    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over Hmmer2TextIndexer; yields query results' key, offsets, 0."""
        handle = self._handle
        start_offset = handle.tell()
        regex_id = re.compile(rb"Query\s*(?:sequence|HMM)?:\s*(.*)")

        # determine flag for hmmsearch
        is_hmmsearch = False
        line = read_forward(handle)
        if line.startswith(b"hmmsearch"):
            is_hmmsearch = True

        while True:
            end_offset = handle.tell()

            if line.startswith(self.qresult_start):
                regx = re.search(regex_id, line)
                qresult_key = regx.group(1).strip()
                # qresult start offset is the offset of this line
                # (starts with the start mark)
                start_offset = end_offset - len(line)
            elif line.startswith(self.qresult_end):
                yield qresult_key.decode(), start_offset, 0
                start_offset = end_offset
            elif not line:
                # HACK: since hmmsearch can only have one query result
                if is_hmmsearch:
                    yield qresult_key.decode(), start_offset, 0

            line = read_forward(handle)
 def _parse_hit_block(self):
     """Parse a hit block (PRIVATE)."""
     self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
     match = re.search(_RE_HIT_BLOCK_DESC, self.line)
     if not match:
         raise RuntimeError(
             f"Unexpected content in HIT_BLOCK_DESC line'{self.line}'"
     hit_data = {
         "hit_id": match.group(1),
         "description": match.group(2).lstrip(" ;"),
         "evalue": None,
         "hit_start": None,
         "hit_end": None,
         "hit_seq": "",
         "prob": None,
         "query_start": None,
         "query_end": None,
         "query_seq": "",
         "score": None,
     self.line = self.handle.readline()
     self._process_score_line(self.line, hit_data)
     while True:
         self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
         if not self.line.strip() or self.line.startswith(_END_OF_FILE_MARKER):
             # _END_OF_FILE_MARKER isn't always present
             self.done = True
             return hit_data
         elif re.search(_RE_HIT_BLOCK_START, self.line):
             return hit_data
    def __iter__(self):
        handle = self._handle
        start_offset = handle.tell()
        regex_id = re.compile(_as_bytes(r'Query\s*(?:sequence|HMM)?:\s*(.*)'))

        # determine flag for hmmsearch
        is_hmmsearch = False
        line = read_forward(handle)
        if line.startswith(_as_bytes('hmmsearch')):
            is_hmmsearch = True

        while True:
            end_offset = handle.tell()

            if line.startswith(self.qresult_start):
                regx = re.search(regex_id, line)
                qresult_key = regx.group(1).strip()
                # qresult start offset is the offset of this line
                # (starts with the start mark)
                start_offset = end_offset - len(line)
            elif line.startswith(self.qresult_end):
                yield _bytes_to_string(qresult_key), start_offset, 0
                start_offset = end_offset
            elif not line:
                # HACK: since hmmsearch can only have one query result
                if is_hmmsearch:
                    yield _bytes_to_string(qresult_key), start_offset, 0

            line = read_forward(handle)
    def _parse_hit(self, qid):
        """Parses a HMMER3 hit block, beginning with the hit table."""
        # get to the end of the hit table delimiter and read one more line
        self._read_until(lambda line:
                line.startswith('    ------- ------ -----'))
        self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

        # assume every hit is in inclusion threshold until the inclusion
        # threshold line is encountered
        is_included = True

        # parse the hit table
        hit_list = []
        while True:
            if not self.line:
                return hit_list
            elif self.line.startswith('  ------ inclusion'):
                is_included = False
                self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
            # if there are no hits, then there are no hsps
            # so we forward-read until 'Internal pipeline..'
            elif self.line.startswith('   [No hits detected that satisfy '
                while True:
                    self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
                    if self.line.startswith('Internal pipeline'):
                        assert len(hit_list) == 0
                        return hit_list
            elif self.line.startswith('Domain annotation for each '):
                hit_list = self._create_hits(hit_list, qid)
                return hit_list
            # entering hit results row
            # parse the columns into a list
            row = filter(None, self.line.strip().split(' '))
            # join the description words if it's >1 word
            if len(row) > 10:
                row[9] = ' '.join(row[9:])
            # if there's no description, set it to an empty string
            elif len(row) < 10:
                assert len(row) == 10
            # create the hit object
            hit_attrs = {
                'id': row[8],
                'query_id': qid,
                'evalue': float(row[0]),
                'bitscore': float(row[1]),
                'bias': float(row[2]),
                # row[3:6] is not parsed, since the info is available
                # at the the HSP level
                'domain_exp_num': float(row[6]),
                'domain_obs_num': int(row[7]),
                'description': row[9],
                'is_included': is_included,

