def capture_board():
    # another small board, this one with imminent captures
    #         X
    #   0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    #   . . B B . . . 0
    #   . B W W B . . 1
    #   . B W . . . . 2
    # Y . . B . . . . 3
    #   . . . . W B . 4
    #   . . . W . W B 5
    #   . . . . W B . 6
    # current_player = black
    gs = go.GameState(size=7)

    black = [(2, 0), (3, 0), (1, 1), (4, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (5, 4), (6, 5),
             (5, 6)]
    white = [(2, 1), (3, 1), (2, 2), (4, 4), (3, 5), (5, 5), (4, 6)]

    for B in black:
        gs.do_move(B, go.BLACK)
    for W in white:
        gs.do_move(W, go.WHITE)
    gs.current_player = go.BLACK

    return gs
def simple_board():
    # make a tiny board for the sake of testing and hand-coding expected results
    #         X
    #   0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    #   B W . . . . . 0
    #   B W . . . . . 1
    #   B . . . B . . 2
    # Y . . . B k B . 3
    #   . . . W B W . 4
    #   . . . . W . . 5
    #   . . . . . . . 6
    # where k is a ko position (white was just captured)

    gs = go.GameState(size=7)

    # ladder-looking thing in the top-left
    gs.do_move((0, 0))  # B
    gs.do_move((1, 0))  # W
    gs.do_move((0, 1))  # B
    gs.do_move((1, 1))  # W
    gs.do_move((0, 2))  # B

    # ko position in the middle
    gs.do_move((3, 4))  # W
    gs.do_move((3, 3))  # B
    gs.do_move((4, 5))  # W
    gs.do_move((4, 2))  # B
    gs.do_move((5, 4))  # W
    gs.do_move((5, 3))  # B
    gs.do_move((4, 3))  # W - the ko position
    gs.do_move((4, 4))  # B - does the capture

    return gs
def self_atari_board():
    # another tiny board for testing self-atari specifically.
    # positions marked with 'a' are self-atari for black
    #         X
    #   0 1 2 3 4 5 6
    #   a W . . . W B 0
    #   . . . . . . . 1
    #   . . . . . . . 2
    # Y . . W . W . . 3
    #   . W B a B W . 4
    #   . . W W W . . 5
    #   . . . . . . . 6
    # current_player = black
    gs = go.GameState(size=7)

    gs.do_move((2, 4), go.BLACK)
    gs.do_move((4, 4), go.BLACK)
    gs.do_move((6, 0), go.BLACK)

    gs.do_move((1, 0), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((5, 0), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((2, 3), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((4, 3), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((1, 4), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((5, 4), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((2, 5), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((3, 5), go.WHITE)
    gs.do_move((4, 5), go.WHITE)

    return gs
 def convert_game(self, file_name):
     with open(file_name, 'r') as file_object:
         sgf_object = SGFParser(
     c = sgf_object.parse().cursor()
     tensors = []
     actions = []
     gs = go.GameState()
     proc = Preprocess()
     while True:
             move = self.parse_raw_move(
         except GameTreeEndError:
             # remove last board state since it has no label
             tensors = tensors[0:-1]
     return zip(tensors, actions)
def _sgf_init_gamestate(sgf_root):
	"""Helper function to set up a GameState object from the root node
	of an SGF file
	props =
	s_size = props.get('SZ', ['19'])[0]
	s_player = props.get('PL', ['B'])[0]
	# init board with specified size
	gs = go.GameState(int(s_size))
	# handle 'add black' property
	if 'AB' in props:
		for stone in props['AB']:
			gs.do_move(_parse_sgf_move(stone), go.BLACK)
	# handle 'add white' property
	if 'AW' in props:
		for stone in props['AW']:
			gs.do_move(_parse_sgf_move(stone), go.WHITE)
	# setup done; set player according to 'PL' property
	gs.current_player = go.BLACK if s_player == 'B' else go.WHITE
	return gs
 def clear(self):
     self._state = go.GameState(self._state.size, enforce_superko=True)
 def __init__(self, player):
     self._state = go.GameState(enforce_superko=True)
     self._player = player
 def set_size(self, n):
     self._state = go.GameState(n, enforce_superko=True)
 def __init__(self, player):
     self._state = go.GameState()
     self._player = player
 def set_size(self, n):
     self._state = go.GameState(n)
 def clear(self):
     self._state = go.GameState(self._state.size)
def run_n_games(optimizer, lr, learner, opponent, num_games, mock_states=[]):
    '''Run num_games games to completion, keeping track of each position and move of the learner.

    (Note: learning cannot happen until all games have completed)

    board_size = learner.policy.model.input_shape[-1]
    states = [go.GameState(size=board_size) for _ in range(num_games)]
    learner_net = learner.policy.model

    # Allowing injection of a mock state object for testing purposes
    if mock_states:
        states = mock_states

    # Create one list of features (aka state tensors) and one of moves for each game being played.
    state_tensors = [[] for _ in range(num_games)]
    move_tensors = [[] for _ in range(num_games)]

    # List of booleans indicating whether the 'learner' player won.
    learner_won = [None] * num_games

    # Start all odd games with moves by 'opponent'. Even games will have 'learner' black.
    learner_color = [
        go.BLACK if i % 2 == 0 else go.WHITE for i in range(num_games)
    odd_states = states[1::2]
    moves = opponent.get_moves(odd_states)
    for st, mv in zip(odd_states, moves):

    current = learner
    other = opponent
    idxs_to_unfinished_states = {i: states[i] for i in range(num_games)}
    while len(idxs_to_unfinished_states) > 0:
        # Get next moves by current player for all unfinished states.
        moves = current.get_moves(idxs_to_unfinished_states.values())
        just_finished = []
        # Do each move to each state in order.
        for (idx, state), mv in zip(idxs_to_unfinished_states.iteritems(),
            # Order is important here. We must get the training pair on the unmodified state before
            # updating it with do_move.
            is_learnable = current is learner and mv is not go.PASS
            if is_learnable:
                 mv_tensor) = _make_training_pair(state, mv,
            if state.is_end_of_game():
                learner_won[idx] = state.get_winner_color(
                ) == learner_color[idx]

        # Remove games that have finished from dict.
        for idx in just_finished:
            del idxs_to_unfinished_states[idx]

        # Swap 'current' and 'other' for next turn.
        current, other = other, current

    # Train on each game's results, setting the learning rate negative to 'unlearn' positions from
    # games where the learner lost.
    for (st_tensor, mv_tensor, won) in zip(state_tensors, move_tensors,
        K.set_value(, abs(lr) * (+1 if won else -1))
        learner_net.train_on_batch(np.concatenate(st_tensor, axis=0),
                                   np.concatenate(mv_tensor, axis=0))

    # Return the win ratio.
    wins = sum(state.get_winner_color() == pc
               for (state, pc) in zip(states, learner_color))
    return float(wins) / num_games