def __present__(self , fragment, inherited_state): unload_modules_starting_with(['controls', 'datamodel', 'mallard']) from datamodel import xmlmodel from mallard import mallard title = _info_style(TitleBar(self._filename)) xml_title = _section_heading_style(SectionHeading1('XML (non-editable)')).alignHExpand() rich_text_title = _section_heading_style(SectionHeading1('Rich text (editable)')).alignHExpand() if self.__xml_path is not None: with open(self.__xml_path, 'r') as f: xml_rep = xmlmodel.XmlElem.from_file(f) elif self.__xml_bytes is not None: xml_rep = xmlmodel.XmlElem.from_string(self.__xml_bytes) else: raise ValueError, 'Must provide either path or bytes' rich_text_rep = mallard.edit(xml_rep) scrolled_xml = ScrolledViewport(Pres.coerce(xml_rep).alignVRefY(), 100.0, 400.0, None) scrolled_rich_text = ScrolledViewport(_editable_style(rich_text_rep).alignVRefY(), 100.0, 400.0, None) xml_contents = Column([xml_title.alignVRefY(), Spacer(0.0, 20.0), scrolled_xml]) rich_text_contents = Column([rich_text_title.alignVRefY(), Spacer(0.0, 20.0), scrolled_rich_text]) xml_sec = _section_border.surround(xml_contents).pad(2.0, 2.0) rich_text_sec = _section_border.surround(rich_text_contents).pad(2.0, 2.0) contents = Row([xml_sec.alignHExpand(), rich_text_sec.alignHExpand()]) return _info_style(Page([title.alignVRefY(), contents])).alignVExpand()
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): pythonModule = self.getPythonModule() executionResult = self.getExecResult() caughtException = executionResult.getCaughtException() result = executionResult.getResult() streams = executionResult.getStreams() moduleView = Primitive.editable( False ) ).applyTo( Python2.python2EditorPerspective.applyTo( pythonModule ) ) caughtExceptionView = ApplyPerspective.defaultPerspective( caughtException ) if caughtException is not None else None resultView = ApplyPerspective.defaultPerspective( result[0] ) if result is not None else None code = _pythonModuleBorderStyle.applyTo( Border( moduleView.alignHExpand() ).alignHExpand() ) outputContents = [] for stream in streams: if == 'out': outputContents.append( execStdout( stream.richString, True ) ) elif == 'err': outputContents.append( execStderr( stream.richString, True ) ) else: raise ValueError, 'Unreckognised stream \'{0}\''.format( ) if caughtExceptionView is not None: outputContents.append( execException( caughtExceptionView ) ) if resultView is not None: outputContents.append( execResult( resultView ) ) outputColumn = _blockOutputStyle.applyTo( Column( outputContents ).alignHExpand() ) return _blockStyle.applyTo( Border( Column( [ code, outputColumn ] ) ) ).alignHExpand()
def presentPathList(self, pathList): def pathItem(index): def _onDelete(menuItem): del pathList[index] self._incr.onChanged() def buildContextMenu(element, menu): menu.add( MenuItem.menuItemWithLabel( 'Delete', _onDelete ) ) return True return _itemHoverHighlightStyle.applyTo( Label( pathList[index] ) ).withContextMenuInteractor( buildContextMenu ) def _onNew(hyperlink, event): component = hyperlink.getElement().getRootElement().getComponent() openDialog = JFileChooser() openDialog.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY ) response = openDialog.showDialog( component, 'Choose path' ) if response == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION: sf = openDialog.getSelectedFile() if sf is not None: filename = sf.getPath() if filename is not None and os.path.isdir( filename ): pathList.append( filename ) self._incr.onChanged() newLink = Hyperlink( 'NEW', _onNew ) controls = newLink.pad( 10.0, 5.0 ) pathPres = Column( [ pathItem( i ) for i in xrange( len( pathList ) ) ] ) return Column( [ controls, pathPres.padX( 5.0 ) ] )