            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
    def _parse_hit(self, qid, qdesc):
        """Parse a HMMER3 hit block, beginning with the hit table (PRIVATE)."""
        # get to the end of the hit table delimiter and read one more line
            lambda line: line.startswith("    ------- ------ -----"))
        self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

        # assume every hit is in inclusion threshold until the inclusion
        # threshold line is encountered
        is_included = True

        # parse the hit table
        hit_attr_list = []
        while True:
            if not self.line:
                return []
            elif self.line.startswith("  ------ inclusion"):
                is_included = False
                self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
            # if there are no hits, then there are no hsps
            # so we forward-read until 'Internal pipeline..'
            elif self.line.startswith(
                    "   [No hits detected that satisfy reporting"):
                while True:
                    self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
                    if self.line.startswith("Internal pipeline"):
                        assert len(hit_attr_list) == 0
                        return []
            elif self.line.startswith("Domain annotation for each "):
                hit_list = self._create_hits(hit_attr_list, qid, qdesc)
                return hit_list
            # entering hit results row
            # parse the columns into a list
            row = [x for x in self.line.strip().split(" ") if x]
            # join the description words if it's >1 word
            if len(row) > 10:
                row[9] = " ".join(row[9:])
            # if there's no description, set it to an empty string
            elif len(row) < 10:
                assert len(row) == 10
            # create the hit object
            hit_attrs = {
                "id": row[8],
                "query_id": qid,
                "evalue": float(row[0]),
                "bitscore": float(row[1]),
                "bias": float(row[2]),
                # row[3:6] is not parsed, since the info is available
                # at the HSP level
                "domain_exp_num": float(row[6]),
                "domain_obs_num": int(row[7]),
                "description": row[9],
                "is_included": is_included,

            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
 def _read_until(self, bool_func):
     """Reads the file handle until the given function returns True."""
     while True:
         if not self.line or bool_func(self.line):
             self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
 def __init__(self, handle):
     """Initialize the class."""
     self.handle = handle
     self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
     self.done = False
     self.query_id = None
     self.seq_len = None
 def _read_until(self, bool_func):
     """Read the file handle until the given function returns True (PRIVATE)."""
     while True:
         if not self.line or bool_func(self.line):
             self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
    def _parse_qresult(self):
        """Parses a HMMER3 query block."""

        self._read_until(lambda line: line.startswith('Query:'))

        while self.line:

            # get query id and length
            regx = re.search(_QRE_ID_LEN, self.line)
            qid = regx.group(1).strip()
            # store qresult attributes
            qresult_attrs = {
                'seq_len': int(regx.group(2)),
                'program': self._meta.get('program'),
                'version': self._meta.get('version'),
                'target': self._meta.get('target'),

            # get description and accession, if they exist
            desc = '' # placeholder
            while not self.line.startswith('Scores for '):
                self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

                if self.line.startswith('Accession:'):
                    acc = self.line.strip().split(' ', 1)[1]
                    qresult_attrs['accession'] = acc.strip()
                elif self.line.startswith('Description:'):
                    desc = self.line.strip().split(' ', 1)[1]
                    qresult_attrs['description'] = desc.strip()

            # parse the query hits
            while self.line and '//' not in self.line:
                hit_list = self._parse_hit(qid)
                # read through the statistics summary
                # TODO: parse and store this information?
                if self.line.startswith('Internal pipeline'):
                    while self.line and '//' not in self.line:
                        self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

