def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 3.00, 3.20) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 3.00, 3.20) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h4.Sumw2() SpsiD.__init__(self, lambda s: 3.0 <= s.m_psi <= 3.2 and 2.24 <= s.m_Lc <= 2.33 and cuts( s), ('Lc', 2.24, 2.33), weight, 'psi', h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 20, 3.00, 3.20) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 20, 1.82, 1.92) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 3.00, 3.20) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 1.82, 1.92) h4.Sumw2() SpsiD.__init__(self, lambda s: 3.0 <= s.m_psi <= 3.2 and 1.82 <= s.m_D0 <= 1.92 and cuts( s), ('D0', 1.82, 1.92), weight, 'psi', h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 3.00, 3.20) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 14, 1.90, 2.04) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 3.00, 3.20) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 7, 1.90, 2.04) h4.Sumw2() SpsiD.__init__(self, lambda s: 3.0 <= s.m_psi <= 3.2 and 1.9 <= s.m_Ds <= 2.04 and cuts( s), ('Ds', 1.9, 2.04), weight, 'psi', h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 18, 1.82, 1.91) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 14, 1.90, 2.04) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 6, 1.82, 1.91) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 7, 1.90, 2.04) h4.Sumw2() DD.__init__( self, lambda s: 1.82 <= s.m_Dp <= 1.91 and 1.9 <= s.m_Ds <= 2.04 and cuts( s), ('Dp', 1.82, 1.91), ('Ds', 1.9, 2.04), weight, h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h4.Sumw2() DD.__init__( self, lambda s: 2.24 <= s.m_Lc1 <= 2.33 and 2.24 <= s.m_Lc2 <= 2.33 and cuts( s), ('Lc1', 2.24, 2.33), ('Lc2', 2.24, 2.33), weight, h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, histo, pt_axis=ROOT.TAxis(20, 2.0, 12.0), y_axis=ROOT.TAxis(10, 2.0, 4.5), cuts=lambda s: True): Selector.__init__(self, None, self) # initialize the base self._cuts = cuts self._pt_axis = pt_axis self. _y_axis = y_axis self._histos = {} self._events = 0L # for iPt in pt_axis: for iY in y_axis: hTotal = histo.Clone(hID()) hAccept = histo.Clone(hID()) hReject = histo.Clone(hID()) hTotal . SetTitle('Total') hAccept . SetTitle('Accept') hReject . SetTitle('Reject') self._histos[(iPt, iY)] = [ hTotal, hAccept, hReject, ]
def __init__(self, h1, h2): h = h1.Clone(hID()) h.Reset() if not h.GetSumw2(): h.Sumw2() self.h1_ = h h = h2.Clone(hID()) h.Reset() if not h.GetSumw2(): h.Sumw2() self.h2_ = h self.axis_1 = self.h1_.GetXaxis() self.axis_2 = self.h2_.GetXaxis() self.histos_1 = {} self.histos_2 = {} for ibin in self.axis_2: h = self.h1_.Clone(hID()) self.histos_1[ibin] = h for ibin in self.axis_1: h = self.h2_.Clone(hID()) self.histos_2[ibin] = h
