    def __init__(self, name):

        # does not try loading a family if name is not passed
        # ONLY do this during family creation
        if not name:

        path = os.path.join("data", "actors", "families", name)
        familyini = Configuration(os.path.join("..", path, "family.ini")).family

        # family's last name, all members of the family will have this last name
        self.name = name

        # all the members in your party
        path = os.path.join("..", path)
        members = [n.split("/")[-1] for n in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.ini"))]
        exclude = ["family.ini", "bestiary.ini", "inventory.ini"]
        for item in exclude:
            if item in members:

        self.members = [Character(self, n.replace(".ini", "")) for n in members]

        # the party used in battle is the first 3 members you have ordered
        if len(self.members) >= 3:
            self.party = Party(self.members[0:3])
        # party should only be 0 during character creation
        elif len(self.members) == 0:
            self.party = None
            self.party = Party(self.members[0 : len(self.members)])

        # the items your family has
        self.inventory = Inventory(self)
        print self.inventory

        # amount of money your family possesses
        self.gold = familyini.__getattr__("gold", int)
        # gameplay difficulty (0 - easy, 1- normal, 2 - hard)
        self.difficulty = familyini.__getattr__("difficulty", int)

        # family bestiary
        self.bestiary = Bestiary(self)
class Family:
    def __init__(self, name):

        # does not try loading a family if name is not passed
        # ONLY do this during family creation
        if not name:

        path = os.path.join("data", "actors", "families", name)
        familyini = Configuration(os.path.join("..", path, "family.ini")).family

        # family's last name, all members of the family will have this last name
        self.name = name

        # all the members in your party
        path = os.path.join("..", path)
        members = [n.split("/")[-1] for n in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.ini"))]
        exclude = ["family.ini", "bestiary.ini", "inventory.ini"]
        for item in exclude:
            if item in members:

        self.members = [Character(self, n.replace(".ini", "")) for n in members]

        # the party used in battle is the first 3 members you have ordered
        if len(self.members) >= 3:
            self.party = Party(self.members[0:3])
        # party should only be 0 during character creation
        elif len(self.members) == 0:
            self.party = None
            self.party = Party(self.members[0 : len(self.members)])

        # the items your family has
        self.inventory = Inventory(self)
        print self.inventory

        # amount of money your family possesses
        self.gold = familyini.__getattr__("gold", int)
        # gameplay difficulty (0 - easy, 1- normal, 2 - hard)
        self.difficulty = familyini.__getattr__("difficulty", int)

        # family bestiary
        self.bestiary = Bestiary(self)

    # creates a new family .ini
    # by default a family starts with 100 gold and five potions and 1 ether
    def create(self, name, difficulty, gold=100):
        path = os.path.join("..", "data", "actors", "families", name)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
        Configuration(os.path.join(path, "family.ini")).save()
        familyini = Configuration(os.path.join(path, "family.ini"))
        familyini.family.__setattr__("difficulty", difficulty)
        familyini.family.__setattr__("gold", int(gold))

    # this updates the family's .ini file
    def update(self):
        self.create(self.name, self.difficulty, self.gold)

    def refresh(self):