            # create qresult, set its attributes and yield
            qresult = QueryResult(qid, hits=hit_list)
            for attr, value in qresult_attrs.items():
                setattr(qresult, attr, value)
            yield qresult
            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
 def _read_until(self, bool_func, stop_on_blank=True, max_read_until=MAX_READ_UNTIL):
     """Read the file handle until the given function returns True (PRIVATE)."""
     count = 0
     while True:
         if stop_on_blank and not self.line:
         if bool_func(self.line):
             self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
         count += 1
         if count >= max_read_until:
             raise RuntimeError("Exceeded max_read_until in _read_until")
 def _parse_hit_block(self):
     """Parse a hit block (PRIVATE)."""
     self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
     match = re.search(_RE_HIT_BLOCK_DESC, self.line)
     if not match:
         raise RuntimeError(
             "Unexpected content in HIT_BLOCK_DESC line'{}'".format(
     hit_data = {
         'hit_id': match.group(1),
         'description': match.group(2).lstrip(' ;'),
         'evalue': None,
         'hit_start': None,
         'hit_end': None,
         'hit_seq': '',
         'hit_seq_len': None,
         'prob': None,
         'query_start': None,
         'query_end': None,
         'query_seq': '',
         'score': None,
         'text': ''
     self.line = self.handle.readline()
     self._process_score_line(self.line, hit_data)
     while True:
         self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
         if not self.line.strip() or self.line.startswith(
             # _END_OF_FILE_MARKER isn't always present
             self.done = True
             return hit_data
         elif re.search(_RE_HIT_BLOCK_START, self.line):
             return hit_data
    def _parse_preamble(self):
        """Parse HMMER preamble (lines beginning with '#') (PRIVATE)."""
        meta = {}
        # bool flag for storing state ~ whether we are parsing the option
        # lines or not
        has_opts = False
        while True:
            # no pound sign means we've left the preamble
            if not self.line.startswith("#"):
            # dashes could either mean we are entering or leaving the options
            # section ~ so it's a switch for the has_opts flag
            elif "- - -" in self.line:
                if not has_opts:
                    # if flag is false, that means we're entering opts
                    # so switch the flag accordingly
                    has_opts = True
                    # if flag is true, that means we've reached the end of opts
                    # so we can break out of the function
            elif not has_opts:
                # try parsing program
                regx = re.search(_RE_PROGRAM, self.line)
                if regx:
                    meta["program"] = regx.group(1)
                # try parsing version
                regx = re.search(_RE_VERSION, self.line)
                if regx:
                    meta["version"] = regx.group(1)
            elif has_opts:
                regx = re.search(_RE_OPT, self.line)
                # if target in regx.group(1), then we store the key as target
                if "target" in regx.group(1):
                    meta["target"] = regx.group(2).strip()
                    meta[regx.group(1)] = regx.group(2)

            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

        return meta
    def _parse_preamble(self):
        """Parses HMMER preamble (lines beginning with '#')."""
        meta = {}
        # bool flag for storing state ~ whether we are parsing the option
        # lines or not
        has_opts = False
        while True:
            # no pound sign means we've left the preamble
            if not self.line.startswith('#'):
            # dashes could either mean we are entering or leaving the options
            # section ~ so it's a switch for the has_opts flag
            elif '- - -' in self.line:
                if not has_opts:
                    # if flag is false, that means we're entering opts
                    # so switch the flag accordingly
                    has_opts = True
                    # if flag is true, that means we've reached the end of opts
                    # so we can break out of the function
            elif not has_opts:
                # try parsing program
                regx = re.search(_RE_PROGRAM, self.line)
                if regx:
                    meta['program'] = regx.group(1)
                # try parsing version
                regx = re.search(_RE_VERSION, self.line)
                if regx:
                    meta['version'] = regx.group(1)
            elif has_opts:
                regx = re.search(_RE_OPT, self.line)
                # if target in regx.group(1), then we store the key as target
                if 'target' in regx.group(1):
                    meta['target'] = regx.group(2)
                    meta[regx.group(1)] = regx.group(2)

