    def __init__(self, pin, buzzer_pin=BUZZER_PIN, tweet_timeout=5.0):
        """ Store pin, set up IO. """
        self.pin = pin
        self.buzzer_pin = buzzer_pin
        self.tweet_timeout = tweet_timeout

        # Set up screen
        self.lcd = Adafruit_CharLCD()
        self.lcd.begin(16, 1)

        # Set up other GPIO pins
        # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)  # LCD Library uses BCM
        GPIO.setup(self.pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
        GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.LOW)  # turn buzzer OFF
        GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pin, GPIO.BOTH,
                              callback=self.callback, bouncetime=25)

        # Set up state variables
        self.time_var = 0
        self.curr_tweet = ""
        self.tweet_started = False

        # Indicate everything is ready
        print("Start Tweeting!")
    def __init__(self, button_pin=MORSE_PIN, buzzer_pin=BUZZER_PIN,
                 led_pins=(R_PIN, G_PIN, B_PIN), tweet_timeout=5.0):
        """ Store pin, set up IO. """
        self.button_pin = button_pin
        self.buzzer_pin = buzzer_pin
        self.tweet_timeout = tweet_timeout

        # Set up screen
        self.lcd = Adafruit_CharLCD()
        self.lcd.begin(16, 1)

        # Set up other GPIO pins
        # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)  # LCD Library uses BCM
        GPIO.setup(self.button_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
        GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.LOW)  # turn buzzer OFF
        GPIO.add_event_detect(self.button_pin, GPIO.BOTH,
                              callback=self.callback, bouncetime=25)

        self.led = RGBLEDPins(r=led_pins[0], g=led_pins[1], b=led_pins[2])

        GPIO.setup(self.led.r, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.setup(self.led.g, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.setup(self.led.b, GPIO.OUT)

        # Set up state variables
        self.time_var = 0
        self.curr_tweet = ""
        self.curr_letter = ""
        self.tweet_started = False
        self.last_button_state = False

        # Indicate everything is ready
        GPIO.output(self.led.g, GPIO.HIGH)
        print("Start Tweeting!")
class MorseButton:
    """ Class to keep track of state variables for a morse code button. """
    def __init__(self, pin, buzzer_pin=BUZZER_PIN, tweet_timeout=5.0):
        """ Store pin, set up IO. """
        self.pin = pin
        self.buzzer_pin = buzzer_pin
        self.tweet_timeout = tweet_timeout

        # Set up screen
        self.lcd = Adafruit_CharLCD()
        self.lcd.begin(16, 1)

        # Set up other GPIO pins
        # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)  # LCD Library uses BCM
        GPIO.setup(self.pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
        GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.LOW)  # turn buzzer OFF
        GPIO.add_event_detect(self.pin, GPIO.BOTH,
                              callback=self.callback, bouncetime=25)

        # Set up state variables
        self.time_var = 0
        self.curr_tweet = ""
        self.tweet_started = False

        # Indicate everything is ready
        print("Start Tweeting!")

    def handle_tweet(self):
        """ Function which handles out the current tweet. """

            decoded = morse.decode_message(self.curr_tweet)

        except morse.MorseCodeDecodeError as e:
            print(e.message, ': ',  e.invalid_str)

        except twitter.api.TwitterHTTPError as t:
            pass  # It's fine, probably

        self.curr_tweet = ""
        self.tweet_started = False

    def callback(self, channel):
        """ Callback to handle button rising and falling edges. """
        # Current state of the button is end edge of the transition.
        button_pressed = not GPIO.input(self.pin)

        if button_pressed:  # Button was just pressed.
            duration = millis() - self.time_var

            GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.HIGH)

            # If the button was already pressed, record spaces, and restart the
            # tweet printing timer.
            if self.tweet_started:
                if DASH < duration <= 2.5 * DASH:
                    self.curr_tweet += ' '
                elif 2.5 * DASH < duration:
                    self.curr_tweet += ' / '

                self.tweet_printer = Timer(self.tweet_timeout,

            # If the tweet was not started, start it, and start the timeout.
                self.tweet_started = True
                self.tweet_printer = Timer(self.tweet_timeout,

            self.time_var = millis()  # Keep track of press time.

        else:  # Button was just released.
            duration = millis() - self.time_var

            GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.LOW)