def _testValue(self, kind, data, excType=None): self._actual.setLiteralValue( ( kind, data ) ) expected = self._expected.getStaticValue() if expected is not None: expectedKind, expectedData = expected if kind == expectedKind: if expectedKind == 'exception': if excType == expectedData: self.__result.setLiteralValue( _resultPass ) else: title = _resultFailStyle( Label( 'FAIL' ) ) heading = Label( 'Expected exception of type %s, got:' % expectedData.__name__ ) res = Column( [ title, heading, data ] ) self.__result.setLiteralValue( res ) elif expectedKind == 'value': if data == expectedData: self.__result.setLiteralValue( _resultPass ) else: title = _resultFailStyle( Label( 'FAIL' ) ) heading1 = Label( 'Expected:' ) heading2 = Label( 'Got:' ) res = Column( [ title, heading1, expectedData, heading2, data ] ) self.__result.setLiteralValue( res ) else: raise TypeError, 'unknown expected result kind %s' % expectedKind else: resContents = [ _resultFailStyle( Label( 'FAIL' ) ) ] if expectedKind == 'exception': resContents.append( Label( 'Expected exception of type %s:' % expectedData.__name__ ) ) elif expectedKind == 'value': resContents.append( Label( 'Expected:' ) ) resContents.append( expectedData ) else: raise TypeError, 'unknown expected result kind %s' % expectedKind if kind == 'exception': resContents.append( Label( 'Got exception:' ) ) resContents.append( data ) elif kind == 'value': resContents.append( Label( 'Expected:' ) ) resContents.append( data ) else: raise TypeError, 'unknown result kind %s' % kind self.__result.setLiteralValue( Column( resContents ) ) else: def _onFix(button, event): if kind == 'exception': self._expected.setLiteralValue( ( kind, excType ) ) elif kind == 'value': self._expected.setLiteralValue( ( kind, data ) ) else: raise TypeError, 'unknown result kind %s' % kind self.__result.setLiteralValue( _resultNone ) fixButton = Button.buttonWithLabel( 'Set expected result', _onFix ) title = Label( 'No expected result, received:' ) self.__result.setLiteralValue( Column( [ title, Pres.coerce( data ).pad( 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 5.0 ), fixButton ] ).alignHPack().alignVTop() )
def __present__(self , fragment, inherited_state): title = TitleBarWithSubtitle('Mallard editor', 'development prototype - SAVE FUNCTIONALITY NOT IMPLEMENTED') path_heading = SectionHeading2(['Displaying contents of: ', _dir_style(RichSpan(self.__path))]) links = [Hyperlink(p.filename, editor_page.EditorPageSubject(p, fragment.subject)) for p in self._pages] if self._example_pages is not None: examples_heading = SectionHeading2('Example mallard documents:') example_links = [Hyperlink(p.filename, editor_page.EditorPageSubject(p, fragment.subject)) for p in self._example_pages] examples_section = [Spacer(0.0, 20.0), examples_heading, Column(example_links)] else: examples_section = [] return _page_style(Page([title, path_heading, Column(links)] + examples_section))
def __present_contents__(self, fragment, inheritedState): self._incr.onAccess() dirPres = self._presentDir() note = NotesText([ 'Note: please choose the location of the GraphViz ', EmphSpan('bin'), ' directory.' ]) columnContents = [note, dirPres] if self._config is not None: columnContents.append(self._presentConfig()) pathContents = Column(columnContents) pathSection = Section(SectionHeading2('GraphViz path'), pathContents) downloadText = '' if self.__isConfigured(): downloadText = 'GraphViz appears to be installed on this machine and configured. If it does not work correctly, you may need to install it. You can download it from the ' else: downloadText = 'If GraphViz is not installed on this machine, please install it. You can download it from the ' downloadLink = Hyperlink('GraphViz homepage', URI('')) download = NormalText([downloadText, downloadLink, '.']) downloadSec = Section( SectionHeading2('GraphViz download/installation'), download) return Body([pathSection, downloadSec])
