def baseline_correction(signal_seq, name="tissue"): ''' input : signal sequence output : res : peak of signal base_signal: signal sequence without baseline shift ''' base_signal = BaselineRemoval(signal_seq).IModPoly(2) # getting off baseline shift if name == "tissue": left_side, right_side = truncate_tissue(base_signal) # get the left and right boundary of peak indexes else: left_side, right_side = truncate_aif(base_signal) res = copy.deepcopy(base_signal) # --- pick peak --- # res -= res[left_side - 1] res[:left_side] = 0 res[right_side + 1:] = 0 res[res < 0] = 0 return res, base_signal
def plot_feature(x, y, feature): """ input: frequencies and intensities as lists (x, y). title is user defined title for features, FFT, PSD, etc. returns baseline smoothed spectrum with peak detection """ baseObj=BaselineRemoval(y) y=baseObj.ModPoly(2) y = savgol_filter(y, 5, 2) peaks, _ = find_peaks(y) first_n_freq = x[peaks][np.argsort(-y[peaks])][0:5] first_n_int = y[peaks][np.argsort(-y[peaks])][0:5] plt.plot(x, y) plt.plot(x[peaks], y[peaks], "x") plt.xlabel('Freq/Hz') plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.title(feature)
def get_first_n_features(self, x, y, n_peaks, filter_order=5, filter_poly=2): baseObj = BaselineRemoval(y) y = baseObj.ModPoly(filter_poly) y = savgol_filter(y, filter_order, filter_poly) peaks, _ = find_peaks(y) first_n_freq = x[peaks][np.argsort(-y[peaks])][0:n_peaks] first_n_int = y[peaks][np.argsort(-y[peaks])][0:n_peaks] zero_pad_freq = [0] * n_peaks zero_pad_int = [0] * n_peaks zero_pad_freq[:len(first_n_freq)] = first_n_freq zero_pad_int[:len(first_n_int)] = first_n_int freq_int = list(zero_pad_freq) + list(zero_pad_int) return freq_int
def baselineCorretion(self, data): data_len = len(data) x = np.arange(data_len) * self.partial_frec if self.use_baseline_correction: y = BaselineRemoval(data).ZhangFit(data_len) y = y - np.mean(y) else: y = data return x, y
def clean_and_convert( arr, zhang=True, reshape_length=False ): # zhang is br, reshape_length is the desired data length ars_cleaned = [] for i in range(len(arr)): if reshape_length is False: temp = arr[i] else: temp = arr[i][:-(len(arr[i]) - reshape_length)] if zhang is True: baseObj = BaselineRemoval(temp) temp = baseObj.ZhangFit() temp = (temp - np.min(temp)) / (np.max(temp) - np.min(temp)) ars_cleaned.append(temp) return np.array(ars_cleaned)
def clean_and_convert(arr, zhang=True, reshape_length=False): """ clean_and_convert(arr, zhang=True, reshape_length=False) Description: for preparing data for model, it can reshape data, apply baseline-removal and it normalizes to (0-1) Params: arr = Input array. zhang = Boolean value. If True baseline will be removed. If false baseline will not be removed reshape_length = An int. Determines the length of each trace, after cleaning. If False, original length will be kept. Latest update: 03-06-2021. Added more comments. """ ars_cleaned = [] for i in range(len(arr)): # RESHAPE if reshape_length is False: temp = arr[i] else: temp = arr[i][:-(len(arr[i]) - int(reshape_length))] # - # BASELINE-REMOVAL if zhang is True: baseObj = BaselineRemoval(temp) temp = baseObj.ZhangFit() # - temp = (temp - np.min(temp)) / (np.max(temp) - np.min(temp) ) # Normalizes traces between 0-1 ars_cleaned.append(temp) return np.array(ars_cleaned)
