def retrieve_json(self): """ Retrieve a JSON payload from a given URL and parameter :return: Returns a JSON payload """ try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(self.url + self.param) payload = jsonPayload = json.loads(payload.decode('utf-8')) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Success", "Retrieved JSON payload from URL") curlFeed.send() return jsonPayload except: # Catch all exceptions e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" % e) jsonPayload = {} logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Failed", "Failed to retrieve JSON payload from URL") curlFeed.send() return jsonPayload
def send_payload(self, payload): """ Sends JSON payload to App2 using TLS :param payload: The JSON payload :return: Returns true if successful, false if failed """ try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ca_certs="server.crt", cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) ssl_sock.connect(('localhost', 8080)) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Success", "Sending Json Payload") curlFeed.send() ssl_sock.send((json.dumps(payload).encode())) ssl_sock.close() return True except: # Catch all exception e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" % e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Failed", "Failed to send JSON payload") curlFeed.send() ssl_sock.close() return False
def send_payloadqueue(self, payload): """ Makes connection to app3Pyro Pass the uri to app3 Send payload to app1 via rabbitmq """ try: jsonPayload = format(payload) print(jsonPayload) print("Connecting to the localhost...") time.sleep(2) connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost')) channel = print("Successfully connected to the queue channel...") time.sleep(1) channel.queue_declare(queue='HelloTeam2!') channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key='Hello', body=jsonPayload) print(" [x] Sent the payload back to app1.") curlFeed = CurlFeed("App4", "Success", "Successfully Sent rabbitmq payload to App1") curlFeed.send() connection.close() except Exception as e: print(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App4", "Failure", "Failed to send rabbitmq payload to App1") curlFeed.send()
def jasonRead(): ''' return the message ''' with open("json.txt", "r") as json_data: curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Opened JSON file") curlFeed.send() message = json.load(json_data) print(type(message)) return message
def send_SFTP(dataJSON): ''' Sends the JSON Payload to APP3 using SFTP Security ''' try: with pysftp.Connection(**cinfo) as sftp: print("Connection made") print("Sending JSON payload to App3") sftp.put('json.txt') curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Success", "Sent JSON payload to App3") return True except: print("Log exception:", sys.exc_info()[0]) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Failed", sys.exc_info()[0]) curlFeed.send() return False
def pyro_payload(self,message): ''' uri - The uri the user has to input from App4 ''' try: uri = input("Please enter the uri: ").strip() transformer = Pyro4.Proxy(uri) print("Sending JSON Payload to app4") transformer.send_pyro(message) transformer.shutdown() #print(transformer.get_payload(repr(message))) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Sent JSON payload to App4") curlFeed.send() return True except: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0])
def send_SFTP(self): ''' SFTP recieves payload ''' try: with pysftp.Connection(**cinfo) as sftp: print("Connection made") print("Sending the JSON Payload to App3") sftp.put('json.txt') curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Success", "Successfully Sent SFTP Payload to App3") curlFeed.send() return True except: print("Log exception:", sys.exc_info()[0]) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Failure", "Failed to send SFTP Payload to App3") curlFeed.send()
def email_send(self): try: s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress1], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress2], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress3], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress4], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress5], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress6], msg.as_string()) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Sent JSON payload to email addresses") curlFeed.send() except exception as e: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0]) print("Error %s" %e.args[0]) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", e.args[0]) curlFeed.send()
def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the daemon passed """ try: print("Shutting down Pyro ORB...\n") self.daemon.shutdown() curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Shutdown daemon") curlFeed.send() return True except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" %e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", "Failed to shutdown daemon") curlFeed.send() return False
def send_pyro(self, payload): """ Appends a payload to the class :param payload: The payload to append :return: Returns true if successful and false if failed """ try: self.payload.append(payload) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Attached payload to send to App 4") curlFeed.send() return True except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" %e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", "Failed to attach payload to send to App4") curlFeed.send() return False
def CompressFile(self): ''' Compress the text file ''' try : with open(self.mlocation,'rb') as f_in: with,'wb') as f_out: print("Now compressing the JSON Payload") shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) print("The file has been compressed") curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Compressed JSON file") curlFeed.send() return True except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", e) curlFeed.send() raise
