def download_if_in_repo(svn_loc, input_data_root, rel_path): """ Return True if successfully downloaded """ rel_path = rel_path.strip('/') full_url = os.path.join(svn_loc, rel_path) full_path = os.path.join(input_data_root, rel_path)"Trying to download file: '%s' to path '%s'" % (full_url, full_path)) # Make sure local path exists, create if it does not if(not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(full_path))): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_path)) stat, out, err = run_cmd("svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert ls %s" % full_url, ok_to_fail=True) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("FAIL: SVN repo '%s' does not have file '%s'\nReason:%s\n%s\n" % (svn_loc, full_url, out, err)) return False else: stat, output, errput = \ run_cmd("svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert export %s %s" % (full_url, full_path), ok_to_fail=True) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("svn export failed with output: %s and errput %s\n" % (output, errput)) return False else: # Make sure it is group r/w os.chmod(full_path, 0664)"SUCCESS\n") return True
def _main_func(description): date, fullmonth = parse_command_line(sys.argv, description) if fullmonth: fday = 1 _, lday = monthrange(date.year, date.month) else: fday = lday = print("Getting data for range {} to {}".format(fday, lday)) for day in range(fday, lday + 1): tdate = date.replace(day=day) jday = get_julian_day_of_year(tdate) print("Getting data for year {} julian date {}".format( date.year, jday)) dataroot = "{}/{:03d}/.hidden/".format( date.year, jday) cmd = "wget -nc -np -r -nH --directory-prefix=/glade/scratch/jedwards/NASAdata/ -A'GEOS.*.V01.nc4' " + dataroot err, output, _ = run_cmd(cmd, combine_output=True, verbose=True) expect( err == 0, "Could not connect to repo via '{}'\nThis is most likely either a proxy, or network issue.\nOutput:\n{}" .format(cmd, output.encode('utf-8'))) dataroot = "{}/{:03d}/.hidden/".format( date.year, jday) cmd = "wget -nc -np -r -nH --directory-prefix=/glade/scratch/jedwards/NASAdata/ -A'GEOS.*.V01.nc4' " + dataroot err, output, _ = run_cmd(cmd, combine_output=True, verbose=True) expect( err == 0, "Could not connect to repo via '{}'\nThis is most likely either a proxy, or network issue.\nOutput:\n{}" .format(cmd, output.encode('utf-8')))
def write_pe_template(self, pefilename, ntasks, nthrds, roots): from distutils.spawn import find_executable from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from CIME.utils import run_cmd"Writing pe node info to %s", pefilename) root = ET.Element('config_pes') grid = ET.SubElement(root, 'grid') grid.set('name', 'any') mach = ET.SubElement(grid, 'mach') mach.set('name', 'any') pes = ET.SubElement(mach, 'pes') pes.set('compset', 'any') pes.set('pesize', '') ntasks_node = ET.SubElement(pes, 'ntasks') for k in ntasks: node = ET.SubElement(ntasks_node, 'ntasks_' + k) node.text = str(ntasks[k]) nthrds_node = ET.SubElement(pes, 'nthrds') for k in nthrds: node = ET.SubElement(nthrds_node, 'nthrds_' + k) node.text = str(nthrds[k]) rootpe_node = ET.SubElement(pes, 'rootpe') for k in roots: node = ET.SubElement(rootpe_node, 'rootpe_' + k) node.text = str(roots[k]) xmllint = find_executable("xmllint") if xmllint is not None: run_cmd("%s --format --output %s -" % (xmllint, pefilename), input_str=ET.tostring(root))
def _check_pelayouts_require_rebuild(case, models): ############################################################################### """ Create if we require a rebuild, expects cwd is caseroot """ locked_pes = "LockedFiles/env_mach_pes.xml" if os.path.exists(locked_pes): # Look to see if $comp_PE_CHANGE_REQUIRES_REBUILD is defined # for any component env_mach_pes_locked = EnvMachPes(infile=locked_pes) for comp in models: if case.get_value("%s_PE_CHANGE_REQUIRES_REBUILD" % comp): # Changing these values in env_mach_pes.xml will force # you to clean the corresponding component old_tasks = env_mach_pes_locked.get_value("NTASKS_%s" % comp) old_threads = env_mach_pes_locked.get_value("NTHRDS_%s" % comp) old_inst = env_mach_pes_locked.get_value("NINST_%s" % comp) new_tasks = case.get_value("NTASKS_%s" % comp) new_threads = case.get_value("NTHRDS_%s" % comp) new_inst = case.get_value("NINST_%s" % comp) if old_tasks != new_tasks or old_threads != new_threads or old_inst != new_inst: logger.warn("%s pe change requires clean build" % comp) cleanflag = comp.lower() run_cmd("./ --clean %s" % cleanflag) os.remove(locked_pes)