def BGR(self, data, method, polynomial_degree, lambda_, porder, itermax): '''Background correction of the data Args: data: data to background correct method: ZhangFit []: porder: signal-to-noise ratio (typically 3) lambda_ : smoothing-factor for the background (typically in the order of 500) itermax: number of iterations ModPoly [] ModPoly [] polynomial_degree: degree of the polynomial for background correction (typically 3) Returns: Background corrected data Raises: Method not found. Possible options are: ZhangFit, ModPoly and IModPoly. Check spelling. ''' baseObj = BaselineRemoval(data) if method == 'ZhangFit': BGR_output = baseObj.ZhangFit(lambda_=lambda_, porder=porder, itermax=itermax) elif method == 'ModPoly': BGR_output = baseObj.ModPoly(polynomial_degree) elif method == 'IModPoly': BGR_output = baseObj.IModPoly(polynomial_degree) else: raise Exception( 'Method not found. Possible options are: ZhangFit, ModPoly and IModPoly. Check spelling.' ) return BGR_output
def flatten_spectra(da, method): """ flattening of a spectrum Arguments : da (xarray): spectrum xarray method (tuple): tuple (method,*param) Returns: z (np array): flattened spectrum z_base (np array): baseline """ # 3rd party dependecies from BaselineRemoval import BaselineRemoval method_type, *param = method if method_type == "linear": z, z_base = supress_baseline(da.lbd.values, da.values, *param) elif method_type == "top hat": top_hat_bandwith = param[0] factor = top_hat_bandwith / da.lbd.attrs["spectral_resolution"] / len( da.lbd) z = topHat(da, factor=factor) z_base = da.values - z elif method_type == "ials": z_base = baseline_ials(da.lbd.values, da.values, *param) z = da.values - z_base elif method_type == "als": z_base = baseline_als(da.values, *param) z = da.values - z_base elif method_type == "arPLS": z_base = baseline_arPLS(da.values, *param) z = da.values - z_base elif method_type == "drPLS": z_base = baseline_drPLS(da.values, *param) z = da.values - z_base elif method_type == "rubberband": z_base = rubberband(da.lbd.values, da.values) z = da.values - z_base elif method_type == "Modpoly": baseObj = BaselineRemoval(da.values, *param) z = baseObj.ModPoly() z_base = da.values - z elif method_type == "Imodpoly": baseObj = BaselineRemoval(da.values, *param) z = baseObj.IModPoly() z_base = da.values - z else: raise Exception(f"unknown method:{method_type}") return z, z_base
def baselineCorrection(id): df = getSeriesDataframe(id, 1) df.iloc[:,3:] = df.iloc[:,3:].apply(lambda x: BaselineRemoval(x).ZhangFit(), axis=1, result_type='expand') df.round(3).to_csv(f'./csv/corrected/{id}.csv', index=False)
window.mainloop() a = int(y1) b = int(y2) df = pd.read_excel(path) #importing the x and y values from the dataframe lambda_values = df.iloc[:,0:1].values input_array = df.iloc[:,1:2].values #the input array has to be in the form of a list in order for the methods to work input_array = input_array.transpose() input_array = input_array.tolist() input_array = input_array[0] #to check and apply smoothing if required if y3 == '' or z == 0: to_baseline_correct = input_array else: s = int(y3) to_baseline_correct = savgol_filter(input_array, s, 2) #baseline removal baseObj=BaselineRemoval(to_baseline_correct) Output=baseObj.ZhangFit() #plotting the spectra plt.title('Output spectra') plt.plot(lambda_values, Output) plt.xlim([a,b])
def data_treatments(contents, filename, wl_chosen, snv_value, toggle_smooth, S_M, P, pca_v, toggle_derivative, d_selector,toggle_baseline, bl_selector, d_p, d_n, pcn, cvn): if contents is not None: df = parse_data(contents, filename) spectra1 = df.groupby(['Concentration(g/100g/solvents)', 'Temperature'], as_index=False).mean() spectra = spectra1.drop(["Concentration(g/100g/solvents)", "Temperature"], axis=1) names = [] for i in range(len(spectra1)): names.append("Concentration : %s Temp: %s" % ((spectra1.iloc[i, 0]), (spectra1.iloc[i, 1]))) wavelengths = pd.DataFrame(spectra.columns.values.astype(int)) wavelengths.columns = ['wavelength'] spectra = spectra.T.reset_index(drop=True) df1 = pd.concat([wavelengths, spectra], axis=1) high = wavelengths[wavelengths['wavelength'] == wl_chosen[0]].index.values