            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

        return meta
    def __iter__(self):
        handle = self._handle
        start_offset = handle.tell()
        regex_id = re.compile(_as_bytes(_QRE_ID_LEN_PTN))

        while True:
            line = read_forward(handle)
            end_offset = handle.tell()

            if line.startswith(self.qresult_start):
                regx = re.search(regex_id, line)
                qresult_key = regx.group(1).strip()
                # qresult start offset is the offset of this line
                # (starts with the start mark)
                start_offset = end_offset - len(line)
            elif line.startswith(self.qresult_end):
                yield _bytes_to_string(qresult_key), start_offset, 0
                start_offset = end_offset
            elif not line:
    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over Hmmer3TextIndexer; yields query results' key, offsets, 0."""
        handle = self._handle
        start_offset = handle.tell()
        regex_id = re.compile(_QRE_ID_LEN_PTN.encode())

        while True:
            line = read_forward(handle)
            end_offset = handle.tell()

            if line.startswith(self.qresult_start):
                regx = re.search(regex_id, line)
                qresult_key = regx.group(1).strip()
                # qresult start offset is the offset of this line
                # (starts with the start mark)
                start_offset = end_offset - len(line)
            elif line.startswith(self.qresult_end):
                yield qresult_key.decode(), start_offset, 0
                start_offset = end_offset
            elif not line:
    def _parse_qresult(self):
        """Parse a HMMER3 query block (PRIVATE)."""
        self._read_until(lambda line: line.startswith("Query:"))

        while self.line:

            regx = re.search(_QRE_ID_LEN, self.line)

            while not regx:
                self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
                regx = re.search(_QRE_ID_LEN, self.line)

            # get query id and length
            qid = regx.group(1).strip()
            # store qresult attributes
            qresult_attrs = {
                "seq_len": int(regx.group(2)),
                "program": self._meta.get("program"),
                "version": self._meta.get("version"),
                "target": self._meta.get("target"),

            # get description and accession, if they exist
            qdesc = "<unknown description>"  # placeholder
            while not self.line.startswith("Scores for "):
                self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

                if self.line.startswith("Accession:"):
                    acc = self.line.strip().split(" ", 1)[1]
                    qresult_attrs["accession"] = acc.strip()
                elif self.line.startswith("Description:"):
                    qdesc = self.line.strip().split(" ", 1)[1].strip()
                    qresult_attrs["description"] = qdesc

            # parse the query hits
            while self.line and "//" not in self.line:
                hit_list = self._parse_hit(qid, qdesc)
                # read through the statistics summary
                # TODO: parse and store this information?
                if self.line.startswith("Internal pipeline"):
                    while self.line and "//" not in self.line:
                        self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

            # create qresult, set its attributes and yield
            # not initializing hit_list directly to handle empty hits
            # (i.e. need to set its query description manually)
            qresult = QueryResult(id=qid, hits=hit_list)
            for attr, value in qresult_attrs.items():
                setattr(qresult, attr, value)
            yield qresult
            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

            # Skip line beginning with '# Alignment of', which are output
            # when running phmmer with the '-A' flag.
            if self.line.startswith("#"):
                self.line = self.handle.readline()

            # HMMER >= 3.1 outputs '[ok]' at the end of all results file,
            # which means we can break the main loop when we see the line
            if "[ok]" in self.line:
 def __init__(self, handle):
     """Initialize the class."""
     self.handle = handle
     self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
     self._meta = self._parse_preamble()
    def _parse_aln_block(self, hid, hsp_list):
        """Parse a HMMER3 HSP alignment block (PRIVATE)."""
        self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
        dom_counter = 0
        while True:
            if self.line.startswith(">>") or self.line.startswith(
                    "Internal pipeline"):
                return hsp_list
            assert self.line.startswith("  == domain %i" % (dom_counter + 1))
            # alias hsp to local var
            # but note that we're still changing the attrs of the actual
            # hsp inside the qresult as we're not creating a copy
            frag = hsp_list[dom_counter][0]
            # XXX: should we validate again here? regex is expensive..
            # regx = re.search(_HRE_VALIDATE, self.line)
            # assert hsp.bitscore == float(regx.group(1))
            # assert hsp.evalue_cond == float(regx.group(2))
            hmmseq = ""
            aliseq = ""
            annot = {}
            self.line = self.handle.readline()

