def setup_class(cls): # initialize with data to avoid pulling multiple times = WeatherChannel( data=[], spec=[], nrel_dev_api_key=os.environ.get("NREL_DEV_API_KEY"), nrel_dev_email=os.environ.get("NREL_DEV_EMAIL"), archive_tmy3_dir=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_DIR"), archive_tmy3_meta=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_META"), archive_tmy3_data_dir=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_DATA_DIR"), ep_tmy3_cache_dir=os.environ.get("EP_TMY3_CACHE_DIR"), simulation_epw_dir=os.environ.get("SIMULATION_EPW_DIR"), )
class DataClient: # data channels thermostat = attr.ib(default=None) equipment = attr.ib(default=None) sensors = attr.ib(default=None) weather = attr.ib(default=None) datetime = attr.ib(default=None) full_data_periods = attr.ib(factory=list) # input variables source = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(DataSource)) destination = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.instance_of(DataDestination)) nrel_dev_api_key = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("NREL_DEV_API_KEY")) nrel_dev_email = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("NREL_DEV_EMAIL")) archive_tmy3_dir = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_DIR")) archive_tmy3_meta = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_META")) archive_tmy3_data_dir = attr.ib( default=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_DATA_DIR")) ep_tmy3_cache_dir = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("EP_TMY3_CACHE_DIR")) nsrdb_cache_dir = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("NSRDB_CACHE_DIR")) simulation_epw_dir = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("SIMULATION_EPW_DIR")) weather_dir = attr.ib(default=os.environ.get("WEATHER_DIR")) weather_forecast_source = attr.ib(default="perfect") epw_path = attr.ib(default=None) # state variables sim_config = attr.ib(default=None) start_utc = attr.ib(default=None) end_utc = attr.ib(default=None) eplus_fill_to_day_seconds = attr.ib(default=None) eplus_warmup_seconds = attr.ib(default=None) internal_spec = attr.ib(factory=Internal) forecast_from_measured = attr.ib(default=True) has_data = attr.ib(default=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): # first, post init class specification self.make_data_directories() def make_data_directories(self): os.makedirs(self.weather_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.archive_tmy3_data_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.ep_tmy3_cache_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.nsrdb_cache_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.simulation_epw_dir, exist_ok=True) if self.source.local_cache: os.makedirs( os.path.join( self.source.local_cache, self.source.operator_name, self.source.source_name, ), exist_ok=True, ) if self.destination.local_cache: os.makedirs( os.path.join( self.destination.local_cache, self.destination.operator_name, ), exist_ok=True, ) def get_data(self): # check if data has already been fetched by another simulation if self.has_data: return # check for invalid start/end combination if self.sim_config["end_utc"] <= self.sim_config["start_utc"]: raise ValueError( "sim_config contains invalid start_utc >= end_utc.") # load from cache or download data from source _data = self.source.get_data(self.sim_config) if _data.empty: logger.error( "EMPTY DATA SOURCE: \nsim_config={} \nsource={}\n".format( self.sim_config, self.source)) _data = self.internal_spec.get_empty_df() # remove any fully duplicated records _data = _data.drop_duplicates(ignore_index=True) # remove multiple records for same datetime # there may also be multiple entries for same exact datetime in ISM # in this case keep the record that has the most combined runtime # because in observed cases of this the extra record has 0 runtime. _runtime_sum_column = "sum_runtime" _data[_runtime_sum_column] = _data[list( set( & set(_data.columns))].sum(axis=1) # last duplicate datetime value will have maximum sum_runtime _data = _data.sort_values( [self.internal_spec.datetime_column, _runtime_sum_column], ascending=True, ) _data = _data.drop_duplicates(subset=[STATES.DATE_TIME], keep="last", ignore_index=True) _data = _data.drop(columns=[_runtime_sum_column]) # the period data source is expected at _expected_period = f"{self.internal_spec.data_period_seconds}S" _min_datetime = _data[ self.internal_spec.datetime.datetime_column].min() _max_datetime = _data[ self.internal_spec.datetime.datetime_column].max() # truncate the data to desired simulation start and end time _data = _data[(_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] >= self.sim_config["start_utc"]) & (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] <= self.sim_config["end_utc"])].reset_index(drop=True) # remove unused categories from categorical columns after date range # for simulation is selected for _cat_col in [ _col for _col in _data.columns if isinstance(_data[_col].dtype, pd.api.types.CategoricalDtype) ]: _data[_cat_col].cat = _data[_cat_col].cat.remove_unused_categories( ) # run settings change point detection before filling missing data # the fill data would create false positive change points # the change points can also be used to correctly fill the schedule # and comfort preferences ( _change_points_schedule, _change_points_comfort_prefs, _change_points_hvac_mode, ) = ThermostatChannel.get_settings_change_points( _data, self.internal_spec.data_period_seconds) # ffill first 15 minutes of missing data periods _data = DataClient.fill_missing_data( full_data=_data, expected_period=_expected_period, data_spec=self.internal_spec, ) # compute full_data_periods with only first 15 minutes ffilled self.full_data_periods = DataClient.get_full_data_periods( full_data=_data, data_spec=self.internal_spec, expected_period=_expected_period, min_sim_period=self.sim_config["min_sim_period"], ) # need time zone before init of DatetimeChannel internal_timezone = DateTimeChannel.get_timezone( self.sim_config["latitude"], self.sim_config["longitude"]) # there