            # Determine if the duration held was a dot or a dash.
            if duration <= 1.5 * DOT:
                self.curr_tweet += '.'
                self.curr_tweet += '-'

            self.time_var = millis()  # Keep track of release time.
class MorseButton:
    """ Class to keep track of state variables for a morse code button. """
    def __init__(self, button_pin=MORSE_PIN, buzzer_pin=BUZZER_PIN,
                 led_pins=(R_PIN, G_PIN, B_PIN), tweet_timeout=5.0):
        """ Store pin, set up IO. """
        self.button_pin = button_pin
        self.buzzer_pin = buzzer_pin
        self.tweet_timeout = tweet_timeout

        # Set up screen
        self.lcd = Adafruit_CharLCD()
        self.lcd.begin(16, 1)

        # Set up other GPIO pins
        # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)  # LCD Library uses BCM
        GPIO.setup(self.button_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
        GPIO.setup(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.LOW)  # turn buzzer OFF
        GPIO.add_event_detect(self.button_pin, GPIO.BOTH,
                              callback=self.callback, bouncetime=25)

        self.led = RGBLEDPins(r=led_pins[0], g=led_pins[1], b=led_pins[2])

        GPIO.setup(self.led.r, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.setup(self.led.g, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.setup(self.led.b, GPIO.OUT)

        # Set up state variables
        self.time_var = 0
        self.curr_tweet = ""
        self.curr_letter = ""
        self.tweet_started = False
        self.last_button_state = False

        # Indicate everything is ready
        GPIO.output(self.led.g, GPIO.HIGH)
        print("Start Tweeting!")

    def handle_tweet(self):
        """ Function which handles out the current tweet. """
            self.curr_tweet += morse.decode_letter(self.curr_letter)
        except morse.MorseCodeDecodeError as e:

        if len(self.curr_tweet) > 0:

            except twitter.api.TwitterHTTPError:
                print("Twitter Error, Try Again!")
            print("Empty Tweet, Try Again!")

        self.curr_tweet = ""
        self.curr_letter = ""
        self.tweet_started = False

    def light_change(self):
        """ Change the LED from indicating a dot to indicating a dash. """
        GPIO.output(self.led.r, GPIO.LOW)
        GPIO.output(self.led.b, GPIO.HIGH)

    def loop(self):
        """ Handle any business which needs to be handled in a while True loop.
        self.lcd.message(self.curr_tweet[-16:] + "\n")
            decoded = morse.decode_letter(self.curr_letter)
        except morse.MorseCodeDecodeError as e:
            # No letter or invalid letter, just display a block
            decoded = "*"

        self.lcd.message(self.curr_letter.ljust(15) + decoded)
        time.sleep(0.01667)  # 60Hz?

    def callback(self, channel):
        """ Callback to handle button rising and falling edges. """
        # Current state of the button is end edge of the transition.
        button_pressed = not GPIO.input(self.button_pin)
        if button_pressed == self.last_button_state:

        self.last_button_state = button_pressed

        if button_pressed:  # Button was just pressed.
            duration = millis() - self.time_var

            GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.HIGH)

            self.light_timer = Timer(1.5 * DOT / 1000, self.light_change)

            GPIO.output(self.led.g, GPIO.LOW)
            GPIO.output(self.led.r, GPIO.HIGH)

            # If the button was already pressed, record spaces, and restart the
            # tweet printing timer.
            if self.tweet_started:
                new_letter = DASH < duration <= 2.5 * DASH
                new_word = 2.5 * DASH < duration
                if new_letter or new_word:
                    if new_word:
                        self.curr_tweet += " "
                        decoded = morse.decode_letter(self.curr_letter)
                        self.curr_tweet += decoded
                    except morse.MorseCodeDecodeError as e:
                        print("Invalid Morse Code Character, Moving on")

                    self.curr_letter = ""

                self.tweet_printer = Timer(self.tweet_timeout,

            # If the tweet was not started, start it, and start the timeout.
                self.tweet_started = True
                self.tweet_printer = Timer(self.tweet_timeout,

            self.time_var = millis()  # Keep track of press time.

        else:  # Button was just released.
            duration = millis() - self.time_var

            GPIO.output(self.buzzer_pin, GPIO.LOW)

            if self.light_timer.is_alive():

            GPIO.output(self.led.r, GPIO.LOW)
            GPIO.output(self.led.b, GPIO.LOW)
            GPIO.output(self.led.g, GPIO.HIGH)

            # Determine if the duration held was a dot or a dash.
            if duration <= 1.5 * DOT:
                self.curr_letter += '.'
                self.curr_letter += '-'

            self.time_var = millis()  # Keep track of release time.