def benchmark_func(env_args, recurrent, model, num_episodes, render_len, device, greedy = False, valid_act = False): results = {"agents_on_goal": [], "all_done": [], "episode_length": [], "execution_time": [], "obstacle_collisions": [], "agent_collisions": []} env = make_parallel_env(env_args, np.random.randint(0, 10000), 1) render_frames = [] model.actors[0].eval() terminal_info = [] render_frames.append(env.render(indices = [0])[0]) for ep in range(num_episodes): obs = env.reset() if recurrent: hx_cx_actr = [{i:model.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i:model.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] else: hx_cx_actr = [{i:(None,None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i:(None,None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] info2 = [{"valid_act":{i:None for i in ob.keys()}} for ob in obs] total_ep_time = 0 for t in itertools.count(): t1 = time.time() if valid_act: val_act_hldr = copy.deepcopy(env.return_valid_act()) info2 = [{"valid_act":hldr} for hldr in val_act_hldr] a_probs, a_select, value, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking = zip(*[model.forward(ob,ha,hc, dev=device, valid_act_heur = inf2["valid_act"], greedy = greedy) \ for ob,ha,hc, inf2 in zip(obs, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, info2)]) a_env_dict = [{key:val.item() for key,val in hldr.items()} for hldr in a_select] next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step(a_env_dict) total_ep_time += (time.time() - t1) hx_cx_actr = [{k:v for k,v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_actr_n] hx_cx_cr = [{k:v for k,v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_cr_n] if info[0]["terminate"]: results["agents_on_goal"].append(info[0]["agent_dones"]) results["all_done"].append(info[0]["all_agents_on_goal"]) results["episode_length"].append(t+1) results["obstacle_collisions"].append(info[0]["total_obstacle_collisions"]) results["agent_collisions"].append(info[0]["total_agent_collisions"]) results["execution_time"].append(total_ep_time) total_ep_time = 0 if ep < render_len: if info[0]["terminate"]: render_frames.append(info[0]["terminal_render"]) else: render_frames.append(env.render(indices = [0])[0]) obs = copy.deepcopy(next_obs) if info[0]["terminate"]: terminal_info.append(info[0]) break return render_frames, results
def benchmark_func(args, model, num_episodes, render_len, device, greedy=False): env = make_parallel_env(args, np.random.randint(0, 10000), 1) render_frames = [] obs = env.reset() all_info = [] render_frames.append(env.render(indices=[0])[0]) for ep in range(num_episodes): if args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr = [{i: model.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: model.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] else: hx_cx_actr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] info2 = [{"valid_act": {i: None for i in ob.keys()}} for ob in obs] for t in itertools.count(): model.prep_device(device) a_probs, a_select, value, _, _, _ = zip(*[model.forward(ob,ha,hc, dev=device, valid_act_heur = inf2["valid_act"], greedy=greedy) \ for ob,ha,hc, inf2 in zip(obs, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, info2)]) a_env_dict = [{key: val.item() for key, val in hldr.items()} for hldr in a_select] next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step(a_env_dict) if ep < render_len: if info[0]["terminate"]: render_frames.append(info[0]["terminal_render"]) else: render_frames.append(env.render(indices=[0])[0]) obs = next_obs all_info.append(info) if info[0]["terminate"]: break return render_frames, all_info
