def infer_ma(hparams): global patients, patients_path, n_processes, model_dir, preprocessed_output_dir, temp_output_dir model_dir = hparams.model_dir training_start_time = time.asctime() startstamp = time.time() print("\nHostname :" + str(os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))) print("\nStart Time :" + str(training_start_time)) print("\nStart Stamp:" + str(startstamp)) sys.stdout.flush() # Parsing the number of CPU's used n_processes = int(hparams.threads) print("Number of CPU's used : ", n_processes) # PRINT PARSED HPARAMS print("\n\n") print("Model Dir :", hparams.model_dir) print("Test CSV :", hparams.test_csv) print("Number of channels :", hparams.num_channels) print("Model Name :", hparams.model) print("Modalities :", hparams.modalities) print("Number of classes :", hparams.num_classes) print("Base Filters :", hparams.base_filters) print("Load Weights :", hparams.weights) print("Generating Test csv") if not os.path.exists(hparams["results_dir"]): os.mkdir(hparams.results_dir) if not hparams.csv_provided == "True": print("Since CSV were not provided, we are gonna create for you") csv_creator_adv.generate_csv( hparams.test_dir, to_save=hparams.results_dir, mode=hparams.mode, ftype="test", modalities=hparams.modalities, ) test_csv = os.path.join(hparams.results_dir, "test.csv") else: test_csv = hparams.test_csv n_processes = int(hparams.threads) model = fetch_model( hparams.model, int(hparams.num_modalities), int(hparams.num_classes), int(hparams.base_filters), ) checkpoint = torch.load(str(hparams.weights)) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint.model_state_dict) if hparams.device != "cpu": model.cuda() model.eval() test_df = pd.read_csv(test_csv) preprocessed_output_dir = os.path.join(hparams.model_dir, "preprocessed") os.makedirs(preprocessed_output_dir, exist_ok=True) patients = test_df.iloc[:, 0].astype(str) patients_path = test_df.iloc[:, 1] n_processes = int(hparams.threads) if len(patients) < n_processes: print("\n*********** WARNING ***********") print( "You are processing less number of patients as compared to the\n" + "threads provided, which means you are asking for more resources than \n" + "necessary which is not a great practice. Anyway, we have accounted for that \n" + "and reduced the number of threads to the maximum number of patients for \n" + "better resource management!\n") n_processes = len(patients) print("*" * 80) print("Intializing preprocessing") print("*" * 80) print("Initiating the CPU workload on %d threads.\n\n" % n_processes) print("Currently processing the following patients : ") START = time.time() pool = Pool(processes=n_processes), range(n_processes)) END = time.time() print("\n\n Preprocessing time taken : {} seconds".format(END - START)) # Load the preprocessed patients to the dataloader print("*" * 80) print("Intializing Deep Neural Network") print("*" * 80) START = time.time() print("Initiating the GPU workload on CUDA threads.\n\n") print("Currently processing the following patients : ") preprocessed_data_dir = os.path.join(hparams.model_dir, "preprocessed") temp_output_dir = os.path.join(hparams.model_dir, "temp_output") os.makedirs(temp_output_dir, exist_ok=True) dataset_infer = VolSegDatasetInfer(preprocessed_data_dir) infer_loader = DataLoader( dataset_infer, batch_size=int(hparams.batch_size), shuffle=False, num_workers=int(hparams.threads), pin_memory=False, )
def infer_multi_4(cfg, device, save_brain, weights): """ Inference using multi modality network Parameters ---------- cfg : string Location of the config file device : int/str device to be run on save_brain : int whether to save brain or not Returns ------- None. """ cfg = os.path.abspath(cfg) if os.path.isfile(cfg): params_df = pd.read_csv( cfg, sep=" = ", names=["param_name", "param_value"], comment="#", skip_blank_lines=True, engine="python", ).fillna(" ") else: print("Missing test_params.cfg file? Please give one!") sys.exit(0) params = {} params["weights"] = weights for i in range(params_df.shape[0]): params[params_df.iloc[i, 0]] = params_df.iloc[i, 1] start = time.asctime() startstamp = time.time() print("\nHostname :" + str(os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))) print("\nStart Time :" + str(start)) print("\nStart Stamp:" + str(startstamp)) sys.stdout.flush() print("Generating Test csv") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(params["results_dir"])): os.mkdir(params["results_dir"]) if