def release(self, slot_id, tx_fee=DEFAULT_RELEASE_SLOT_FEE, fee_scale=DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE, timestamp=0): if not self.privateKey: msg = 'Private key required' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, MissingPrivateKeyException) elif tx_fee < DEFAULT_RELEASE_SLOT_FEE: msg = 'Transaction fee must be >= %d' % DEFAULT_RELEASE_SLOT_FEE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif slot_id >= 60 or slot_id < 0: msg = 'Slot id must be in 0 to 59' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif CHECK_FEE_SCALE and fee_scale != DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE: msg = 'Wrong fee scale (currently, fee scale must be %d).' % DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif not is_offline() and self.balance() < tx_fee: msg = 'Insufficient B91 balance' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InsufficientBalanceException) else: if timestamp == 0: timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000000) sData = struct.pack(">B", RELEASE_SLOT_TX_TYPE) + \ struct.pack(">I", slot_id) + \ struct.pack(">Q", tx_fee) + \ struct.pack(">H", fee_scale) + \ struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) signature = bytes2str(sign(self.privateKey, sData)) data = json.dumps({ "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey, "fee": tx_fee, "feeScale": fee_scale, "slotId": slot_id, "timestamp": timestamp, "signature": signature }) return self.wrapper.request('/spos/broadcast/release', data)
def check_tx(self, tx_id, confirmations=0): """Confirm tx on chain. Return True if Transaction is fully confirmed. Return False if Transaction is sent but not confirmed or failed. Return None if Transaction does not exist! """ if is_offline(): pyb91spos.throw_error("Cannot check transaction in offline mode.", NetworkException) return None utx_res = self.chain.unconfirmed_tx(tx_id) if "id" in utx_res: logging.error("Transaction {} is pending in UTX pool.".format(tx_id)) return False else: tx_res = self.chain.tx(tx_id) if tx_res.get("status") == "Success": tx_height = tx_res["height"] cur_height = self.chain.height() if cur_height >= tx_height + confirmations: logging.debug("Transaction {} is fully confirmed.".format(tx_id)) return True else:"Transaction {} is sent but not fully confirmed.".format(tx_id)) return False elif "id" not in tx_res: logging.error("Transaction does not exist!") logging.debug("Tx API response: {}".format(tx_res)) return None else: logging.error("Transaction failed to process!") logging.debug("Tx API response: {}".format(tx_res)) return False
def request(self, api, post_data=''): if is_offline(): offline_tx = {} offline_tx['api-type'] = 'POST' if post_data else 'GET' offline_tx['api-endpoint'] = api offline_tx['api-data'] = post_data return offline_tx headers = {} url = self.node_host + api if self.api_key: headers['api_key'] = self.api_key header_str = ' '.join( ['--header \'{}: {}\''.format(k, v) for k, v in headers.items()]) try: if post_data: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' data_str = '-d {}'.format(post_data)"curl -X POST %s %s %s" % (header_str, data_str, url)) return, data=post_data, headers=headers).json() else:"curl -X GET %s %s" % (header_str, url)) return requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() except RequestException as ex: msg = 'Failed to get response: {}'.format(ex) raise NetworkException(msg)
def check_contend(self, slot_id, tx_fee): if tx_fee < DEFAULT_CONTEND_SLOT_FEE: msg = 'Transaction fee must be >= %d' % DEFAULT_CONTEND_SLOT_FEE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) return False if slot_id >= 60 or slot_id < 0: msg = 'Slot id must be in 0 to 59' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) return False if is_offline(): # if offline, skip other check return True balance_detail = self.get_info() min_effective_balance = MIN_CONTEND_SLOT_BALANCE + tx_fee if balance_detail["effective"] < min_effective_balance: msg = 'Insufficient B91 balance. (The effective balance must be >= %d)' % min_effective_balance pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) return False slot_info = self.chain.slot_info(slot_id) if not slot_info or slot_info.get("mintingAverageBalance") is None: msg = 'Failed to get slot minting average balance' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, NetworkException) return False elif slot_info["mintingAverageBalance"] >= balance_detail["mintingAverage"]: msg = 'The minting average balance of slot %d is greater than or equals to yours. ' \ 'You will contend this slot failed.' % slot_id pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InsufficientBalanceException) return False return True