def executionResultBox(streams, exception, resultInTuple, bUseDefaultPerspecitveForException, bUseDefaultPerspectiveForResult): boxContents = [] for stream in streams: if == 'out': boxContents.append( execStdout(stream.richString, bUseDefaultPerspectiveForResult)) elif == 'err': boxContents.append( execStderr(stream.richString, bUseDefaultPerspectiveForResult)) else: raise ValueError, 'Unreckognised stream \'{0}\''.format( if exception is not None: exceptionView = Pres.coerce(exception).alignHPack() if bUseDefaultPerspecitveForException: exceptionView = ApplyPerspective.defaultPerspective(exceptionView) boxContents.append(execException(exceptionView)) if resultInTuple is not None: resultView = Pres.coercePresentingNull(resultInTuple[0]).alignHPack() if bUseDefaultPerspectiveForResult: resultView = ApplyPerspective.defaultPerspective(resultView) boxContents.append(execResult(resultView)) if len(boxContents) > 0: return ApplyStyleSheetFromAttribute(ExecutionStyle.resultBoxStyle, Column(boxContents).alignHExpand()) else: return None
def paddingUI(): padding = self.padding.value if padding is None: def onPadUniform(button, event): self.padding.value = UniformPadding() def onPadNonUniform(button, event): self.padding.value = NonUniformPadding() return ControlsRow([ Button.buttonWithLabel('Uniform', onPadUniform), Button.buttonWithLabel('Non-uniform', onPadNonUniform) ]).alignHPack() else: def onRemove(button, event): self.padding.value = None def setPadding(padding): self.padding.value = padding removeButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Remove padding', onRemove).alignHPack() return Column([ removeButton.alignHPack(), Spacer(0.0, 5.0), padding.editUI(setPadding) ])
def editUI(self, controlFactoryFn): self.__incr.onAccess() valueControl = controlFactoryFn(self._live) if self._expr is None: def _onAdd(button, event): self.expr = EmbeddedPython2Expr() addButton = Button(self._addButtonContents, _onAdd).alignHPack() return Row([valueControl, Spacer(10.0, 0.0), addButton]) else: def _onRemove(button, event): self.expr = None removeButton = Button(self._removeButtonContents, _onRemove).alignHPack() return Column([ valueControl, Row([ removeButton, Spacer(10.0, 0.0), exprBorder.surround(self._expr) ]) ])
def _get_examples(): names_and_bytes = None # z is the zip file containing the examples z = None if app_in_jar.startedFromJar(): # App started from JAR; attempt to acquire through java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream() stream = Column.getResourceAsStream('/') if stream is not None: # Convert to cStringIO; FileUtil.wrap does not seem to work well with ZipFile fbytes = StringUtil.fromBytes(FileUtil.readBytes(stream)) f = cStringIO.StringIO(fbytes) try: z = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r') except zipfile.BadZipfile: pass # App was not started from JAR, or loading failed; see if the ZIP file can be found in the file system if z is None: if os.path.isfile(''): try: z = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r') except zipfile.BadZipfile: pass if z is not None: names_and_bytes = [] infos = z.infolist() for info in infos: if info.filename.lower().endswith('.page'): names_and_bytes.append((info.filename, return names_and_bytes
def choice(subexps): rows = [] for subexp in subexps[:-1]: rows.append( Row( [ subexp.alignHPack(), _controlCharStyle( Text( '|' ).alignHRight() ) ] ).alignHExpand() ) rows.append( _choiceRuleStyle.applyTo( Box( 1.0, 1.0 ).pad( 5.0, 3.0 ).alignHExpand() ) ) rows.append( subexps[-1].alignHPack() ) return _choiceBorder.surround( Column( rows ) )
