cutout = 0.8
ACPlySkin = ACMaterial()
ACPlySkin.AreaDensity = ACPly.ForceDensity * (
    1 - cutout) * 0.125 * IN / g + Monokote.AreaDensity

# Stringer material from basswood (w=0.25 in , t=0.25 in)
w = 0.25 * IN
t = 0.25 * IN
BassStringer = ACMaterial()
BassStringer.LinearForceDensity = Basswood.ForceDensity * w * t

Fuselage = ACFuselage()
# Create the sections of the fuselage
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose', 6 * IN, 1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay', 11 * IN, 1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width = 2.7 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 2.7 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = ACPlyBH
Fuselage.Nose.Align = -1
Fuselage.Nose.SkinMat = ACPlySkin

# Size the payload bay
#    perfectly, so we consider only the outer edges of the fuselage and then
#    will adjust densities of the materials being used such that the CG
#    representations match that in the CAD (and tests from prototype builds)
# We break the fuselage into the following sections:
# (1) Nose:     Front cap of the plane with motor bay over top of it
# (2) PayBay:   Payload bay (w/ext above for ties to main and secondary spars)
# (3) Pay2Tail: Transition from payload bay to tail
# (4) Tail:     Tail section
# (5) TailBrac: Tail bracket (to connect tail to fuselage)

Fuselage = ACFuselage()  # create the fuselage class

# Create the sections of the fuselage that we intend to populate
# -> AddSection('NAME',sectionLength,alignment(-1=bot, 0=center, 1=top, None=@CG)
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose', 9.63 * IN, 1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PayBay', 9 * IN, 1)
Fuselage.AddSection('Pay2Tail', 25.48 * IN, 0)
Fuselage.AddSection('Tail', 22.53 * IN, 0)
BaseWeight = 24 * OZF  # Weight in OZF that is multiplied in the force densities

# SECTION 1: Nose section only -------------------------------------------------#
#### SHIFT ALL X POSITIONS BY 7.03125in (Dist from payload CG to front of fuse)

# SPH 12/1/2015: from 151130 CAD target weight @ 15.5oz CG @ 1.14125in
# in SolidWorks relative to payload CG (5.89,0,-0.12)
# front bulkhead definition
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width = 2.0 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 2.0 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = AircraftPly.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material.AreaForceDensity = (0.01 * BaseWeight) / (
from __future__ import division  # let 5/2 = 2.5 rather than 2
from scalar.units import IN, LBF
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.ACFuselage import ACFuselage
from Aerothon.DefaultMaterialsLibrary import PinkFoam, Monokote, Basswood, Balsa, Ultracote, AluminumTube, Aluminum, CarbonTube
from Adv2020Aircraft.Structures.Materials import ACPlyBH, Monokote, Steel, CarbonTail

Fuselage = ACFuselage()
# Create the sections of the fuselage
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose', 9.125 * IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay', 26 * IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldTaper', 8 * IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('Tail', 28 * IN, 1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width = 3.0 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 4.0 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = ACPlyBH.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.Align = 0
Fuselage.Nose.SkinMat = Monokote.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.StringerMat.LinearForceDensity = .001 * LBF / IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.WeightGroup = 'Fuselage'
# Size the payload bay
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Width = 6.0 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Height = 8.25 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Width = 6.0 * IN
from __future__ import division # let 5/2 = 2.5 rather than 2
from scalar.units import IN, LBF, SLUG, FT, OZF
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.ACFuselage import ACFuselage
from Adv2019Aircraft.Structures.Materials import BalsaBH, ACPlyBH, ACPlySkin, BassStringer, BalsaStringer, Monokote, Steel

Fuselage = ACFuselage()
# Create the sections of the fuselage
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose'   , 7.5*IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay', 22.5*IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldTaper', 7.5*IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('Tail', 33*IN, 1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width  = 3.0*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 3.0*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = ACPlyBH.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.Align             = 0.7
Fuselage.Nose.SkinMat = Monokote.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.StringerMat.LinearForceDensity = .001*LBF/IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.WeightGroup = 'Fuselage'
# Size the payload bay
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Width  = 6.0*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Height = 8.25*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Width   = 6.0*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Height  = 8.25*IN
from __future__ import division # let 5/2 = 2.5 rather than 2
from scalar.units import IN, LBF, SLUG, FT
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.ACFuselage import ACFuselage
from Aircraft_Models.Reg2009Aircraft_RedBearon.Materials.Mats import ACPlyBH, ACPlySkin, BassStringer

Fuselage = ACFuselage()
# Create the sections of the fuselage
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose'     , 6*IN,  1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay'  , 11*IN, 1)
Fuselage.AddSection('BoomSupport'  , 6*IN, 1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width  = 2.7*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 2.7*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = ACPlyBH
Fuselage.Nose.Align             = -1
Fuselage.Nose.SkinMat = ACPlySkin

# Size the payload bay
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Width  = 6*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Height = 6*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Width   = 6*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Height  = 6*IN
from __future__ import division # let 5/2 = 2.5 rather than 2
from scalar.units import IN, LBF, SLUG, FT, GRAM, gacc, OZF
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.ACFuselage import ACFuselage
from Aircraft_Models.Reg2015Aircraft_AeroCats.Structures.Materials import BalsaBH, ACPlyBH, ACPlySkin, BassStringer, BalsaStringer, Monokote, Steel

