def buildDeclarations(self, maxLoopA, maxLoopB, reduction_node_list, shared_node_list, ast): """ Builds the declaration section @param numThreads number of threads @return Declarations subtree """ # Position in the template for dimA declaration, just in case we change it DIMA_POS = 0 DIMB_POS = 1 MEMSIZE_POS = 4 # TODO : Move this array creation to a template filter (something like |type) reduction_vars = get_template_array(reduction_node_list, ast) def check_array(elem): return isinstance(elem.type, c_ast.ArrayDecl) or isinstance(elem, c_ast.Struct) shared_vars = get_template_array(shared_node_list, ast, func = check_array) template_code = """ /* Kernel configuration */ void kernel_func() { int dimA = 1; int dimB = 1; int numThreadsPerBlock = CUDA_NUM_THREADS/2; int numBlocks = dimA / numThreadsPerBlock + (dimA % numThreadsPerBlock?1:0); int numThreadsPerBlockB = CUDA_NUM_THREADS/2; int numBlocksB = dimB / numThreadsPerBlock + (dimB % numThreadsPerBlock?1:0); int numElems = numBlocks * numThreadsPerBlock * numBlocksB * numThreadsPerBlockB; int memSize = numElems * sizeof(double); /* Variable declaration */ % for var in reduction_names: ${var.type} * reduction_cu_${}; % endfor % for var in shared_vars: ${var.type} * ${var}_cu; % endfor /* Initialization */ % for var in reduction_names: cudaMalloc((void **) (&reduction_cu_${}), numElems * sizeof(${var.type})); /* This may be incorrect in case reduction don't start with 0 or 1 */ cudaMemset(reduction_cu_${}, (int) ${}, numElems * sizeof(${var.type})); % endfor % for var in shared_vars: ${}_cu = malloc(numElems * sizeof(${var.type})); cudaMalloc((void **) (&${}_cu), numElems * sizeof(${var.type})); cudaMemcpy(${}_cu, ${}, numElems * sizeof(${var.type}), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); % endfor } """ kernel_init = self.parse_snippet(template_code, {'reduction_names' : reduction_vars, 'shared_vars' : shared_vars}, name = 'Initialization of ' + self.kernel_name, show = False).ext[-1].body kernel_init.decls[DIMA_POS].init = maxLoopA kernel_init.decls[DIMB_POS].init = maxLoopB return kernel_init
def buildParallelDeclarations(self, shared_node_list, ast): """ Builds the declaration section of a Parallel Region This code handles memory transfers between host and cuda :param shared_node_list: List of shared variable declarations :param ast: Original ast (for type search) :return: Parallel Declarations subtree """ # Position in the template for dimA declaration, just in case we change it tmp = [] for elem in shared_node_list: if isinstance(elem.type, c_ast.ArrayDecl) or isinstance(elem.type,c_ast.Struct): tmp.append(elem) shared_vars = get_template_array(tmp, ast) # Type string | var name | pointer to type | pointer to var | declaration string template_code = """ int main() { % for var in shared_vars: ${var.type} * ${}_cu; % endfor % for var in shared_vars: cudaMalloc((void **) (&${}_cu), ${var.numelems} * sizeof(${var.type})); cudaMemcpy(${}_cu, ${}, ${var.numelems} * sizeof(${var.type}), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); % endfor } """ print "New kernel build with name : " + self.kernel_name parallel_init = self.parse_snippet(template_code, {'shared_vars' : shared_vars}, name = 'Initialization of Parallel Region ' + self.kernel_name, show = False).ext[-1].body #~ from Tools.Debug import DotDebugTool #~ DotDebugTool().apply(kernel_init) return parallel_init
def buildKernelLaunch(self, reduction_vars, shared_vars, ast): # TODO: Move this to some kind of template function def decls_to_param(elem): if isinstance(elem.type, c_ast.ArrayDecl): return + "_cu" return shared_vars = get_template_array(shared_vars, ast, name_func = decls_to_param) template_code = """ #include "llcomp_cuda.h" int fake() { dim3 dimGrid (numBlocks, numBlocksB); dim3 dimBlock (numThreadsPerBlock, numThreadsPerBlockB); ${kernelName} <<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>> (${', '.join("reduction_cu_" + for var in reduction_vars)} %if len(reduction_vars) > 0 and len(shared_vars) > 0: , %endif ${', '.join( for var in shared_vars)}); } """ # The last element is the object function tree = [ elem for elem in self.parse_snippet(template_code, {'reduction_vars' : reduction_vars, 'shared_vars' : shared_vars, 'kernelName' : self.kernel_name}, name = 'KernelLaunch', show = False).ext if type(elem) == c_ast.FuncDef ][-1].body return tree
def buildHostReduction(self, reduction_vars, ast): """ Instanciate the reduction pattern :param reduction_vars: Vars in the reduction clause :return: Compound with the reduction code """ if len(reduction_vars) == 0: return c_ast.Compound(stmts = [], decls = []) template_code = """ int fake() { #define LLC_REDUCTION_FUNC(dest, fuente) dest = dest + fuente % for var in reduction_vars: ${var} = kernelReduction_${var.type}(reduction_cu_${}, numElems, ${}); % endfor /* By default, omp for has a wait at the end */ % if not nowait: cudaThreadSynchronize(); % endif % for var in reduction_vars: cudaFree(reduction_cu_${}); % endfor } """ return self.parse_snippet(template_code, {'reduction_vars' : get_template_array(reduction_vars, ast), 'nowait' : False}, name = 'HostReduction').ext[0].body