def height(self): if is_offline(): pyb91spos.throw_error("Cannot check height in offline mode.", NetworkException) return 0 else: return self.api_wrapper.request('/blocks/height')['height']
def check_node(self, other_node_host=None): if is_offline(): pyb91spos.throw_error("Cannot check node in offline mode.", NetworkException) return False if other_node_host: res = self.chain.check_with_other_node(other_node_host) else: res = self.chain.self_check() # add more check if need return res
def get_connected_peers(self): if is_offline(): pyb91spos.throw_error("Cannot check peers in offline mode.", NetworkException) return [] response = self.api_wrapper.request('/peers/connected') if not response.get("peers"): return [] else: return [peer["address"] for peer in response.get("peers")]
def __str__(self): if not self.address: raise InvalidAddressException("No address") result = 'address = %s\npublicKey = %s\nprivateKey = %s\nseed = %s\nnonce = %d' % \ (self.address, self.publicKey, self.privateKey, self.seed, self.nonce) if not is_offline(): try: balance = self.balance() result += "\nbalance: {}".format(balance) except NetworkException: logging.error("Failed to get balance") return result
def balance(self, confirmations=0): if is_offline(): pyb91spos.throw_error("Cannot check balance in offline mode.", NetworkException) return 0 try: confirmations_str = '' if confirmations == 0 else '/%d' % confirmations resp = self.wrapper.request('/addresses/balance/%s%s' % (self.address, confirmations_str)) logging.debug(resp) return resp['balance'] except Exception as ex: msg = "Failed to get balance. ({})".format(ex) pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, NetworkException) return 0
def dbput(self, db_key, db_data, db_data_type="ByteArray", tx_fee=DEFAULT_DBPUT_FEE, fee_scale=DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE, timestamp=0): if not self.privateKey: msg = 'Private key required' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, MissingPrivateKeyException) elif tx_fee < DEFAULT_DBPUT_FEE: msg = 'Transaction fee must be >= %d' % DEFAULT_DBPUT_FEE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif len(db_key) > MAX_DB_KEY_SIZE or len(db_key) < MIN_DB_KEY_SIZE: msg = 'DB key length must be greater than %d and smaller than %d' % (MIN_DB_KEY_SIZE, MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif CHECK_FEE_SCALE and fee_scale != DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE: msg = 'Wrong fee scale (currently, fee scale must be %d).' % DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif not is_offline() and self.balance() < tx_fee: msg = 'Insufficient B91 balance' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InsufficientBalanceException) else: if timestamp == 0: timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000000) # "ByteArray" is the only supported type in first version if db_data_type == "ByteArray": data_type_id = b'\x01' # TODO: add more DB data type here else: msg = 'Unsupported data type: {}'.format(db_data_type) pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) return sData = struct.pack(">B", DBPUT_TX_TYPE) + \ struct.pack(">H", len(db_key)) + \ str2bytes(db_key) + \ struct.pack(">H", len(db_data)+1) + \ data_type_id + \ str2bytes(db_data) + \ struct.pack(">Q", tx_fee) + \ struct.pack(">H", fee_scale) + \ struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) signature = bytes2str(sign(self.privateKey, sData)) data = json.dumps({ "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey, "dbKey": db_key, "dataType": db_data_type, "data": db_data, "fee": tx_fee, "feeScale": fee_scale, "timestamp": timestamp, "signature": signature }) return self.wrapper.request('/database/broadcast/put', data)
def get_tx_history(self, limit=100, type_filter=PAYMENT_TX_TYPE): if is_offline(): pyb91spos.throw_error("Cannot check history in offline mode.", NetworkException) return [] if not self.address: msg = 'Address required' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, MissingAddressException) elif limit > MAX_TX_HISTORY_LIMIT: msg = 'Too big sequences requested (Max limitation is %d).' % MAX_TX_HISTORY_LIMIT pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) else: url = '/transactions/address/{}/limit/{}'.format(self.address, limit) resp = self.wrapper.request(url) if isinstance(resp, list) and type_filter: resp = [tx for tx in resp[0] if tx['type'] == type_filter] return resp