def bless_namelists(test_name, test_dir, report_only, force, baseline_name, baseline_root): ############################################################################### # Be aware that restart test will overwrite the original namelist files # with versions of the files that should not be blessed. This forces us to # re-run create_test. # Update namelist files"Test '{}' had namelist diff".format(test_name)) if (not report_only and (force or six.moves.input("Update namelists (y/n)? ").upper() in ["Y", "YES"])): if baseline_name is None: stat, baseline_name, _ = run_cmd("./xmlquery --value BASELINE_NAME_CMP", from_dir=test_dir) if stat != 0 or not baseline_name: baseline_name = CIME.utils.get_current_branch(repo=CIME.utils.get_cime_root()) if baseline_root is None: stat, baseline_root, _ = run_cmd("./xmlquery --value BASELINE_ROOT", from_dir=test_dir) if stat != 0 or not baseline_root: return False, "Could not determine baseline root" create_test_gen_args = " -g {} ".format(baseline_name if get_model() == "cesm" else " -g -b {} ".format(baseline_name)) stat, out, _ = run_cmd("{}/create_test {} -n {} --baseline-root {} -o".format(get_scripts_root(), test_name, create_test_gen_args, baseline_root), combine_output=True) if stat != 0: return False, "Namelist regen failed: '{}'".format(out) else: return True, None else: return True, None
def getTimings(case, lid): ############################################################################### check_timing = case.get_value("CHECK_TIMING") if check_timing: caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT") timingDir = os.path.join(caseroot, "timing") if not os.path.isdir(timingDir): os.makedirs(timingDir)"Running timing script %s " %(os.path.join(caseroot, "Tools", "getTiming"))) cmd = "%s -lid %s " %(os.path.join(caseroot,"Tools","getTiming"), lid) run_cmd(cmd) # save the timing files if desired save_timing = case.get_value("SAVE_TIMING") if save_timing: rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") shutil.move(os.path.join(rundir,"timing"), os.path.join(rundir,"timing."+lid)) # compress relevant timing files "gzipping timing stats.." ) model = case.get_value("MODEL") timingfile = os.path.join(timingDir, model + "_timing_stats." + lid) with open(timingfile, 'rb') as f_in, + '.gz', 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) os.remove(timingfile)"Done with timings")
def write_pe_template(self, pefilename, ntasks, nthrds, roots): from distutils.spawn import find_executable from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from CIME.utils import run_cmd"Writing pe node info to %s", pefilename) root = ET.Element("config_pes") grid = ET.SubElement(root, "grid") grid.set("name", "any") mach = ET.SubElement(grid, "mach") mach.set("name", "any") pes = ET.SubElement(mach, "pes") pes.set("compset", "any") pes.set("pesize", "") ntasks_node = ET.SubElement(pes, "ntasks") for k in ntasks: node = ET.SubElement(ntasks_node, "ntasks_" + k) node.text = str(ntasks[k]) nthrds_node = ET.SubElement(pes, "nthrds") for k in nthrds: node = ET.SubElement(nthrds_node, "nthrds_" + k) node.text = str(nthrds[k]) rootpe_node = ET.SubElement(pes, "rootpe") for k in roots: node = ET.SubElement(rootpe_node, "rootpe_" + k) node.text = str(roots[k]) xmllint = find_executable("xmllint") if xmllint is not None: run_cmd( "%s --format --output %s -" % (xmllint, pefilename), input_str=ET.tostring(root), )
def abort_merge(): ############################################################################### new_merge_tag = get_merge_tag() pr_branch = get_branch_from_tag(new_merge_tag) delete_tag(new_merge_tag, remote=ESMCI_REMOTE_NAME) run_cmd_no_fail("git reset --hard origin/master", verbose=True) run_cmd_no_fail("git checkout master", verbose=True) run_cmd("git branch -D {}".format(pr_branch), verbose=True)
def abort_split(): ############################################################################### new_split_tag = get_split_tag() pr_branch = get_branch_from_tag(new_split_tag) delete_tag(new_split_tag) run_cmd_no_fail("git reset --hard origin/master", verbose=True) run_cmd_no_fail("git checkout master", verbose=True) run_cmd("git branch -D {}".format(pr_branch), verbose=True)