            # parse all the alignment blocks in the hsp
            while True:

                regx = None

                # check for hit or query line
                # we don't check for the hit or query id specifically
                # to anticipate special cases where query id == hit id
                regx = re.search(_HRE_ID_LINE, self.line)
                if regx:
                    # the first hit/query self.line we encounter is the hmmseq
                    if len(hmmseq) == len(aliseq):
                        hmmseq += regx.group(2)
                    # and for subsequent self.lines, len(hmmseq) is either
                    # > or == len(aliseq)
                    elif len(hmmseq) > len(aliseq):
                        aliseq += regx.group(2)
                    assert len(hmmseq) >= len(aliseq)
                # check for start of new domain
                elif (self.line.startswith("  == domain")
                      or self.line.startswith(">>")
                      or self.line.startswith("Internal pipeline")):
                    frag.aln_annotation = annot
                    if self._meta.get("program") == "hmmscan":
                        frag.hit = hmmseq
                        frag.query = aliseq
                    elif self._meta.get("program") in ["hmmsearch", "phmmer"]:
                        frag.hit = aliseq
                        frag.query = hmmseq
                    dom_counter += 1
                    hmmseq = ""
                    aliseq = ""
                    annot = {}
                # otherwise check if it's an annotation line and parse it
                # len(hmmseq) is only != len(aliseq) when the cursor is parsing
                # the similarity character. Since we're not parsing that, we
                # check for when the condition is False (i.e. when it's ==)
                elif len(hmmseq) == len(aliseq):
                    regx = re.search(_HRE_ANNOT_LINE, self.line)
                    if regx:
                        annot_name = regx.group(3)
                        if annot_name in annot:
                            annot[annot_name] += regx.group(2)
                            annot[annot_name] = regx.group(2)

                self.line = self.handle.readline()
    def _create_hits(self, hit_attrs, qid, qdesc):
        """Parse a HMMER3 hsp block, beginning with the hsp table (PRIVATE)."""
        # read through until the beginning of the hsp block
        self._read_until(lambda line: line.startswith("Internal pipeline") or

        # start parsing the hsp block
        hit_list = []
        while True:
            if self.line.startswith("Internal pipeline"):
                # by this time we should've emptied the hit attr list
                assert len(hit_attrs) == 0
                return hit_list
            assert self.line.startswith(">>")
            hid, hdesc = self.line[len(">> "):].split("  ", 1)
            hdesc = hdesc.strip()

            # read through the hsp table header and move one more line
                lambda line: line.startswith(" ---   ------ ----- --------") or
                line.startswith("   [No individual domains"))
            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

            # parse the hsp table for the current hit
            hsp_list = []
            while True:
                # break out of hsp parsing if there are no hits, it's the last hsp
                # or it's the start of a new hit
                if (self.line.startswith(
                        "   [No targets detected that satisfy")
                        or self.line.startswith("   [No individual domains")
                        or self.line.startswith(
                            "Internal pipeline statistics summary:") or
                        self.line.startswith("  Alignments for each domain:")
                        or self.line.startswith(">>")):

                    hit_attr = hit_attrs.pop(0)
                    hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                    for attr, value in hit_attr.items():
                        if attr == "description":
                            cur_val = getattr(hit, attr)
                            if cur_val and value and cur_val.startswith(value):
                        setattr(hit, attr, value)
                    if not hit:
                        hit.query_description = qdesc

