def AddAccount(): print("\n\nCreating new account") ano = input("Account number:\n") fname = input("First Name:\n") lname = input("Last Name:\n") dob = input("Date Of Birth [yyyy-mm-dd]:\n") c_balance = input("Checking Account Balance:\n") s_balance = input("Savings Account Balance:\n") doa = input("Date Of Account Creation [yyyy-mm-dd]:\n") sql = "insert into accounts values(" + ano + ",'" + fname + "','" + lname + "','" + dob + "'," + c_balance + "," + s_balance + ",'" + doa + "')" mycur.execute(sql) db.commit() print("\n\nAccount Created\n\n") temp = input()
def Delete(): ano = input("\n\nEnter Account Number: ") sql = "select * from accounts where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) r = mycur.fetchall() if r == (): print("\n\n[+] Account is not present\n\n") temp = input() else: print(r) sql = "delete from accounts where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) confirm = input("Type Y/y to confirm -> ") if confirm in "Yy": db.commit() print("\n\nAccount Deleted\n\n") temp = input()
def ViewAccount(): sql = "select * from accounts" mycur.execute(sql) r = mycur.fetchall() cnt = mycur.rowcount print("\n\nTotal number of rows :", cnt) print("~" * 123) print("|%8s | %28s| %28s| %10s | %10s | %10s | %10s |" % ("Acc_Num", "First Name".ljust(28), "Last Name".ljust(28), "DOB", "C_Balance", "S_Balance", "Created on")) print("~" * 123) for ano, fname, lname, dob, c_balance, s_balance, doa in r: print("|%8d | %28s| %28s| %10s | %10.2f | %10.2f | %10s |" % (ano, fname.ljust(28), lname.ljust(28), dob, c_balance, s_balance, doa)) print("~" * 123 + "\n\n") temp = input()
def SearchAccount(): ano = input("\n\nEnter Account Number: ") sql = "select * from accounts where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) r = mycur.fetchone() if r == None: print("\n\n[+]Account Not found\n\n") temp = input() else: print("\n\nFound...") print("Account Number :", r[0]) print("First Name :", r[1]) print("Last Name :", r[2]) print("DOB :", r[3]) print("Total Balance :", r[4] + r[5]) print("C_Balance :", r[4]) print("S_Balance :", r[5]) print("Created On :", r[6], "\n\n") temp = input()
def CheckingSavingsTransfer(): ano = input("\n\nEnter Account Number: ") sql = "select * from accounts where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) r = mycur.fetchone() if r == None: print("\n\n[+] Account is not present\n\n") temp = input() else: CorS = input( "1. Checkings to Savings Account\n2. Savings to Checkings Account(s2c/S2C)\n" ) amount = input("Enter Amount: \n") if CorS == "1": if float(amount) >= float(r[4]): print("\n\n[+] Insufficient funds in Checkings Account\n\n") temp = input() else: sql = "update accounts set checkings_balance = checkings_balance - " + amount + " where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) sql = "update accounts set savings_balance = savings_balance + " + amount + " where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) elif CorS == "2": if float(amount) >= float(r[5]): print("\n\n[+] Insufficient funds in Savings Account\n\n") temp = input() else: sql = "update accounts set savings_balance = savings_balance - " + amount + " where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) sql = "update accounts set checkings_balance = checkings_balance + " + amount + " where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) else: print("\n\n[+] Enter a valid choice\n\n") temp = input() confirm = "Do you wish to continue to transfer " + amount + " (Y/y)" a = input(confirm) if a in "Yy": db.commit() else: print("\n\n[+] Unsuccessfull\n\n") temp = input()
def Withdraw(): ano = input("\n\nEnter Account Number: ") sql = "select * from accounts where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) r = mycur.fetchall() if r == (): print("\n\n[+] Account is not present\n\n") temp = input() else: amount = input("Enter Amount: ") CorS = input("Checking or Savings Account((C/c),(S/s)): ") if CorS in "cC": sql = "update accounts set checkings_balance = checkings_balance - " + amount + " where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) print("\n\n[+] Successfull\n\n") temp = input() elif CorS in "Ss": sql = "update accounts set savings_balance = savings_balance - " + amount + " where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) print("\n\n[+] Successfull\n\n") temp = input() else: print("\n\n[+] Enter a valid choice\n\n") temp = input() db.commit()
def MoneyTransfer(): ano = input("\n\nEnter your Account Number\n") sql = "select * from accounts where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) r = mycur.fetchone() if r != None: trans_amt = input("Amount to be transferred:\n") if float(trans_amt) >= float(r[4]): print("\n\n[+] Insufficient funds in Checkings Account\n\n") temp = input() else: target_account = input("Enter the Target Account Number:\n") sql = "update accounts set checkings_balance = checkings_balance - " + trans_amt + " where account_number = " + ano mycur.execute(sql) sql = "update accounts set checkings_balance = checkings_balance + " + trans_amt + " where account_number = " + target_account mycur.execute(sql) confirm = "Do you wish to continue to transfer money from " + ano + " to " + target_account + " (y/Y)\n" a = input(confirm) if a in "Yy": db.commit() print("\n\n[+] Successfull\n\n") temp = input() else: print("\n\n[+] Unsuccessfull\n\n") temp = input() else: print("\n\n[+] Account not present\n\n")
def DeleteAll(): sql = "select * from accounts" mycur.execute(sql) r = mycur.fetchall() if r == (): print("\n\n[+] Account is not present\n\n") temp = input() else: print(r) sql = "delete from accounts" mycur.execute(sql) confirm = input("Enter confirmation key -> ") res = bytes(confirm, 'utf-8') if base64.b64encode(res) == b"ZGVhZHBvb2w=": db.commit() print( "\n\n[+] Successfully Entered the master key...\n[+] Deleting all RECORDS.....\n[+] Successfull\n\n" ) temp = input() else: print("\n\n[+] Changes not comitted\n\n") temp = input()