def ProcessBucket(response, s3Client, s3Resource, params):
    result = {}
    for bucket in response['Buckets']:
        # checks if the filter flag exists  and if the filter flag is a valid name
        if (params['f'] and IsBucketNameValid(
                bucket['Name'], params['f'])) or (params['f'] is None):
            currentBucket = Bucket()  # instantiate new Bucket
   = bucket['Name']  # set name attribute
            currentBucket.region = s3Client.get_bucket_location(
                    'LocationConstraint']  # set region attribute
            # set creation date attribute
            currentBucket.creationDate = bucket['CreationDate'].ctime()
            # checks if there are ANY object level data requested in the argument
            if (any(param == True
                    for param in params['objectParams'].values())):
                ProcessBucketObjects(currentBucket, bucket,
                                     params['objectParams'], s3Client,

            # insert bucket, all relevant data should be populated
            # check to see whether the region is already in result if so group them together, otherwise instantiate a list within a dict like:
            # result = {Key=RegionName, Val = [This is a list of buckets, append current one]}
            if currentBucket.region in result.keys():
                result[currentBucket.region] = [currentBucket]

    return result