def buildRetrieve(self, reduction_vars, modified_shared_vars, ast = None, shared_vars = None): memcpy_lines = [] reduction_vars = get_template_array(reduction_vars, ast) shared_vars = get_template_array(modified_shared_vars, ast) # Template source template_code = """ int fake() { % for var in reduction_vars: cudaMemcpy(reduction_loc_${}, reduction_cu_${}, memSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); % endfor % for var in shared_vars: cudaMemcpy(${}, ${}_cu, sizeof(${var.type}) * ${var.numelems}, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); % endfor checkCUDAError("memcpy"); % for var in shared_vars: /* cudaFree(${}_cu);*/ % endfor } """ return self.parse_snippet(template_code, {'reduction_vars' : reduction_vars, 'shared_vars' : shared_vars}, name = 'Retrieve', show = False).ext[0].body
def buildKernel(self, shared_list, private_list, reduction_list, loop, ast): """ Build CUDA Kernel code """ reduction_vars = get_template_array(reduction_list, ast) # only for inside for loop_list = [, loop.stmt.stmts[0]] private_vars = get_template_array([var for var in private_list if not in loop_list], ast) loop_vars = get_template_array([var for var in private_list if in loop_list], ast) # Retrieve list of shared vars and build the array to template parsing # TODO: Move this to some kind of template function def decls_to_param(elem): if isinstance(elem.type, c_ast.ArrayDecl): return "*" + + "_cu" return shared_vars = get_template_array(shared_list, ast, name_func = decls_to_param) clause_vars = [] clause_vars.extend(shared_vars) clause_vars.extend(private_vars) typedef_list = get_typedefs_to_template(clause_vars,ast) template_code = """ #include "llcomp_cuda.h" %for line in typedefs: ${line} %endfor __global__ void ${kernelName} ( ${', '.join(str(var.type) + " * reduction_cu_" + str( for var in reduction_vars)} %if len(reduction_vars) > 0 and len(shared_vars) > 0: , %endif ${', '.join(str(var.type) + " " + str( for var in shared_vars)} ) { int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int idy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; ${loop_vars[0].declaration} ${loop_vars[0]} = idx; ${loop_vars[1].declaration} ${loop_vars[1]} = idy; %for var in private_vars: ${var.declaration} ${var}; %endfor ; } """ tree = self.parse_snippet(template_code, {'kernelName' : self.kernel_name, 'reduction_vars' : reduction_vars, 'shared_vars' : shared_vars, 'typedefs' : typedef_list, 'private_vars' : private_vars, 'loop_vars' : loop_vars} , name = 'KernelBuild', show = False) # OpenMP shared vars are parameters of the kernel function if shared_list: for elem in shared_list: # Replace the name of the declaration in the kernel code. if isinstance(elem.type, c_ast.ArrayDecl) or isinstance(elem.type, c_ast.Struct): mut = IDNameMutator(old = c_ast.ID(, new = c_ast.ID( + '_cu')) mut.apply_all(loop.stmt) DeclsToParamsMutator().apply(tree.ext[-1].function.decl.type.args) # OpenMP Private vars need to be declared inside kernel # - we build a tmp Compound to group all declarations, and insert them once tmp = c_ast.Compound(decls = [], stmts=[]) # - Insert tool removes the parent node of the inserted subtree InsertTool(subtree = tmp, position = "end").apply(tree.ext[-1].function.body, 'decls') # Identify function calls inside kernel and replace the definitions to __device__ try: for func_call in FuncCallFilter().iterate(loop.stmt): print " Writing " + + " to device " try: fcm = FuncToDeviceMutator(func_call = func_call).apply(ast) except IgnoreMutationException as ime: # This function is already implemented on device, so we continue we don't need to convert it print "CudaMutator:: Warning :: " + str(ime) except NodeNotFound: # There are not function calls on the loop.stmt pass except FilterError as fe: print " Filter error " raise CudaMutatorError(fe.get_description()) # Identify function calls inside kernel and replace the definitions to __device__ # TODO: This is incorrect, we should write a subtree instead of a bare string... for elem in reduction_list: IDNameMutator(old = c_ast.ID(name =, parent = elem.parent), new = c_ast.ID(name = 'reduction_cu_' + str( + '[idx]', parent = elem.parent)).apply_all(loop.stmt) # Insert the code inside kernel # We need to check if the idx is inside for limits (in case we have more threads than iterations) # TODO change this to generic form merge_condition_node = c_ast.BinaryOp(op = '&&', left = loop.cond, right = loop.stmt.stmts[0].cond, parent = None) # TODO change this to generic form check_boundary_node = c_ast.Compound(decls = None, stmts = [c_ast.If(cond = merge_condition_node, iftrue = loop.stmt.stmts[0].stmt, iffalse = None)], parent = tree.ext[-1].function.body) # Preserve parent node merge_condition_node.parent = check_boundary_node; assert check_boundary_node.stmts[0].cond.parent == check_boundary_node InsertTool(subtree = check_boundary_node, position = "begin").apply(tree.ext[-1].function.body, 'stmts') return c_ast.FileAST(ext = [tree.ext[-1]])