def _onReset(button, event): project.reset() modules = document.unloadAllImportedModules() heading = SectionHeading2('Unloaded modules:') modules = Column([Label(module) for module in modules]) report = Section(heading, modules) BubblePopup.popupInBubbleAdjacentTo(report, button.getElement(), Anchor.BOTTOM, True, True)
def execException(exceptionView): label = ApplyStyleSheetFromAttribute(ExecutionStyle.labelStyle, StaticText('EXCEPTION:')) return ApplyStyleSheetFromAttribute( ExecutionStyle.exceptionBorderStyle, Border( Column([label, exceptionView.padX(5.0, 0.0).alignHExpand() ]).alignHExpand()).alignHExpand())
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): self._listeners = PresentationStateListenerList.addListener( self._listeners, fragment) name = Label(self._name) kind = _objectKindMap[self._kind] contents = Column([name, Spacer(0.0, 2.0), kind.padX(10.0, 0.0)]) return _fragSelectorEntryBorder.surround( contents).withElementInteractor(self._interactor)
def badIndentedBlock(ctx, style, indentElement, lines, dedentElement): rectStyle = PythonEditorStyle._badIndentationRectangleStyle.get(style) blockIndentation = style.get(PythonEditorStyle.blockIndentation) block = Column([indentElement] + lines + [dedentElement]) return Row( [rectStyle.applyTo(Box(blockIndentation, 0.0).alignVExpand()), block]).alignHPack().present(ctx, style)
def _fontSample(fontName, sampleFn): sample = sampleFn(fontName) name = Label(fontName) return _hoverStyle( Bin( Column([ sample, _nameStyle(name).padX(10.0, 0.0), ]).pad(5.0, 5.0)))
def __present_contents__(self, fragment, inheritedState): def _onApply(button, event): self._config = self._userConfig.getStaticValue() self.apply() def _onRevert(button, event): self._userConfig.setLiteralValue(self._config) choices = [Label(c[1]) for c in _fontConfigChoices] choices.append(Label('Custom')) @LiveFunction def indexOfChoice(): config = self._userConfig.getValue() if isinstance(config, FontConfiguration): return len(choices) - 1 else: try: return [c[0] for c in _fontConfigChoices ].index(self._userConfig.getValue()) except ValueError: return 0 @LiveFunction def footer(): config = self._userConfig.getValue() if isinstance(config, FontConfiguration): return config else: return Blank() def _onChoice(menu, prevChoice, choice): if choice == len(choices) - 1: # Custom if prevChoice != choice: prevConfig = _fontConfigChoices[prevChoice][0] prevConfig = _fontConfigForName(prevConfig) config = FontConfiguration() config.copyFrom(prevConfig) self._userConfig.setLiteralValue(config) else: self._userConfig.setLiteralValue(_fontConfigChoices[choice][0]) applyButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Apply', _onApply) revertButton = Button.buttonWithLabel('Revert', _onRevert) buttons = Row([applyButton, Spacer(15.0, 0.0), revertButton]).alignHPack() configMenu = OptionMenu(choices, indexOfChoice, _onChoice) chooserHeader = Row([ Label('Choose a font configuration:'), Spacer(25.0, 0.0), configMenu ]).alignHPack() return self._pageColumnStyle(Column([buttons, chooserHeader, footer]))
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): title = Label('Code stepper') header = _headerStyle( Row([ title.alignVCentre().alignHPack(), Pres.coerce(self._stepButton).alignHPack(), Pres.coerce(self._runButton).alignHPack() ])).alignHExpand() main = Column([header, Pres.coerce(self._code).alignHExpand()]) return _stepperBorder.surround(main).withCommands(_stepperCommands)
