def no_cutters(self, batch=CommOnly): """Returns the enzymes in a RestrictionBatch that do **not** cut the sequence.""" ana = ncut = { enz: sitelist for (enz, sitelist) in ana.items() if not sitelist } return _RestrictionBatch(ncut)
def n_cutters(self, n=3, batch=CommOnly): """Returns the enzymes in a RestrictionBatch that cut the sequence n times.""" ana = ncut = { enz: sitelist for (enz, sitelist) in ana.items() if len(sitelist) == n } return _RestrictionBatch(ncut)
from Bio.Restriction import AllEnzymes as _AllEnzymes from Bio.Restriction import RestrictionBatch as _RestrictionBatch import logging as _logging import traceback as _traceback _module_logger = _logging.getLogger("pydna."+__name__) _text="" try: with open( _os.environ["pydna_enzymes"], encoding="utf-8") as _f: _text = except FileNotFoundError: _module_logger.warning("%s not found.", _os.environ["pydna_enzymes"]) except IsADirectoryError: _module_logger.warning("%s is a directory.", _os.environ["pydna_enzymes"]) except IOError: _module_logger.warning("%s found, but could not be read.", _os.environ["pydna_enzymes"]) except Exception as e: _module_logger.warning(_traceback.format_exc()) myenzymes = _RestrictionBatch([e for e in _AllEnzymes if str(e).lower() in _text.lower()]) if __name__=="__main__": cache = _os.getenv("pydna_cache") _os.environ["pydna_cache"]="nocache" import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) _os.environ["pydna_cache"]=cache