                parsed = [x for x in self.line.strip().split(" ") if x]
                assert len(parsed) == 16
                # parsed column order:
                # index, is_included, bitscore, bias, evalue_cond, evalue
                # hmmfrom, hmmto, query_ends, hit_ends, alifrom, alito,
                # envfrom, envto, acc_avg
                frag = HSPFragment(hid, qid)
                # set query and hit descriptions if they are defined / nonempty string
                if qdesc:
                    frag.query_description = qdesc
                if hdesc:
                    frag.hit_description = hdesc
                # HMMER3 results are always protein
                frag.molecule_type = "protein"
                # depending on whether the program is hmmsearch, hmmscan, or phmmer
                # {hmm,ali}{from,to} can either be hit_{from,to} or query_{from,to}
                # for hmmscan, hit is the hmm profile, query is the sequence
                if self._meta.get("program") == "hmmscan":
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    frag.hit_start = int(parsed[6]) - 1
                    frag.hit_end = int(parsed[7])
                    frag.query_start = int(parsed[9]) - 1
                    frag.query_end = int(parsed[10])
                elif self._meta.get("program") in ["hmmsearch", "phmmer"]:
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    frag.hit_start = int(parsed[9]) - 1
                    frag.hit_end = int(parsed[10])
                    frag.query_start = int(parsed[6]) - 1
                    frag.query_end = int(parsed[7])
                # strand is always 0, since HMMER now only handles protein
                frag.hit_strand = frag.query_strand = 0

                hsp = HSP([frag])
                hsp.domain_index = int(parsed[0])
                hsp.is_included = parsed[1] == "!"
                hsp.bitscore = float(parsed[2])
                hsp.bias = float(parsed[3])
                hsp.evalue_cond = float(parsed[4])
                hsp.evalue = float(parsed[5])
                if self._meta.get("program") == "hmmscan":
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    hsp.hit_endtype = parsed[8]
                    hsp.query_endtype = parsed[11]
                elif self._meta.get("program") in ["hmmsearch", "phmmer"]:
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    hsp.hit_endtype = parsed[11]
                    hsp.query_endtype = parsed[8]
                # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                hsp.env_start = int(parsed[12]) - 1
                hsp.env_end = int(parsed[13])
                hsp.env_endtype = parsed[14]
                hsp.acc_avg = float(parsed[15])

                self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

            # parse the hsp alignments
            if self.line.startswith("  Alignments for each domain:"):
                self._parse_aln_block(hid, hit.hsps)
    def _create_hits(self, hit_attrs, qid):
        """Parses a HMMER3 hsp block, beginning with the hsp table."""
        # read through until the beginning of the hsp block
        self._read_until(lambda line: line.startswith('Internal pipeline')
                or line.startswith('>>'))

        # start parsing the hsp block
        hit_list = []
        while True:
            if self.line.startswith('Internal pipeline'):
                # by this time we should've emptied the hit attr list
                assert len(hit_attrs) == 0
                return hit_list
            assert self.line.startswith('>>')
            hid, hdesc = self.line[len('>> '):].split('  ', 1)

            # read through the hsp table header and move one more line
            self._read_until(lambda line:
                    line.startswith(' ---   ------ ----- --------'))
            self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

            # parse the hsp table for the current hit
            hsp_list = []
            while True:
                # break out of hsp parsing if there are no hits, it's the last hsp
                # or it's the start of a new hit
                if self.line.startswith('   [No targets detected that satisfy') or \
                   self.line.startswith('Internal pipeline statistics summary:') or \
                   self.line.startswith('  Alignments for each domain:') or \

                    hit_attr = hit_attrs.pop(0)
                    hit = Hit(hsp_list)
                    for attr, value in hit_attr.items():
                        setattr(hit, attr, value)

                parsed = filter(None, self.line.strip().split(' '))
                assert len(parsed) == 16
                # parsed column order:
                # index, is_included, bitscore, bias, evalue_cond, evalue
                # hmmfrom, hmmto, query_ends, hit_ends, alifrom, alito,
                # envfrom, envto, acc_avg
                frag = HSPFragment(hid, qid)
                # HMMER3 alphabets are always protein alphabets
                frag.alphabet = generic_protein
                # depending on whether the program is hmmsearch, hmmscan, or phmmer
                # {hmm,ali}{from,to} can either be hit_{from,to} or query_{from,to}
                # for hmmscan, hit is the hmm profile, query is the sequence
                if self._meta.get('program') == 'hmmscan':
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    frag.hit_start = int(parsed[6]) - 1
                    frag.hit_end = int(parsed[7])
                    frag.query_start = int(parsed[9]) - 1
                    frag.query_end = int(parsed[10])
                elif self._meta.get('program') in ['hmmsearch', 'phmmer']:
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    frag.hit_start = int(parsed[9]) - 1
                    frag.hit_end = int(parsed[10])
                    frag.query_start = int(parsed[6]) - 1
                    frag.query_end = int(parsed[7])
                # strand is always 0, since HMMER now only handles protein
                frag.hit_strand = frag.query_strand = 0