will be filled data even if there are no full_data_periods # the fill data is present to run continuous simulations smoothly # in the presence of potentially many missing data periods if self.full_data_periods: # compute the total sim steps for later use determining offset for # weather forecasts idx _total_sim_steps = ( _data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column].max() - _data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column].min() ) // pd.Timedelta(seconds=self.sim_config["sim_step_size_seconds"]) # the simulation period must be full days starting at 0 hour to use # SimulationControl: Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods _start_utc, _end_utc = self.get_simulation_period( expected_period=_expected_period, internal_timezone=internal_timezone, ) # add records for warm_up period _data = DataClient.add_fill_records( df=_data, data_spec=self.internal_spec, start_utc=_start_utc, end_utc=_end_utc, expected_period=_expected_period, ) # drop records before and after full simulation time # end is less than _data = _data[ (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] >= _start_utc) & (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] <= _end_utc )].reset_index(drop=True) # bfill to interpolate missing data # first and last records must be full because we used full data periods # need to add a NA_code to stop fillna from clobbering columns # where NA means something na_code_name = "NA_code" _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] = _data[ STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT].cat.add_categories( new_categories=na_code_name) _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] = _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT].fillna( na_code_name) # bfill then ffill to handle where no data after null _data = _data.fillna(method="bfill", limit=None) _data = _data.fillna(method="ffill", limit=None) _data = DataClient.resample_to_step_size( df=_data, step_size_seconds=self.sim_config["sim_step_size_seconds"], data_spec=self.internal_spec, ) # we can replace na_code_name now that filling is complete _data.loc[_data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] == na_code_name, [STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT], ] = pd.NA # remove any columns that are all null _data = _data.dropna(axis="columns", how="all") # finally convert dtypes to final types now that nulls in # non-nullable columns have been properly filled or removed # internal datatypes are not nullable _data = _data.astype(dtype=get_dtype_mapper( df_cols=_data.columns, dest_spec=self.internal_spec, src_nullable=True, dest_nullable=False, ), ) else: raise ValueError( f"ID={self.sim_config['identifier']} has no full_data_periods " + "for requested duration: " + f"start_utc={self.sim_config['start_utc']}, " + f"end_utc={self.sim_config['end_utc']} " + f"with min_sim_period={self.sim_config['min_sim_period']}. " + f"The given data file runs from {_min_datetime}" + f" to {_max_datetime}. " + "If there is overlap between these two time periods then " + "there is too much missing data. If there is no overlap " + "consider altering your sim_config start_utc and end_utc.") self.datetime = DateTimeChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.datetime.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.datetime, latitude=self.sim_config["latitude"], longitude=self.sim_config["longitude"], internal_timezone=internal_timezone, ) # finally create the data channel objs for usage during simulation self.thermostat = ThermostatChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.thermostat.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.thermostat, change_points_schedule=_change_points_schedule, change_points_comfort_prefs=_change_points_comfort_prefs, change_points_hvac_mode=_change_points_hvac_mode, ) = EquipmentChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns,],, ) self.sensors = SensorsChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.sensors.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.sensors, ) self.sensors.drop_unused_room_sensors() = WeatherChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns,],, weather_forecast_source=self.weather_forecast_source, archive_tmy3_dir=self.archive_tmy3_dir, archive_tmy3_data_dir=self.archive_tmy3_data_dir, ep_tmy3_cache_dir=self.ep_tmy3_cache_dir, nrel_dev_api_key=self.nrel_dev_api_key, nrel_dev_email=self.nrel_dev_email, nsrdb_cache_dir=self.nsrdb_cache_dir, simulation_epw_dir=self.simulation_epw_dir, ) # add nsrdb solar data fields =, datetime_channel=self.datetime, sim_config=self.sim_config, ) # merge current weather data with epw # backfill of any missing weather data here sim_config=self.sim_config, datetime_channel=self.datetime, epw_path=self.epw_path, ) # TODO: this is an example implementation showing # the anticapated structure of forecast data from # an external source sim_config=self.sim_config, total_sim_steps=_total_sim_steps, ) # need to convert data types of filled weather data to spec dtypes ={ k: v["dtype"] for k, v in }) # set flag for other simulations using this data client self.has_data = True def get_simulation_period(self, expected_period, internal_timezone): # set start and end times from full_data_periods and simulation config # take limiting period as start_utc and end_utc if not self.full_data_periods: self.start_utc = None self.end_utc = None return self.start_utc, self.end_utc if self.sim_config["start_utc"] >= self.full_data_periods[0][0]: self.start_utc = self.sim_config["start_utc"] else: f"config start_utc={self.sim_config['start_utc']} is before " + f"first full data period={self.full_data_periods[0][0]}. " + "Simulation start_utc set to first full data period.") self.start_utc = self.full_data_periods[0][0] if self.sim_config["end_utc"] <= self.full_data_periods[-1][-1]: self.end_utc = self.sim_config["end_utc"] else: f"config end_utc={self.sim_config['end_utc']} is after " + f"last full data period={self.full_data_periods[-1][-1]}. " + "Simulation end_utc set to last full data period.") self.end_utc = self.full_data_periods[-1][-1] if self.end_utc < self.start_utc: raise ValueError( f"end_utc={self.end_utc} before start_utc={self.start_utc}.