def __present__(self, fragment, inh): space = Label(' ') open_angle = self._punc_style.applyTo(Label('<')) close_angle = self._punc_style.applyTo(Label('>')) slash = self._punc_style.applyTo(Label('/')) tag = self._tag_style.applyTo(Label(self.__tag)) br = LineBreak() complex = False for x in self.__contents: if isinstance(x, XmlElem): complex = True break if complex: end = Row([open_angle, slash, tag, close_angle]) content = Column( [NormalText([x]) for x in self.__contents if x != '']) if len(self.__attrs) == 0: start = Row([open_angle, tag, close_angle]) else: start = Paragraph( [open_angle, tag, space, br, self.__attrs, close_angle]) return Column([start, content.padX(20.0, 0.0), end]) else: if len(self.__contents) == 0: if len(self.__attrs) == 0: return Row([open_angle, tag, slash, close_angle]) else: return Paragraph([ open_angle, tag, space, br, self.__attrs, slash, close_angle ]) else: end = Row([open_angle, slash, tag, close_angle]) content = [RichSpan([x]) for x in self.__contents] if len(self.__attrs) == 0: start = Row([open_angle, tag, close_angle]) else: start = Span([ open_angle, tag, space, br, self.__attrs, close_angle ]) return Paragraph([start] + content + [end])
def _createSidePanel(rootElement): palette = createPalette() bottomPane = _createBottomPane(rootElement) palette = ScrolledViewport(palette.alignVTop().alignHPack(), 150.0, 150.0, None).alignHExpand().alignVExpand() bottomPane = ScrolledViewport(bottomPane.alignVTop().alignHPack(), 150.0, 150.0, None).alignHExpand().alignVExpand() bottomPane = ResizeableBin(bottomPane).resizeTop(350.0) return Column([ palette.alignHExpand().alignVExpand(), bottomPane.alignHExpand().alignVExpand() ])
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): self._incr.onAccess() title = SectionHeading2( 'Unit tests' ) nameEntry = _nameBorder.surround( EditableLabel( self._name, _notSet ).regexValidated( Tokens.identifierPattern, 'Please enter a valid identifier' ) ) header = Row( [ title, Spacer( 25.0, 0.0 ), nameEntry ] ) contents = [ header.padY( 0.0, 5.0 ), _standardCodeBorder.surround( self._suite ).padY( 3.0 ).alignHExpand() ] if self.__passes is not None and self.__failures is not None: resultsTitle = SectionHeading3( 'Test results:' ) passes = _standardPassStyle( Label( '%d / %d test(s) passed' % ( self.__passes, self.__passes + len( self.__failures ) ) ) ) failuresLabel = _standardFailStyle( Label( '%d test(s) failed:' % len( self.__failures ) ) ) failures = [ Column( [ _standardFailedTestStyle( Label( name ) ), Pres.coerce( exception ).padX( 5.0, 0.0 ) ] ).padX( 5.0, 0.0 ) for name, exception in self.__failures ] results = _standardResultsBorder.surround( Column( [ resultsTitle, passes, failuresLabel ] + failures ) ).pad( 3.0, 3.0 ) contents.append( results ) return _standardInlineTestBorder.surround( Column( contents ) )
def _richStringLines(labelText, richString, textStyleAttribute, bUseDefaultPerspectiveForResult): label = ApplyStyleSheetFromAttribute(ExecutionStyle.labelStyle, StaticText(labelText)) lines = [ _richStringItem(item, textStyleAttribute, bUseDefaultPerspectiveForResult) for item in richString.getItems() ] return Overlay( [Column(lines).alignHExpand(), label.alignHRight().alignVTop()])
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): def _embeddedDisplayMenu(element, menu): def _onClear(item): del self._values[:] self._incr.onChanged() menu.add( MenuItem.menuItemWithLabel('Clear collected values', _onClear)) return False self._incr.onAccess() #exprPres = pyPerspective.applyTo( self._expr ) exprPres = self._expr valuesPres = ObjectBox( 'Values', Column([Paragraph([value]) for value in self._values])) contents = Column([exprPres, valuesPres]) return ObjectBox( 'Embedded display', contents).withContextMenuInteractor(_embeddedDisplayMenu)
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): title = SectionHeading2( 'Unit tests' ) nameEntry = _nameBorder.surround( EditableLabel( self._name, _notSet ).regexValidated( Tokens.identifierPattern, 'Please enter a valid identifier' ) ) header = Row( [ title, Spacer( 25.0, 0.0 ), nameEntry ] ) if self._tableEditor is NotImplemented: raise NotImplementedError, 'Table editor is abstract' table = self._tableEditor.editTable( self._tests ) return _inlineTestTableBorder.surround( Column( [ header, Spacer( 0.0, 5.0 ), table ] ) )