low = wavelengths[wavelengths['wavelength'] == wl_chosen[1]].index.values dff = df1.iloc[low[0]:high[0], :] dff2 = spectra.iloc[low[0]:high[0], :] dataPanda1 = [] for i in range(len(dff2.columns)): text = names[i] trace = (go.Scattergl(x=dff["wavelength"], y=dff2.iloc[:, i], name=text, text=text, hoverinfo='text')) dataPanda1.append(trace) layout1 = go.Layout( hovermode='closest', title='Raman Shift: Untreated Data', ) fig_raw_data = dict(data=dataPanda1, layout=layout1) polynomial_degree = 3 # only needed for Modpoly and IModPoly algorithm if toggle_baseline == 'Apply Baseline': baseline_data = [] for i in range(len(dff2.columns)): Modpoly_output=[] baseObj = BaselineRemoval(dff2.iloc[:, i]) if bl_selector == 'MP': Modpoly_output = pd.DataFrame(baseObj.ModPoly(polynomial_degree) ) elif bl_selector == 'IMP': Modpoly_output = pd.DataFrame(baseObj.IModPoly(polynomial_degree) ) elif bl_selector == 'ZF': Modpoly_output = pd.DataFrame(baseObj.ZhangFit() ) baseline_data.append(Modpoly_output) baseline_data=pd.concat(baseline_data,axis=1) baseline_data.reset_index() base = dff2.iloc[:, 1]- baseline_data.iloc[:, 1] fig_baseline = px.line(x=dff["wavelength"], y=dff2.iloc[:, 1]) fig_baseline.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=dff["wavelength"], y=base, mode='lines')) fig_baseline.update_layout( title={ 'text': "BaseLine Correction Fit", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}), fig_baseline.update_layout(showlegend=False) fig_baseline_removed = px.line(x=dff["wavelength"], y=baseline_data.iloc[:,1]) fig_baseline_removed.update_layout( title={ 'text': "Baseline Corrected", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}), fig_baseline_removed.update_layout(showlegend=False) dff2=baseline_data else: fig_baseline = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_baseline.update_layout( title={ 'text': "Baseline Correction Not Selected", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}), fig_baseline_removed = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_baseline_removed.update_layout( title={ 'text': "Baseline Correction Not Selected", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}), if snv_value == 'SNV': dff2 = pd.DataFrame(snv(dff2.T.values)).T if toggle_smooth == 'Smoothing': dff2 = pd.DataFrame(savgol_filter(dff2.T.values, S_M, polyorder=P, deriv=0, axis=1)).T if toggle_derivative == 'Apply Derivative': if d_selector == "FD": dff2 = pd.DataFrame(savgol_filter(dff2.T.values, d_n, polyorder=d_p, deriv=1, axis=1)).T elif d_selector == 'SD': dff2 = pd.DataFrame(savgol_filter(dff2.T.values, d_n, polyorder=d_p, deriv=2, axis=1)).T dataPanda = [] for i in range(len(dff2.columns)): text = names[i] trace = (go.Scattergl(x=dff["wavelength"], y=dff2.iloc[:, i], name=text, text=text, hoverinfo='text')) dataPanda.append(trace) layout2 = go.Layout( hovermode='closest', title='Raman Shift: Treated Data', ) fig_treated_data = dict(data=dataPanda, layout=layout2) xdata = (dff2.T.values) X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(xdata) pca = PCA(n_components=4) pca.fit_transform(X) pca_data = pd.DataFrame(pca.transform(X)) # get PCA coordinates for scaled_data per_var = pd.DataFrame(np.round(pca.explained_variance_ratio_ * 100, decimals=1), columns=['Per_Var']) labels_df = pd.DataFrame(['PC' + str(x) for x in range(1, len(per_var) + 1)], columns=['PC']) per_var_df = pd.concat([per_var, labels_df], axis=1) labels = ['PC' + str(x) for x in range(1, len(per_var) + 1)] pca_data.columns = labels scaler = MinMaxScaler() loading_scores = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform((pd.Series(pca.components_[0])).values.reshape(-1, 1))) cum_var = pd.DataFrame(np.cumsum(per_var.values)) if pca_v == "Temp": spectra1['Temperature'] = spectra1['Temperature'].astype(str) fig_biplot = px.scatter(pca_data, x='PC1', y='PC2', color=spectra1['Temperature'], custom_data=[spectra1['Concentration(g/100g/solvents)']], ) fig_biplot.update_traces( hovertemplate="<br>".join([ "PC1: %{x}", "PC2: %{y}", "Concentration (g/100g solvent): %{customdata[0]}", "Temperature: %{text}", ]), text=spectra1['Temperature'] ), fig_biplot.update_layout(legend_title_text='Temperature') fig_biplot.update_traces(marker=dict(size=12)) elif pca_v == "Conc": Conc = spectra1['Concentration(g/100g/solvents)'] fig_biplot = px.scatter(pca_data, x='PC1', y='PC2', color=Conc) fig_biplot.update_layout(coloraxis_colorbar=dict( title="Concentration")) fig_biplot.update_traces(marker=dict(size=12)) fig_biplot.update_layout( title={ 'text': "Bi-plot", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}) fig_cumvar =, x='PC', y='Per_Var', labels={'PC': 'Principal Component #', 'Per_Var': 'Percentage Total Variance (%)'}, color='PC') fig_cumvar.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=per_var_df['PC'], y=cum_var.iloc[:, 0])) fig_cumvar.update_layout( title={ 'text': "Scree Plot", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}), fig_cumvar.update_layout(showlegend=False) fig_loadings = px.line(x=dff["wavelength"], y=loading_scores.iloc[:, 0], labels=dict(x="Wavelength", y="Loadings")) fig_loadings.update_layout( title={ 'text': "Loadings Plot", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}) dataPanda3 = [] for i in range(len(dff2.columns)): text = names[i] trace = (go.Scattergl(x=dff["wavelength"], y=dff2.iloc[:, i], name=text, text=text, hoverinfo='text')) dataPanda3.append(trace) layout2 = go.Layout( hovermode='closest', title='Raman Shift: Treated Data', showlegend=False, ) fig_data_treatment_PCA = dict(data=dataPanda3, layout=layout2) xdata1 = (dff2.T.values) X1 = StandardScaler().fit_transform(xdata1) y_1 = spectra1['Concentration(g/100g/solvents)'] pls = PLSRegression(n_components=pcn), y_1) y_cv = cross_val_predict(pls, X1, y_1, cv=cvn) y_c = pd.DataFrame(pls.predict(X1)) cv = pd.concat([y_1, y_c], axis=1) cv.columns = ["Actual", "Predicted"] score_cv = round(r2_score(y_1, y_cv), 3) score = round(r2_score(y_1, y_c), 3) rmse = round((mean_squared_error(y_1, y_cv)) ** 0.5, 3) rmsep = round((mean_squared_error(y_1, y_c)) ** 0.5, 3) spectra1['Temperature'] = spectra1['Temperature'].astype(str) plscof = pd.DataFrame(pls.coef_[:, 0]) dff = dff.reset_index() coeff = pd.concat([dff["wavelength"], plscof], axis=1) coeff.columns = ["wavelength", "coeffs"] fig_PLS_pred = px.scatter(cv, x="Predicted", y="Actual", color=spectra1['Temperature']) regline = sm.OLS(cv["Actual"], sm.add_constant(cv["Predicted"])).fit().fittedvalues fig_PLS_pred.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=cv["Predicted"], y=regline, mode='lines', marker_color='black', name='Best Fit') ), fig_PLS_pred.update_layout( title={ 'text': "Predicted vs Actual Conc", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}) fig_PLS_coeff = px.line(coeff, x="wavelength", y="coeffs") fig_PLS_coeff.update_layout( title={ 'text': "PLS Coefficients", 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}) else: fig_raw_data = go.Figure(go.Scatter(x=1, y=1)) fig_treated_data = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_biplot = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_cumvar = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_loadings = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_data_treatment_PCA = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_PLS_pred = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_PLS_coeff = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_baseline = go.Figure(data=[]) fig_baseline_removed = go.Figure(data=[]) score_cv = [] score = [] rmse = [] rmsep = [] return fig_raw_data, fig_treated_data, fig_biplot, fig_cumvar, fig_loadings, fig_data_treatment_PCA, fig_PLS_pred, \ html.H3('{0:.2f}'.format(score_cv), style={'textAlign': 'center'}), \ html.H3('{0:.2f}'.format(rmse), style={'textAlign': 'center'}), \ html.H3('{0:.2f}'.format(score), style={'textAlign': 'center'}), \ html.H3('{0:.2f}'.format(rmsep), style={'textAlign': 'center'}), \ fig_PLS_coeff, fig_baseline, fig_baseline_removed