def run(args): if args.ppo_use_gpu: device = 'gpu' else: device = 'cpu' buff = PPO_Buffer(args.n_agents, args.ppo_workers, args.ppo_rollout_length, args.ppo_recurrent) env = make_parallel_env(args, args.seed, buff.nworkers) ppo = PPO(env.action_space[0].n, env.observation_space[0], args.ppo_base_policy_type, env.n_agents[0], args.ppo_share_actor, args.ppo_share_value, args.ppo_k_epochs, args.ppo_minibatch_size, args.ppo_lr_a, args.ppo_lr_v, args.ppo_hidden_dim, args.ppo_eps_clip, args.ppo_entropy_coeff, args.ppo_recurrent, args.ppo_heur_block) buff.init_model(ppo) logger = Logger(args, "No summary", "no policy summary", ppo) obs = env.reset() if args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] else: hx_cx_actr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] stats = {} for it in range(args.ppo_iterations): print("Iteration: {}".format(it)) render_frames = [] render_cntr = 0 info2 = [{"valid_act": {i: None for i in ob.keys()}} for ob in obs] while buff.is_full == False: if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: val_act_hldr = copy.deepcopy(env.return_valid_act()) info2 = [{"valid_act": hldr} for hldr in val_act_hldr] else: val_act_hldr = [{i: None for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] ppo.prep_device(device) a_probs, a_select, value, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking = zip(*[ppo.forward(ob,ha,hc, dev=device, valid_act_heur = inf2["valid_act"] ) \ for ob,ha,hc, inf2 in zip(obs, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, info2)]) a_env_dict = [{key: val.item() for key, val in hldr.items()} for hldr in a_select] next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step(a_env_dict) if it % args.render_rate == 0: if render_cntr < args.render_length: render_frames.append(env.render(indices=[0])[0]) if info[0]["terminate"]: render_cntr += 1 next_obs_ = get_n_obs(next_obs, info) buff.add(obs, r, value, next_obs_, a_probs, a_select, info, dones, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking, val_act_hldr) hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr = hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n #Reset hidden and cell states when epidode done for i, inf in enumerate(info): if inf["terminate"] and args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr = list(hx_cx_actr), list(hx_cx_cr) hx_cx_actr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_actr[i].keys() } hx_cx_cr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_cr[i].keys() } obs = next_obs if buff.is_full: observations, a_prob, a_select, adv, v, infos, h_actr, h_cr, blk_labels, blk_pred, val_act = buff.sample(args.ppo_discount, \ args.ppo_gae_lambda, blocking=args.ppo_heur_block, use_valid_act = args.ppo_heur_valid_act) stats["action_loss"], stats["value_loss"] \ = ppo.update(observations, a_prob, a_select, adv, v, 0, h_actr, h_cr, blk_labels, blk_pred,val_act, dev=device) if args.ppo_recurrent: for a, c in zip(hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr): for a2, c2 in zip(a.values(), c.values()): a2[0].detach_() a2[1].detach_() c2[0].detach_() c2[1].detach_() if (it + 1) % args.benchmark_frequency == 0: rend_f, ter_i = benchmark_func(args, ppo, args.benchmark_num_episodes, args.benchmark_render_length, device) logger.benchmark_info(ter_i, rend_f, it) #Logging: stats["iterations"] = it stats["num_timesteps"] = len(infos) terminal_t_info = [inf for inf in infos if inf["terminate"]] stats["num_episodes"] = len(terminal_t_info) logger.log(stats, terminal_t_info, render_frames, checkpoint=True) render_frames = [] render_cntr = 0 rend_f, ter_i = benchmark_func(args, ppo, args.benchmark_num_episodes, args.benchmark_render_length, device) logger.benchmark_info(ter_i, rend_f, it)