def send_payment(self, recipient, amount, attachment='', tx_fee=DEFAULT_PAYMENT_FEE, fee_scale=DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE, timestamp=0): if not self.privateKey: msg = 'Private key required' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, MissingPrivateKeyException) if not self.chain.validate_address(recipient.address): msg = 'Invalid recipient address' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidAddressException) elif amount <= 0: msg = 'Amount must be > 0' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif tx_fee < DEFAULT_PAYMENT_FEE: msg = 'Transaction fee must be >= %d' % DEFAULT_PAYMENT_FEE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif len(attachment) > MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE: msg = 'Attachment length must be <= %d' % MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif CHECK_FEE_SCALE and fee_scale != DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE: msg = 'Wrong fee scale (currently, fee scale must be %d).' % DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif not is_offline() and self.balance() < amount + tx_fee: msg = 'Insufficient B91 balance' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InsufficientBalanceException) else: if timestamp == 0: timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000000) sData = struct.pack(">B", PAYMENT_TX_TYPE) + \ struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) + \ struct.pack(">Q", amount) + \ struct.pack(">Q", tx_fee) + \ struct.pack(">H", fee_scale) + \ base58.b58decode(recipient.address) + \ struct.pack(">H", len(attachment)) + \ str2bytes(attachment) signature = bytes2str(sign(self.privateKey, sData)) attachment_str = bytes2str(base58.b58encode(str2bytes(attachment))) data = json.dumps({ "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey, "recipient": recipient.address, "amount": amount, "fee": tx_fee, "feeScale": fee_scale, "timestamp": timestamp, "attachment": attachment_str, "signature": signature }) return self.wrapper.request('/vsys/broadcast/payment', data)
def check_with_other_node(self, node_host, super_node_num=DEFAULT_SUPER_NODE_NUM): if is_offline(): pyb91spos.throw_error("Cannot check height in offline mode.", NetworkException) return False try: h1 = self.height() except NetworkException: logging.error("Fail to connect {}.".format(node_host)) return False try: other_api = Wrapper(node_host) h2 = other_api.request('/blocks/height')['height'] except NetworkException: logging.error("Fail to connect {}.".format(node_host)) return False # Add more check if need return h2 - h1 <= super_node_num
def get_info(self): if not (self.address and self.publicKey): msg = 'Address required' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, MissingAddressException) return None if not self.publicKey: msg = 'Public key and address required' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, MissingPublicKeyException) return None if is_offline(): info = { "publicKey": self.publicKey, "address": self.address } return info info = self.balance_detail() if not info: msg = 'Failed to get balance detail' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, NetworkException) else: info["publicKey"] = self.publicKey return info
def lease_cancel(self, lease_id, tx_fee=DEFAULT_CANCEL_LEASE_FEE, fee_scale=DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE, timestamp=0): decode_lease_id = base58.b58decode(lease_id) if not self.privateKey: msg = 'Private key required' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, MissingPrivateKeyException) elif tx_fee < DEFAULT_CANCEL_LEASE_FEE: msg = 'Transaction fee must be > %d' % DEFAULT_CANCEL_LEASE_FEE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif len(decode_lease_id) != LEASE_TX_ID_BYTES: msg = 'Invalid lease transaction id' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif CHECK_FEE_SCALE and fee_scale != DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE: msg = 'Wrong fee scale (currently, fee scale must be %d).' % DEFAULT_FEE_SCALE pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InvalidParameterException) elif not is_offline() and self.balance() < tx_fee: msg = 'Insufficient B91 balance' pyb91spos.throw_error(msg, InsufficientBalanceException) else: if timestamp == 0: timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000000) sData = struct.pack(">B", LEASE_CANCEL_TX_TYPE) + \ struct.pack(">Q", tx_fee) + \ struct.pack(">H", fee_scale) + \ struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) + \ decode_lease_id signature = bytes2str(sign(self.privateKey, sData)) data = json.dumps({ "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey, "txId": lease_id, "fee": tx_fee, "feeScale": fee_scale, "timestamp": timestamp, "signature": signature }) req = self.wrapper.request('/leasing/broadcast/cancel', data) return req