  def lookupLabel( self, obj ):
    '''This method is used to provide a hook to allow different objects to
    generate different labels for a given object based on their perspective.
    This is used to sort of hackishly simulate a relational-type capability for
    the purposes of viewing backlinks.
    See the automounter map and NFS volume DBEditObject subclasses for how this
    is to be used, if you have them.
    if obj.getTypeID() == SchemaConstants.UserBase:
      fullNameField = obj['Full_Name']
      nameField = obj['Username']

      if fullNameField and nameField:
        return nameField.val + " (" + fullNameField.val + ")"

    # Mark email lists
    if obj.getTypeID() == 274:
      return BaseJythonEditObject.lookupLabel(self, obj) + " (email list)"

    # Mark external email records
    if obj.getTypeID() == 275 and obj['Targets'] != None:
      addresses = [ str(addr) for addr in obj['Targets'].val ]
      return BaseJythonEditObject.lookupLabel( self, obj ) + " (" + ", ".join(addresses) + ")"

    return BaseJythonEditObject.lookupLabel( self, obj )