def run(self): """Add all requested processors, then reparse all command line arguments. Finally prepare and run all processors. """ # Detect all valid processors self._detect_available_processors() json_default_initialisation = None if self.args["json_defaults"] is not None: json_default_initialisation = self.args["json_defaults"] json_defaults = JsonDict( self.args["json_defaults"]).doIncludes().doComments() #set_defaults will overwrite/ignore the json_default argument. Cannot be used. no_default_args = dict( (k, v) for (k, v) in self.args.items() if not self.parser.get_default(k) == self.args[k]) self.args.update( dict(json_defaults.items() + no_default_args.items())) # replace 'json_defaults' from imported json file to actual name of imported json file if json_default_initialisation != None: self.args["json_defaults"] = json_default_initialisation if self.args["list_available_modules"]: self._print_available_modules() return # handle input modules (first) if isinstance(self.args["input_modules"], basestring): self.args["input_modules"] = [self.args["input_modules"]] for module in self.args["input_modules"]: if self._isvalid_processor(module, processor_type=InputBase): self.processors.append(self.available_processors[module]()) else: "Provide a valid input module or use the default. Default is \"{0}\"!" .format(self.parser.get_default("input_modules"))) log.critical( "Input module \"{0}\" cannot be not found or imported!". format(module)) sys.exit(1) # handle analysis modules (second) if self.args["analysis_modules"] is None: self.args["analysis_modules"] = [] for module in self.args["analysis_modules"]: if self._isvalid_processor(module, processor_type=AnalysisBase): self.processors.append(self.available_processors[module]()) else: log.critical( "Analysis module \"{0}\" cannot be not found or imported!". format(module)) sys.exit(1) # handle plot modules (third) if isinstance(self.args["plot_modules"], basestring): self.args["plot_modules"] = [self.args["plot_modules"]] if not self.args["plot_modules"]: log.critical("Empty list of plot modules supplied!") for module in self.args["plot_modules"]: if self._isvalid_processor(module, processor_type=PlotBase): self.processors.append(self.available_processors[module]()) else: log.critical( "Plot module \"{0}\" cannot be not found or imported!". format(module)) sys.exit(1) # let processors modify the parser and then parse the arguments again for processor in self.processors: processor.modify_argument_parser(self.parser, self.args) # overwrite defaults by defaults from json files if self.args["json_defaults"] != None: self.parser.set_defaults(**(JsonDict( self.args["json_defaults"]).doIncludes().doComments())) self.args = vars(self.parser.parse_args(self._args_from_script)) plotData = plotdata.PlotData(self.args) # print the final processor chain log.debug('Processors will be run in the following order') log.debug(' => '.join( [ for processor in self.processors])) if not plotData.plotdict['no_logo']: self._logo() # general ROOT settings log.debug("Setting ROOT TH1 DefaultSumw2 to True.") ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2(True) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) # export arguments into JSON file (1) # remove entries from dictionary that are not meant to be exported export_args = JsonDict(copy.deepcopy(plotData.plotdict)) for arg in [ "quantities", "export_json", "live", "userpc", "json_defaults" ]: export_args.pop(arg, None) # remove defaults for key in export_args.keys(): if (key in self.args and self.parser.get_default(key) == export_args[key] and (self.args.get("json_defaults", None) is None or key not in JsonDict( self.args["json_defaults"]).doIncludes().doComments())): export_args.pop(key, None) if plotData.plotdict["export_json"] == "update": plotData.plotdict["export_json"] = "default" if plotData.plotdict[ "json_defaults"] is None else plotData.plotdict[ "json_defaults"][0] # prepare aguments for all processors before running them for processor in self.processors: processor.prepare_args(self.parser, plotData) # export arguments into JSON file if plotData.plotdict["export_json"] != "default" and plotData.plotdict[ "export_json"] not in [False, "False", None, "None"]:["export_json"], indent=4) else: plotData.plotdict["export_json"] = None # save plots output_filenames = del (plotData) return output_filenames
