def auto_run(self): ''' 电脑自动执行落子操作 :return: 自动落子 ''' # 找到能下棋的空位置中,假设电脑和人下在此处,得到分数中最大值 score_c = [[0 for i in range(0, 19)] for i in range(0, 19)] score_p = [[0 for i in range(0, 19)] for i in range(0, 19)] # 计算所有的分数 for j in range(0, 19): for i in range(0, 19): if chessboard[i][j] is None: # 如果此处为空 , 计算此处分数,分别记下落黑子和落白子不同的分数 chessboard[i][j] = Chessman('b', parent=self) score_c[i][j] += self.score(i, j, 'b') chessboard[i][j] = Chessman('w', parent=self) score_p[i][j] += self.score(i, j, 'w') chessboard[i][j].close() chessboard[i][j] = None # 为便于计算,将两个二维数组,转换成两个一位数组 r_score_c = [] for item in score_c: r_score_c.extend(item) r_score_p = [] for item in score_p: r_score_p.extend(item) # 最终分数,取两个数组中的最大值合并成一个数组 result = [max(a, b) for a, b in zip(r_score_c, r_score_p)] # 取最大值点的下标 chess_index = result.index(max(result)) # 通过下标计算出位置并落子 x = chess_index // 19 y = chess_index % 19 self.chess = Chessman(self.color, self) self.chess.move(QPoint(y * 30 + 50, x * 30 + 50)) self.logo_move() self.change_color() chessboard[x][y] = self.chess history.append((x, y, self.chess.color)) # 每次落子后,都判断一下胜负 res = is_win(chessboard) if res: # 通过颜色,显示胜利的图片 return None
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent): if self.is_over: # 如果游戏已经结束,点击失效 return # 如果点击在棋盘区域 if a0.x() >= 50 and a0.x() <= 50 + 30 * 18 + 14 and a0.y( ) >= 50 and a0.y() <= 50 + 30 * 18 + 14: # 讲像素坐标转化成棋盘坐标,判断棋盘此位置是否为空 pos = trans_pos(a0) if chessboard[pos[1]][pos[0]] is not None: return # 如果对应位置不为空,说明有棋子,则直接返回 # 不为空,则生成棋子并显示 self.chess = Chessman(self.color, self) self.chess.move(a0.pos()) self.logo_move() self.change_color() # 在棋盘的对应位置放上棋子 chessboard[pos[1]][pos[0]] = self.chess # 并且在列表中记录坐标 history.append((pos[1], pos[0], self.chess.color)) # 每次落子后,都判断一下胜负 res = is_win(chessboard) if res: # 通过颜色,显示胜利的图片
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent): if self.is_over: # 如果游戏已经结束,点击失效 return if not self.my_turn: print("not my turn") return # 如果点击在棋盘区域 if a0.x() >= 50 and a0.x() <= 50 + 30 * 19 and a0.y() >= 50 and a0.y( ) <= 50 + 30 * 19: # 讲像素坐标转化成棋盘坐标,判断棋盘此位置是否为空 pos = trans_pos(a0) if chessboard[pos[1]][pos[0]] is not None: return # 如果对应位置不为空,说明有棋子,则直接返回 # 不为空,则生成棋子并显示 self.chess = Chessman(self.color, self) self.chess.move(a0.pos()) # 播放声音 self.logo_move() # 移动小标 self.change_color() # 在棋盘的对应位置放上棋子 chessboard[pos[1]][pos[0]] = self.chess # 并且在列表中记录坐标 history.append((pos[1], pos[0], self.chess.color)) # 将坐标发送给另一方 if self.tcp_socket is not None: data = {"msg": "position", "data": pos} self.tcp_socket.sendall((json.dumps(data) + " END").encode()) # 每次落子后,都判断一下胜负 res = is_win(chessboard) if res: # 通过颜色,显示胜利的图片 return self.my_turn = False self.label_statuvalue.setText("对方回合")
def deal_data(self, data): ''' 对收到的数据进行处理 ''' print(data) if data['msg'] == 'action': if data['data'] == 'restart': result = QMessageBox.information( self, "消息", "对方请求(重新)开始游戏,是否同意?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: data = {"msg": "replay", "data": True, "type": "restart"} self.tcp_socket.sendall( (json.dumps(data) + " END").encode()) self.restart_func() self.is_over = False if self.my_turn: self.label_statuvalue.setText("己方回合") else: self.label_statuvalue.setText("对方回合") else: data = {"msg": "replay", "data": False, "type": "restart"} self.tcp_socket.sendall( (json.dumps(data) + " END").encode()) self.label_statuvalue.setText("点击开始") if data['data'] == 'lose': QMessageBox.information(self, "消息", "对方认输") if self.my_turn: # self.change_color() else: self.change_color() if data['data'] == 'goback': result = QMessageBox.information( self, "消息", "对方请求悔棋,是否同意?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: data = {"msg": "replay", "data": True, "type": "goback"} self.tcp_socket.sendall( (json.dumps(data) + " END").encode()) self.goback_func() # self.is_over = False if self.my_turn: self.label_statuvalue.setText("己方回合") else: self.label_statuvalue.setText("对方回合") else: data = {"msg": "replay", "data": False, "type": "goback"} self.tcp_socket.sendall( (json.dumps(data) + " END").encode()) # self.label_statuvalue.setText("等待开始") if data['data'] == 'cuicu': print(self.is_connected) if not self.is_connected: return if self.is_over: return print("cuicu") #"source/luozisheng.wav") if data['data'] == 'ready': pass if data['data'] == 'exit': # 对方退出游戏 self.is_connected = False self.is_listening = False self.tcp_socket.close() self.tcp_socket = None print(data) elif data['msg'] == 'position': print(data['data']) # 在对应位置落子 pos = data['data'] if chessboard[pos[1]][pos[0]] is not None: return # 如果对应位置不为空,说明有棋子,则直接返回 self.chess = Chessman(self.color, self) self.chess.move(QPoint(pos[0] * 30 + 50, pos[1] * 30 + 50)) # 播放声音 self.logo_move() # 移动小标 self.change_color() # 在棋盘的对应位置放上棋子 chessboard[pos[1]][pos[0]] = self.chess # 并且在列表中记录坐标 history.append((pos[1], pos[0], self.chess.color)) # 每次落子后,都判断一下胜负 res = is_win(chessboard) if res: # 通过颜色,显示胜利的图片 return self.my_turn = True self.label_statuvalue.setText("己方回合") elif data['msg'] == 'replay': if data['type'] == 'restart': # 重开回执 if data['data'] == True: self.restart_func() else: QMessageBox.information(self, "消息", "对方拒绝了你的请求") self.label_statuvalue.setText("点击开始") return if self.my_turn: self.label_statuvalue.setText("己方回合") else: self.label_statuvalue.setText("对方回合") if data['type'] == 'goback': # 悔棋回执 if data['data'] == True: self.is_over = False self.goback_func() else: QMessageBox.information(self, '消息', '对方拒绝了你的请求') if self.my_turn: self.label_statuvalue.setText("己方回合") else: self.label_statuvalue.setText("对方回合") self.is_over = False elif data['msg'] == 'name': self.setWindowTitle('与 {} 对战中'.format(data['data']))