def unquote(ctx, style, valueView, title, sequentialEditor): unquoteBorderStyle = style.get(PythonEditorStyle.unquoteBorderStyle) unquoteTitleStyle = style.get(PythonEditorStyle.unquoteTitleStyle) titleLabel = unquoteTitleStyle.applyTo(Label(title)) region = sequentialEditor.region(valueView) header = titleLabel.alignHLeft() box = unquoteBorderStyle.applyTo( Border(Column([header.alignHExpand(), region.pad(3.0, 3.0)]))).pad(1.0, 1.0) segment = Segment(box) return segment.present(ctx, style)
def samplePage(): label = Label('Sample page:') title = titleSample(self._title.getValue(), 'Example Page Title') heading = headingSample(self._heading.getValue(), 'Main heading') normal1 = normalSample(self._normal.getValue(), 'Normal text will appear like this.') normal2 = normalSample( self._normal.getValue(), 'Paragraphs of normal text are used for standard content.') ui1 = uiHeadingSample(self._uiHeading.getValue(), 'UI heading') genericLabel = Label( 'Generic text (within controls, code, etc) will appear like this.' ) buttons = self._buttonRowStyle( Row([ Button.buttonWithLabel('Button %d' % (i, ), None) for i in xrange(0, 5) ])) ui = Section(ui1, Column([genericLabel, Spacer(0.0, 7.0), buttons])) page = Page([title, Body([heading, normal1, normal2, ui])]) return Column([label, Spacer(0.0, 15.0), page])
def externalExpr(ctx, style, exprView, title, deleteButton): externalExprBorderStyle = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.externalExprBorderStyle) externalExprTitleStyle = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.externalExprTitleStyle) titleLabel = externalExprTitleStyle.applyTo(Label(title)) header = Row( [titleLabel.alignHLeft(), deleteButton.alignHRight().alignVCentre()]) box = externalExprBorderStyle.applyTo( Border(Column([header.alignHExpand(), exprView.pad(3.0, 3.0)]))).pad(1.0, 1.0) segment = Segment(box) return segment.present(ctx, style)
def _contentsList(controls, contentsLists, title): controlsBox = _appDocumentControlsStyle.applyTo( Row([c.padX(_controlsPadding) for c in controls])) controlsBorder = _appDocumentControlsBorder.surround(controlsBox) openDocumentsSeparator = HSeparator() docListBox = _documentListTableStyle.applyTo(RGrid(contentsLists)) contentsBox = Column([ controlsBorder.pad(2.0, 2.0), openDocumentsSeparator, docListBox.pad(12.0, 2.0) ]) heading = SectionHeading1(title) return Section(heading, contentsBox)
def embeddedObjectStmt(ctx, style, valueView, hideFrame): if hideFrame: box = valueView else: embeddedObjectBorder = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.embeddedObjectBorder) embeddedObjectTagLabelStyle = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.embeddedObjectTagLabelStyle) embeddedObjectTagBorder = style.get( PythonEditorStyle.embeddedObjectTagBorder) tagLabel = embeddedObjectTagBorder.surround( embeddedObjectTagLabelStyle(Label('Stmt'))) contents = Column([tagLabel, valueView.pad(2.0, 2.0)]) box = embeddedObjectBorder.surround(contents).padX(1.0, 1.0) segment = Segment(box) return segment.present(ctx, style)
def __present__(self, fragment, inheritedState): def _embeddedDisplayMenu(element, menu): def _onClear(item): self._clear() menu.add( MenuItem.menuItemWithLabel( 'Clear collected values', _onClear ) ) return False self._incr.onAccess() suitePres = self._suite valuesPres = TabbedBox( [ [ Label( 'Tree' ), self._treeView ], [ Label( 'Table' ), self._tableView ] ], None ) contents = Column( [ suitePres, valuesPres ] ) return ObjectBox( 'Trace visualisation', contents ).withContextMenuInteractor( _embeddedDisplayMenu ).withCommands( _mxCommands )