    def __init__(self, R=M.TwoLinkManipulator()):
        """ """

        self.R = R  # Model of the robot used by the controller

        # Params
        self.w0 = 10
        self.zeta = 0.7

        # default is fixed goal at zero
        self.goal = np.zeros(R.n)
        self.traj_loaded = False
        self.ctl = self.fixed_goal_ctl

        # Or load a solution: self.solution  = [ x , u , t , dx ]

        #self.traj_ref_pts = 'closest'
        self.traj_ref_pts = 'interpol'

        # For manual acc control
        self.ddq_manual_setpoint = np.zeros(self.R.dof)

        # Integral action with dist observer (beta)
        self.dist_obs_active = False
        self.obs = OBS.DistObserver(R)
    def __init__(self, R=M.TwoLinkManipulator()):
        """ """

        ComputedTorqueController.__init__(self, R)

        # Params

        self.lam = 1  # Sliding surface slope
        self.D = 1  # Discontinuous gain
        self.nab = 0.1  # Min convergence rate
def ctl( x , t ):
    u = np.array([0,0])
    # Your controller here

    R  =  Manipulator.TwoLinkManipulator()
    # Define controller
    ctc     = CTC.ComputedTorqueController( R )
    ctc.w0  = 1
    u = ctc.ctl( x , t )
    return u
    def setup_RRT_algo(self):
        """ Init algo with right params """

        # Robot model
        self.R = M.TwoLinkManipulator()

        #RRT algo
        self.RRT = RPRT.RRT(self.R, x_start=np.array([3, 0, 0, 0]))

        T = 12  # torque

        self.RRT.U = np.array([[T, 0], [0, 0], [-T, 0], [0, T], [0, -T],
                               [T, T], [-T, -T], [-T, T], [T, -T]])
        #RRT.U = np.array([[0,T],[0,-T],[0,0]]) # Acrobot problem

        self.RRT.dt = 0.1
        self.RRT.goal_radius = 1.0
        self.RRT.max_nodes = 15000
        self.RRT.max_solution_time = 10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar  5 20:24:50 2016

@author: alex

from AlexRobotics.dynamic import Manipulator as M
from AlexRobotics.control import ComputedTorque as CTC

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
""" Define system """

# Define dynamic system
R = M.TwoLinkManipulator()

# Define controller
CTC_controller = CTC.SlidingModeController(R)
CTC_controller.lam = 1
CTC_controller.nab = 1
CTC_controller.D = 0

# Asign feedback law to the dynamic system
R.ctl = CTC_controller.ctl
""" Simulation and plotting """

# Ploting a trajectory
x0 = [3, -1, 0, 0]
tf = 10
dt = 0.01
n = int(tf / dt) + 1
# Load 2 dof robot

x_start = [-1,0.3,0,0]

# test student controller


for file in os.listdir():
    Robot  =  Manipulator.TwoLinkManipulator()
    name, extension = os.path.splitext( file )
    code2test = importlib.import_module(name)
    # Asign sudent controller to simulator
    Robot.ctl = code2test.ctl
    # Simulation
    Robot.plotAnimation( x_start , tf=5, n=10001, solver='euler')

    print(name,' Integral Cost:', Robot.Sim.J, ' Note:', max([0,100-Robot.Sim.J*0.05]))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar  5 20:24:50 2016

@author: alex

from AlexRobotics.dynamic import Manipulator as M
from AlexRobotics.control import ComputedTorque as CTC

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
""" Define system """

# Define real dynamic system
R = M.TwoLinkManipulator()
R.f_dist_steady = np.array([10, 10])

# Define approx dynamic system used by controller
R_hat = M.TwoLinkManipulator()
#R_hat.f_dist_steady    = np.array([ 0 , 0 ]) # Model not aware of disturbance

# Define controller
CTC_controller = CTC.ComputedTorqueController(R_hat)
CTC_controller.w0 = 1

#CTC_controller.dist_obs_active = False
CTC_controller.dist_obs_active = True

# Asign feedback law to the dynamic system
R.ctl = CTC_controller.ctl