def test_process_data(self, data_field_class):
     Testing the results of getting data vectors in multiple directions
     fmt = '{:4.2f}'
     prof = Profile(data_field_class())
     prof.args = {'axis': 'x', 'locations': [0, 50, 100]}
     assert sp.all(prof.processed_data[fmt.format(0)] == prof.data_map[0, :])
     assert sp.all(prof.processed_data[fmt.format(50)] == prof.data_map[5, :])
     assert sp.all(prof.processed_data[fmt.format(100)] == prof.data_map[9, :])
     prof.args = {'axis': 'z', 'locations': [0, 50, 100]}
     assert sp.all(prof.processed_data[fmt.format(0)] == prof.data_map[:, 0])
     assert sp.all(prof.processed_data[fmt.format(50)] == prof.data_map[:, 5])
     assert sp.all(prof.processed_data[fmt.format(100)] == prof.data_map[:, 9])
     prof.args = {'axis': 'y', 'locations': [0, 50, 100]}
     assert prof.processed_data is None
    def test_add_sub_parser(self):
        # setting up required parsers
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parent = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
        subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

        # adding percentiles subparser
        Profile._add_subparser(subparsers, parent)

        # testing parser
        cargs = 'Profile x 10'.split()
        args = parser.parse_args(cargs)
        cargs = 'prof z 5 20 50'.split()
        args = parser.parse_args(cargs)
        assert args.axis == 'z'
        assert args.locations == [5, 20, 50]
        cargs = 'prof y 5'.split()
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            args = parser.parse_args(cargs)
 def test_output_data(self, data_field_class):
     Testing output content generation
     fmt = '{:4.2f}'
     prof = Profile(data_field_class())
     prof.infile = os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, 'test-profile.txt')
     prof.args = {'axis': 'x', 'locations': [0, 50, 100]}
     start_ids = [(int(l/100.0* for l in prof.args['locations']]
     prof.loc_ids = {fmt.format(loc): sid for loc, sid in zip(prof.args['locations'], start_ids)}
     prof.processed_data = {}
     prof.processed_data[fmt.format(0)] = prof.data_map[0, :]
     prof.processed_data[fmt.format(50)] = prof.data_map[5, :]
     prof.processed_data[fmt.format(100)] = prof.data_map[9, :]
     assert prof.outfile_content