class _BoundedCacheSet:
    # implements LRU.  I could've implemented this using
    # a set and then removed a random item from the set whenever the set
    # got too large.  Hmmm...
    def __init__(self, max_items):
        assert max_items > 1
        self._max_items = max_items
        self._data = IndexedMultiMap()         # recent accesses.

    def add(self, key): # O(log n)
        i = self._data.find_key_by_value(key)
        t = time()
        if i.at_end():
            self._data[t] = key
        while len(self._data) > self._max_items:
            j = self._data.begin()
            assert not j.at_end()

    def __contains__(self, key):
        i = self._data.find_key_by_value(key)
        return not i.at_end()
    def remove(self, key):
        i = self._data.find_key_by_value(key)
        if i.at_end():
            raise KeyError()

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._data)
class _BoundedCacheSet:
    # implements LRU.  I could've implemented this using
    # a set and then removed a random item from the set whenever the set
    # got too large.  Hmmm...
    def __init__(self, max_items):
        assert max_items > 1
        self._max_items = max_items
        self._data = IndexedMultiMap()  # recent accesses.

    def add(self, key):  # O(log n)
        i = self._data.find_key_by_value(key)
        t = time()
        if i.at_end():
            self._data[t] = key
            self._data.update_key(i, t)

        while len(self._data) > self._max_items:
            j = self._data.begin()
            assert not j.at_end()

    def __contains__(self, key):
        i = self._data.find_key_by_value(key)
        return not i.at_end()

    def remove(self, key):
        i = self._data.find_key_by_value(key)
        if i.at_end():
            raise KeyError()

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._data)
class CacheMap:
    """this cache class allows caching with arbitrary expiration times.  This is different
       from BTL.Cache which assumes all items placed in the cache remain valid for the same

       Like a BTL.Map, there can only be one instance of any given key in
       the cache at a time.  Subsequent inserts (__setitem__ or set)
       with the same key, will update the ttl and value for that

       Unlike a BTL.Map, CacheMap does not perform in-order iteration based on key, and
       key lookups (__getitem__) take average O(1) time.

       The map also has the option to have bounded size in which case it imposes the 
       following replacement algorithm: remove the oldest entries first unless
       those entries are in the recent access set.  Here 'old' refers to duration
       in the cache.  Recent set has bounded size.

    # BTL.Cache places the cache entries in a queue.  We instead maintain an
    # IndexedMultiMap ordered based on expiration times.  The index allows nodes in the
    # map to be looked up in O(1) time based on value.
    def __init__(self, default_ttl = None, expire_interval = 60, touch_on_access = False,
                 max_items = None, recent_items = RECENT_SIZE ):
           @param default_ttl: time to live when using __setitem__ rather than set.
           @param expire_interval:  time between removals of expired items in seconds. Otherwise,
               expired items are removed lazily.
           @param touch_on_access: refresh item expire time by ttl when item is accessed.
           @param max_items: maximum size of cache.  (see replacement algorithm above)
        self._exp = IndexedMultiMap()  # expiration times.  Multiple items can have the same expiration
                                       # times, but there can only be one instance of any one key
                                       # in the CacheMap.
        self._data = {}
        self._ttl = default_ttl
        self._touch = touch_on_access
        self._max_items = max_items
        self._expire_interval = expire_interval
        if max_items is not None:
            self._recent = _BoundedCacheSet(int(min(recent_items,max_items)))
            self._recent = None
        reactor.callLater(self._expire_interval, self._expire)
    def __getitem__(self, key):  # O(1) if not touch and not newly expired, else O(log n)
        """Raises KeyError if the key is not in the cache.
           This can happen if the entry was deleted or expired."""
        ttl,v = self._data[key]  # ttl is duration, not absolute time.
        i = self._exp.find_key_by_value(key)     # O(1). Key in exp is time. 'key' variable
                                                 # is exp's value. :-)
        if i.at_end():
            raise KeyError()
        t = time()
        if i.key() < t:                          # expired.
            del self[key]                        # O(log n)
            raise KeyError()
        if self._recent:
        if self._touch:
            self._exp.update_key(i,t+ttl)  # O(1) if no reordering else O(log n)
        return v

    def __setitem__(self, key, value): # O(log n).  actually O(log n + RECENT_SIZE)
        assert self._ttl > 0, "no default TTL defined.  Perhaps the caller should call set " \
               "rather than __setitem__."
        t = time()
        if self._data.has_key(key):
            ttl,_ = self._data[key]
            ttl = self._ttl
        if self._recent:

        # perform cache replacement if necessary.
        if self._max_items is not None and len(self._data) > self._max_items:
            to_remove = []
            for t,k in self._exp.iteritems():
                                   # worst case is O(RECENT_SIZE), but it is highly unlikely
                                   # that all members of the recent access set are the oldest
                                   # in the cache.
                if k not in self._recent:
                if len(to_remove) >= len(self._data) - self._max_items:
            for k in to_remove:
                del self[k]                    

    def set(self, key, value, ttl):
        """Set using non-default TTL.  ttl is a duration, not an absolute
        t = time()
        self._data[key] = (ttl, value)
        i = self._exp.find_key_by_value(key)
        if i.at_end():
            self._exp[t+ttl] = key
            assert i.value() == key

    def __delitem__(self, key): # O(log n)
        del self._data[key]
        i = self._exp.find_key_by_value(key)
        if not i.at_end():  # No KeyError is generated if item is not in
                            # Cache because it could've been expired.