def run(self): """Add all requested processors, then reparse all command line arguments. Finally prepare and run all processors. """ # Detect all valid processors self._detect_available_processors() json_default_initialisation = None if self.args["json_defaults"] is not None: json_default_initialisation = self.args["json_defaults"] json_defaults = JsonDict(self.args["json_defaults"]).doIncludes().doComments() #set_defaults will overwrite/ignore the json_default argument. Cannot be used. no_default_args = dict((k,v) for (k,v) in self.args.items() if not self.parser.get_default(k) == self.args[k] ) self.args.update(dict(json_defaults.items() + no_default_args.items())) # replace 'json_defaults' from imported json file to actual name of imported json file if json_default_initialisation != None: self.args["json_defaults"] = json_default_initialisation if self.args["list_available_modules"]: self._print_available_modules() return # handle input modules (first) if isinstance(self.args["input_modules"], basestring): self.args["input_modules"] = [self.args["input_modules"]] for module in self.args["input_modules"]: if self._isvalid_processor(module, processor_type=InputBase): self.processors.append(self.available_processors[module]()) else:"Provide a valid input module or use the default. Default is \"{0}\"!".format(self.parser.get_default("input_modules"))) log.critical("Input module \"{0}\" cannot be not found or imported!".format(module)) sys.exit(1) # handle analysis modules (second) if self.args["analysis_modules"] is None: self.args["analysis_modules"] = [] for module in self.args["analysis_modules"]: if self._isvalid_processor(module, processor_type=AnalysisBase): self.processors.append(self.available_processors[module]()) else: log.critical("Analysis module \"{0}\" cannot be not found or imported!".format(module)) sys.exit(1) # handle plot modules (third) if isinstance(self.args["plot_modules"], basestring): self.args["plot_modules"] = [self.args["plot_modules"]] if not self.args["plot_modules"]: log.critical("Empty list of plot modules supplied!") for module in self.args["plot_modules"]: if self._isvalid_processor(module, processor_type=PlotBase): self.processors.append(self.available_processors[module]()) else: log.critical("Plot module \"{0}\" cannot be not found or imported!".format(module)) sys.exit(1) # let processors modify the parser and then parse the arguments again for processor in self.processors: processor.modify_argument_parser(self.parser, self.args) # overwrite defaults by defaults from json files if self.args["json_defaults"] != None: self.parser.set_defaults(**(JsonDict(self.args["json_defaults"]).doIncludes().doComments())) self.args = vars(self.parser.parse_args(self._args_from_script)) plotData = plotdata.PlotData(self.args) # print the final processor chain log.debug('Processors will be run in the following order') log.debug(' => '.join([ for processor in self.processors])) if not plotData.plotdict['no_logo']: self._logo() # general ROOT settings log.debug("Setting ROOT TH1 DefaultSumw2 to True.") ROOT.TH1.SetDefaultSumw2(True) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) # export arguments into JSON file (1) # remove entries from dictionary that are not meant to be exported export_args = JsonDict(copy.deepcopy(plotData.plotdict)) for arg in ["quantities", "export_json", "live", "userpc", "json_defaults"]: export_args.pop(arg, None) # remove defaults for key in export_args.keys(): if (key in self.args and self.parser.get_default(key) == export_args[key] and (self.args.get("json_defaults", None) is None or key not in JsonDict(self.args["json_defaults"]).doIncludes().doComments())): export_args.pop(key, None) if plotData.plotdict["export_json"] == "update": plotData.plotdict["export_json"] = "default" if plotData.plotdict["json_defaults"] is None else plotData.plotdict["json_defaults"][0] # prepare aguments for all processors before running them for processor in self.processors: processor.prepare_args(self.parser, plotData) # export arguments into JSON file if plotData.plotdict["export_json"] != "default" and plotData.plotdict["export_json"] not in [False, "False", None, "None"]:["export_json"], indent=4) # save plots output_filenames = del(plotData) return output_filenames