not params["csv_provided"] == "True": print("Since CSV were not provided, we are gonna create for you") csv_creator_adv.generate_csv( params["test_dir"], to_save=params["results_dir"], mode=params["mode"], ftype="test", modalities=params["modalities"], ) test_csv = os.path.join(params["results_dir"], "test.csv") else: test_csv = params["test_csv"] test_df = pd.read_csv(test_csv) model = fetch_model( params["model"], int(params["num_modalities"]), int(params["num_classes"]), int(params["base_filters"]), ) if device != "cpu": model.cuda() checkpoint = torch.load(str(params["weights"])) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) model.eval() for patient in tqdm.tqdm(test_df.values): os.makedirs(os.path.join(params["results_dir"], patient[0]), exist_ok=True) nmods = params["num_modalities"] stack = np.zeros([int(nmods), 128, 128, 128], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(int(nmods)): image_path = patient[i + 1] patient_nib = nib.load(image_path) image = patient_nib.get_fdata() image = preprocess_image(patient_nib) stack[i] = image stack = stack[np.newaxis, ...] stack = torch.FloatTensor(stack) if device != "cpu": image = stack.cuda() with torch.no_grad(): output = model(image) output = output.cpu().numpy()[0][0] to_save = interpolate_image(output, (240, 240, 160)) to_save = unpad_image(to_save) to_save[to_save >= 0.9] = 1 to_save[to_save < 0.9] = 0 for i in range(to_save.shape[2]): if np.any(to_save[:, :, i]): to_save[:, :, i] = binary_fill_holes(to_save[:, :, i]) to_save = postprocess_prediction(to_save).astype(np.uint8) to_save_mask = nib.Nifti1Image(to_save, patient_nib.affine) to_save_mask, os.path.join(params["results_dir"], patient[0], patient[0] + "_mask.nii.gz"), ) print("Done with running the model.") if save_brain: print( "You chose to save the brain. We are now saving it with the masks." ) for patient in tqdm.tqdm(test_df.values): nmods = params["num_modalities"] mask_nib = nib.load( os.path.join(params["results_dir"], patient[0], patient[0] + "_mask.nii.gz")) mask_data = mask_nib.get_fdata().astype(np.int8) for i in range(int(nmods)): image_name = os.path.basename(patient[i + 1]).strip(".nii.gz") image_path = patient[i + 1] patient_nib = nib.load(image_path) image_data = patient_nib.get_fdata() image_data[mask_data == 0] = 0 to_save_image = nib.Nifti1Image(image_data, patient_nib.affine) to_save_image, os.path.join(params["results_dir"], patient[0], image_name + "_brain.nii.gz"), ) print("Final output stored in : %s" % (params["results_dir"])) print("Thank you for using BrainMaGe") print("*" * 60)
def train_network(cfg, device, weights): """ Receiving a configuration file and a device, the training is pushed through this file Parameters ---------- cfg : TYPE DESCRIPTION. device : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ training_start_time = time.asctime() startstamp = time.time() print("\nHostname :" + str(os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))) print("\nStart Time :" + str(training_start_time)) print("\nStart Stamp:" + str(startstamp)) sys.stdout.flush() print("Checking for this cfg file : ", cfg) # READING FROM A CFG FILE and check if file exists or not if os.path.isfile(cfg): params_df = pd.read_csv(cfg, sep=' = ', names=['param_name', 'param_value'], comment='#', skip_blank_lines=True, engine='python').fillna(' ') else: print('Missing train_params.cfg file?') sys.exit(0) # Reading in all the parameters params = {} for i in range(params_df.shape[0]): params[params_df.iloc[i, 0]] = params_df.iloc[i, 1] print(type(device), device) if type(device) != str: params['device'] = str(device) params['weights'] = weights # Although uneccessary, we still do this if not os.path.isdir(str(params['model_dir'])): os.mkdir(params['model_dir']) # PRINT PARSED ARGS print("\n\n") print("Training Folder Dir :", params['train_dir']) print("Validation Dir :", params['validation_dir']) print("Model Directory :", params['model_dir']) print("Mode :", params['mode']) print("Number of modalities :", params['num_modalities']) print("Modalities :", params['modalities']) print("Number of classes :", params['num_classes']) print("Max Number of epochs :", params['max_epochs']) print("Batch size :", params['batch_size']) print("Optimizer :", params['optimizer']) print("Learning Rate :", params['learning_rate']) print("Learning Rate Milestones:", params['lr_milestones']) print("Patience to