class World:

    # Constructor for the world
    # Input parameter is a file name holding the configuration information
    #    for the world to be created
    #    The constructor reads in file data, stores it in appropriate
    #    attributes and sets up the window within which to draw.
    #    It also initializes the lighting in the world.
    def __init__(self, filename):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            l = f.readline().split()
            self.width = int(l[0])
            self.height = int(l[1])
            l = f.readline().split()
            self.player = Avatar(int(l[0]), int(l[1]))
            self.tiles = [[None for i in range(self.height)]
                          for j in range(self.width)]
            for i in range(self.height - 1, -1, -1):
                l = f.readline().split()
                for j in range(0, self.width):
                    self.tiles[j][i] = Tile(l[j])
        StdDraw.setCanvasSize(self.width * 16, self.height * 16)
        StdDraw.setXscale(0.0, self.width * 16)
        StdDraw.setYscale(0.0, self.height * 16)

        ##### YOUR CODE HERE #####

    def validPos(self, x, y):
        if x >= 0 and x <= self.width - 1 and y >= 0 and y <= self.height - 1:
            return True
            return False

    # Accept keyboard input and performs the appropriate action
    # Input parameter is a character that indicates the action to be taken
    def handleKey(self, ch):
        x = self.player.getX()
        y = self.player.getY()
        if ch == "w":
            if self.validPos(x, y + 1):
                if self.tiles[x][y + 1].isPassable():
                    self.player.setLocation(x, y + 1)
        elif ch == "s":
            if self.validPos(x, y - 1):
                if self.tiles[x][y - 1].isPassable():
                    self.player.setLocation(x, y - 1)
        elif ch == "a":
            if self.validPos(x - 1, y):
                if self.tiles[x - 1][y].isPassable():
                    self.player.setLocation(x - 1, y)
        elif ch == "d":
            if self.validPos(x + 1, y):
                if self.tiles[x + 1][y].isPassable():
                    self.player.setLocation(x + 1, y)
        elif ch == "+":
        elif ch == "-":
            if self.player.getTorchRadius() >= 2.5:

        ##### YOUR CODE HERE ####

    # Draw all the lit tiles
    # Only action is to draw all the components associated with the world
    def draw(self):
        x = self.light(self.player.getX(), self.player.getY(),
        for i in range(0, self.width):
            for j in range(0, self.height):
                self.tiles[i][j].draw(i, j)

        ##### YOUR CODE HERE #####

    # Light the world
    # Input parameters are the x and y position of the avatar and the
    #    current radius of the torch.
    #    Calls the recursive lightDFS method to continue the lighting
    # Returns the total number of tiles lit
    def light(self, x, y, r):

        ##### YOUR CODE HERE #####
        return self.lightDFS(x, y, x, y, r)

    def dist(self, x, y, xOne, yOne):
        xDist = (xOne - x)**2
        yDist = (yOne - y)**2
        return math.sqrt(xDist + yDist)

    # Recursively light from (x, y) limiting to radius r
    # Input parameters are (x,y), the position of the avatar,
    #    (currX, currY), the position that we are currently looking
    #    to light, and r, the radius of the torch.
    # Returns the number of tiles lit
    def lightDFS(self, x, y, currentX, currentY, r):
        if not self.validPos(currentX, currentY):
            return 0
        elif self.dist(x, y, currentX, currentY) >= r:
            return 0
        elif self.tiles[currentX][currentY].getLit():
            return 0
        elif self.tiles[currentX][currentY].isOpaque():
            return 1
            c = 1
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX, currentY + 1, r)
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX, currentY - 1, r)
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX - 1, currentY, r)
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX + 1, currentY, r)
            return c

        ##### YOUR CODE HERE ####
        return 0

    # Turn all the lit values of the tiles to a given value. Used
    #    to reset lighting each time the avatar moves or the torch
    #    strength changes
    # Input paramter is a boolean value, generally False, to turn off
    #    the light, but is flexible to turn the light on in some future
    #    version
    def setLit(self, value):
        for i in range(0, self.width):
            for j in range(0, self.height):

