    def __init__(self, StreamName, FileName, tupleName=None, asAlg=False):

        # Initialize the base class:
        AugmentedStreamBase.__init__(self, StreamName)

        # Check if the user specified a tree name or not:
        if tupleName == None:
            tupleName = StreamName

        # event-by-event stream
        import AthenaCommon.CfgMgr as CfgMgr
        from AthenaRootComps.WriteAthenaRoot import createNtupleOutputStream
        from AthenaRootComps.AthenaRootCompsConf import Athena__RootOutputStreamTool as AthenaRootOutputStreamTool
        from AthenaRootComps.AthenaRootCompsConf import Athena__RootNtupleOutputMetadataTool as RootNtupleOutputMetadataTool

        self.Stream = createNtupleOutputStream(StreamName, FileName, tupleName,
        metadataTool = RootNtupleOutputMetadataTool(StreamName + "Meta")
        metadataTool.OutputFile = FileName
        metadataTool.StreamName = StreamName
        metadataTool.TupleName = tupleName
        theApp.serviceMgr().ToolSvc += metadataTool
        self.Stream.HelperTools = [metadataTool]

    def NewPoolRootStream(self, StreamName, FileName="default", asAlg=False):
        theStream = self.NewStream(StreamName,
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
        svcMgr = theApp.serviceMgr()
        theApp.CreateSvc += ["xAODMaker::EventFormatSvc"]

        from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
        streamMarkUpTool = CfgMgr.xAODMaker__FileMetaDataMarkUpTool(
            StreamName + "_FileMetaDataMarkUpTool")
        streamMarkUpTool.Key = StreamName
        theStream.Stream.HelperTools += [streamMarkUpTool]
        theStream.Stream.WritingTool.SubLevelBranchName = "<key>"
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
            "DatabaseName = '" + FileName + "'; COMPRESSION_LEVEL = '5'"
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
            "DatabaseName = '" + FileName +
            "'; ContainerName = 'TTree=CollectionTree'; TREE_AUTO_FLUSH = '-10000000'"
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
            "DatabaseName = '" + FileName +
            "'; ContainerName = 'TTree=CollectionTree'; CONTAINER_SPLITLEVEL = '1'"
        svcMgr.AthenaPoolCnvSvc.PoolAttributes += [
            "DatabaseName = '" + FileName +
            "'; ContainerName = 'TTree=Aux.'; CONTAINER_SPLITLEVEL = '1'"
        return theStream
def dump(outputFilename):
        "Start dumping configuration for further use in the trigger configuration database"

    dumper = Dumper.getDumperInstance(outputFilename)

    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc, ServiceMgr, theApp
    svcMgr = theApp.serviceMgr()
    toolSvc = svcMgr.ToolSvc
    topAlgs = theApp.TopAlg
    auditorSvc = svcMgr.AuditorSvc

    # Dump the ApplicationMgr
    dumper.append(theApp, algtype='Algorithm', dumpChildren=False)

    # Dump the Tools
    dumper.append(toolSvc, algtype='Service', dumpChildren=False)
    for alg in toolSvc.getAllChildren():
        dumper.append(alg, algtype='PublicTool', dumpChildren=True)

    # Dump the Auditors
    dumper.append(auditorSvc, algtype='Service', dumpChildren=False)
    for alg in auditorSvc.getAllChildren():
        dumper.append(alg, algtype='Auditor', dumpChildren=True)

    # Dump the Services
    dumper.append(svcMgr, algtype='Service', dumpChildren=False)
    for alg in svcMgr.getAllChildren():
        if alg.getName() in ('AuditorSvc', 'ToolSvc'): continue
        dumper.append(alg, algtype='Service', dumpChildren=True)