\n" + f"Set sim_config start_utc and end_utc within " + f"full_data_period: {self.full_data_periods[0][0]} to " + f"{self.full_data_periods[-1][-1]}") # fill additional day before simulation and up end of day end of simulation ( self.start_utc, self.end_utc, ) = DataClient.eplus_day_fill_simulation_time( start_utc=self.start_utc, end_utc=self.end_utc, expected_period=expected_period, internal_timezone=internal_timezone, ) return self.start_utc, self.end_utc def store_output(self, output, sim_name, src_spec): self.destination.put_data(df=output, sim_name=sim_name, src_spec=src_spec) def store_input( self, filepath_or_buffer, df_input=None, src_spec=None, dest_spec=None, file_extension=None, ): """For usage capturing input data for unit tests.""" if not df_input: df_input = self.get_full_input() if not src_spec: src_spec = self.internal_spec if not dest_spec: dest_spec = self.destination.data_spec if not file_extension: file_extension = self.destination.file_extension _df = convert_spec(df=df_input, src_spec=src_spec, dest_spec=dest_spec, copy=True) self.destination.write_data_by_extension( _df, filepath_or_buffer, data_spec=dest_spec, file_extension=file_extension, ) @staticmethod def add_fill_records(df, data_spec, start_utc, end_utc, expected_period): if not (start_utc and end_utc): return df rec = pd.Series(pd.NA, index=df.columns) should_resample = False if df[(df[data_spec.datetime_column] == start_utc)].empty: # append record with start_utc time rec[data_spec.datetime_column] = start_utc df = df.append(rec, ignore_index=True).sort_values( data_spec.datetime_column) should_resample = True if df[(df[data_spec.datetime_column] == end_utc)].empty: # append record with end_utc time rec[data_spec.datetime_column] = end_utc df = df.append(rec, ignore_index=True).sort_values( data_spec.datetime_column) should_resample = True if should_resample: # frequency rules have different str format _str_format_dict = { "M": "T", # covert minutes formats "S": "S", } # replace last char using format conversion dict resample_freq = (expected_period[0:-1] + _str_format_dict[expected_period[-1]]) # resampling df = df.set_index(data_spec.datetime_column) df = df.resample(resample_freq).asfreq() df = df.reset_index() # adding a null record breaks categorical dtypes # convert back to categories for state in df.columns: if data_spec.full.spec[state]["dtype"] == "category": df[state] = df[state].astype("category") return df @staticmethod def eplus_day_fill_simulation_time(start_utc, end_utc, expected_period, internal_timezone): # EPlus requires that total simulation time be divisible by 86400 seconds # or whole days. EPlus also has some transient behaviour at t_init # adding time to beginning of simulation input data that will be # backfilled is more desirable than adding time to end of simulation # this time will not be included in the full_data_periods and thus # will not be considered during analysis # fill extra day before simulation and up to end of day at end of simulation # the added_timedelta is the difference to wholes days minus one period # this period can be considered 23:55 to 00:00 # EnergyPlus will be initialized for this extra period but not simulated # date 10 days into year is used for offset because it wont cross DST or # year line under any circumstances tz_offset_seconds = internal_timezone.utcoffset( datetime(start_utc.year, 1, 10)).total_seconds() filled_start_utc = start_utc - pd.Timedelta( days=1, hours=start_utc.hour, minutes=start_utc.minute, seconds=start_utc.second + tz_offset_seconds, ) filled_end_utc = end_utc return filled_start_utc, filled_end_utc @staticmethod def get_full_data_periods(full_data, data_spec, expected_period="300S", min_sim_period="7D"): """Get full data periods. These are the periods for which there is data on all channels. Preliminary forward filling of the data is used to fill small periods of missing data where padding values is advantageous for examplem the majority of missing data periods are less than 15 minutes (3 message intervals). The remaining missing data is back filled after the full_data_periods are computed to allow the simulations to run continously. Back fill is used because set point changes during the missing data period should be assumed to be not in tracking mode and in regulation mode after greater than """ if full_data.empty: return [] # compute time deltas between records diffs = full_data.dropna(axis="rows", subset=data_spec.full.null_check_columns)[ data_spec.datetime_column].diff() # seperate periods by missing data periods_df = diffs[ diffs > pd.to_timedelta(expected_period)].reset_index() # make df of periods periods_df["start"] = full_data.loc[ periods_df["index"], data_spec.datetime_column].reset_index(drop=True) periods_df["end"] = periods_df["start"] - periods_df[1] periods_df = periods_df.drop(axis="columns", columns=["index", 1]) # append start and end datetimes from full_data periods_df.loc[len(periods_df)] = [ pd.NA, full_data.loc[len(full_data) - 1, data_spec.datetime_column], ] periods_df["start"] = periods_df["start"].shift(1) periods_df.loc[0, "start"] = full_data.loc[0, data_spec.datetime_column] # only include full_data_periods that are geq min_sim_period # convert all np.arrays to lists for ease of use _full_data_periods = [ list(rec) for rec in periods_df[periods_df["end"] - periods_df["start"] >= pd.Timedelta(min_sim_period)].to_numpy() ] return _full_data_periods @staticmethod def fill_missing_data( full_data, data_spec, expected_period, limit=3, method="ffill", ): """Fill periods of missing data within limit using method. Periods larger than limit will not be partially filled.""" if full_data.empty: return full_data # frequency rules have different str format _str_format_dict = { "M": "T", # covert minutes formats "S": "S", } # replace last char using format conversion dict resample_freq = expected_period[0:-1] + _str_format_dict[ expected_period[-1]] # resample to add any timesteps that are fully missing full_data = full_data.set_index(data_spec.datetime_column) full_data = full_data.resample(resample_freq).asfreq() full_data = full_data.reset_index() # compute timesteps between steps of data _null_check_columns = [ _col for _col in data_spec.full.null_check_columns if _col in full_data.columns ] diffs = full_data.dropna( axis="rows", subset=_null_check_columns)[data_spec.datetime_column].diff() fill_start_df = ( (diffs[(diffs > pd.to_timedelta(expected_period)) & (diffs <= pd.to_timedelta(expected_period) * limit)] / pd.Timedelta(expected_period)).astype("Int64").reset_index()) if not fill_start_df.empty: # take idxs with missing data and one record on either side to allow # for ffill and bfill methods to work generally fill_idxs = [] for idx, num_missing in fill_start_df.to_numpy(): fill_idxs = fill_idxs + [ i for i in range(idx - (num_missing), idx + 1) ] # fill exact idxs that are missing using method full_data.iloc[fill_idxs] = full_data.iloc[fill_idxs].fillna( method=method) return full_data def get_full_input(self, column_names=False): full_input = pd.concat( [,,,,, ], axis="columns", ) # drop duplicated datetime columns full_input = full_input.loc[:, ~full_input.columns.duplicated()] # remove warm up time and forecast time full_input = full_input[ (full_input[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] >= self.sim_config["start_utc"]) & (full_input[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] < self.sim_config["end_utc"])].reset_index(drop=True) # resample to output step size full_input = DataClient.resample_to_step_size( df=full_input, step_size_seconds=self.sim_config["output_step_size_seconds"], data_spec=self.internal_spec, ) if column_names: full_input.columns = [ self.internal_spec.full.spec[_col]["name"] for _col in full_input.columns ] return full_input @staticmethod def resample_to_step_size(df, step_size_seconds, data_spec): """This function contains the rules for resampling data of all types different time steps""" # the mode seconds between messages is the expected sample period cur_sample_period = ( df[data_spec.datetime_column].diff().mode()[0].total_seconds()) if cur_sample_period < step_size_seconds: # downsample data to lower frequency df = DataClient.downsample_to_step_size(df, step_size_seconds, data_spec) elif cur_sample_period > step_size_seconds: # upsample data to higher frequency df = DataClient.upsample_to_step_size(df, step_size_seconds, data_spec) return df @staticmethod def upsample_to_step_size(df, step_size_seconds, data_spec): """This function contains the rules for resampling data of all types into smaller time steps""" # resample to desired frequency _resample_period = f"{step_size_seconds}S" current_step_size = int( df[data_spec.datetime_column].diff().mode()[0].total_seconds()) # runtime_columns can be filled with zeros because they are not used runtime_columns = [ _state for _state, _v in data_spec.full.spec.items() if ((_v["unit"] == UNITS.SECONDS) and (_state in df.columns)) ] # before resampling generate step_end_on column for runtime columns # we must know if the end of the step cycle is one or off for _col in runtime_columns: # TODO: define min cycle time for all equipment min_cycle_time = 300 df[f"{_col}_step_end_off"] = ( (((df[_col] + df[_col].shift(1)) >= min_cycle_time) & ((df[_col] + df[_col].shift(-1)) <= min_cycle_time)) & ~(((df[_col].shift(1) + df[_col].shift(2)) >= min_cycle_time) & ((df[_col] + df[_col].shift(1)) <= min_cycle_time)) | ((df[_col] + df[_col].shift(-1)) < min_cycle_time) ).astype("boolean") # we need to set a datetime index to resample df = df.set_index(data_spec.datetime_column) df = df.resample(_resample_period).asfreq() # the datetime index can be reset back to a column # this is actually required due to an issue in the interpolate method df = df.reset_index() # linear interpolation # setpoint columns which are in units that can be interpolated, # must not be interpolated, but ffilled, exclude them from list linear_columns_exclude = [ STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_COOL, STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_HEAT, STATES.HUMIDITY_EXPECTED_LOW, STATES.HUMIDITY_EXPECTED_HIGH, ] linear_columns = [ _state for _state, _v in data_spec.full.spec.items() if ((_v["unit"] in [UNITS.CELSIUS, UNITS.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY]) and (_state in df.columns)) and ( _state not in linear_columns_exclude) ] # Note: must have numpy `float32` or `float64` dtypes for interpolation df.loc[:, linear_columns] = df.loc[:, linear_columns].interpolate( axis="rows", method="linear") # ffill interpolation ffill_columns = [ _state for _state, _v in data_spec.full.spec.items() if ((_v["unit"] == UNITS.OTHER) and (_state in df.columns)) ] ffill_columns = ffill_columns + list( set(linear_columns_exclude) & set(df.columns)) df.loc[:, ffill_columns] = df.loc[:, ffill_columns].interpolate( axis="rows", method="ffill") # run time columns must be disaggregated using minimum runtime # rules to determin if runtime happens in beginning or end of step # step idx used to determin leftover runtime upsample_ratio = int(current_step_size / step_size_seconds) df["inner_step_idx"] = np.hstack(( [upsample_ratio], np.tile( np.arange(1, upsample_ratio + 1), (int((len(df) - 1) / upsample_ratio), 1), ).flatten(), )) for _col in runtime_columns: df[f"{_col}_step_end_off"] = df[f"{_col}_step_end_off"].bfill() # runtime sum over step df["step_runtime"] = df[_col].shift(-upsample_ratio).ffill().shift( 1) # runtime at beginning of step df["b_upsample"] = df["step_runtime"] - ( (df["inner_step_idx"] - 1) * step_size_seconds) df.loc[df["b_upsample"] > step_size_seconds, ["b_upsample"]] = step_size_seconds # runtime at end of step df["e_upsample"] = df["step_runtime"] - ( (upsample_ratio - df["inner_step_idx"]) * step_size_seconds) df.loc[df["e_upsample"] > step_size_seconds, ["e_upsample"]] = step_size_seconds # steps ending with off-cycle df.loc[df[f"{_col}_step_end_off"], [_col]] = df["b_upsample"] df.loc[~df[f"{_col}_step_end_off"], [_col]] = df["e_upsample"] df.loc[df[_col] < 0, [_col]] = 0 df[_col] = df[_col].fillna(0) df = df.drop(columns=[f"{_col}_step_end_off"]) df = df.drop(columns=[ "e_upsample", "b_upsample", "step_runtime", "inner_step_idx" ]) # as inputs and will just be re-aggregated into output zero_fill_columns = [ _state for _state, _v in data_spec.full.spec.items() if ((_v["unit"] == UNITS.SECONDS) and (_state in df.columns)) ] df.loc[:, zero_fill_columns] = df.loc[:, zero_fill_columns].fillna(0) return df @staticmethod def downsample_to_step_size(df, step_size_seconds, data_spec): """This function contains the rules for integrating data of all types into larger time steps""" # resample to desired frequency _resample_period = f"{step_size_seconds}S" # we need to set a datetime index to resample df = df.set_index(data_spec.datetime_column) # set result df with new frequency # each group of columns must be filled in separately res_df = df.resample(_resample_period).asfreq() # mean integration mean_columns = [ _state for _state, _v in data_spec.full.spec.items() if (_v["unit"] in [UNITS.CELSIUS, UNITS.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY] and _state in df.columns) ] res_df.loc[:, mean_columns] = ( df.loc[:, mean_columns].resample(_resample_period).mean()) # mode interpolation # columns that were ffilled and represent current states will # be filled with the most recent value as the default resample().asfreq() # sum integration sum_columns = [ _state for _state, _v in data_spec.full.spec.items() if (_v["unit"] == UNITS.SECONDS and _state in df.columns) ] res_df.loc[:, sum_columns] = ( df.loc[:, sum_columns].resample(_resample_period).sum()) # the datetime index can be reset back to a column res_df = res_df.reset_index() return res_df @staticmethod def generate_dummy_data( sim_config, spec, outdoor_weather=None, schedule_chg_pts=None, comfort_chg_pts=None, hvac_mode_chg_pts=None, ): if isinstance(spec, Internal): raise ValueError( f"Supplied Spec {spec} is internal spec." + " Data of this spec should not be stored in data files") for _idx, sim in sim_config.iterrows(): # _df = pd.DataFrame(columns=spec.full.spec.keys()) _df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range( start=sim.start_utc, end=sim.end_utc, freq=f"{spec.data_period_seconds}S", )) if not schedule_chg_pts: # set default ecobee schedule schedule_chg_pts = { sim.start_utc: [ { "name": "Home", "minute_of_day": 390, "on_day_of_week": [ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, ], }, { "name": "Sleep", "minute_of_day": 1410, "on_day_of_week": [ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, ], }, ] } if not comfort_chg_pts: # set default ecobee comfort setpoints if isinstance(spec, FlatFilesSpec): home_stp_cool = Conversions.C2Fx10(23.5) home_stp_heat = Conversions.C2Fx10(21.0) sleep_stp_cool = Conversions.C2Fx10(28.0) sleep_stp_heat = Conversions.C2Fx10(16.5) elif isinstance(spec, DonateYourDataSpec): home_stp_cool = Conversions.C2F(23.5) home_stp_heat = Conversions.C2F(21.0) sleep_stp_cool = Conversions.C2F(28.0) sleep_stp_heat = Conversions.C2F(16.5) else: home_stp_cool = 23.5 home_stp_heat = 21.0 sleep_stp_cool = 28.0 sleep_stp_heat = 16.5 comfort_chg_pts = { sim.start_utc: { "Home": { STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_COOL: home_stp_cool, STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_HEAT: home_stp_heat, }, "Sleep": { STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_COOL: sleep_stp_cool, STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_HEAT: sleep_stp_heat, }, } } if not hvac_mode_chg_pts: # set default ecobee comfort setpoints hvac_mode_chg_pts = {sim.start_utc: "heat"} # enforce ascending sorting of dict keys hvac_mode_chg_pts = dict(sorted(hvac_mode_chg_pts.items())) comfort_chg_pts = dict(sorted(comfort_chg_pts.items())) schedule_chg_pts = dict(sorted(schedule_chg_pts.items())) # check for errors in settings if len(hvac_mode_chg_pts) <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid hvac_mode_chg_pts={hvac_mode_chg_pts}.") if len(comfort_chg_pts) <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Invalid comfort_chg_pts={comfort_chg_pts}.") if len(schedule_chg_pts) <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid schedule_chg_pts={schedule_chg_pts}.") for k, v in spec.full.spec.items(): _default_value, _ = Conversions.numpy_down_cast_default_value_dtype( v["dtype"]) if v["channel"] == CHANNELS.THERMOSTAT_SETTING: # settings channels set with default values first # they are set below after full df columns have been filled _df[k] = _default_value elif v["channel"] == CHANNELS.WEATHER: # default: set no values for outdoor_weather=None # will default to using TMY3 data for the provided location if outdoor_weather: # outdoor_weather can be set with internal states as keys if v["internal_state"] in outdoor_weather.keys(): _df[k] = outdoor_weather[v["internal_state"]] elif v["channel"] == CHANNELS.THERMOSTAT_SENSOR: # sensor data unused for dummy data # set default _df[k] = _default_value elif v["channel"] == CHANNELS.EQUIPMENT: # equipment data unused for dummy data # set default _df[k] = _default_value # settings is always in spec add in specific order # 1. add HVAC_MODE k_hvac_mode = [ k for k, v in spec.full.spec.items() if v["internal_state"] == STATES.HVAC_MODE ][0] # assuming sorted ascending by timestamp # each change point sets all future hvac modes for _ts, _hvac_mode in hvac_mode_chg_pts.items(): _df.loc[_df.index >= _ts, k_hvac_mode] = _hvac_mode # 2. add SCHEDULE k_schedule = [ k for k, v in spec.full.spec.items() if v["internal_state"] == STATES.SCHEDULE ][0] # assuming sorted ascending by timestamp # each change point sets all future schedules for _ts, _schedule in schedule_chg_pts.items(): for _dow in