                                        'speed': '1.0',
                                        'zNear': '100.0',
                                        'zFar': '30000.0',
                                 # Do not check in .grd files to the repository, keep them in the loaders directory
                                 grdTerrain=os.path.join(parentDir, 'MontereyCanyonBeds_1m+5m.grd'),

# Base OPeNDAP server
cl.bed_base = 'http://dods.mbari.org/opendap/data/beds/CanyonEvents/'
# Copied from ProjectLibrary to Hyrax server on elvis with:
#   rsync -r /mbari/ProjectLibrary/901006.BEDS/BEDS.Data/CanyonEvents /var/www/dods_html/data/beds

cl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROT_RATE', 'ROT_COUNT', 'P', 'P_ADJUSTED',

cl.bed_files = [
cl.bed_platforms = [ 
                                        'speed': '1.0',
                                        'zNear': '100.0',
                                        'zFar': '30000.0',
                                 # Do not check in .grd files to the repository, keep them in the loaders directory
                                 grdTerrain=os.path.join(parentDir, 'MontereyCanyonBeds_1m+5m.grd'),

# Base OPeNDAP server
cl.bed_base = 'http://dods.mbari.org/opendap/data/beds/CanyonEvents/'
# Copied from ProjectLibrary to Hyrax server on elvis with:
#   rsync -r /mbari/ProjectLibrary/901006.BEDS/BEDS.Data/CanyonEvents /var/www/dods_html/data/beds

cl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROT_RATE', 'ROT_COUNT', 'P', 'P_ADJUSTED',

cl.bed_files = [
cl.bed_platforms = [ 
                        'zFar': '-1',
                 # Do not check in .grd files to the repository, keep them in the loaders directory
                 grdTerrain=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'MontereyCanyonBeds_1m+5m.grd'),
                 ##grdTerrain=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'Monterey25.grd'),

# Base OPeNDAP server
cl.bed_base = 'http://dods.mbari.org/opendap/data/CCE_Processed/BEDs/'

# Copied from ProjectLibrary to BEDs SVN working dir for netCDF conversion, and then copied to elvis.
# See BEDs/BEDs/Visualization/py/makeBEDNetCDF_CCE.sh

cl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROT_RATE', 'ROT_COUNT', 'P', 'P_ADJUSTED',
                'ROT_X', 'ROT_Y', 'ROT_Z', 'AXIS_X', 'AXIS_Y', 'AXIS_Z', 'ANGLE']

# Several BED files: 30200078 to 3020080
# bed_files, bed_platforms, bed_depths must have same number of items; they are zipped together in the load
##cl.bed_files = [('CanyonEvents/BED3/20151001_20160115/{}.nc').format(n) for n in range(30200078, 30200081)]
##cl.bed_platforms = ['BED03'] * len(cl.bed_files)
##cl.bed_depths = [201] * len(cl.bed_files)

# Just the event files for the CCE
cl.bed_files_framegrabs_2015 = [
                        'zFar': '-1',
                 # Do not check in .grd files to the repository, keep them in the loaders directory
                 grdTerrain=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'MontereyCanyonBeds_1m+5m.grd'),
                 ##grdTerrain=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'Monterey25.grd'),

# Base OPeNDAP server
cl.bed_base = 'http://dods.mbari.org/opendap/data/CCE_Processed/BEDs/'

# Copied from ProjectLibrary to BEDs SVN working dir for netCDF conversion, and then copied to elvis.
# See BEDs/BEDs/Visualization/py/makeBEDNetCDF_CCE.sh

cl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROT_RATE', 'ROT_COUNT', 'P', 'P_ADJUSTED',
                'ROT_X', 'ROT_Y', 'ROT_Z', 'AXIS_X', 'AXIS_Y', 'AXIS_Z', 'ANGLE']

# Several BED files: 30200078 to 3020080
# bed_files, bed_platforms, bed_depths must have same number of items; they are zipped together in the load
##cl.bed_files = [('CanyonEvents/BED3/20151001_20160115/{}.nc').format(n) for n in range(30200078, 30200081)]
##cl.bed_platforms = ['BED03'] * len(cl.bed_files)
##cl.bed_depths = [201] * len(cl.bed_files)

# Just the event files for the CCE
cl.bed_files = [
                        'zNear': '-1',
                        'zFar': '-1',
                 # Do not check in .grd files to the repository, keep them in the loaders directory
                 ##grdTerrain=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'MontereyCanyonBeds_1m+5m.grd'),
                 grdTerrain=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'Monterey25.grd'),

# Base OPeNDAP server
cl.bed_base = 'http://elvis64.shore.mbari.org/opendap/data/CCE_Processed/BEDs/'

# Copied from ProjectLibrary to BEDs SVN working dir for netCDF conversion, and then copied to elvis.
# See BEDs/BEDs/Visualization/py/makeBEDNetCDF_CCE.sh

cl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROT_RATE', 'ROT_COUNT', 'P', 'P_ADJUSTED',

# Several BED files: 30200078 to 3020080
# bed_files, bed_platforms, bed_depths must have same number of items; they are zipped together in the load
##cl.bed_files = [('CanyonEvents/BED3/20151001_20160115/{}.nc').format(n) for n in range(30200078, 30200081)]
##cl.bed_platforms = ['BED03'] * len(cl.bed_files)
##cl.bed_depths = [201] * len(cl.bed_files)

# Just the event files for the CCE
cl.bed_files = [
                                        'speed': '1.0',
                                        'zNear': '100.0',
                                        'zFar': '30000.0',
                                 # Do not check in .grd files to the repository, keep them in the loaders directory
                                 grdTerrain=os.path.join(parent_dir, 'MontereyCanyonBeds_1m+5m.grd'),

# Base OPeNDAP server
cl.bed_base = 'http://elvis64.shore.mbari.org/opendap/data/CCE_Processed/BEDs/'

# Copied from ProjectLibrary to BEDs SVN working dir for netCDF conversion, and then copied to elvis.
# See BEDs/BEDs/Visualization/py/makeBEDNetCDF_CCE.sh

cl.bed_parms = ['XA', 'YA', 'ZA', 'A', 'XR', 'YR', 'ZR', 'ROTRATE', 'ROTCOUNT', 'P', 'P_ADJUSTED', 'DEPTH']

# Several BED files: 30200078 to 3020080
# bed_files, bed_platforms, bed_depths must have same number of items; they are zipped together in the load
##cl.bed_files = [('CanyonEvents/BED3/20151001_20160115/{}.nc').format(n) for n in range(30200078, 30200081)]
##cl.bed_platforms = ['BED03'] * len(cl.bed_files)
##cl.bed_depths = [201] * len(cl.bed_files)

# Just the event files for the CCE
cl.bed_files = [
cl.bed_platforms = ['BED05', 'BED03', 'BED06', 'BED03']