def _nlcomp_phase(self, test): ########################################################################### test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test) casedoc_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "CaseDocs") compare_nl = os.path.join(CIME.utils.get_scripts_root(), "Tools", "compare_namelists") simple_compare = os.path.join(CIME.utils.get_scripts_root(), "Tools", "simple_compare") if self._compare: has_fails = False baseline_dir = os.path.join(self._baseline_root, self._baseline_cmp_name, test) baseline_casedocs = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "CaseDocs") # Start off by comparing everything in CaseDocs except a few arbitrary files (ugh!) # TODO: Namelist files should have consistent suffix all_items_to_compare = [item for item in glob.glob("%s/*" % casedoc_dir)\ if "README" not in os.path.basename(item)\ and not item.endswith("doc")\ and not item.endswith("prescribed")\ and not os.path.basename(item).startswith(".")] + \ glob.glob("%s/*user_nl*" % test_dir) for item in all_items_to_compare: baseline_counterpart = os.path.join(baseline_casedocs \ if os.path.dirname(item).endswith("CaseDocs") \ else baseline_dir,os.path.basename(item)) if not os.path.exists(baseline_counterpart): self._log_output(test, "Missing baseline namelist '%s'" % baseline_counterpart) has_fails = True else: if compare_namelists.is_namelist_file(item): rc, output, _ = run_cmd("%s %s %s -c %s 2>&1" % (compare_nl, baseline_counterpart, item, test), ok_to_fail=True) else: rc, output, _ = run_cmd("%s %s %s -c %s 2>&1" % (simple_compare, baseline_counterpart, item, test), ok_to_fail=True) if rc != 0: has_fails = True self._log_output(test, output) if has_fails: self._test_has_nl_problem(test) if self._generate: baseline_dir = os.path.join(self._baseline_root, self._baseline_gen_name, test) baseline_casedocs = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "CaseDocs") if not os.path.isdir(baseline_dir): os.makedirs(baseline_dir, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IROTH) if os.path.isdir(baseline_casedocs): shutil.rmtree(baseline_casedocs) shutil.copytree(casedoc_dir, baseline_casedocs) for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(test_dir, "user_nl*")): shutil.copy2(item, baseline_dir) # Always mark as passed unless we hit exception return True
def _run_phase(self, test): ########################################################################### test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test) # wallclock is an optional field in the version 2.0 testlist.xml file # setting wallclock time close to the expected test time will help queue throughput if (test in self._test_data and "wallclock" in self._test_data[test]): run_cmd("./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=%s" % self._test_data[test]["wallclock"], from_dir=test_dir) return self._shell_cmd_for_phase(test, "./case.submit", RUN_PHASE, from_dir=test_dir)
def clean(case, cleanlist=None): ############################################################################### clm_config_opts = case.get_value("CLM_CONFIG_OPTS") comp_lnd = case.get_value("COMP_LND") if cleanlist is None: cleanlist = case.get_value("COMP_CLASSES").split(',') cleanlist = [x.lower().replace('drv','cpl') for x in cleanlist] testcase = case.get_value("TESTCASE") # we only want to clean clm here if it is clm4_0 otherwise remove # it from the cleanlist if testcase is not None and comp_lnd == "clm" and\ clm_config_opts is not None and "lnd" in cleanlist and\ "clm4_0" not in clm_config_opts: cleanlist.remove('lnd') debug = case.get_value("DEBUG") use_esmf_lib = case.get_value("USE_ESMF_LIB") build_threaded = case.get_value("BUILD_THREADED") gmake = case.get_value("GMAKE") caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT") casetools = case.get_value("CASETOOLS") os.environ["DEBUG"] = stringify_bool(debug) os.environ["USE_ESMF_LIB"] = stringify_bool(use_esmf_lib) os.environ["BUILD_THREADED"] = stringify_bool(build_threaded) os.environ["CASEROOT"] = case.get_value("CASEROOT") os.environ["COMP_INTERFACE"] = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE") os.environ["PIO_VERSION"] = str(case.get_value("PIO_VERSION")) os.environ["CLM_CONFIG_OPTS"] = clm_config_opts if clm_config_opts is not None else "" cmd = gmake + " -f " + casetools + "/Makefile" for item in cleanlist: cmd = cmd + " clean" + item"calling %s "%(cmd)) run_cmd(cmd) # unlink Locked files directory file = os.path.join(caseroot,"LockedFiles/env_build.xml") if os.path.isfile(file): os.unlink(file) # reset following values in xml files case.set_value("SMP_BUILD",str(0)) case.set_value("NINST_BUILD",str(0)) case.set_value("BUILD_STATUS",str(0)) case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE","FALSE") case.flush() # append call of to CaseStatus msg = "cleanbuild %s "%" ".join(cleanlist) append_status(msg, caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")
