def submitBigDataJobs( self, endpoint, numBigDataJobsAllowed, runningSiteName, NameNode,
                         BigDataSoftware, BigDataSoftwareVersion, HLLName, HLLVersion,
                         PublicIP, Port, jobIds , runningEndPointName, JobName, User, dataset, UsePilot, IsInteractive ):
    Big Data job submission with all the parameters of SITE and Job
    """ 'Director:submitBigDataJobs:JobSubmisionProcess' )

    if ( numBigDataJobsAllowed <= 0 ):
      return S_ERROR( "Number of slots reached for %s in the NameNode " % runningSiteName, NameNode )
    if NameNode not in self.runningEndPoints[endpoint]['NameNode']:
      return S_ERROR( 'Unknown NameNode: %s' % NameNode )

    newJob = BigDataDB.insertBigDataJob( jobIds, JobName, Time.toString(), NameNode,
                                              runningSiteName, PublicIP, "", "",
                                              "", BigDataSoftware, BigDataSoftwareVersion, HLLName,
                                              HLLVersion, "Submitted" ) 'Director:submitBigDataJobs:SubmitJob' )
    dictBDJobSubmitted = self._submitBigDataJobs( NameNode, Port, jobIds, PublicIP,
                                                  runningEndPointName, User, JobName, dataset, UsePilot, IsInteractive )

    if not dictBDJobSubmitted[ 'OK' ]:
      return dictBDJobSubmitted
    bdjobID = dictBDJobSubmitted['Value']
    result = BigDataDB.setHadoopID( jobIds, bdjobID )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      S_ERROR( "BigData ID not updated" )

    result = BigDataDB.setIntoJobDBStatus( jobIds, "Submitted", "",
                                           runningSiteName, bdjobID )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      S_ERROR( "JobDB of BigData Soft not updated" ) 'Director:submitBigDataJobs:JobSubmitted' )

    return S_OK( "OK" )