def run(args): #Curriculum train: if args.ppo_use_gpu: device = 'gpu' else: device = 'cpu' assert args.ppo_bc_iteration_prob >= 0.0 and args.ppo_bc_iteration_prob <= 1.0 curr_manager = CurriculumManager(args, CurriculumLogger) #Get env args for first env env_args = curr_manager.init_env_args() #Determine number of workers for buffer and init env buff = PPO_Buffer(env_args.n_agents, args.ppo_workers, args.ppo_rollout_length, args.ppo_recurrent) seed = np.random.randint(0, 100000) env = make_parallel_env(env_args, seed, buff.nworkers) #Init ppo model ppo = PPO(env.action_space[0].n, env.observation_space[0], args.ppo_base_policy_type, env.n_agents[0], args.ppo_share_actor, args.ppo_share_value, args.ppo_k_epochs, args.ppo_minibatch_size, args.ppo_lr_a, args.ppo_lr_v, args.ppo_hidden_dim, args.ppo_eps_clip, args.ppo_entropy_coeff, args.ppo_recurrent, args.ppo_heur_block) #Add model to buffer buff.init_model(ppo) logger = curr_manager.init_logger(ppo, benchmark_func) global_iterations = 0 env.close() while not curr_manager.is_done: env_args = curr_manager.sample_env() buff.__init__(env_args.n_agents, args.ppo_workers, args.ppo_rollout_length, args.ppo_recurrent) #recalculates nworkers ppo.extend_agent_indexes(env_args.n_agents) buff.init_model(ppo) seed = np.random.randint(0, 10000) env = make_parallel_env(env_args, seed, buff.nworkers) obs = env.reset() if args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] else: hx_cx_actr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] extra_stats = {} env_id = curr_manager.curr_env_id up_i = 0 #for up_i in range(curr_manager.n_updates): while up_i < curr_manager.n_updates: bc_iteration = np.random.choice( [True, False], p=[args.ppo_bc_iteration_prob, 1 - args.ppo_bc_iteration_prob]) if bc_iteration: n_sub_updates = ( (args.ppo_workers * args.ppo_rollout_length) // args.ppo_minibatch_size) bc_training_iteration2(args, env_args, ppo, device, 64, n_sub_updates * 4) else: print("Iteration: {}".format(global_iterations)) info2 = [{ "valid_act": {i: None for i in ob.keys()} } for ob in obs] while buff.is_full == False: if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: val_act_hldr = copy.deepcopy(env.return_valid_act()) info2 = [{"valid_act": hldr} for hldr in val_act_hldr] else: val_act_hldr = [{i: None for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] a_probs, a_select, value, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking = zip(*[ppo.forward(ob,ha,hc, dev=device, valid_act_heur = inf2["valid_act"] ) \ for ob,ha,hc, inf2 in zip(obs, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, info2)]) a_env_dict = [{ key: val.item() for key, val in hldr.items() } for hldr in a_select] next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step(a_env_dict) logger.record_render(env_id, env, info[0]) next_obs_ = get_n_obs(next_obs, info) buff.add(obs, r, value, next_obs_, a_probs, a_select, info, dones, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking, val_act_hldr) hx_cx_actr = [{k: v for k, v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_actr_n] hx_cx_cr = [{k: v for k, v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_cr_n] #Reset hidden and cell states when epidode done for i, inf in enumerate(info): if inf["terminate"] and args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr = list(hx_cx_actr), list( hx_cx_cr) hx_cx_actr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_actr[i].keys() } hx_cx_cr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_cr[i].keys() } obs = next_obs if buff.is_full: observations, a_prob, a_select, adv, v, infos, h_actr, h_cr, blk_labels, blk_pred, val_act = buff.sample(args.ppo_discount,\ args.ppo_gae_lambda,args.ppo_gae_lambda, blocking=args.ppo_heur_block, use_valid_act = args.ppo_heur_valid_act) extra_stats["action_loss"], extra_stats["value_loss"] \ = ppo.update(observations, a_prob, a_select, adv, v, 0, h_actr, h_cr, blk_labels, blk_pred,val_act, dev=device) if args.ppo_recurrent: for a, c in zip(hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr): for a2, c2 in zip(a.values(), c.values()): a2[0].detach_() a2[1].detach_() c2[0].detach_() c2[1].detach_() global_iterations += 1 logger.log(env_id, infos, extra_stats) if up_i == curr_manager.n_updates - 1: logger.release_render(env_id) up_i += 1 env.close() print("Done")