decay :", params['decay_milestones']) print("Early Stopping Patience :", params['early_stop_patience']) print("Depth Layers :", params['layers']) print("Model used :", params['model']) print("Weights used :", params['weights']) sys.stdout.flush() print("Device Given :", device) sys.stdout.flush() # Although uneccessary, we still do this os.makedirs(params['model_dir'], exist_ok=True) print("Current Device : ", torch.cuda.current_device()) print("Device Count on Machine : ", torch.cuda.device_count()) print("Device Name : ", torch.cuda.get_device_name()) print("Cuda Availibility : ", torch.cuda.is_available()) device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print('Using device:', device) if device.type == 'cuda': print('Memory Usage:') print('Allocated:', round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024**3, 1), 'GB') print('Cached: ', round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024**3, 1), 'GB') sys.stdout.flush() # We generate CSV for training if not provided print("Generating CSV Files") # Generating training csv files if not params['csv_provided'] == 'True': print('Since CSV were not provided, we are gonna create for you') generate_csv(params['train_dir'], to_save=params['model_dir'], mode=params['mode'], ftype='train', modalities=params['modalities']) generate_csv(params['validation_dir'], to_save=params['model_dir'], mode=params['mode'], ftype='validation', modalities=params['modalities']) params['train_csv'] = os.path.join(params['model_dir'], 'train.csv') params['validation_csv'] = os.path.join(params['model_dir'], 'validation.csv') else: # Taken directly from params pass os.makedirs(params['model_dir'], exist_ok=True) log_dir = os.path.join(params['model_dir']) checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint( filepath=os.path.join(log_dir, 'checkpoints'), monitor='val_loss', verbose=True, save_top_k=1, mode='auto', save_weights_only=False, prefix=str('deep_resunet_' + params['base_filters'])) stop_callback = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='auto', patience=int(params['early_stop_patience']), verbose=True) model = SkullStripper(params) res_ckpt = weights trainer = Trainer( checkpoint_callback=checkpoint_callback, early_stop_callback=stop_callback, default_root_dir=params['model_dir'], gpus=params['device'], fast_dev_run=False, max_epochs=int(params['max_epochs']), min_epochs=int(params['min_epochs']), distributed_backend='ddp', weights_summary='full', weights_save_path=params['model_dir'], amp_level='O1', num_sanity_val_steps=5, resume_from_checkpoint=res_ckpt, )
def infer_ma(cfg, device, save_brain, weights): cfg = os.path.abspath(cfg) if os.path.isfile(cfg): params_df = pd.read_csv(cfg, sep=' = ', names=['param_name', 'param_value'], comment='#', skip_blank_lines=True, engine='python').fillna(' ') else: print('Missing test_params.cfg file? Please give one!') sys.exit(0) params = {} for i in range(params_df.shape[0]): params[params_df.iloc[i, 0]] = params_df.iloc[i, 1] params['weights'] = weights start = time.asctime() startstamp = time.time() print("\nHostname :" + str(os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))) print("\nStart Time :" + str(start)) print("\nStart Stamp:" + str(startstamp)) sys.stdout.flush() print("Generating Test csv") if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(params['results_dir'])): os.mkdir(params['results_dir']) if not params['csv_provided'] == 'True': print('Since CSV were not provided, we are gonna create for you') csv_creator_adv.generate_csv(params['test_dir'], to_save=params['results_dir'], mode=params['mode'], ftype='test', modalities=params['modalities']) test_csv = os.path.join(params['results_dir'], 'test.csv') else: test_csv = params['test_csv'] test_df = pd.read_csv(test_csv) test_df.ID = test_df.ID.astype(str) temp_dir = os.path.join(params['results_dir'], 'Temp') os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True) patients_dict = {} print("Resampling the images to isotropic resolution of 1mm x 1mm x 1mm") print("Also Converting the images to RAI and brats for smarter use.") for patient in tqdm.tqdm(test_df.values): os.makedirs(os.path.join(temp_dir, patient[0]), exist_ok=True) patient_path = patient[1] image = nib.load(patient_path) old_spacing = image.header.get_zooms() old_affine = image.affine old_shape = image.header.get_data_shape() new_spacing = (1, 1, 1) new_shape = (int( np.round(old_spacing[0] / new_spacing[0] * float(image.shape[0]))), int( np.round(old_spacing[1] / new_spacing[1] * float(image.shape[1]))), int( np.round(old_spacing[2] / new_spacing[2] * float(image.shape[2])))) image_data = image.get_fdata() new_image = resize(image_data, new_shape, order=3, mode='edge', cval=0, anti_aliasing=False) new_affine = np.eye(4) new_affine = np.array(old_affine) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if old_affine[i, j] != 0: new_affine[i, j] = old_affine[i, j] * (1 / old_affine[i, j]) if old_affine[i, j] <= 0: new_affine[i, j] = -1 * (old_affine[i, j] * (1 / old_affine[i, j])) temp_image = nib.Nifti1Image(new_image, new_affine) temp_image, os.path.join(temp_dir, patient[0], patient[0] + '_resamp111.nii.gz')) temp_dict = {} temp_dict['name'] = patient[0] temp_dict['old_spacing'] = old_spacing temp_dict['old_affine'] = old_affine temp_dict['old_shape'] = old_shape temp_dict['new_spacing'] = new_spacing temp_dict['new_affine'] = new_affine temp_dict['new_shape'] = new_shape patient_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, patient[0], patient[0] + '_resamp111.nii.gz') patient_nib = nib.load(patient_path) patient_data = patient_nib.get_fdata() patient_data, pad_info = pad_image(patient_data) patient_affine = patient_nib.affine temp_image = nib.Nifti1Image(patient_data, patient_affine) temp_image, os.path.join(temp_dir, patient[0], patient[0] + '_bratsized.nii.gz')) temp_dict['pad_info'] = pad_info patients_dict[patient[0]] = temp_dict model = fetch_model(params['model'], int(params['num_modalities']), int(params['num_classes']), int(params['base_filters'])) checkpoint = torch.load(str(params['weights'])) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) if device != 'cpu': model.cuda() model.eval() print("Done Resampling the Data.\n") print("--" * 30) print("Running the model on the subjects") for patient in tqdm.tqdm(test_df.values): patient_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, patient[0], patient[0] + '_bratsized.nii.gz') patient_nib = nib.load(patient_path) image = patient_nib.get_fdata() image = process_image(image) image = resize(image, (128, 128, 128), order=3, mode='edge', cval=0, anti_aliasing=False) image = image[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...] image = torch.FloatTensor(image) if device != 'cpu': image = image.cuda() with torch.no_grad(): output = model(image) output = output.cpu().numpy()[0][0] to_save = interpolate_image(output, patient_nib.shape) to_save[to_save >= 0.9] = 1 to_save[to_save < 0.9] = 0 to_save_nib = nib.Nifti1Image(to_save, patient_nib.affine) to_save_nib, os.path.join(temp_dir, patient[0], patient[0] + '_bratsized_mask.nii.gz')) current_patient_dict = patients_dict[patient[0]] new_image = padder_and_cropper(to_save, current_patient_dict['pad_info']) to_save_new_nib = nib.Nifti1Image(new_image, patient_nib.affine) to_save_new_nib, os.path.join(temp_dir, patient[0], patient[0] + '_resample111_mask.nii.gz')) to_save_final = resize(new_image, current_patient_dict['old_shape'], order=3, mode='edge', cval=0) to_save_final[to_save_final > 0.9] = 1 to_save_final[to_save_final < 0.9] = 0 for i in range(to_save_final.shape[2]): if np.any(to_save_final[:, :, i]): to_save_final[:, :, i] = binary_fill_holes(to_save_final[:, :, i]) to_save_final = postprocess_prediction(to_save_final).astype( np.uint8) to_save_final_nib = nib.Nifti1Image( to_save_final, current_patient_dict['old_affine']) os.makedirs(os.path.join(params['results_dir'], patient[0]), exist_ok=True) to_save_final_nib, os.path.join(params['results_dir'], patient[0], patient[0] + '_mask.nii.gz')) print("Done with running the model.") if save_brain: print( "You chose to save the brain. We are now saving it with the masks." ) for patient in tqdm.tqdm(test_df.values): image = nib.load(patient[1]) image_data = image.get_fdata() mask = nib.load( os.path.join(params['results_dir'], patient[0], patient[0] + '_mask.nii.gz')) mask_data = mask.get_fdata().astype(np.int8) image_data[mask_data == 0] = 0 to_save_brain = nib.Nifti1Image(image_data, image.affine) to_save_brain, os.path.join(params['results_dir'], patient[0], patient[0] + '_brain.nii.gz')) print("Please check the %s folder for the intermediate outputs if you\"+\ would like to see some intermediate steps." % (os.path.join(params['results_dir'], 'Temp'))) print("Final output stored in : %s" % (params['results_dir'])) print("Thank you for using BrainMaGe") print('*' * 60)
