
    print "Square Root Inverse Covariance matrix..."
    print CI
    SQI = sqrtm(CI).real

    print "Save Square Root Inverse Covariance matrix..."
    numpy.save(SQRTICM_file, SQI)

    print "Transforming..."
    MT = numpy.dot(data, SQI.T)  # mahalanobis transformed data
    print " Saving Mahalanobis Transformed Data..."
    numpy.save(MTD_file, MT)

    return True