def bc_training_iteration2(args, env_args, ppo, device, minibatch_size, n_sub_updates): def make_start_postion_list(env_hldr): '''Assumes agent keys in evn.agents is the same as agent id's ''' start_positions = [] for i in range(len(env_hldr.agents.values())): start_positions.append(env_hldr.agents[i].pos) return start_positions def make_end_postion_list(env_hldr): '''Assumes agent keys in evn.agents is the same as agent id's ''' end_positions = [] for i in range(len(env_hldr.goals.values())): end_positions.append(env_hldr.goals[i].pos) return end_positions #make single env: env = make_parallel_env(env_args, np.random.randint(0, 1e6), 1) #for i in range(n_sub_updates): obs = env.reset() info2 = [{"valid_act": {i: None for i in ob.keys()}} for ob in obs] if args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] else: hx_cx_actr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] # Get start and end_positions # run mstar # num_samples = minibatch_size for i in range(n_sub_updates): buff_a_probs = [] buff_expert_a = [] buff_blocking_pred = [] buff_is_blocking = [] buff_valid_act = [] info = None while len(buff_a_probs) < num_samples: if not info is None: assert info[0]["terminate"] == True env_hldr = env.return_env() #env_hldr[0].render(mode='human') start_pos = make_start_postion_list(env_hldr[0]) end_pos = make_end_postion_list(env_hldr[0]) all_actions = env_hldr[0].graph.mstar_search4_OD(start_pos, end_pos, inflation=1.2) for i, mstar_action in enumerate(all_actions): env_hldr2 = env.return_env() if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: #val_act_hldr = copy.deepcopy(env.return_valid_act()) #info2 = [{"valid_act":hldr} for hldr in val_act_hldr] buff_valid_act.append({ k: env_hldr2[0].graph.get_valid_actions(k) for k in env_hldr2[0].agents.keys() }) a_probs, a_select, value, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking = zip(*[ppo.forward(ob,ha,hc, dev=device, valid_act_heur = inf2["valid_act"] ) \ for ob,ha,hc, inf2 in zip(obs, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, info2)]) #env_hldr2[0].render(mode='human') buff_a_probs.append(a_probs[0]) buff_expert_a.append(mstar_action) if args.ppo_heur_block: buff_blocking_pred.append(blocking[0]) #env_hldr2 = env.return_env() buff_is_blocking.append( copy.deepcopy(env_hldr2[0].blocking_hldr)) #a_env_dict = [{key:val.item() for key,val in hldr.items()} for hldr in a_select] #next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step(a_env_dict) next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step([mstar_action]) next_obs_ = get_n_obs(next_obs, info) # buff.add(obs, r, value, next_obs_, a_probs, a_select, info, dones, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking) #Reset hidden and cell states when epidode done hx_cx_actr = [{k: v for k, v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_actr_n] hx_cx_cr = [{k: v for k, v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_cr_n] for i, inf in enumerate(info): if inf["terminate"] and args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr = list(hx_cx_actr), list(hx_cx_cr) hx_cx_actr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_actr[i].keys() } hx_cx_cr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_cr[i].keys() } #if info[0]["terminate"]: # assert i == len(all_actions) obs = next_obs if