        ##### YOUR CODE HERE #####
class World:

    # Constructor for the world
    # Input parameter is a file name holding the configuration information
    #    for the world to be created
    #    The constructor reads in file data, stores it in appropriate
    #    attributes and sets up the window within which to draw.
    #    It also initializes the lighting in the world.
    def __init__(self, filename):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            l = f.readline().split()
            self.width = int(l[0])
            self.height = int(l[1])
            l = f.readline().split()
            self.avatar = Avatar(int(l[0]), int(l[1]), int(l[2]), int(l[3]),
            self.tiles = [[None for i in range(self.height)]
                          for j in range(self.width)]
            for i in range(self.height - 1, -1, -1):
                l = f.readline().split()
                for j in range(0, self.width):
                    self.tiles[j][i] = Tile(l[j])
            self.mons = []
            for line in f:
                l = line.split()
                if len(l) == 6:
                    m = Monster(self, l[0], int(l[1]), int(l[2]), int(l[3]),
                                int(l[4]), int(l[5]))
                    t = threading.Thread(target=m.run)
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        StdDraw.setCanvasSize(self.width * Tile.SIZE, self.height * Tile.SIZE)
        StdDraw.setXscale(0.0, self.width * Tile.SIZE)
        StdDraw.setYscale(0.0, self.height * Tile.SIZE)

    #Checks to see if the entered x,y position exists on the grid of tiles
    #Returns true if it does false if not
    def validPos(self, x, y):
        if x >= 0 and x <= self.width - 1 and y >= 0 and y <= self.height - 1:
            return True
            return False

    # Accept keyboard input and performs the appropriate action
    # Input parameter is a character that indicates the action to be taken
    def handleKey(self, ch):
        x = self.avatar.getX()
        y = self.avatar.getY()
        if ch == "w":
            self.avatarMove(x, y + 1)
        elif ch == "s":
            self.avatarMove(x, y - 1)
        elif ch == "a":
            self.avatarMove(x - 1, y)
        elif ch == "d":
            self.avatarMove(x + 1, y)
        elif ch == "+":
        elif ch == "-":
            if self.avatar.getTorchRadius() >= 2.5:

        ##### YOUR CODE HERE ####

    # Draw all the lit tiles
    # Only action is to draw all the components associated with the world
    def draw(self):
        self.avatar.timer += 10
        x = self.light(self.avatar.getX(), self.avatar.getY(),
        for i in range(0, self.width):
            for j in range(0, self.height):
                self.tiles[i][j].draw(i, j)
        for m in self.mons:

    # Light the world
    # Input parameters are the x and y position of the avatar and the
    #    current radius of the torch.
    #    Calls the recursive lightDFS method to continue the lighting
    # Returns the total number of tiles lit
    def light(self, x, y, r):
        return self.lightDFS(x, y, x, y, r)

    def dist(self, x, y, xOne, yOne):
        xDist = (xOne - x)**2
        yDist = (yOne - y)**2
        return math.sqrt(xDist + yDist)

    # Recursively light from (x, y) limiting to radius r
    # Input parameters are (x,y), the position of the avatar,
    #    (currX, currY), the position that we are currently looking
    #    to light, and r, the radius of the torch.
    # Returns the number of tiles lit
    def lightDFS(self, x, y, currentX, currentY, r):
        if not self.validPos(currentX, currentY):
            return 0
        elif self.dist(x, y, currentX, currentY) >= r:
            return 0
        elif self.tiles[currentX][currentY].getLit():
            return 0
        elif self.tiles[currentX][currentY].isOpaque():
            return 1
            c = 1
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX, currentY + 1, r)
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX, currentY - 1, r)
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX - 1, currentY, r)
            c += self.lightDFS(x, y, currentX + 1, currentY, r)
            return c
        return 0

    # Turn all the lit values of the tiles to a given value. Used
    #    to reset lighting each time the avatar moves or the torch
    #    strength changes
    # Input paramter is a boolean value, generally False, to turn off
    #    the light, but is flexible to turn the light on in some future
    #    version
    def setLit(self, value):
        for i in range(0, self.width):
            for j in range(0, self.height):

    def avatarAlive(self):
        if self.avatar.getHitPoints() > 0:
            return True
        return False

    def monsterMove(self, x, y, monster):
        if self.validPos(x, y):
            if self.tiles[x][y].isPassable():
                check = False
                for m in self.mons:
                    if m.getX() == x and m.getY() == y:
                        check = True
                if not check:
                    if self.avatar.getX() == x and self.avatar.getY() == y:
                        monster.setLocation(x, y)

    #Gets input from handleKey to what would happen if the player moved to that
    #and then applies those effects
    def avatarMove(self, x, y):
        if self.validPos(x, y):
            if self.tiles[x][y].isPassable():
                check = False
                for m in self.mons:
                    if m.getX() == x and m.getY() == y:
                        check = True
                if not check:
                    self.avatar.setLocation(x, y)

    #Gets the number of monsters remaining and returns it as an int
    def getNumMonsters(self):
        c = 0
        for m in self.mons:
            if m.getHitPoints() > 0:
                c += 1
        return c