    # Dump the top Algorithms
    from AthenaCommon.ConfigurableDb import getConfigurable
    from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable

    for algNameClass in topAlgs:
        algClass, algName = algNameClass.split('/')[0:2]
        alg = None
        if algName in Configurable.allConfigurables:
            alg = Configurable.allConfigurables[algName]
            if alg.getFullName() != algNameClass:
                alg = None

        if alg == None:
            from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
            cfg_class = getConfigurable(algClass, assumeCxxClass=True)
            stmt = 'alg = CfgMgr.%s("%s")' % (cfg_class.__name__, algName)
                exec stmt
            except Exception, exc:
                print "ERROR:\t\tTop algorithm: %s/%s was not assigned: %s" % (
                    algClass, algName)
                print exc
        if alg:
            dumper.append(alg, algtype='TopAlg', dumpChildren=True)
            print "Top algorithm: %s/%s was not assigned" % (algClass, algName)
    def __init__(self, StreamName, FileName):
        AugmentedStreamBase.__init__(self, StreamName)

        #General setup
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
        svcMgr = theApp.serviceMgr()
        from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
        topSequence = AlgSequence()

        # BS OutputStream Tool
        from ByteStreamCnvSvc.ByteStreamCnvSvcConf import ByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvc, ByteStreamOutputStreamCopyTool
        self.bsCopyTool = ByteStreamOutputStreamCopyTool(
        svcMgr.ToolSvc += self.bsCopyTool

        #default output directory
        import commands
        cmd = 'pwd'
        (statusCode, outDir) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
        outDir += "/"

        # BS output Svc
        from ByteStreamCnvSvc.ByteStreamCnvSvcConf import ByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvc
        self.bsOutputSvc = ByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvc(
            "BSESOutputSvc" + StreamName,
        svcMgr += self.bsOutputSvc

        # Set BS OutputSvc/InputSvc to BS OutputStream Tool
        self.bsCopyTool.ByteStreamOutputSvc = self.bsOutputSvc
        self.bsCopyTool.ByteStreamInputSvc = svcMgr.ByteStreamInputSvc

        # create AthenaOutputStream for BS Copy and add it to topSequence
        from AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf import AthenaOutputStream
        self.Stream = AthenaOutputStream(StreamName,

        #topSequence += self.Stream #<-- coherent with asAlg=False in OutputStreamAthenaPool.py
# jopOptions file for reading ByteStream 

from os import system,popen
from subprocess import check_output
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import six

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
svcMgr = theApp.serviceMgr()

from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
tbstat_log = logging.getLogger( 'jobOptions_TileTBStat.py' )

#---  Output printout level ----------------------------------- 
#output threshold (1=VERBOSE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
if not 'OutputLevel' in dir():
    OutputLevel = 4
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = OutputLevel
svcMgr.MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 1000000
svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format = "% F%60W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
svcMgr.MessageSvc.useColors = False

if not 'RunNumber' in dir():
    RunNumber = 0
#topSequence        += PassNoneFilter

import AthenaCommon.CfgMgr as CfgMgr
from AthenaRootComps.WriteAthenaRoot import createNtupleOutputStream
from AthenaRootComps.AthenaRootCompsConf import Athena__RootOutputStreamTool as AthenaRootOutputStreamTool
from AthenaRootComps.AthenaRootCompsConf import Athena__RootNtupleOutputMetadataTool as RootNtupleOutputMetadataTool

StreamName = "StreamNTUP"
FileName = "testNTUP.root"
tupleName = "test"
Eventless = createNtupleOutputStream(StreamName, FileName, tupleName, False)
metadataTool = RootNtupleOutputMetadataTool(StreamName + "Meta")
metadataTool.OutputFile = FileName
metadataTool.StreamName = StreamName
metadataTool.TupleName = tupleName
theApp.serviceMgr().ToolSvc += metadataTool
Eventless.HelperTools = [metadataTool]
Eventless.ForceRead = True
Eventless.RequireAlgs += ["PassNoneFilter"]
#Eventless.RequireAlgs += ["PassAllFilter"]

#from NTUPtoNTUPCore import NTUPUtils
#MNSMgr = NTUPUtils.MNSMgr()
#Eventless = MNSMgr.NewNTUPStream("StreamNTUP","testNTUP.root","test")
#Eventless.GetStream().ForceRead = True
#athOutSeq += Eventless