def messageEngrpt(self): ''' Hash the message with the key and with sha256 ''' try: lkey = bytes(self.key, "UTF-8") lmessage = bytes(repr(self.message), "UTF-8") digester =, lmessage, hashlib.sha256) print(digester) self.signature = digester.digest() curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Hashed JSON data") curlFeed.send() print(self.signature) return True except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", e) curlFeed.send() raise
def save_payload(self, payload): """ Writes JSON payload to text file :param payload: The JSON payload :return: Returns true if successful, false if failed """ try: with open('json.txt', 'w') as outFile: outFile.write(json.dumps(payload)) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Success", "Saved Json payload") curlFeed.send() return True except: # Catch all exceptions e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" % e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Failed", "Failed to save JSON payload") curlfeed.send() return False
def send_payload(self, payload): """ Sends JSON payload to App2 using TLS :param payload: The JSON payload :return: Returns true if successful, false if failed """ try: self.socket.send((json.dumps(payload).encode())) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Success", "Sent payload to App 2") self.socket.close() return True except: # Catch all exceptions e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" % e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Failed", "Failed to send JSON payload") curlFeed.send() self.socket.close() return False
def receive_payloadqueue(self): ''' Receives paylaod from queue Return true when it receives the payload Return false when payload is not received ''' try: connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.ConnectionParameters(host=settings.HOSTNAME)) channel = channel.queue_declare(queue='Team2') curlFeed = CurlFeed( "App1", "Success", "Successfully receiving rabbitmq payload from app4") curlFeed.send() def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print("Received %r \n" % body) channel.stop_consuming() channel.basic_consume(callback, queue='Team2', no_ack=True) channel.start_consuming() curlFeed = CurlFeed( "App1", "Success", "Successfully receiving rabbitmq payload from app4") curlFeed.send() return True except Exception as e: print(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed( "App1", "Failure", "Failed to receive rabbitmq payload from App4") curlFeed.send() return False
def get_connection(): try: ''' SFTP getting connection ''' s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(s, server_side=True, certfile="server.crt", keyfile="server.key") ssl_sock.bind(('localhost', 8080)) ssl_sock.listen(5) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Success", "Started server") curlFeed.send() print("ciphers:" + str(ssl_sock.cipher())) while True: print("Accept SSL Connections from the outside") (clientsocket, address) = ssl_sock.accept() data = clientsocket.recv(1024) dataJSON = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) print(json.dumps(dataJSON)) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Success", "Recieved JSON payload") curlFeed.send() return dataJSON except: print("Log exception:", sys.exc_info()[0]) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Failed", sys.exc_info()[0]) curlFeed.send()
def hash(dataJSON): ''' Hashes the JSON Payload ''' try: key = "This is a key" print(key) key = bytes(key, 'UTF-8') dataJSON_bytes = bytes(json.dumps(dataJSON), 'UTF-8') sha256_digester =, dataJSON_bytes, hashlib.sha256) print(sha256_digester) sha256_signature = sha256_digester.digest() print("Hashing JSON Payload") print(sha256_signature) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Success", "Hashed JSON Payload") curlFeed.send() return True except: print("Log exception:", sys.exc_info()[0]) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App2", "Failed", sys.exc_info()[0]) curlFeed.send() return False
def setup_connection(self): """ Setup connection for TLS :return: Returns true if successful, false if failed """ try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ca_certs=settings.CERT, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) self.socket.connect((settings.HOSTNAME, settings.PORT_NUMBER)) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Success", "Connected to server") curlFeed.send() return True except: # Catch all exceptions e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" % e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App1", "Failed", "Failed to connect to server") curlFeed.send() return False
def Emailsent(message): ''' Create email to sent ''' fromAddress = '*****@*****.**' toAddress1 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress2 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress3 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress4 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress5 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress6 = '*****@*****.**' subject = "Hey Team" msg = MIMEText(repr(message)) msg['Subject'] = 'Subject' msg['From'] = fromAddress msg['To Brian'] = toAddress1 msg['To Zach'] = toAddress2 msg['To Bijal'] = toAddress3 msg['To Francheska'] = toAddress4 msg['To Rachel'] = toAddress5 msg['To Ricky'] = toAddress6 try: s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('',465) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress1], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress2], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress3], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress4], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress5], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress6], msg.as_string()) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Sent JSON payload to email addresses") curlFeed.send() return True except exception as e: print("Error %s" %e.args[0]) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", e.args[0]) curlFeed.send() return False