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns number of entries in the cache.  Includes any
           expired entries that haven't been removed yet.
           Takes O(1) time."""
        return len(self._data)

    def num_unexpired(self):
        """Returns number of unexpired entries in the cache.
           Any expired entries are removed before computing the length.
           Takes worst case O(n) time where n = the number of expired
           entries in the cache when this is called."""
        return len(self._data)
    def has_key(self, key):
        return self._data.has_key(key)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return self._data.has_key(key)
    def keys(self):
        return self._data.keys()

    def _expire(self):
        reactor.callLater(self._expire_interval, self._expire)

    def _expire2(self):
        t = time()
        while True:
          i = self._exp.begin()
          if i.at_end():
          if i.key() < t:
              key = i.value()
              del self._data[key]
        assert len(self._data) == len(self._exp)
class CacheMap:
    """this cache class allows caching with arbitrary expiration times.  This is different
       from BTL.Cache which assumes all items placed in the cache remain valid for the same

       Like a BTL.Map, there can only be one instance of any given key in
       the cache at a time.  Subsequent inserts (__setitem__ or set)
       with the same key, will update the ttl and value for that

       Unlike a BTL.Map, CacheMap does not perform in-order iteration based on key, and
       key lookups (__getitem__) take average O(1) time.

       The map also has the option to have bounded size in which case it imposes the 
       following replacement algorithm: remove the oldest entries first unless
       those entries are in the recent access set.  Here 'old' refers to duration
       in the cache.  Recent set has bounded size.

    # BTL.Cache places the cache entries in a queue.  We instead maintain an
    # IndexedMultiMap ordered based on expiration times.  The index allows nodes in the
    # map to be looked up in O(1) time based on value.
    def __init__(self,
           @param default_ttl: time to live when using __setitem__ rather than set.
           @param expire_interval:  time between removals of expired items in seconds. Otherwise,
               expired items are removed lazily.
           @param touch_on_access: refresh item expire time by ttl when item is accessed.
           @param max_items: maximum size of cache.  (see replacement algorithm above)
        self._exp = IndexedMultiMap(
        )  # expiration times.  Multiple items can have the same expiration
        # times, but there can only be one instance of any one key
        # in the CacheMap.
        self._data = {}
        self._ttl = default_ttl
        self._touch = touch_on_access
        self._max_items = max_items
        self._expire_interval = expire_interval
        if max_items is not None:
            self._recent = _BoundedCacheSet(int(min(recent_items, max_items)))
            self._recent = None
        reactor.callLater(self._expire_interval, self._expire)

    def __getitem__(
            key):  # O(1) if not touch and not newly expired, else O(log n)
        """Raises KeyError if the key is not in the cache.
           This can happen if the entry was deleted or expired."""
        ttl, v = self._data[key]  # ttl is duration, not absolute time.
        i = self._exp.find_key_by_value(
            key)  # O(1). Key in exp is time. 'key' variable
        # is exp's value. :-)
        if i.at_end():
            raise KeyError()
        t = time()
        if i.key() < t:  # expired.
            del self[key]  # O(log n)
            raise KeyError()
        if self._recent:
        if self._touch:
            self._exp.update_key(i, t +
                                 ttl)  # O(1) if no reordering else O(log n)
        return v

    def __setitem__(self, key,
                    value):  # O(log n).  actually O(log n + RECENT_SIZE)
        assert self._ttl > 0, "no default TTL defined.  Perhaps the caller should call set " \
               "rather than __setitem__."
        t = time()
        if self._data.has_key(key):
            ttl, _ = self._data[key]
            ttl = self._ttl
        self.set(key, value, ttl)
        if self._recent:

        # perform cache replacement if necessary.
        if self._max_items is not None and len(self._data) > self._max_items:
            to_remove = []
            for t, k in self._exp.iteritems():
                # worst case is O(RECENT_SIZE), but it is highly unlikely
                # that all members of the recent access set are the oldest
                # in the cache.
                if k not in self._recent:
                if len(to_remove) >= len(self._data) - self._max_items:
            for k in to_remove:
                del self[k]

    def set(self, key, value, ttl):
        """Set using non-default TTL.  ttl is a duration, not an absolute
        t = time()
        self._data[key] = (ttl, value)
        i = self._exp.find_key_by_value(key)
        if i.at_end():
            self._exp[t + ttl] = key
            assert i.value() == key
            self._exp.update_key(i, t + ttl)

    def __delitem__(self, key):  # O(log n)
        del self._data[key]
        i = self._exp.find_key_by_value(key)
        if not i.at_end():  # No KeyError is generated if item is not in
            # Cache because it could've been expired.

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns number of entries in the cache.  Includes any
           expired entries that haven't been removed yet.
           Takes O(1) time."""
        return len(self._data)

    def num_unexpired(self):
        """Returns number of unexpired entries in the cache.
           Any expired entries are removed before computing the length.
           Takes worst case O(n) time where n = the number of expired
           entries in the cache when this is called."""
        return len(self._data)

    def has_key(self, key):
        return self._data.has_key(key)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return self._data.has_key(key)

    def keys(self):
        return self._data.keys()

    def _expire(self):
        reactor.callLater(self._expire_interval, self._expire)

    def _expire2(self):
        t = time()
        while True:
            i = self._exp.begin()
            if i.at_end():
            if i.key() < t:
                key = i.value()
                del self._data[key]
        assert len(self._data) == len(self._exp)