def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 7, 1.90, 2.04) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 6, 2.24, 2.33) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 7, 1.90, 2.04) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 6, 2.24, 2.33) h4.Sumw2() DD.__init__( self, lambda s: 1.9 <= s.m_Ds <= 2.04 and 2.24 <= s.m_Lc <= 2.33 and cuts( s), ('Ds', 1.9, 2.04), ('Lc', 2.24, 2.33), weight, h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 20, 1.82, 1.92) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 18, 1.82, 1.91) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 1.82, 1.92) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 1.82, 1.91) h4.Sumw2() DD.__init__( self, lambda s: 1.8 <= s.m_D0 <= 1.92 and 1.82 <= s.m_Dp <= 1.91 and cuts( s), ('D0', 1.8, 1.92), ('Dp', 1.82, 1.91), weight, h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, cuts, weight=lambda s: 1, slices_raw=False, slices_cor=False): h1 = None h2 = None h3 = None h4 = None if slices_raw: h1 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 10, 1.82, 1.92) h1.Sumw2() h2 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h2.Sumw2() if slices_cor: h3 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 8, 1.82, 1.92) h3.Sumw2() h4 = ROOT.TH1D(hID(), '', 9, 2.24, 2.33) h4.Sumw2() DD.__init__( self, lambda s: 1.8 <= s.m_D0 <= 1.92 and 2.24 <= s.m_Lc <= 2.33 and cuts( s), ('D0', 1.8, 1.92), ('Lc', 2.24, 2.33), weight, h1, h2, h3, h4)
def __init__(self, histo, pv_axis=ROOT.TAxis(10, 0, 10), spd_axis=ROOT.TAxis(100, 0, 1000), ot_axis=ROOT.TAxis(150, 0, 15000), tlong_axis=ROOT.TAxis(100, 0, 500), tbest_axis=ROOT.TAxis(100, 0, 1000)): Selector.__init__(self, None, self) # initialize the base # # PV self.pv_axis = pv_axis self.pv = {} for i in pv_axis: h = histo.Clone(hID()) h.Sumw2() self.pv[i] = h # # SPD self.spd_axis = spd_axis self.spd = {} for i in spd_axis: h = histo.Clone(hID()) h.Sumw2() self.spd[i] = h # OT self.ot_axis = ot_axis self.ot = {} for i in ot_axis: h = histo.Clone(hID()) h.Sumw2() self.ot[i] = h # Long self.tlong_axis = tlong_axis self.tlong = {} for i in tlong_axis: h = histo.Clone(hID()) h.Sumw2() self.tlong[i] = h # Best self.tbest_axis = tbest_axis self.tbest = {} for i in tbest_axis: h = histo.Clone(hID()) h.Sumw2() self.tbest[i] = h self._events = 0
def fitHisto ( self , histo , draw = False , *args ) : """ Fit the histogram """ self.lst = ROOT.RooArgList ( self.mass ) self.imp = ROOT.RooFit.Import ( histo ) self.hset = ROOT.RooDataHist ( hID() , "Data set for histogram '%s'" % histo.GetTitle() , self.lst , self.imp ) result = self.pdf.fitTo ( self.hset , ROOT.RooFit.Save () , *args ) if not draw : return result frame = self.mass.frame() self.hset.plotOn ( frame ) self.pdf .plotOn ( frame , ROOT.RooFit.Components ( self.background.pdf.GetName() ) , ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle ( ROOT.kDashed ) , ROOT.RooFit.LineColor ( ROOT.kBlue ) ) self.pdf .plotOn ( frame , ROOT.RooFit.LineColor ( ROOT.kRed ) ) frame.Draw() return result, frame
def __init__(self, pt_axis=pt_axis_psi, y_axis=y_axis_psi, cuts=lambda s: 3.0 <= s.mass <= 3.2): MuPidSelector.__init__(self, ROOT.TH1F( hID(), 'Psi+-template', 200, 3.0, 3.2), pt_axis, y_axis, cuts)