def train_network(cfg, device, weights): """ Receiving a configuration file and a device, the training is pushed through this file Parameters ---------- cfg : TYPE DESCRIPTION. device : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ training_start_time = time.asctime() startstamp = time.time() print("\nHostname :" + str(os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))) print("\nStart Time :" + str(training_start_time)) print("\nStart Stamp:" + str(startstamp)) sys.stdout.flush() print("Checking for this cfg file : ", cfg) # READING FROM A CFG FILE and check if file exists or not if os.path.isfile(cfg): params_df = pd.read_csv( cfg, sep=" = ", names=["param_name", "param_value"], comment="#", skip_blank_lines=True, engine="python", ).fillna(" ") else: print("Missing train_params.cfg file?") sys.exit(0) # Reading in all the parameters params = {} for i in range(params_df.shape[0]): params[params_df.iloc[i, 0]] = params_df.iloc[i, 1] print(type(device), device) if type(device) != str: params["device"] = str(device) params["weights"] = weights # Although uneccessary, we still do this if not os.path.isdir(str(params["model_dir"])): os.mkdir(params["model_dir"]) # PRINT PARSED ARGS print("\n\n") print("Training Folder Dir :", params["train_dir"]) print("Validation Dir :", params["validation_dir"]) print("Model Directory :", params["model_dir"]) print("Mode :", params["mode"]) print("Number of modalities :", params["num_modalities"]) print("Modalities :", params["modalities"]) print("Number of classes :", params["num_classes"]) print("Max Number of epochs :", params["max_epochs"]) print("Batch size :", params["batch_size"]) print("Optimizer :", params["optimizer"]) print("Learning Rate :", params["learning_rate"]) print("Learning Rate Milestones:", params["lr_milestones"]) print("Patience to decay :", params["decay_milestones"]) print("Early Stopping Patience :", params["early_stop_patience"]) print("Depth Layers :", params["layers"]) print("Model used :", params["model"]) print("Weights used :", params["weights"]) sys.stdout.flush() print("Device Given :", device) sys.stdout.flush() # Although uneccessary, we still do this os.makedirs(params["model_dir"], exist_ok=True) print("Current Device : ", torch.cuda.current_device()) print("Device Count on Machine : ", torch.cuda.device_count()) print("Device Name : ", torch.cuda.get_device_name()) print("Cuda Availibility : ", torch.cuda.is_available()) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print("Using device:", device) if device.type == "cuda": print("Memory Usage:") print("Allocated:", round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(0) / 1024**3, 1), "GB") print("Cached: ", round(torch.cuda.memory_cached(0) / 1024**3, 1), "GB") sys.stdout.flush() # We generate CSV for training if not provided print("Generating CSV Files") # Generating training csv files if not params["csv_provided"] == "True": print("Since CSV were not provided, we are gonna create for you") generate_csv( params["train_dir"], to_save=params["model_dir"], mode=params["mode"], ftype="train", modalities=params["modalities"], ) generate_csv( params["validation_dir"], to_save=params["model_dir"], mode=params["mode"], ftype="validation", modalities=params["modalities"], ) params["train_csv"] = os.path.join(params["model_dir"], "train.csv") params["validation_csv"] = os.path.join(params["model_dir"], "validation.csv") else: # Taken directly from params pass os.makedirs(params["model_dir"], exist_ok=True) log_dir = os.path.join(params["model_dir"]) checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint( filepath=os.path.join(log_dir, "checkpoints"), monitor="val_loss", verbose=True, save_top_k=1, mode="auto", save_weights_only=False, prefix=str("deep_resunet_" + params["base_filters"]), ) stop_callback = EarlyStopping( monitor="val_loss", mode="auto", patience=int(params["early_stop_patience"]), verbose=True, ) model = SkullStripper(params) res_ckpt = weights trainer = Trainer( checkpoint_callback=checkpoint_callback, early_stop_callback=stop_callback, default_root_dir=params["model_dir"], gpus=params["device"], fast_dev_run=False, max_epochs=int(params["max_epochs"]), min_epochs=int(params["min_epochs"]), distributed_backend="ddp", weights_summary="full", weights_save_path=params["model_dir"], amp_level="O1", num_sanity_val_steps=5, resume_from_checkpoint=res_ckpt, )