class World:
    #contains the agent object
    def __init__(self, size):
        #initialize everything the world needs to do its thing
        self.grid = np.empty((size, size), dtype=object)
        self.size = size
        #get the agent set up
        print("{} {}".format(self.agentx, self.agenty))
        self.offsetx = self.get_agentx  #offsets are used to calculate relative positions
        self.offsety = self.get_agenty
        self.agent = Bot(self.agentx, self.agenty, self.size, self)

    def get_agentx(self):
        return self.agentx

    def get_agenty(self):
        return self.agenty

    def place_agent(self):
        #a simple loop that gives the agent an initial position
        #repeatedly choose random x and y coords and test them until you get something that works
        x = random.randint(0, self.size)
        y = random.randint(0, self.size)
        while (not self.is_available((x, y))):
            x = random.randint(0, self.size)
            y = random.randint(0, self.size)

        print("{} {}".format(x, y))
        self.agentx = x
        self.agenty = y

    def is_available(self, node):
        #tests if the coordinates in node are available for occupation
        if (self.grid[node[0]][node[1]] != "#"):
            return True
            return False

    def get_neighbors(self, node):
        #node is an ordered pair
        #neighbors are only up, down, left, right because goat can't move diagonally
        neighbors = []
        x = node[0]
        y = node[1]
        if (x != 0 and self.grid[x - 1][y] != "#"):
            #there is a left neighbor
            neighbors.append((x - 1, y))
        if (y != 0 and self.grid[x][y - 1] != "#"):
            #there is a top neighbor
            neighbors.append((x, y - 1))
        if (x != len(self.grid) - 1 and self.grid[x + 1][y] != "#"):
            #there is a right neighbor
            neighbors.append((x + 1, y))
        if (y != len(self.grid) - 1 and self.grid[x][y + 1] != "#"):
            neighbors.append((x, y + 1))
        return neighbors

    def fill_grid(self, fileName):
        #takes input from a file and interprets it as world data
        fo = open(fileName, "r")
        #now read the entire file to a string
        raw = fo.read()
        xidx = 0
        yidx = 0
        for letter in raw:
            if (letter != '\n'):
                self.grid[xidx][yidx] = letter
                yidx += 1
                xidx += 1
                yidx = 0

    def display_world(self):
        for i in range(0, len(self.grid)):
            for point in self.grid[i]:
                print(point + " ", end='')


    def heuristic(self, first, second):
        #heuristic based on manhattan distance
        (x1, y1) = first
        (x2, y2) = second
        return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)

    def a_star(self, start, destination):
        #start and destination are coordinates
        frontier = []
        heappush(frontier, (0, start))  #add start to frontier
        #dictionary containing best ancestor to a given node
        parent = {}
        parent[start] = None
        #cost of start to a given node
        g_score = {}
        g_score[start] = 0

        while not len(frontier) == 0:
            #pop lowest priority point from queue, and seperate it from its priority
            current = heappop(frontier)[1]

            if current == destination:

            for neighbor in self.get_neighbors(current):
                neighbor_cost = g_score[current] + self.cost(current, neighbor)
                if neighbor not in g_score or neighbor_cost < g_score[neighbor]:
                    g_score[neighbor] = neighbor_cost
                             (neighbor_cost +
                              self.heuristic(destination, current), neighbor))
                    parent[neighbor] = current
        if current != destination:
            path = "FAIL"
        return parent

    def create_path(self, parent, node):
        path = []
        while node in parent:
            node = parent[node]
            if node != None:
        #before returning, we need to reverse the list so that it's a path from start to goal
        path = list(reversed(path))
        return path

    def show_path(self, path):
        #left arrow: \u2190
        #right arrow: \u2192
        #up arrow: \u2191
        #down arrow: \u2193
        #shows the path on the grid for easy path visualization
        for i in range(0, len(self.grid)):
            for j in range(0, len(self.grid)):
                if ((i, j) in path):
                    print("~ ", end='')
                    print(self.grid[i][j] + " ", end="")

    def get_sensor_data(self, recurse):
        #get the agent its sensor data
        #the agent represents the world as a dictionary, so it must get its
        #world data in a a way that is easy to store in it
        #thus give it an array of nodes and neighbors
        #node coordinates will be given based on agent's initial position
        #sensor range is 2 squares in all directions

        #first, build data for agent's immediate neighbors
        rel_pos = self.get_rel_pos(self.agentx,
                                   self.agenty)  #relative position of agent
        #now find what lives in the current node
        node_type = self.grid[self.agentx][self.agenty]
        neighbors = self.get_neighbors(self.get_agentx, self.get_agenty)
        rel_neighbors = list(neighbors)  #relative positions of neighbors
        #now convert neighbors to relative positions
        for i in range(0, len(neighbors)):
            rel_neighbors[i] = self.get_rel_pos(neighbors[i][0],
        #now add this data to the agent's memory
        self.agent.add_data(rel_pos, node_type, rel_neighbors)
        #now do the same thing with the neighbors of the current node
        #using cheap recursion
        if (recurse):
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                self.get_sensor_data(neighbor, false)

    def get_rel_pos(self, x, y):
        #gets position of coordinates relative to agent's start position
        #enables working with the agent's memory, which never knows its actual start positon
        return (x - self.offsetx, y - self.offsety)