def remove_baseline(self, poly_order=24): x = np.real(self.spectrum) baseline_object = BaselineRemoval(x) Modpoly_output = baseline_object.ModPoly(poly_order) Imodpoly_output = baseline_object.IModPoly(poly_order) self.spectrum = baseline_object.ZhangFit()
for substance, times in substances.items(): axs[1].axvspan(*times, facecolor=next(color), edgecolor='None', alpha=0.5, label=substance) axs[1].legend(title='Application') axs[1].set_title('After the alignment procedure') axs[1].set(xlabel='time [min]') fig.savefig(experiment_name + '/General_traces.pdf') # Finding variables required for calculating amplitude, areas under peaks, half-widths aligned = BaselineRemoval(contrac_aligned) zhang = aligned.ZhangFit() # Determine threshold height of the peak max_val = np.where(zhang == zhang.max())[0][0] peaks_height = (zhang.max() - zhang[max_val - peaks_distance:max_val + peaks_distance].min()) * 0.2 peaks, peak_values = find_peaks(zhang, height=peaks_height, distance=peaks_distance) widths, widths_heights, left, right = peak_widths(zhang, peaks, rel_height=width_height) left = left.astype(int) right = right.astype(int)
def flatten_hyperspectra(da, method): """ Baseline supression of all the spectra of an hyperspectra. Arguments : da (xarray): hyperspectrum to flatten method (tuple): (method,*param) Returns: da (xarray): flattened hyperspectrum """ # 3rd party imports import numpy as np from tqdm import trange from BaselineRemoval import BaselineRemoval # Local application import from raman_hyperspectra.raman_hyperspectra_read_files import construct_xarray method_type, *param = method X =[0] * da.shape[1], da.shape[2])) zth = [] if method_type == "linear": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="linear flattening"): z, _ = supress_baseline(da.lbd.values, X[i, :], *param) zth.append(z) elif method_type == "top hat": top_hat_bandwith = param[0] factor = top_hat_bandwith / da.lbd.attrs["spectral_resolution"] / len( da.lbd) for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="tophat flattening"): zth.append(topHat(X[i, :], factor=factor)) elif method_type == "ials": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="ials flattening"): z_base = baseline_ials(da.lbd.values, X[i, :], *param) zth.append(X[i, :] - z_base) elif method_type == "als": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="als flattening"): z_base = baseline_als(X[i, :], *param) zth.append(X[i, :] - z_base) elif method_type == "arPLS": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="arPLS flattening"): z_base = baseline_arPLS(X[i, :], *param) zth.append(X[i, :] - z_base) elif method_type == "drPLS": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="drPLS flattening"): z_base = baseline_drPLS(X[i, :], *param) zth.append(X[i, :] - z_base) elif method_type == "rubberband": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="rubberband flattening"): z_base = rubberband(da.lbd.values, X[i, :]) zth.append(X[i, :] - z_base) elif method_type == "Modpoly": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="Modpoly flattening"): baseObj = BaselineRemoval(X[i, :], *param) Modpoly_output = baseObj.ModPoly() zth.append(X[i, :] - z_base) elif