def loadClusterCounts(infiles, outfile): '''Find the number of signficant clusters found in each sample''' tmp = P.getTempFilename(shared=True) results = [] for infile in infiles: count = IOTools.getNumLines(infile) method, track = re.match( "dedup_(.+).dir/(.+)\.clusters.bedgraph", infile).groups() results.append((method, track, count)) IOTools.writeLines(tmp, results, header=["method", "track", "count"]) P.load(tmp, outfile) os.unlink(tmp)
def testAnnotationIsPresent(self, track): ''' PASS: File exists and is not empty FAIL: File exists and is empty (no data except comments) NA: File does not exist. This might indicate an error or simply that the annotation has not been computed. The value indicates the number of lines in the file. ''' fn = PARAMS[track] if not os.path.exists(fn): return ('NA', 0) nlines = IOTools.getNumLines(fn) if nlines > 0: return ('PASS', nlines) else: return ('FAIL', nlines)
def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if not argv: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = E.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$", usage=globals()["__doc__"]) parser.add_option("-m", "--min-overlap", dest="min_overlap", type="float", help="minimum overlap [%default]") parser.add_option("-a", "--bam-file", dest="filename_bam", metavar="bam", type="string", help="bam-file to use (required) [%default]") parser.add_option("-b", "--bed-file", dest="filename_bed", metavar="bed", type="string", help="bed-file to use (required) [%default]") parser.add_option( "-s", "--sort-bed", dest="sort_bed", action="store_true", help="sort the bed file by chromosomal location before " "processing. " "[%default]") parser.add_option( "--assume-sorted", dest="sort_bed", action="store_false", help="assume that the bed-file is sorted by chromosomal location. " "[%default]") parser.add_option( "--split-intervals", dest="split_intervals", action="store_true", help="treat split BAM intervals, for example spliced intervals, " "as separate intervals. Note that a single alignment might be " "counted several times as a result. " "[%default]") parser.set_defaults( min_overlap=0.5, filename_bam=None, filename_bed=None, sort_bed=True, split_intervals=False, ) # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = E.Start(parser, argv=argv) filename_bam = options.filename_bam filename_bed = options.filename_bed if filename_bam is None and filename_bed is None: if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError( "please supply a bam and a bed file or two bed-files.") filename_bam, filename_bed = args if filename_bed is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bed file to compare to.") if filename_bam is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bam file to compare with.")"intersecting the two files") min_overlap = options.min_overlap options.stdout.write("category\talignments\n") # get number of columns of reference bed file for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bed)): ncolumns_bed = bed.columns break"assuming %s is bed%i format" % (filename_bed, ncolumns_bed)) if ncolumns_bed < 4: raise ValueError("please supply a name attribute in the bed file") # get information about if filename_bam.endswith(".bam"): format = "-abam" samfile = pysam.Samfile(filename_bam, "rb") total = samfile.mapped # latest bedtools uses bed12 format when bam is input ncolumns_bam = 12 # count per read sort_key = lambda x: else: format = "-a" total = IOTools.getNumLines(filename_bam) # get bed format ncolumns_bam = 0 for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bam)): ncolumns_bam = bed.columns break if ncolumns_bam > 0:"assuming %s is bed%i fomat" % (filename_bam, ncolumns_bam)) if ncolumns_bam == 3: # count per interval sort_key = lambda x: (x.contig, x.start, x.end) else: # count per interval category sort_key = lambda x: # use fields for bam/bed file (regions to count with) data_fields = [ "contig", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "thickstart", "thickend", "rgb", "blockcount", "blockstarts", "blockends"][:ncolumns_bam] # add fields for second bed (regions to count in) data_fields.extend([ "contig2", "start2", "end2", "name2", "score2", "strand2", "thickstart2", "thickend2", "rgb2", "blockcount2", "blockstarts2", "blockends2"][:ncolumns_bed]) # add bases overlap data_fields.append("bases_overlap") data = collections.namedtuple("data", data_fields) options.stdout.write("total\t%i\n" % total) if total == 0: E.warn("no data in %s" % filename_bam) return # SNS: sorting optional, off by default if options.sort_bed: bedcmd = "<( zcat %s | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n)" % filename_bed else: bedcmd = filename_bed if options.split_intervals: split = "-split" else: split = "" # IMS: newer versions of intersectBed have a very high memory # requirement unless passed sorted bed files. statement = """bedtools intersect %(format)s %(filename_bam)s -b %(bedcmd)s %(split)s -sorted -bed -wo -f %(min_overlap)f""" % locals()"starting counting process: %s" % statement) proc =, return_popen=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)"counting") counts_per_alignment = collections.defaultdict(int) take_columns = len(data._fields) def iterate(infile): for line in infile: if not line.strip(): continue yield data._make(line[:-1].split()[:take_columns]) for read, overlaps in itertools.groupby( iterate(IOTools.force_str(proc.stdout)), key=sort_key): annotations = [x.name2 for x in overlaps] for anno in annotations: counts_per_alignment[anno] += 1 for key, counts in sorted(counts_per_alignment.items()): options.stdout.write("%s\t%i\n" % (key, counts)) # write footer and output benchmark information. E.Stop()
def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if not argv: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = E.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$", usage=globals()["__doc__"]) parser.add_option("-m", "--min-overlap", dest="min_overlap", type="float", help="minimum overlap [%default]") parser.add_option("-a", "--bam-file", dest="filename_bam", metavar="bam", type="string", help="bam-file to use (required) [%default]") parser.add_option("-b", "--bed-file", dest="filename_bed", metavar="bed", type="string", help="bed-file to use (required) [%default]") parser.add_option("-s", "--sort-bed", dest="sort_bed", action="store_true", help="sort the bed file by chromosomal location before " "processing. " "[%default]") parser.add_option( "--assume-sorted", dest="sort_bed", action="store_false", help="assume that the bed-file is sorted by chromosomal location. " "[%default]") parser.add_option( "--split-intervals", dest="split_intervals", action="store_true", help="treat split BAM intervals, for example spliced intervals, " "as separate intervals. Note that a single alignment might be " "counted several times as a result. " "[%default]") parser.set_defaults( min_overlap=0.5, filename_bam=None, filename_bed=None, sort_bed=True, split_intervals=False, ) # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = E.Start(parser, argv=argv) filename_bam = options.filename_bam filename_bed = options.filename_bed if filename_bam is None and filename_bed is None: if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError( "please supply a bam and a bed file or two bed-files.") filename_bam, filename_bed = args if filename_bed is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bed file to compare to.") if filename_bam is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bam file to compare with.")"intersecting the two files") min_overlap = options.min_overlap options.stdout.write("category\talignments\n") # get number of columns of reference bed file for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bed)): ncolumns_bed = bed.columns break"assuming %s is bed%i format" % (filename_bed, ncolumns_bed)) if ncolumns_bed < 4: raise ValueError("please supply a name attribute in the bed file") # get information about if filename_bam.endswith(".bam"): format = "-abam" samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(filename_bam, "rb") total = samfile.mapped # latest bedtools uses bed12 format when bam is input ncolumns_bam = 12 # count per read sort_key = lambda x: else: format = "-a" total = IOTools.getNumLines(filename_bam) # get bed format ncolumns_bam = 0 for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bam)): ncolumns_bam = bed.columns break if ncolumns_bam > 0:"assuming %s is bed%i fomat" % (filename_bam, ncolumns_bam)) if ncolumns_bam == 3: # count per interval sort_key = lambda x: (x.contig, x.start, x.end) else: # count per interval category sort_key = lambda x: # use fields for bam/bed file (regions to count with) data_fields = [ "contig", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "thickstart", "thickend", "rgb", "blockcount", "blockstarts", "blockends" ][:ncolumns_bam] # add fields for second bed (regions to count in) data_fields.extend([ "contig2", "start2", "end2", "name2", "score2", "strand2", "thickstart2", "thickend2", "rgb2", "blockcount2", "blockstarts2", "blockends2" ][:ncolumns_bed]) # add bases overlap data_fields.append("bases_overlap") data = collections.namedtuple("data", data_fields) options.stdout.write("total\t%i\n" % total) if total == 0: E.warn("no data in %s" % filename_bam) return # SNS: sorting optional, off by default if options.sort_bed: bedcmd = "<( zcat %s | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n)" % filename_bed else: bedcmd = filename_bed if options.split_intervals: split = "-split" else: split = "" # IMS: newer versions of intersectBed have a very high memory # requirement unless passed sorted bed files. statement = """bedtools intersect %(format)s %(filename_bam)s -b %(bedcmd)s %(split)s -sorted -bed -wo -f %(min_overlap)f""" % locals()"starting counting process: %s" % statement) proc =, return_popen=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)"counting") counts_per_alignment = collections.defaultdict(int) take_columns = len(data._fields) def iterate(infile): for line in infile: if not line.strip(): continue yield data._make(line[:-1].split()[:take_columns]) for read, overlaps in itertools.groupby(iterate( IOTools.force_str(proc.stdout)), key=sort_key): annotations = [x.name2 for x in overlaps] for anno in annotations: counts_per_alignment[anno] += 1 for key, counts in sorted(counts_per_alignment.items()): options.stdout.write("%s\t%i\n" % (key, counts)) # write footer and output benchmark information. E.Stop()
def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if not argv: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = E.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id$", usage=globals()["__doc__"]) parser.add_option("-m", "--min-overlap", dest="min_overlap", type="float", help="minimum overlap [%default]") parser.add_option("-k", "--keep-temp", dest="keep_temp", action="store_true", help="do not delete temporary files [%default]") parser.add_option("-a", "--filename-bam", dest="filename_bam", metavar="bam", type="string", help="bam-file to use [%default]") parser.add_option("-b", "--filename-bed", dest="filename_bed", metavar="bed", type="string", help="bed-file to use [%default]") parser.set_defaults( min_overlap=0.5, keep_temp=False, filename_bam=None, filename_bed=None, ) # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = E.Start(parser, argv=argv) filename_bam = options.filename_bam filename_bed = options.filename_bed if filename_bam is None and filename_bed is None: if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError( "please supply a bam and a bed file or two bed-files.") filename_bam, filename_bed = args if filename_bed is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bed file to compare to.") if filename_bam is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bam file to compare with.")"intersecting the two files") tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tmpfile.close() tmpfilename = min_overlap = options.min_overlap options.stdout.write("category\talignments\n") # get number of columns of reference bed file for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bed)): ncolumns_bed = bed.columns break"assuming %s is bed%i format" % (filename_bed, ncolumns_bed)) if ncolumns_bed < 4: raise ValueError("please supply a name attribute in the bed file") # get information about if filename_bam.endswith(".bam"): format = "-abam" samfile = pysam.Samfile(filename_bam, "rb") total = samfile.mapped # latest bedtools uses bed12 format when bam is input ncolumns_bam = 12 # count per read sort_key = lambda x: else: format = "-a" total = IOTools.getNumLines(filename_bam) # get bed format ncolumns_bam = 0 for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bam)): ncolumns_bam = bed.columns break if ncolumns_bam > 0:"assuming %s is bed%i fomat" % (filename_bam, ncolumns_bam)) if ncolumns_bam == 3: # count per interval sort_key = lambda x: (x.contig, x.start, x.end) else: # count per interval category sort_key = lambda x: # use fields for bam/bed file (regions to count with) data_fields = [ "contig", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "thickstart", "thickend", "rgb", "blockcount", "blockstarts", "blockends"][:ncolumns_bam] # add fields for second bed (regions to count in) data_fields.extend([ "contig2", "start2", "end2", "name2", "score2", "strand2", "thickstart2", "thickend2", "rgb2", "blockcount2", "blockstarts2", "blockends2"][:ncolumns_bed]) # add bases overlap data_fields.append("bases_overlap") data = collections.namedtuple("data", data_fields) options.stdout.write("total\t%i\n" % total) if total == 0: E.warn("no data in %s" % filename_bam) return # IMS: newer versions of intersectBed have a very high memory # requirement unless passed sorted bed files. statement = """intersectBed %(format)s %(filename_bam)s -b <( zcat %(filename_bed)s | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n) -sorted -bed -wo -f %(min_overlap)f > %(tmpfilename)s""" % locals()"running %s" % statement) retcode = if retcode != 0: raise ValueError("error while executing statement %s" % statement) infile = open(tmpfilename, "r") counts_per_alignment = collections.defaultdict(int)"counting") take_columns = len(data._fields) def iter(infile): for line in infile: if not line.strip(): continue yield data._make(line[:-1].split()[:take_columns]) for read, overlaps in itertools.groupby(iter(infile), key=sort_key): annotations = [x.name2 for x in overlaps] for anno in annotations: counts_per_alignment[anno] += 1 infile.close() for key, counts in counts_per_alignment.iteritems(): options.stdout.write("%s\t%i\n" % (key, counts)) if not options.keep_temp: os.unlink(tmpfilename) # write footer and output benchmark information. E.Stop()