range(7): _dow_schedule = [ _s for _s in _schedule if _s["on_day_of_week"][_dow] ] _dow_schedule = sorted(_dow_schedule, key=lambda k: k["minute_of_day"]) _prev_dow_schedule = [ _s for _s in _schedule if _s["on_day_of_week"][(_dow - 1) % 7] ] _prev_dow_schedule = sorted( _prev_dow_schedule, key=lambda k: k["minute_of_day"]) # first period is defined from previous day of week last schedule _prev_s = _prev_dow_schedule[-1] _s = _dow_schedule[0] _df.loc[(_df.index >= _ts) & (_df.index.day_of_week == _dow) & (_df.index.hour * 60 + _df.index.minute < _s["minute_of_day"]), k_schedule, ] = _prev_s["name"] for _s in _dow_schedule: _df.loc[(_df.index >= _ts) & (_df.index.day_of_week == _dow) & (_df.index.hour * 60 + _df.index.minute >= _s["minute_of_day"]), k_schedule, ] = _s["name"] # 3. add SCHEDULE k_stp_cool = [ k for k, v in spec.full.spec.items() if v["internal_state"] == STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_COOL ][0] k_stp_heat = [ k for k, v in spec.full.spec.items() if v["internal_state"] == STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_HEAT ][0] # assuming sorted ascending by timestamp # each change point sets all future comfort set points for _ts, _comfort in comfort_chg_pts.items(): for _schedule_name, _setpoints in _comfort.items(): _df.loc[(_df.index >= _ts) & (_df[k_schedule] == _schedule_name), k_stp_cool, ] = _setpoints[ STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_COOL] _df.loc[(_df.index >= _ts) & (_df[k_schedule] == _schedule_name), k_stp_heat, ] = _setpoints[ STATES.TEMPERATURE_STP_HEAT] _df = _df.reset_index().rename( columns={"index": spec.datetime_column}) return _df
def get_data(self): # check if data has already been fetched by another simulation if self.has_data: return # check for invalid start/end combination if self.sim_config["end_utc"] <= self.sim_config["start_utc"]: raise ValueError( "sim_config contains invalid start_utc >= end_utc.") # load from cache or download data from source _data = self.source.get_data(self.sim_config) if _data.empty: logger.error( "EMPTY DATA SOURCE: \nsim_config={} \nsource={}\n".format( self.sim_config, self.source)) _data = self.internal_spec.get_empty_df() # remove any fully duplicated records _data = _data.drop_duplicates(ignore_index=True) # remove multiple records for same datetime # there may also be multiple entries for same exact datetime in ISM # in this case keep the record that has the most combined runtime # because in observed cases of this the extra record has 0 runtime. _runtime_sum_column = "sum_runtime" _data[_runtime_sum_column] = _data[list( set( & set(_data.columns))].sum(axis=1) # last duplicate datetime value will have maximum sum_runtime _data = _data.sort_values( [self.internal_spec.datetime_column, _runtime_sum_column], ascending=True, ) _data = _data.drop_duplicates(subset=[STATES.DATE_TIME], keep="last", ignore_index=True) _data = _data.drop(columns=[_runtime_sum_column]) # the period data source is expected at _expected_period = f"{self.internal_spec.data_period_seconds}S" _min_datetime = _data[ self.internal_spec.datetime.datetime_column].min() _max_datetime = _data[ self.internal_spec.datetime.datetime_column].max() # truncate the data to desired simulation start and end time _data = _data[(_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] >= self.sim_config["start_utc"]) & (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] <= self.sim_config["end_utc"])].reset_index(drop=True) # remove unused categories from categorical columns after date range # for simulation is selected for _cat_col in [ _col for _col in _data.columns if isinstance(_data[_col].dtype, pd.api.types.CategoricalDtype) ]: _data[_cat_col].cat = _data[_cat_col].cat.remove_unused_categories( ) # run settings change point detection before filling missing data # the fill data would create false positive change points # the change points can also be used to correctly fill the schedule # and comfort preferences ( _change_points_schedule, _change_points_comfort_prefs, _change_points_hvac_mode, ) = ThermostatChannel.get_settings_change_points( _data, self.internal_spec.data_period_seconds) # ffill first 15 minutes of missing data periods _data = DataClient.fill_missing_data( full_data=_data, expected_period=_expected_period, data_spec=self.internal_spec, ) # compute full_data_periods with only first 15 minutes ffilled self.full_data_periods = DataClient.get_full_data_periods( full_data=_data, data_spec=self.internal_spec, expected_period=_expected_period, min_sim_period=self.sim_config["min_sim_period"], ) # need time zone before init of DatetimeChannel internal_timezone = DateTimeChannel.get_timezone( self.sim_config["latitude"], self.sim_config["longitude"]) # there will be filled data even if there are no full_data_periods # the fill data is present to run continuous simulations smoothly # in the presence of potentially many missing data periods if self.full_data_periods: # compute the total sim steps for later use determining offset for # weather forecasts idx _total_sim_steps = ( _data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column].max() - _data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column].min() ) // pd.Timedelta(seconds=self.sim_config["sim_step_size_seconds"]) # the simulation period must be full days starting at 0 hour to use # SimulationControl: Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods _start_utc, _end_utc = self.get_simulation_period( expected_period=_expected_period, internal_timezone=internal_timezone, ) # add records for warm_up period _data = DataClient.add_fill_records( df=_data, data_spec=self.internal_spec, start_utc=_start_utc, end_utc=_end_utc, expected_period=_expected_period, ) # drop records before and after full simulation time # end is less than _data = _data[ (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] >= _start_utc) & (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] <= _end_utc )].reset_index(drop=True) # bfill to interpolate missing data # first and