from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os Tiger = ACAirfoil('Tiger', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # Tiger.PlotPolar() Tiger.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os NACA4408 = ACAirfoil('NACA4408', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # NACA4408.PlotPolar() NACA4408.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os E169_101 = ACAirfoil('E169_101', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # #E169_101.PlotPolar(fig=1) E169_101.Plot2DPolar(fig=2) #E169_101.PlotAirfoil(fig=3)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os E169 = ACAirfoil('E169', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # E169.PlotPolar(fig=1) E169.Plot2DPolar(fig=2) E169.PlotAirfoil(fig=3)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os S1223THKTE = ACAirfoil('S1223THKTE', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # S1223THKTE.PlotPolar() S1223THKTE.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os LNV109A_9 = ACAirfoil('LNV109A_9', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # LNV109A_9.PlotPolar() LNV109A_9.Plot2DPolar(fig=2) LNV109A_9.PlotAirfoil(fig=3)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os S1223 = ACAirfoil('S1223', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # S1223.PlotPolar() S1223.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os S1223RTL = ACAirfoil('S1223RTL', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # S1223RTL.PlotPolar() S1223RTL.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os DFS03 = ACAirfoil('DFS03', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # DFS03.PlotPolar() DFS03.Plot2DPolar(fig=2) DFS03.PlotAirfoil(fig=3)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import pylab as pyl from scalar.units import ARCDEG af1 = ACAirfoil('e423') af2 = ACAirfoil('S1223') af3 = ACAirfoil('ch10sm') af4 = ACAirfoil('fx74modsm') #af1.PlotAirfoil(fig = 1, Alpha2d = 0*ARCDEG, subfig = 221) #af2.PlotAirfoil(fig = 1, Alpha2d = 0*ARCDEG, subfig = 222) #af3.PlotAirfoil(fig = 1, Alpha2d = 0*ARCDEG, subfig = 223) #af4.PlotAirfoil(fig = 1, Alpha2d = 0*ARCDEG, subfig = 224) af1.PlotAirfoil(fig=1, Alpha2d=0 * ARCDEG, subfig=None, yo=0.375, clr='g') af2.PlotAirfoil(fig=1, Alpha2d=0 * ARCDEG, subfig=None, yo=0.125, clr='b') af3.PlotAirfoil(fig=1, Alpha2d=0 * ARCDEG, subfig=None, yo=-0.125, clr='m') af4.PlotAirfoil(fig=1, Alpha2d=0 * ARCDEG, subfig=None, yo=-0.375, clr='r') #pyl.figure(1) #pyl.subplot(221) #pyl.title('Eppler 423 Airfoil') #pyl.grid() # #pyl.subplot(222) #pyl.title('Selig 1223 Airfoil') #pyl.grid() # #pyl.subplot(223) #pyl.title('Hollinger 10 smoothed Airfoil') #pyl.grid()
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os Whale_14C = ACAirfoil('Whale_14C', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # Whale_14C.PlotPolar() Whale_14C.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os Michael1E423_D = ACAirfoil('Michael1E423_D', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # Michael1E423_D.PlotPolar(fig=1) Michael1E423_D.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os NACA1410 = ACAirfoil('NACA1410', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # NACA1410.PlotPolar() NACA1410.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os NACA4412 = ACAirfoil('NACA4412', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # NACA4412.PlotPolar() NACA4412.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import pylab as pyl Airfoils = ["E423","E423_B","S1223"]#Main wing #Airfoils = ["NACA2408","E169"]#Horz tail #Airfoils = ["NACA0010","NACA0012","NACA0015"]#vert tail for AirfoilName in Airfoils: Airfoil = ACAirfoil(AirfoilName) Airfoil.PlotReportPolars(fig=1, Re=413946)#main wing #Airfoil.PlotReportPolars(fig=1, Re=174000)#tail horz and vert pyl.subplot(311) pyl.legend(Airfoils, loc = "best")
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os S1223Mod = ACAirfoil('S1223Mod', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # S1223Mod.PlotPolar() S1223Mod.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os S1223_Awesome = ACAirfoil('S1223_A', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # S1223_Awesome.PlotPolar() S1223_Awesome.Plot2DPolar() S1223_Awesome.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os NACA2812 = ACAirfoil('NACA2812', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # NACA2812.Inverted = True NACA2812.PlotPolar() NACA2812.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os CLi4005b = ACAirfoil('CLi4005b', fext = '.txt', nalpha = 20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # CLi4005b.PlotPolar() CLi4005b.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import pylab as pyl Airfoils = ["S1223", "S1223_TC", "E423"] #Main wing # Airfoils = ["NACA6413","E169", "NACA0015"] #Airfoils = ["E220", "E221", "E222"]#Horz tail #Airfoils = ["NACA0010","NACA0012","NACA0015"]#vert tail # for AirfoilName in Airfoils: Airfoil = ACAirfoil(AirfoilName) Airfoil.PlotReportPolars(fig=1, Re=500000) #main wing # Airfoil.PlotReportPolars(fig=1, Re=200000)#tail horz and vert pyl.subplot(311) pyl.legend(Airfoils, loc="best")
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os CLi4000 = ACAirfoil('CLi4000', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # CLi4000.PlotPolar() CLi4000.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os NACA0012 = ACAirfoil('NACA0012', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # NACA0012.PlotPolar() NACA0012.Plot2DPolar(fig=2) NACA0012.PlotAirfoil(fig=3)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os Baby10_S1223A_LNV109A = ACAirfoil('Baby10_S1223A_LNV109A', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # Baby10_S1223A_LNV109A.PlotPolar() Baby10_S1223A_LNV109A.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os Michael1 = ACAirfoil('Michael1', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # Michael1.PlotPolar() Michael1.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os E423 = ACAirfoil('E423', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # E423.PlotPolar() E423.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import pylab as pyl afv = ACAirfoil('/NACA0012/NACA0012.dat','NACA0012') afh = ACAirfoil('clarky/clarky.dat','clarky') afh.Inverted = True afv.PlotAirfoil(1) afh.PlotAirfoil(2) pyl.figure(1) pyl.title('Vertical Tail Airfoil') pyl.grid() pyl.figure(2) pyl.title('Horizontal Tail Airfoil') pyl.grid()
from Aerothon.ACAirfoil import ACAirfoil import os SG6043 = ACAirfoil('SG6043', fext='.txt', nalpha=20) if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab as pyl # # Plot the polars and the airfoil # SG6043.PlotPolar() SG6043.PlotAirfoil(fig=2)