def main(argv=None): """script main. parses command line options in sys.argv, unless *argv* is given. """ if not argv: argv = sys.argv # setup command line parser parser = E.OptionParser(version="%prog version: $Id: 2871 2010-03-03 10:20:44Z andreas $", usage=globals()["__doc__"]) parser.add_option("-m", "--min-overlap", dest="min_overlap", type="float", help="minimum overlap [%default]") parser.add_option("-k", "--keep-temp", dest="keep_temp", action="store_true", help="do not delete temporary files [%default]") parser.add_option("-a", "--filename-bam", dest="filename_bam", metavar="bam", type="string", help="bam-file to use [%default]") parser.add_option("-b", "--filename-bed", dest="filename_bed", metavar="bam", type="string", help="bed-file to use [%default]") parser.set_defaults( min_overlap=0.5, keep_temp=False, filename_bam=None, filename_bed=None, ) # add common options (-h/--help, ...) and parse command line (options, args) = E.Start(parser, argv=argv) filename_bam = options.filename_bam filename_bed = options.filename_bed if filename_bam is None and filename_bed is None: if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError( "please supply a bam and a bed file or two bed-files.") filename_bam, filename_bed = args if filename_bed is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bed file to compare to.") if filename_bam is None: raise ValueError("please supply a bam file to compare with.")"intersecting the two files") tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tmpfile.close() tmpfilename = min_overlap = options.min_overlap options.stdout.write("category\talignments\n") # get number of columns of reference bed file for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bed)): ncolumns_bed = bed.columns break"assuming %s is bed%i format" % (filename_bed, ncolumns_bed)) if ncolumns_bed < 4: raise ValueError("please supply a name attribute in the bed file") # get information about if filename_bam.endswith(".bam"): format = "-abam" samfile = pysam.Samfile(filename_bam, "rb") total = samfile.mapped # latest bedtools uses bed12 format when bam is input ncolumns_bam = 12 # count per read sort_key = lambda x: else: format = "-a" total = IOTools.getNumLines(filename_bam) # get bed format ncolumns_bam = 0 for bed in Bed.iterator(IOTools.openFile(filename_bam)): ncolumns_bam = bed.columns break if ncolumns_bam > 0:"assuming %s is bed%i fomat" % (filename_bam, ncolumns_bam)) if ncolumns_bam == 3: # count per interval sort_key = lambda x: (x.contig, x.start, x.end) else: # count per interval category sort_key = lambda x: # use fields for bam/bed file (regions to count with) data_fields = ["contig", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "thickstart", "thickend", "rgb", "blockcount", "blockstarts", "blockends"][:ncolumns_bam] # add fields for second bed (regions to count in) data_fields.extend(["contig2", "start2", "end2", "name2", "score2", "strand2", "thickstart2", "thickend2", "rgb2", "blockcount2", "blockstarts2", "blockends2"][:ncolumns_bed]) # add bases overlap data_fields.append("bases_overlap") data = collections.namedtuple("data", data_fields) options.stdout.write("total\t%i\n" % total) if total == 0: E.warn("no data in %s" % filename_bam) return # IMS: newer versions of intersectBed have a very high memory requirement unless # passed sorted bed files. statement = """intersectBed %(format)s %(filename_bam)s -b <( zcat %(filename_bed)s | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n) -sorted -bed -wo -f %(min_overlap)f > %(tmpfilename)s""" % locals()"running %s" % statement) retcode = if retcode != 0: raise ValueError("error while executing statement %s" % statement) infile = open(tmpfilename, "r") counts_per_alignment = collections.defaultdict(int)"counting") take_columns = len(data._fields) def iter(infile): for line in infile: if not line.strip(): continue yield data._make(line[:-1].split()[:take_columns]) for read, overlaps in itertools.groupby(iter(infile), key=sort_key): annotations = [x.name2 for x in overlaps] for anno in annotations: counts_per_alignment[anno] += 1 infile.close() for key, counts in counts_per_alignment.iteritems(): options.stdout.write("%s\t%i\n" % (key, counts)) if not options.keep_temp: os.unlink(tmpfilename) # write footer and output benchmark information. E.Stop()