method_type == "Imodpoly": for i in trange(da.shape[0] * da.shape[1], desc="Imodpoly flattening"): baseObj = BaselineRemoval(X[i, :], *param) Imodpoly_output = baseObj.IModPoly() zth.append(X[i, :] - z_base) else: raise Exception(f"unknown method:{method_type}") try: tool = da.attrs["tool"] except: tool = "unknown" try: hyperspectra_name = da.attrs["hyperspectra_name"] except: tool = "unknown" da = construct_xarray( np.array(zth).reshape((da.shape)), range(da.shape[0]), range(da.shape[1]), da["lbd"].data, tool=tool, hyperspectra_name=hyperspectra_name, ) da.attrs["flattening method"] = method_type return da
st.subheader('The files loaded need to be in a specific shape:') st.subheader(' - 3 columns, the first one with the X coordinates') st.subheader( ' - the second one as dummy column (could be filled with random numbers does not matter)' ) st.subheader(' - the third one with the Y values') uploadfile = st.file_uploader('load zip file here', 'zip') if uploadfile: files, files_names = load_func(uploadfile) for file in files: #baseline removal: baseObj = BaselineRemoval(files[file][2]) Zhangfit_output = baseObj.ZhangFit() files[file][3] = Zhangfit_output name = st.selectbox('Select spectrum:', files_names) p1 = figure(title='', x_axis_label='', y_axis_label='' ) #, x_axis_type = scale_logx, y_axis_type = scale_logy) p1.line(files[name][0], files[name][2], line_width=2, color=colori[1]) p1.line(files[name][0], files[name][2] - files[name][3], line_width=2, color=colori[0]) st.bokeh_chart(p1, use_container_width=True) p1 = figure(title='', x_axis_label='', y_axis_label=''
plt.plot(potential, current, label="True Data: " + base, color='C0') # If We use the CHI Peaks, Skip Peak Detection if useCHIPeaks and Ip != None and Vp != None: # Set Axes Limits axisLimits = [ min(current) - min(current) / 10, max(current) + max(current) / 10 ] # Else, Perform baseline Subtraction to Find the peak else: # Get Baseline if backwardScan: if useAPI: baseObj = BaselineRemoval(-current) baseline = current + baseObj.ModPoly(order) else: baseline = -getBase(potential, -current, Iterations, order) else: if useAPI: baseObj = BaselineRemoval(current) baseline = current - baseObj.ModPoly(order) else: baseline = getBase(potential, current, Iterations, order) baselineCurrent = current - baseline # Plot Subtracted baseline plt.plot(potential, baselineCurrent, label="Current After Baseline Subtraction",
'get the Measured ir spectrum into good shape' data_path_ir_g = "11 dichloro ethene IR.txt" data_ir_g = np.genfromtxt(data_path_ir_g, dtype=float , delimiter=None, encoding='utf-8' ,autostrip=True , skip_header=21) const_ir_trans = 0.01 #constant for scaling transmittance const_ir_x = 0.95 x_ir_g=data_ir_g[0:,0] * const_ir_x y_ir_g=np.exp(-data_ir_g[0:,1]*const_ir_trans) 'fit the gauss view ir spectrum' data_path_ir = "gem_dce_ir.csv" data_ir = np.genfromtxt(data_path_ir, dtype=float , delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8' ,autostrip=True , skip_header=2) x_ir=data_ir[0:,0] input_array_ir = 1-data_ir[0:,1] baseObj_ir=BaselineRemoval(input_array_ir) y_ir=((1-baseObj_ir.ZhangFit())/100) + 1 'plot the gauss raman spectrum' data_path_ra_g = "11 dichloro raman.txt" data_ra_g = np.genfromtxt(data_path_ra_g, dtype=float , delimiter=None, encoding='utf-8' ,autostrip=True , skip_header=21) const_ra_trans = 700 #constant for scaling transmittance const_ra_x = 0.95 x_ra_g=data_ir_g[0:,0] * const_ir_x y_ra_g=(data_ra_g[0:,1]*const_ra_trans) 'fit the measured view ra spectrum' data_path_ra = "dce_isomer_C_raman.csv" data_ra = np.genfromtxt(data_path_ra, dtype=float , delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8' ,autostrip=True , skip_header=2) x_ra=(data_ra[0:,0] - 0.28)