Fuselage = ACFuselage()
# Create the sections of the fuselage
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose'   , 4*IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay', 11*IN, -1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width  = 3*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 3*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = ACPlyBH.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.Align             = -2.1
Fuselage.Nose.SkinMat = Monokote.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.StringerMat.LinearForceDensity = .001*LBF/IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.WeightGroup = 'Fuselage'
# Size the payload bay
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Width  = 4.25*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Height = 6.25*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Width   = 4.25*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Height  = 6.25*IN
#    perfectly, so we consider only the outer edges of the fuselage and then
#    will adjust densities of the materials being used such that the CG
#    representations match that in the CAD (and tests from prototype builds)
# We break the fuselage into the following sections:
# (1) Nose:     Front cap of the plane with motor bay over top of it
# (2) PayBay:   Payload bay (w/ext above for ties to main and secondary spars)
# (3) Pay2Tail: Transition from payload bay to tail
# (4) Tail:     Tail section
# (5) TailBrac: Tail bracket (to connect tail to fuselage)

Fuselage = ACFuselage() # create the fuselage class

# Create the sections of the fuselage that we intend to populate
# -> AddSection('NAME',sectionLength,alignment(-1=bot, 0=center, 1=top, None=@CG)
BaseWeight = 24*OZF # Weight in OZF that is multiplied in the force densities

# SECTION 1: Nose section only -------------------------------------------------#
#### SHIFT ALL X POSITIONS BY 7.03125in (Dist from payload CG to front of fuse)

# SPH 12/1/2015: from 151130 CAD target weight @ 15.5oz CG @ 1.14125in
# in SolidWorks relative to payload CG (5.89,0,-0.12)
# front bulkhead definition
from __future__ import division # let 5/2 = 2.5 rather than 2
from scalar.units import IN, LBF, SLUG, FT, OZF
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.ACFuselage import ACFuselage
from Adv2019Aircraft.Structures.Materials import BalsaBH, ACPlyBH, ACPlySkin, BassStringer, BalsaStringer, Monokote, Steel

Fuselage = ACFuselage()
# Create the sections of the fuselage
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose'   , 6*IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay', 15*IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('Tail', 19*IN, 1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width  = 1.0*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 1.0*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = ACPlyBH.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.Align             = 0.7
Fuselage.Nose.SkinMat = Monokote.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.StringerMat.LinearForceDensity = .01*LBF/IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.WeightGroup = 'Fuselage'

# Size the payload bay
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Width  = 1.0*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Height = 1.0*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Width   = 1.0*IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Height  = 1.0*IN
#    perfectly, so we consider only the outer edges of the fuselage and then
#    will adjust densities of the materials being used such that the CG
#    representations match that in the CAD (and tests from prototype builds)
# We break the fuselage into the following sections:
# (1) Nose:     Front cap of the plane with motor bay over top of it
# (2) PayBay:   Payload bay (w/ext above for ties to main and secondary spars)
# (3) Pay2Tail: Transition from payload bay to tail
# (4) Tail:     Tail section
# (5) TailBrac: Tail bracket (to connect tail to fuselage)

Fuselage = ACFuselage() # create the fuselage class

# Create the sections of the fuselage that we intend to populate
# -> AddSection('NAME',sectionLength,alignment(-1=bot, 0=center, 1=top, None=@CG)
BaseWeight = 24*OZF # Weight in OZF that is multiplied in the force densities

# SECTION 1: Nose section only -------------------------------------------------#
#### SHIFT ALL X POSITIONS BY 7.03125in (Dist from payload CG to front of fuse)

# SPH 12/1/2015: from 151130 CAD target weight @ 15.5oz CG @ 1.14125in
# in SolidWorks relative to payload CG (5.89,0,-0.12)
# front bulkhead definition
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width = 2.0*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 2.0*IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = AircraftPly.copy()
from __future__ import division  # let 5/2 = 2.5 rather than 2
from scalar.units import IN, LBF, SLUG, FT, GRAM, gacc, OZF
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.ACFuselage import ACFuselage
from Aircraft_Models.Reg2014Aircraft_AeroCats.Structures.Materials import BalsaBH, ACPlyBH, ACPlySkin, BassStringer, BalsaStringer, Monokote, Steel

Fuselage = ACFuselage()
# Create the sections of the fuselage
Fuselage.AddSection('Nose', 9 * IN, -1)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay', 5 * IN, -1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width = 3 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 3 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Material = ACPlyBH.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.Align = 1
Fuselage.Nose.SkinMat = Monokote.copy()
Fuselage.Nose.StringerMat.LinearForceDensity = .001 * LBF / IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.WeightGroup = 'Fuselage'
# Size the payload bay
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Width = 6 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Height = 6 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Width = 6 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Height = 6 * IN
from __future__ import division  # let 5/2 = 2.5 rather than 2
from scalar.units import IN, LBF, SLUG, FT, OZM, OZF
from scalar.units import AsUnit
from Aerothon.ACFuselage import ACFuselage
from Aerothon.DefaultMaterialsLibrary import Monokote

Fuselage = ACFuselage()

Fuselage.AddSection('Nose', 6 * IN, 2)
Fuselage.AddSection('PyldBay', 10 * IN, 1)

# Size the engine fire wall
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Width = 2.7 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Height = 2.7 * IN
Fuselage.Nose.FrontBulk.Weight = 0.1 * LBF
Fuselage.Nose.Weight = 0.2 * LBF

# Size the payload bay
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Width = 5 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.FrontBulk.Height = 5 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Width = 5 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.BackBulk.Height = 5 * IN
Fuselage.PyldBay.SkinMat.AreaForceDensity = 0.001 * LBF / IN**2

# Give a dummy position of the last bulkhead for now