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
  def dump(self) :
    # Set the output file
    document = None
    file = None
    if self.__dict__.has_key('OutputFile') and self.OutputFile != '' :
      # Dump the algorithms to the file
      file = open(self.OutputFile, 'w')
      # Test the xml type of the output
      if self.OutputFile[-4:] == '.xml' :
        import xml.dom.minidom
        impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
        document = impl.createDocument(None, "setup", None)
      import sys
      file = sys.stdout
    # Get the algorithms
    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc,ServiceMgr,theApp
    from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
    #toolSvc = CfgMgr.ToolSvc()
    svcMgr = theApp.serviceMgr()
    toolSvc = svcMgr.ToolSvc
    topAlgs = theApp.TopAlg
    auditors = svcMgr.AuditorSvc
    # Dump the ApplicationMgr
    if document :
      topElement = document.documentElement
      topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(theApp, document, dumpChildren=False))
    else :
      file.write(self.algtoStr(theApp, ntabs=1, dumpChildren=False))
    # Dump the Tools
    if document :
      topElement = document.documentElement
      topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(toolSvc, document,'Service',dumpChildren=False))
    else :
      file.write(self.algtoStr(toolSvc, ntabs=1, dumpChildren=False))
    for alg in toolSvc.getAllChildren():
      if document:
        topElement = document.documentElement
        topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(alg, document, 'PublicTool'))
      else :

    # Dump the Auditors
    if document :
      topElement = document.documentElement
      topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(auditors, document,'Service',dumpChildren=False))
    else :
      file.write(self.algtoStr(auditors, ntabs=1, dumpChildren=False))
    for alg in auditors.getAllChildren():
      if document:
        topElement = document.documentElement
        topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(alg, document, 'Auditor'))
      else :
    # Dump the Services
    if document :
      topElement = document.documentElement
      topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(svcMgr, document,'Service',dumpChildren=False))
    else :
      file.write(self.algtoStr(svcMgr, ntabs=1, dumpChildren=False))
    for alg in svcMgr.getAllChildren():
      if alg.getName() not in ('AuditorSvc','ToolSvc') :
        if document:
          topElement = document.documentElement
          topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(alg, document, 'Service'))
        else :
    # Dump the top Algorithms
    from AthenaCommon.ConfigurableDb import getConfigurable, cfgDb
    from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
    from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
    for algNameClass in topAlgs:
      alg = None
      algName = algNameClass.split('/')[1]
      algClass = algNameClass.split('/')[0]
      if Configurable.allConfigurables.has_key(algName) :
        alg = Configurable.allConfigurables[algName]
        if alg.getFullName() != algNameClass: alg = None
      if not alg :
        cfg_class = getConfigurable(algClass, assumeCxxClass=True)
        stmt = 'alg = CfgMgr.%s("%s")' % (cfg_class.__name__,algName)
        try :
          exec stmt
        except Exception, exc:
          print "ERROR:\t\tTop algorithm: %s/%s was not assigned: %s" % (algClass,algName)
          print exc
      if alg :
        if document:
          topElement = document.documentElement
          topElement.appendChild(self.algtoXML(alg, document, 'TopAlg'))
        else :
      else :
        print "Top algorithm: %s/%s was not assigned" % (algClass,algName)
# Write RDO to BS
# --------------------------------------------------------------

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc

svcMgr = theApp.serviceMgr()

# Conversion Service instance
from ByteStreamCnvSvc.ByteStreamCnvSvcConf import ByteStreamCnvSvc
svcMgr += ByteStreamCnvSvc()

# OutputSvc
from ByteStreamCnvSvc.ByteStreamCnvSvcConf import ByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvc
svcMgr += ByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvc()

# Properties
ByteStreamCnvSvc = svcMgr.ByteStreamCnvSvc
ByteStreamCnvSvc.IsSimulation = True
ByteStreamCnvSvc.ByteStreamOutputSvc ="ByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvc"

# SCT cabling
from SCT_Cabling.SCT_CablingConf import SCT_CablingSvc
IOVDbSvc = Service("IOVDbSvc")
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb