# We don't want to distribute with ASP any random files in # 'docs' installed by any of its deps. Distribute only # what we need. for f in glob(P.join(INSTALLDIR.doc(), '*')): base_f = os.path.basename(f) if base_f not in [ 'AUTHORS', 'COPYING', 'INSTALLGUIDE', 'NEWS', 'README', 'THIRDPARTYLICENSES', 'examples' ]: try: os.remove(f) except Exception: pass # print('Adding files in dist-add and docs') # sys.stdout.flush() # # To do: Don't depend on cwd # for dir in 'dist-add', INSTALLDIR.doc(): # if P.exists(dir): # mgr.add_directory(dir) print('Baking RPATH and stripping binaries') sys.stdout.flush() mgr.bake(map(lambda path: P.relpath(path, INSTALLDIR), SEARCHPATH)) debuglist = mgr.find_filter('-name', '*.debug') mgr.make_tarball(exclude=[debuglist.name]) finally: if not opt.keeptemp: mgr.remove_tempdir()
if found: mgr.add_library(mgr.deplist[found]) mgr.remove_deps([found]) print('\tRemoving system libs') mgr.remove_deps(LIB_SYSTEM_LIST) print('\tFinding deps in search path') mgr.resolve_deps(nocopy = [P.join(ISISROOT, 'lib'), P.join(ISISROOT, '3rdParty', 'lib')], copy = [INSTALLDIR.lib()]) if mgr.deplist: raise Exception('Failed to find some libs in any of our dirs:\n\t%s' % '\n\t'.join(mgr.deplist.keys())) print('Adding files in dist-add and docs') #XXX Don't depend on cwd for dir in 'dist-add', INSTALLDIR.doc(): if P.exists(dir): mgr.add_directory(dir) print('Baking RPATH and stripping binaries') mgr.bake(map(lambda path: P.relpath(path, INSTALLDIR), SEARCHPATH)) debuglist = mgr.find_filter('-name', '*.debug') mgr.make_tarball(exclude = [debuglist.name]) if P.getsize(debuglist.name) > 0: mgr.make_tarball(include = debuglist.name, name = '%s-debug.tar.gz' % mgr.tarname) finally: if not opt.keeptemp: mgr.remove_tempdir()