def pyro_payload(self): try: uri = input("Please enter the uri: ").strip() transformer = Pyro4.Proxy(uri) print("Sending JSON Payload to app4") print(transformer.get_payload(repr(message))) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Sent JSON payload to App4") curlFeed.send() except: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0]) try: with open('json.txt', 'rb') as f_in: try: with'json.txt.gz', 'wb') as f_out: print("Now compressing the JSON Payload") shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) print("The file has been compressed") curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Compressed JSON file") curlFeed.send() except: print("Log exception 1:", sys.exc_info()[0]) except: print("Log exception 2:", sys.exc_info()[0])
''' Test this file ''' from App5.curlfeed import CurlFeed test = CurlFeed("APP5 Test", "Failed", "WHYY ") test.getApp() test.getStatus() test.getInfo() test.send()
def sendURI(self): """ Sends a URI to an application to recieve a PayloadSender object :return: Returns true if successful, false if failed """ try: @Pyro4.expose class PayloadSender(object): """ Contains methods to attach a payload and close the daemon attached """ def __init__(self, daemon, payload): self.daemon = daemon self.payload = payload def send_pyro(self, payload): """ Appends a payload to the class :param payload: The payload to append :return: Returns true if successful and false if failed """ try: self.payload.append(payload) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Attached payload to send to App 4") curlFeed.send() return True except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" %e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", "Failed to attach payload to send to App4") curlFeed.send() return False @Pyro4.oneway # in case call returns later than daemon.shutdown def shutdown(self): """ Shuts down the daemon passed """ try: print("Shutting down Pyro ORB...\n") self.daemon.shutdown() curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Shutdown daemon") curlFeed.send() return True except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" %e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", "Failed to shutdown daemon") curlFeed.send() return False daemon = Pyro4.Daemon() uri = daemon.register(PayloadSender(daemon, self.payload)) print("Ready... Object uri =", uri) print("Ready to send object using pyro") daemon.requestLoop() daemon.close() print("Daemon closed.\n") print("Here's the payload:") print(self.payload[0]) print("") curlFeed = CurlFeed("App4", "Success", "Retrieved payload with Pyro object") curlFeed.send() return True except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Error:%s" %e) logging.error(e) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", "Failed to retrieve payload with Pyro object") curlFeed.send() return False
def sftp(self): try: print("Recieving payload file") data = sftp.get("json.txt") except: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0]) with open("json.txt", "r") as json_data: curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Opened JSON file") curlFeed.send() key = "This is a key" message = json.load(json_data) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Loaded JSON data") curlFeed.send() print(repr(message)) key = bytes(key, "UTF-8") message = bytes(repr(message), "UTF-8") sha256_digester =, message, hashlib.sha256) print(sha256_digester) sha256_signature = sha256_digester.digest() curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Hashed JSON data") curlFeed.send() print(sha256_signature) ''' Team2 email address''' def email_address(self): try: fromAddress = '*****@*****.**' toAddress1 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress2 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress3 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress4 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress5 = '*****@*****.**' toAddress6 = '*****@*****.**' except: print("Log exception:",sys.exc_info()[0]) ''' Subject that will be in the email adress''' def email_subjet(self): try: subject = "Hey Team" msg = MIMEText(repr(message)) except: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0]) ''' msg - The message that will be recieved in all the email''' def email_msg(self): try: msg['Subject'] = 'Subject' msg['From'] = fromAddress msg['To Brian'] = toAddress1 msg['To Zach'] = toAddress2 msg['To Bijal'] = toAddress3 msg['To Francheska'] = toAddress4 msg['To Rachel'] = toAddress5 msg['To Ricky'] = toAddress6 except: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0]) ''' Sending the email''' def email_send(self): try: s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress1], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress2], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress3], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress4], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress5], msg.as_string()) s.sendmail(fromAddress,[toAddress6], msg.as_string()) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Sent JSON payload to email addresses") curlFeed.send() except exception as e: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0]) print("Error %s" %e.args[0]) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Failed", e.args[0]) curlFeed.send() ''' uri-The uri the user has to iput from App4''' def pyro_payload(self): try: uri = input("Please enter the uri: ").strip() transformer = Pyro4.Proxy(uri) print("Sending JSON Payload to app4") print(transformer.get_payload(repr(message))) curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Sent JSON payload to App4") curlFeed.send() except: print("Log exception",sys.exc_info()[0]) try: with open('json.txt', 'rb') as f_in: try: with'json.txt.gz', 'wb') as f_out: print("Now compressing the JSON Payload") shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) print("The file has been compressed") curlFeed = CurlFeed("App3", "Success", "Compressed JSON file") curlFeed.send() except: print("Log exception 1:", sys.exc_info()[0]) except: print("Log exception 2:", sys.exc_info()[0])