def __init__(self, scale=VE(1, 0)): Selector.__init__(self, None, self) # initialize the base self.scale = scale self.dz_0 = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 500, -250, 250) self.dz_1 = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 100, -10, 10) self.pid_0 = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 204, -51, 51) # true pileup ## pileup with |dz| self.pid_1 = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 204, -51, 51) self.pid_2 = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 204, -51, 51) # B-feeddown self.pid_3 = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 204, -51, 51) # signal self.dz_0 . Sumw2() self.dz_1 . Sumw2() self.pid_0 . Sumw2() self.pid_1 . Sumw2() self.pid_2 . Sumw2() self.pid_3 . Sumw2() self.se_0 = SE() self.se_1 = SE() self.se_2 = SE() self.se_3 = SE() self._events = 0
def sPlot ( self , dataset , *args ) : splot = ROOT.RooStats.SPlot ( "sPlot_" + hID() , "sPlot" , dataset , self.pdf , self.alist2 ) self._splots += [ splot ] return splot
def __init__(self, mass, # mass-variable selection, # Tree-selection cuts=lambda s: True, weight=lambda s: 1, name='', tmva_weights='', short=False): if not name: name = hID() SelectorWithCuts.__init__(self, selection) # initialize the base self.num_re = re.compile(r"[(\d)]") self._cuts = cuts self._weight = weight self._short = short self.variables = {} # meta info about vector-variables # contain pairs (name without `[N]`, N as int) self.meta = {} self.mass = mass self.varset = ROOT.RooArgSet(self.mass) for v in varlist: self.add_variable(v[0], v[4], v[2] - 0.1, v[3] + 0.1,) = ROOT.RooDataSet( # name, "Bu -> J/psi KK pi: " + self.mass.GetName(), # self.varset ) ROOT.SetOwnership(, False) self.mmin = self.mass.getMin() self.mmax = self.mass.getMax() self._events = 0 self._counter = SE() self._progress = None self._total = 1 self._tmva_weights = tmva_weights
def fit(self, fun1, fun2): h1 = self.h1_.Clone(hID()) h2 = self.h2_.Clone(hID()) mnerr = 1.e+9 n1, r1 = fun1(self.h1_) for k in self.histos_1: h = self.histos_1[k] n, r = fun1(h) if r and 0 == r.Status() and 0 != n.value() and 0 < n.error(): mnerr = min(mnerr, n.error()) h2[k] = abs(n) n2, r2 = fun2(self.h2_) for k in self.histos_2: h = self.histos_2[k] n, r = fun2(h) if r and 0 == r.Status() and 0 != n.value() and 0 < n.error(): mnerr = min(mnerr, n.error()) h1[k] = abs(n) # adjust null entries (== empty histograms) for h in (h1, h2): for i in h: n = h[i] if n.error() < mnerr: n.setError(mnerr) h[i] = n n1, r1 = fun1(h1) n2, r2 = fun2(h2) return (n1, r1, h1), (n2, r2, h2)
def __init__(self, pt_axis=pt_axis_psip, y_axis=y_axis_psip, l0=True, l1=True, l2=True, cuts=lambda s: 3.61 <= s.m_psip <= 3.77): TrgSelector.__init__( self, 'psip', # see TrgEff ROOT.TH1F(hID(), "Psi'-template", 160, 3.61, 3.77), pt_axis, y_axis, l0, l1, l2, cuts)
def __init__(self, pt_axis=pt_axis_ups, y_axis=y_axis_ups, l0=True, l1=True, l2=True, cuts=lambda s: 8.5 <= s.m_ups <= 11): TrgSelector.__init__( self, 'ups', # see TrgEff ROOT.TH1F(hID(), "Y-template", 250, 8.5, 11), pt_axis, y_axis, l0, l1, l2, cuts)
def __init__(self, pt_axis=pt_axis_psi, y_axis=y_axis_all, l0=True, l1=True, l2=True, cuts=lambda s: 3.0 <= s.m_psi <= 3.2): TrgSelector.__init__( self, 'psi', # see TrgEff ROOT.TH1F(hID(), 'Psi+-template', 200, 3.0, 3.2), pt_axis, y_axis, l0, l1, l2, cuts)