last records must be full because we used full data periods # need to add a NA_code to stop fillna from clobbering columns # where NA means something na_code_name = "NA_code" _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] = _data[ STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT].cat.add_categories( new_categories=na_code_name) _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] = _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT].fillna( na_code_name) # bfill then ffill to handle where no data after null _data = _data.fillna(method="bfill", limit=None) _data = _data.fillna(method="ffill", limit=None) _data = DataClient.resample_to_step_size( df=_data, step_size_seconds=self.sim_config["sim_step_size_seconds"], data_spec=self.internal_spec, ) # we can replace na_code_name now that filling is complete _data.loc[_data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] == na_code_name, [STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT], ] = pd.NA # remove any columns that are all null _data = _data.dropna(axis="columns", how="all") # finally convert dtypes to final types now that nulls in # non-nullable columns have been properly filled or removed # internal datatypes are not nullable _data = _data.astype(dtype=get_dtype_mapper( df_cols=_data.columns, dest_spec=self.internal_spec, src_nullable=True, dest_nullable=False, ), ) else: raise ValueError( f"ID={self.sim_config['identifier']} has no full_data_periods " + "for requested duration: " + f"start_utc={self.sim_config['start_utc']}, " + f"end_utc={self.sim_config['end_utc']} " + f"with min_sim_period={self.sim_config['min_sim_period']}. " + f"The given data file runs from {_min_datetime}" + f" to {_max_datetime}. " + "If there is overlap between these two time periods then " + "there is too much missing data. If there is no overlap " + "consider altering your sim_config start_utc and end_utc.") self.datetime = DateTimeChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.datetime.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.datetime, latitude=self.sim_config["latitude"], longitude=self.sim_config["longitude"], internal_timezone=internal_timezone, ) # finally create the data channel objs for usage during simulation self.thermostat = ThermostatChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.thermostat.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.thermostat, change_points_schedule=_change_points_schedule, change_points_comfort_prefs=_change_points_comfort_prefs, change_points_hvac_mode=_change_points_hvac_mode, ) = EquipmentChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns,],, ) self.sensors = SensorsChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.sensors.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.sensors, ) self.sensors.drop_unused_room_sensors() = WeatherChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns,],, weather_forecast_source=self.weather_forecast_source, archive_tmy3_dir=self.archive_tmy3_dir, archive_tmy3_data_dir=self.archive_tmy3_data_dir, ep_tmy3_cache_dir=self.ep_tmy3_cache_dir, nrel_dev_api_key=self.nrel_dev_api_key, nrel_dev_email=self.nrel_dev_email, nsrdb_cache_dir=self.nsrdb_cache_dir, simulation_epw_dir=self.simulation_epw_dir, ) # add nsrdb solar data fields =, datetime_channel=self.datetime, sim_config=self.sim_config, ) # merge current weather data with epw # backfill of any missing weather data here sim_config=self.sim_config, datetime_channel=self.datetime, epw_path=self.epw_path, ) # TODO: this is an example implementation showing # the anticapated structure of forecast data from # an external source sim_config=self.sim_config, total_sim_steps=_total_sim_steps, ) # need to convert data types of filled weather data to spec dtypes ={ k: v["dtype"] for k, v in }) # set flag for other simulations using this data client self.has_data = True
def get_data(self): # check for invalid start/end combination if self.sim_config["end_utc"] <= self.sim_config["start_utc"]: raise ValueError( "sim_config contains invalid start_utc >= end_utc.") # load from cache or download data from source _data = self.source.get_data(self.sim_config) if _data.empty: logger.error( "EMPTY DATA SOURCE: \nsim_config={} \nsource={}\n".format( self.sim_config, self.source)) _data = self.internal_spec.get_empty_df() # remove any fully duplicated records _data = _data.drop_duplicates(ignore_index=True) # remove multiple records for same datetime # there may also be multiple entries for same exact datetime in ISM # in this case keep the record that has the most combined runtime # because in observed cases of this the extra record has 0 runtime. _runtime_sum_column = "sum_runtime" _data[_runtime_sum_column] = _data[ set( & set(_data.columns)].sum(axis=1) # last duplicate datetime value will have maximum sum_runtime _data = _data.sort_values( [self.internal_spec.datetime_column, _runtime_sum_column], ascending=True, ) _data = _data.drop_duplicates(subset=[STATES.DATE_TIME], keep="last", ignore_index=True) _data = _data.drop(columns=[_runtime_sum_column]) # truncate the data to desired simulation start and end time _data = _data[(_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] >= self.sim_config["start_utc"]) & (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] <= self.sim_config["end_utc"])].reset_index(drop=True) # remove unused categories from categorical columns after date range # for simulation is selected for _cat_col in [ _col for _col in _data.columns if isinstance(_data[_col].dtype, pd.api.types.CategoricalDtype) ]: _data[_cat_col].cat = _data[_cat_col].cat.remove_unused_categories( ) # run settings change point detection before filling missing data # the fill data would create false positive change points # the change points can also be used to correctly fill the schedule # and comfort preferences ( _change_points_schedule, _change_points_comfort_prefs, _change_points_hvac_mode, ) = ThermostatChannel.get_settings_change_points( _data, self.internal_spec.data_period_seconds) _expected_period = f"{self.internal_spec.data_period_seconds}S" # ffill first 15 minutes of missing data periods _data = DataClient.fill_missing_data( full_data=_data, expected_period=_expected_period, data_spec=self.internal_spec, ) # compute full_data_periods with only first 15 minutes ffilled self.full_data_periods = DataClient.get_full_data_periods( full_data=_data, data_spec=self.internal_spec, expected_period=_expected_period, min_sim_period=self.sim_config["min_sim_period"], ) # need time zone before init of DatetimeChannel internal_timezone = DateTimeChannel.get_timezone( self.sim_config["latitude"], self.sim_config["longitude"]) # there will be filled data even if there are no full_data_periods # the fill data is present to run continuous simulations smoothly # in the presence of potentially many missing data periods if self.full_data_periods: # the simulation period must be full days starting at 0 hour to use # SimulationControl: Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods _start_utc, _end_utc = self.get_simulation_period( expected_period=_expected_period, internal_timezone=internal_timezone, ) # add records for warmup period _data = DataClient.add_fill_records( df=_data, data_spec=self.internal_spec, start_utc=_start_utc, end_utc=_end_utc, expected_period=_expected_period, ) # drop records before and after full simulation time # end is less than _data = _data[ (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] >= _start_utc) & (_data[self.internal_spec.datetime_column] <= _end_utc )].reset_index(drop=True) # bfill to interpolate missing data # first and last records must be full because we used full data periods # need to add a NA_code to stop fillna from clobbering columns # where NA means something na_code_name = "NA_code" _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT].cat.add_categories( new_categories=na_code_name, inplace=True) _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] = _data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT].fillna( na_code_name) # bfill then ffill to handle where no data after null _data = _data.fillna(method="bfill", limit=None) _data = _data.fillna(method="ffill", limit=None) _data = DataClient.resample_to_step_size( df=_data, step_size_seconds=self.sim_config["sim_step_size_seconds"], data_spec=self.internal_spec, ) # we can replace na_code_name now that filling is complete _data.loc[_data[STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT] == na_code_name, [STATES.CALENDAR_EVENT], ] = pd.NA # finally convert dtypes to final types now that nulls in # non-nullable columns have been properly filled or removed _data = convert_spec(_data, src_spec=self.internal_spec, dest_spec=self.internal_spec, src_nullable=True, dest_nullable=False) else: raise ValueError( f"ID={self.sim_config['identifier']} has no full_data_periods " + "for requested duration: " + f"start_utc={self.sim_config['start_utc']}, " + f"end_utc={self.sim_config['end_utc']} " + f"with min_sim_period={self.sim_config['min_sim_period']}") self.datetime = DateTimeChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.datetime.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.datetime, latitude=self.sim_config["latitude"], longitude=self.sim_config["longitude"], internal_timezone=internal_timezone, ) # finally create the data channel objs for usage during simulation self.thermostat = ThermostatChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.thermostat.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.thermostat, change_points_schedule=_change_points_schedule, change_points_comfort_prefs=_change_points_comfort_prefs, change_points_hvac_mode=_change_points_hvac_mode, ) = EquipmentChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns,],, ) self.sensors = SensorsChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, self.internal_spec.sensors.spec)], spec=self.internal_spec.sensors, ) self.sensors.drop_unused_room_sensors() = WeatherChannel( data=_data[self.internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns,],, archive_tmy3_dir=self.archive_tmy3_dir, archive_tmy3_data_dir=self.archive_tmy3_data_dir, ep_tmy3_cache_dir=self.ep_tmy3_cache_dir, simulation_epw_dir=self.simulation_epw_dir, )
def test_make_epw_file(self): _start_utc = "2019-01-17" _end_utc = "2019-01-19" _step_size_seconds = 300 _sim_step_size_seconds = 60 _data = pd.DataFrame({ STATES.DATE_TIME: pd.date_range( start=_start_utc, end=_end_utc, freq=f"{_sim_step_size_seconds}S", tz="utc", ) }) sim_config = Config.make_sim_config( identifier="511863952006", latitude=43.798577, longitude=-79.239087, start_utc=_start_utc, end_utc=_end_utc, min_sim_period="1D", sim_step_size_seconds=_sim_step_size_seconds, output_step_size_seconds=_step_size_seconds, ).iloc[0] _internal_timezone = DateTimeChannel.get_timezone( sim_config["latitude"], sim_config["longitude"]) internal_spec = Internal() datetime_channel = DateTimeChannel( data=_data[internal_spec.intersect_columns( _data.columns, internal_spec.datetime.spec)], spec=internal_spec.datetime, latitude=sim_config["latitude"], longitude=sim_config["longitude"], internal_timezone=_internal_timezone, ) weather_channel = WeatherChannel( data=pd.DataFrame(), spec=internal_spec, nrel_dev_api_key=os.environ.get("NREL_DEV_API_KEY"), nrel_dev_email=os.environ.get("NREL_DEV_EMAIL"), archive_tmy3_dir=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_DIR"), archive_tmy3_meta=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_META"), archive_tmy3_data_dir=os.environ.get("ARCHIVE_TMY3_DATA_DIR"), ep_tmy3_cache_dir=os.environ.get("EP_TMY3_CACHE_DIR"), nsrdb_cache_dir=os.environ.get("NSRDB_CACHE_DIR"), simulation_epw_dir=os.environ.get("SIMULATION_EPW_DIR"), ) weather_channel.get_epw_data(sim_config, datetime_channel) epw_path = weather_channel.make_epw_file( sim_config=sim_config, datetime_channel=datetime_channel, epw_step_size_seconds=_step_size_seconds, ) assert == False assert (pytest.approx([ STATES.OUTDOOR_TEMPERATURE].mean()) == 1.78746962860115)