len(buff_a_probs) == num_samples: keys = buff_a_probs[0].keys() buff_a_probs_flat = [] for ap in buff_a_probs: for k in keys: buff_a_probs_flat.append(ap[k]) buff_expert_a_flat = [] for hldr in buff_expert_a: for k in keys: buff_expert_a_flat.append(hldr[k]) if args.ppo_heur_block: buff_blocking_pred_flat = [] for hldr in buff_blocking_pred: for k in keys: buff_blocking_pred_flat.append(hldr[k]) buff_is_blocking_flat = [] for hldr in buff_is_blocking: for k in keys: buff_is_blocking_flat.append(hldr[k]) if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: buff_valid_act_flat = [] for time_step in buff_valid_act: for k in keys: hldr = time_step[k] multi_hot = torch.zeros(size=(1, 5), dtype=torch.float32) for i in hldr: multi_hot[0][i] = 1 buff_valid_act_flat.append(multi_hot) #Discard excess samples: #all_data = [] a_probs =[:num_samples]) expert_a = torch.from_numpy( np.array(buff_expert_a_flat[:num_samples])).reshape( -1, 1) expert_a = ppo.tens_to_dev(device, expert_a) #all_data.append(a_probs) #all_data.append(expert_a) if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: buff_valid_act_flat = buff_valid_act_flat[:num_samples]) buff_valid_act_flat = ppo.tens_to_dev( device, buff_valid_act_flat) if args.ppo_heur_block: blocking_pred = buff_blocking_pred_flat[:num_samples]) #all_data.append(blocking_pred) #make tensor of ones and zeros block_bool = buff_is_blocking_flat[:num_samples] is_blocking = torch.zeros(len(block_bool)) is_blocking[block_bool] = 1 #is_blocking = is_blocking = is_blocking.reshape(-1, 1) is_blocking = ppo.tens_to_dev(device, is_blocking) #all_data.append(is_blocking) #train_dataset =*all_data) #train_loader =, batch_size = minibatch_size, shuffle=True) def loss_f_actions(pred, label): action_label_prob = torch.gather( F.softmax(pred), -1, label.long()) log_actions = -torch.log(action_label_prob) loss = log_actions.mean() return loss def loss_f_blocking(pred, label): #pred_action_prob = torch.gather(pred,-1, label.long()) #categorical loss: #test_categorical_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(pred, label.detach()) pred = torch.clamp(pred, 1e-15, 1.0) loss = -(label * torch.log(pred) + (1 - label) * torch.log(1 - pred)) #loss = -(label*torch.log(pred_action_prob) + (1-label)*torch.log(1-pred_action_prob)) #log_actions = -torch.log(action_label_prob) #loss = log_actions.mean() return loss.mean() def loss_f_valid(all_act_prob, valid_act_multi_hot): sigmoid_act = F.sigmoid(all_act_prob) valid_act_loss = -( torch.log(sigmoid_act) * valid_act_multi_hot + torch.log(1 - sigmoid_act) * (1 - valid_act_multi_hot)) return valid_act_loss.mean() a_pred = a_probs #data[0] a = expert_a #data[1] loss2 = loss_f_actions(a_pred, a) if args.ppo_heur_block: loss2 += 0.5 * loss_f_blocking(blocking_pred, is_blocking) if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: loss2 += 0.5 * loss_f_valid(a_pred, buff_valid_act_flat) ppo.actors[0].optimizer.zero_grad() loss2.backward() ppo.actors[0].optimizer.step() del env
def bc_training_iteration2(args, env_args, ppo, device, minibatch_size, n_sub_updates, logger=None, env_id=None, bench_freq=None, iteration=None): def make_start_postion_list(env_hldr): '''Assumes agent keys in evn.agents is the same as agent id's ''' start_positions = [] for i in range(len(env_hldr.agents.values())): start_positions.append(env_hldr.agents[i].pos) return start_positions def make_end_postion_list(env_hldr): '''Assumes agent keys in evn.agents is the same as agent id's ''' end_positions = [] for i in range(len(env_hldr.goals.values())): end_positions.append(env_hldr.goals[i].pos) return end_positions #make single env: env = make_parallel_env(env_args, np.random.randint(0, 1e6), 1) #for i in range(n_sub_updates): obs = env.reset() info2 = [{"valid_act": {i: None for i in ob.keys()}} for ob in obs] if args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] else: hx_cx_actr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] # Get start and end_positions # run mstar # num_samples = minibatch_size * n_sub_updates #for i in range(n_sub_updates): inflation = 1.2 buff_a_probs = [] buff_expert_a = [] buff_blocking_pred = [] buff_is_blocking = [] buff_valid_act = [] info = None #Collect samples: update_cntr = 0 #while len(buff_a_probs) < num_samples: while update_cntr < n_sub_updates: if not info is None: assert info[0]["terminate"] == True env_hldr = env.return_env() #env_hldr[0].render(mode='human') start_pos = make_start_postion_list(env_hldr[0]) end_pos = make_end_postion_list(env_hldr[0]) for i in range(5): all_actions = env_hldr[0].graph.mstar_search4_OD( start_pos, end_pos, inflation=inflation, memory_limit=4 * 1e6) if all_actions is None: inflation += 1.5 if i == 4: print( "Mstar ran out of memory. No solution found. Exiting behaviour cloning" ) return else: break for i, mstar_action in enumerate(all_actions): env_hldr2 = env.return_env() if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: #val_act_hldr = copy.deepcopy(env.return_valid_act()) #info2 = [{"valid_act":hldr} for hldr in val_act_hldr] buff_valid_act.append({ k: env_hldr2[0].graph.get_valid_actions(k) for k in env_hldr2[0].agents.keys() }) a_probs, a_select, value, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking = zip(*[ppo.forward(ob,ha,hc, dev=device, valid_act_heur = inf2["valid_act"] ) \ for ob,ha,hc, inf2 in zip(obs, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, info2)]) #env_hldr2[0].render(mode='human') buff_a_probs.append(a_probs[0]) buff_expert_a.append(mstar_action) if args.ppo_heur_block: buff_blocking_pred.append(blocking[0]) #env_hldr2 = env.return_env() buff_is_blocking.append( copy.deepcopy(env_hldr2[0].blocking_hldr)) next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step([mstar_action]) next_obs_ = get_n_obs(next_obs, info) hx_cx_actr = [{k: v for k, v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_actr_n] hx_cx_cr = [{k: v for k, v in hldr.items()} for hldr in hx_cx_cr_n] for i, inf in enumerate(info): if inf["terminate"] and args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr = list(hx_cx_actr), list(hx_cx_cr) hx_cx_actr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_actr[i].keys() } hx_cx_cr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_cr[i].keys() } obs = next_obs # if len(buff_a_probs) == num_samples: # break if len(buff_a_probs) == minibatch_size: # Update: update_cntr += 1 keys = buff_a_probs[0].keys() buff_a_probs_flat = [] for ap in buff_a_probs: for k in keys: buff_a_probs_flat.append(ap[k]) buff_expert_a_flat = [] for hldr in buff_expert_a: for k in keys: buff_expert_a_flat.append(hldr[k]) if args.ppo_heur_block: buff_blocking_pred_flat = [] for hldr in buff_blocking_pred: for k in keys: buff_blocking_pred_flat.append(hldr[k]) buff_is_blocking_flat = [] for hldr in buff_is_blocking: for k in keys: buff_is_blocking_flat.append(hldr[k]) if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: buff_valid_act_flat = [] for time_step in buff_valid_act: for k in keys: hldr = time_step[k] multi_hot = torch.zeros(size=(1, 5), dtype=torch.float32) for i in hldr: multi_hot[0][i] = 1 buff_valid_act_flat.append(multi_hot) #Discard excess samples: #all_data = [] a_probs =[:num_samples]) expert_a = torch.from_numpy( np.array(buff_expert_a_flat[:num_samples])).reshape(-1, 1) expert_a = ppo.tens_to_dev(device, expert_a) #all_data.append(a_probs) #all_data.append(expert_a) if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: buff_valid_act_flat = buff_valid_act_flat[:num_samples]) buff_valid_act_flat = ppo.tens_to_dev( device, buff_valid_act_flat) #print("Buff valid act: {} \n {}".format(buff_valid_act, buff_valid_act_flat)) if args.ppo_heur_block: blocking_pred = buff_blocking_pred_flat[:num_samples]) #all_data.append(blocking_pred) #make tensor of ones and zeros block_bool = buff_is_blocking_flat[:num_samples] is_blocking = torch.zeros(len(block_bool)) is_blocking[block_bool] = 1 #is_blocking = is_blocking = is_blocking.reshape(-1, 1) is_blocking = ppo.tens_to_dev(device, is_blocking) #all_data.append(is_blocking) #train_dataset =*all_data) #train_loader =, batch_size = minibatch_size, shuffle=True) def loss_f_actions(pred, label): action_label_prob = torch.gather(F.softmax(pred), -1, label.long()) log_actions = -torch.log(action_label_prob) #Should sum before taking mean... #This is equivalent to scaling the correct loss by 0.2. loss = log_actions.mean() return loss def loss_f_blocking(pred, label): #pred_action_prob = torch.gather(pred,-1, label.long()) #categorical loss: #test_categorical_loss = CrossEntropyLoss(pred, label.detach()) pred = torch.clamp(pred, 1e-15, 1.0) loss = -(label * torch.log(pred) + (1 - label) * torch.log(1 - pred)) #loss = -(label*torch.log(pred_action_prob) + (1-label)*torch.log(1-pred_action_prob)) #log_actions = -torch.log(action_label_prob) #loss = log_actions.mean() return loss.mean() def loss_f_valid(all_act_prob, valid_act_multi_hot): sigmoid_act = F.sigmoid(all_act_prob) #hldr1 = 1-sigmoid_act #hldr2 = 1-valid_act_multi_hot #hldr3 = torch.log(sigmoid_act) valid_act_loss = -( torch.log(sigmoid_act) * valid_act_multi_hot + torch.log(1 - sigmoid_act) * (1 - valid_act_multi_hot)) return valid_act_loss.mean() #indexes = np.arange(0,num_samples) #np.random.shuffle(indexes) #mb_start = 0 #for i in range(minibatch_size, num_samples, minibatch_size): #ind = indexes[mb_start:i] #mb_start = i a_pred = a_probs #[ind] #data[0] a = expert_a #[ind] #data[1] action_loss = loss_f_actions(a_pred, a) loss2 = action_loss block_loss, vld_loss = None, None if args.ppo_heur_block: block_loss = 0.5 * loss_f_blocking(blocking_pred, is_blocking) loss2 += block_loss if args.ppo_heur_valid_act: vld_loss = 0.5 * loss_f_valid(a_pred, buff_valid_act_flat) loss2 += vld_loss ppo.actors[0].optimizer.zero_grad() loss2.backward(retain_graph=True) torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(ppo.actors[0].parameters(), 1000) ppo.actors[0].optimizer.step() buff_a_probs = [] buff_expert_a = [] buff_blocking_pred = [] buff_is_blocking = [] buff_valid_act = [] if logger is not None: hldr = dict() hldr["bc_action_loss"] = action_loss.item() if block_loss is not None: hldr["bc_block_loss"] = block_loss.item() if vld_loss is not None: hldr["bc_valid_loss"] = vld_loss.item() # if block_loss is not None and vld_loss is not None: # hldr = {"bc_action_loss": action_loss.item(), # "bc_block_loss": block_loss.item(), # "bc_valid_loss": vld_loss.item()} logger.log_bc(hldr)
def bc_training_iteration(args, env_args, ppo, device, minibatch_size, n_sub_updates): def make_start_postion_list(env_hldr): '''Assumes agent keys in evn.agents is the same as agent id's ''' start_positions = [] for i in range(len(env_hldr.agents.values())): start_positions.append(env_hldr.agents[i].pos) return start_positions def make_end_postion_list(env_hldr): '''Assumes agent keys in evn.agents is the same as agent id's ''' end_positions = [] for i in range(len(env_hldr.goals.values())): end_positions.append(env_hldr.goals[i].pos) return end_positions #make single env: env = make_parallel_env(env_args, np.random.randint(0, 1e6), 1) for i in range(n_sub_updates): obs = env.reset() info2 = [{"valid_act": {i: None for i in ob.keys()}} for ob in obs] if args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] else: hx_cx_actr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] hx_cx_cr = [{i: (None, None) for i in ob.keys()} for ob in obs] # Get start and end_positions # run mstar # buff_a_probs = [] buff_expert_a = [] buff_blocking_pred = [] buff_is_blocking = [] num_samples = minibatch_size info = None while len(buff_a_probs) < num_samples: if not info is None: assert info[0]["terminate"] == True env_hldr = env.return_env() #env_hldr[0].render(mode='human') start_pos = make_start_postion_list(env_hldr[0]) end_pos = make_end_postion_list(env_hldr[0]) all_actions = env_hldr[0].graph.mstar_search4_OD(start_pos, end_pos, inflation=1.2) for i, mstar_action in enumerate(all_actions): a_probs, a_select, value, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking = zip(*[ppo.forward(ob,ha,hc, dev=device, valid_act_heur = inf2["valid_act"] ) \ for ob,ha,hc, inf2 in zip(obs, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, info2)]) env_hldr2 = env.return_env() #env_hldr2[0].render(mode='human') buff_a_probs.append(a_probs[0]) buff_expert_a.append(mstar_action) if args.ppo_heur_block: buff_blocking_pred.append(blocking[0]) #env_hldr2 = env.return_env() buff_is_blocking.append( copy.deepcopy(env_hldr2[0].blocking_hldr)) #a_env_dict = [{key:val.item() for key,val in hldr.items()} for hldr in a_select] #next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step(a_env_dict) next_obs, r, dones, info = env.step([mstar_action]) next_obs_ = get_n_obs(next_obs, info) # buff.add(obs, r, value, next_obs_, a_probs, a_select, info, dones, hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr, hx_cx_actr_n, hx_cx_cr_n, blocking) #Reset hidden and cell states when epidode done for i, inf in enumerate(info): if inf["terminate"] and args.ppo_recurrent: hx_cx_actr, hx_cx_cr = list(hx_cx_actr), list(hx_cx_cr) hx_cx_actr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_actr[i].keys() } hx_cx_cr[i] = { i2: ppo.init_hx_cx(device) for i2 in hx_cx_cr[i].keys() } #if info[0]["terminate"]: # assert i == len(all_actions) obs = next_obs if len(buff_a_probs) == num_samples: break #train PPO policy with expert data: #print("test imitation learning ") keys = buff_a_probs[0].keys() buff_a_probs_flat = [] for ap in buff_a_probs: for k in keys: buff_a_probs_flat.append(ap[k]) buff_expert_a_flat = [] for hldr in buff_expert_a: for k in keys: buff_expert_a_flat.append(hldr[k]) if args.ppo_heur_block: buff_blocking_pred_flat = [] for hldr in buff_blocking_pred: for k in keys: buff_blocking_pred_flat.append(hldr[k]) buff_is_blocking_flat = [] for hldr in buff_is_blocking: for k in keys: buff_is_blocking_flat.append(hldr[k]) #Discard excess samples: all_data = [] a_probs =[:num_samples]) expert_a = torch.from_numpy(np.array( buff_expert_a_flat[:num_samples])).reshape(-1, 1) expert_a = ppo.tens_to_dev(device, expert_a) all_data.append(a_probs) all_data.append(expert_a) if args.ppo_heur_block: blocking_pred =[:num_samples]) all_data.append(blocking_pred) is_blocking =[:num_samples]) all_data.append(is_blocking) #train_dataset =*all_data) #train_loader =, batch_size = minibatch_size, shuffle=True) def loss_f_actions(pred, label): action_label_prob = torch.gather(pred, -1, label.long()) log_actions = -torch.log(action_label_prob) loss = log_actions.mean() return loss def loss_f_blocking(pred, label): action_label_prob = torch.gather(pred, -1, label.long()) log_actions = -torch.log(action_label_prob) loss = log_actions.mean() return loss a_pred = a_probs #data[0] a = expert_a #data[1] if args.ppo_heur_block: loss2 = loss_f_actions(a_pred, a) + loss_f_blocking( blocking_pred, is_blocking) loss2 = loss_f_actions(a_pred, a) ppo.actors[0].optimizer.zero_grad() loss2.backward() ppo.actors[0].optimizer.step() del env