                hsp = HSP([frag])
                hsp.domain_index = int(parsed[0])
                hsp.is_included = parsed[1] == '!'
                hsp.bitscore = float(parsed[2])
                hsp.bias = float(parsed[3])
                hsp.evalue_cond = float(parsed[4])
                hsp.evalue = float(parsed[5])
                if self._meta.get('program') == 'hmmscan':
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    hsp.hit_endtype = parsed[8]
                    hsp.query_endtype = parsed[11]
                elif self._meta.get('program') in ['hmmsearch', 'phmmer']:
                    # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                    hsp.hit_endtype = parsed[11]
                    hsp.query_endtype = parsed[8]
                # adjust 'from' and 'to' coordinates to 0-based ones
                hsp.env_start = int(parsed[12]) - 1
                hsp.env_end = int(parsed[13])
                hsp.env_endtype = parsed[14]
                hsp.acc_avg = float(parsed[15])

                self.line = read_forward(self.handle)

            # parse the hsp alignments
            if self.line.startswith('  Alignments for each domain:'):
                self._parse_aln_block(hid, hit.hsps)
    def _parse_aln_block(self, hid, hsp_list):
        """Parses a HMMER3 HSP alignment block."""
        self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
        dom_counter = 0
        while True:
            if self.line.startswith('>>') or \
                    self.line.startswith('Internal pipeline'):
                return hsp_list
            assert self.line.startswith('  == domain %i' % (dom_counter + 1))
            # alias hsp to local var
            # but note that we're still changing the attrs of the actual
            # hsp inside the qresult as we're not creating a copy
            frag = hsp_list[dom_counter][0]
            # XXX: should we validate again here? regex is expensive..
            #regx = re.search(_HRE_VALIDATE, self.line)
            #assert hsp.bitscore == float(regx.group(1))
            #assert hsp.evalue_cond == float(regx.group(2))
            hmmseq = ''
            aliseq = ''
            annot = {}
            self.line = self.handle.readline()

            # parse all the alignment blocks in the hsp
            while True:

                regx = None

                # check for hit or query line
                # we don't check for the hit or query id specifically
                # to anticipate special cases where query id == hit id
                regx = re.search(_HRE_ID_LINE, self.line)
                if regx:
                    # the first hit/query self.line we encounter is the hmmseq
                    if len(hmmseq) == len(aliseq):
                        hmmseq += regx.group(2)
                    # and for subsequent self.lines, len(hmmseq) is either
                    # > or == len(aliseq)
                    elif len(hmmseq) > len(aliseq):
                        aliseq += regx.group(2)
                    assert len(hmmseq) >= len(aliseq)
                # check for start of new domain
                elif self.line.startswith('  == domain') or \
                        self.line.startswith('>>') or \
                        self.line.startswith('Internal pipeline'):
                    frag.aln_annotation = annot
                    if self._meta.get('program') == 'hmmscan':
                        frag.hit = hmmseq
                        frag.query = aliseq
                    elif self._meta.get('program') in ['hmmsearch', 'phmmer']:
                        frag.hit = aliseq
                        frag.query = hmmseq
                    dom_counter += 1
                    hmmseq = ''
                    aliseq = ''
                    annot = {}
                # otherwise check if it's an annotation line and parse it
                # len(hmmseq) is only != len(aliseq) when the cursor is parsing
                # the homology character. Since we're not parsing that, we
                # check for when the condition is False (i.e. when it's ==)
                elif len(hmmseq) == len(aliseq):
                    regx = re.search(_HRE_ANNOT_LINE, self.line)
                    if regx:
                        annot_name = regx.group(3)
                        if annot_name in annot:
                            annot[annot_name] += regx.group(2)
                            annot[annot_name] = regx.group(2)

                self.line = self.handle.readline()
 def __init__(self, handle):
     self.handle = handle
     self.line = read_forward(self.handle)
     self._meta = self._parse_preamble()