def __init__(self, pt_axis=pt_axis_ds, y_axis=y_axis_all, l0=True, l1=True, l2=True, cuts=lambda s: 1.9 <= s.m_Ds <= 2.04): TrgSelector.__init__( self, 'Ds', # see TrgEff ROOT.TH1F(hID(), 'Ds+-template', 140, 1.9, 2.04), pt_axis, y_axis, l0, l1, l2, cuts)
def __init__(self, pt_axis=pt_axis_lc, y_axis=y_axis_all, l0=True, l1=True, l2=True, cuts=lambda s: 2.24 <= s.m_Lc <= 2.33): TrgSelector.__init__( self, 'Lc', # see TrgEff ROOT.TH1F(hID(), 'c+-template', 90, 2.24, 2.33), pt_axis, y_axis, l0, l1, l2, cuts)
def __init__(self, pt_axis=pt_axis_had, y_axis=y_axis_all, l0=True, l1=True, l2=True, cuts=lambda s: 1.82 <= s.m_Dp <= 1.91): TrgSelector.__init__( self, 'Dp', # see TrgEff ROOT.TH1F(hID(), 'D+-template', 90, 1.82, 1.91), pt_axis, y_axis, l0, l1, l2, cuts)
def getLumi(tree): """ Get Lumi """ import ROOT from AnalysisPython.PyRoUts import hID, VE # hL = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 10, -1, 4) hL.Sumw2() tree.Project(hL.GetName(), '1', 'IntegratedLuminosity') l0 = hL.accumulate() # tree.Project(hL.GetName(), '1', 'IntegratedLuminosity+IntegratedLuminosityErr') l1 = hL.accumulate() # # tree.Project ( hL.GetName() , 'IntegratedLuminosity+IntegratedLuminosityErr') # l2 = hL.accumulate() # return VE(l0.value(), (l1.value() - l0.value()) ** 2)
def cross_T(tree, first, second, gec): """ calculate the cross-section in nanobarns >>> tree = ... >>> cross_section, syst = cross_T ( tree , 'D0' , 'D0' ) """ if issubclass(tree .__class__, (ROOT.RooAbsData, ROOT.RooDataSet)): tree = h0 = ROOT.TH1F(hID(), '', 10, -1, 4) h0.Sumw2() tree.Project(h0.GetName(), '1', 'S1S2_sw') n_raw = h0.accumulate() tree.Project(h0.GetName(), '1', 'S1S2_sw*weight') n_corr = h0.accumulate() return n_raw, n_corr, cross_N(n_corr, first, second, gec)
def __init__(self, var_, histo, pt_axis, y_axis, l0=True, l1=True, l2=True, cuts=lambda s: True): Selector.__init__(self, None, self) # initialize the base self._l0 = l0 self._l1 = l1 self._l2 = l2 trg = self._l0 or self._l1 or self._l2 if not trg: raise TypeError, 'Trigger is not specified ' self._cuts = cuts self._pt_axis = pt_axis self. _y_axis = y_axis self._histos = {} self._events = 0L # self.pt_ = 'pt_' + var_ self.y_ = 'y_' + var_ self.m_ = 'm_' + var_ # self.l0_tos = var_ + '_l0tos_1' self.l0_tis = var_ + '_l0tis_2' # self.l1_tos = var_ + '_l1tos_1' self.l1_tis = var_ + '_l1tis_2' # self.l2_tos = var_ + '_l2tos_1' self.l2_tis = var_ + '_l2tis_2' self._var = var_ for iPt in pt_axis: for iY in y_axis: hTotal = histo.Clone(hID()) hExTos = histo.Clone(hID()) hTisTos = histo.Clone(hID()) hExTis = histo.Clone(hID()) hTob = histo.Clone(hID()) hTotal . SetTitle('Total') hExTis . SetTitle('ExTis') hExTos . SetTitle('ExTos') hTisTos . SetTitle('Tis&Tos') hTob . SetTitle('Tob') self._histos[(iPt, iY)] = [ hTotal, hExTos, hTisTos, hExTis, hTob ] # ## global bin # hTotal = histo.Clone(hID()) hExTos = histo.Clone(hID()) hTisTos = histo.Clone(hID()) hExTis = histo.Clone(hID()) hTob = histo.Clone(hID()) hTotal . SetTitle('Total') hExTis . SetTitle('ExTis') hExTos . SetTitle('ExTos') hTisTos . SetTitle('Tis&Tos') hTob . SetTitle('Tob') self._histos0 = [ hTotal, hExTos, hTisTos, hExTis, hTob ] # # progress bar # self._progress = None self._events = 0