def writexml(self, addlist, newfilename): root = ET.Element('config_pes') for a, b in addlist: if b is not None: root.append(ET.Element('REPLACE')) root.append(b.to_cime4()) root.append(ET.Element('WITH')) if a is not None: root.append(a.to_cime4()) xmllint = find_executable("xmllint") if xmllint is not None: run_cmd("%s --format --output %s -"%(xmllint, newfilename), input_str=ET.tostring(root))
def create_perturbed_init_file(original, perturb_file, outfile, weight): ncflint = "ncflint" if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(outfile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile)) safe_copy(original, outfile) if "BWHIST" in original: cmd = ncflint + " -A -v US,VS,T,Q,PS -w {},1.0 {} {} {}".format( weight, perturb_file, original, outfile) else: cmd = ncflint + " -O -C -v lat,lon,slat,slon,lev,ilev,hyai,hybi,hyam,hybm,US,VS,T,Q,PS -w {},1.0 {} {} {}".format( weight, perturb_file, original, outfile) run_cmd(cmd, verbose=True) os.rename(outfile, outfile.replace("", ""))
def writexml(self, addlist, newfilename): root = ET.Element('config_pes') for a, b in addlist: if b is not None: root.append(ET.Element('REPLACE')) root.append(b.to_cime4()) root.append(ET.Element('WITH')) if a is not None: root.append(a.to_cime4()) xmllint = find_executable("xmllint") if xmllint is not None: run_cmd("%s --format --output %s -" % (xmllint, newfilename), input_str=ET.tostring(root))
def writexml(self, addlist, newfilename): root = ET.Element("config_pes") for a, b in addlist: if b is not None: root.append(ET.Element("REPLACE")) root.append(b.to_cime5()) root.append(ET.Element("WITH")) if a is not None: root.append(a.to_cime5()) xmllint = find_executable("xmllint") if xmllint is not None: run_cmd( "{} --format --output {} -".format(xmllint, newfilename), input_str=ET.tostring(root), )
def _run_git_cmd_recursively(cmd, srcroot, output): """ Runs a git command recursively Runs the git command in srcroot then runs it on each submodule. Then output from both commands is written to the output file. """ rc1, output1, err1 = run_cmd("git {}".format(cmd), from_dir=srcroot) rc2, output2, err2 = run_cmd( "git submodule foreach --recursive \"git {}; echo\"".format(cmd), from_dir=srcroot) with open(output, "w") as fd: fd.write((output1 if rc1 == 0 else err1) + "\n\n") fd.write((output2 if rc2 == 0 else err2) + "\n")
def run_cmd_assert_result(self, cmd, from_dir=None, expected_stat=0, env=None, verbose=False): from_dir = os.getcwd() if from_dir is None else from_dir stat, output, errput = utils.run_cmd(cmd, from_dir=from_dir, env=env, verbose=verbose) if expected_stat == 0: expectation = "SHOULD HAVE WORKED, INSTEAD GOT STAT %s" % stat else: expectation = "EXPECTED STAT %s, INSTEAD GOT STAT %s" % ( expected_stat, stat, ) msg = """ COMMAND: %s FROM_DIR: %s %s OUTPUT: %s ERRPUT: %s """ % ( cmd, from_dir, expectation, output, errput, ) self.assertEqual(stat, expected_stat, msg=msg) return output
def case_st_archive(case): ############################################################################### caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")"st_archive starting") # do short-term archiving append_status("st_archiving starting", caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus") cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "Tools/st_archive") + " >> stArchiveStatus 2>&1" rc, out, err = run_cmd(cmd, ok_to_fail=True) if rc != 0: append_status("st_archive failed: %s \nerr = %s"%(out,err),sfile="CaseStatus") return False append_status("st_archiving completed", caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")"st_archive completed") # resubmit case if appropriate resubmit = case.get_value("RESUBMIT") if resubmit > 0: append_status("resubmitting from st_archive", caseroot=caseroot, sfile="CaseStatus")"resubmitting from st_archive, resubmit=%d"%resubmit) submit(case, resubmit=True) return True
def do_subtree_pull(squash=False): ############################################################################### stat = run_cmd("git subtree pull {} --prefix=cime {} master".format("--squash" if squash else "", ESMCI_REMOTE_NAME), verbose=True)[0] if stat != 0:"There are merge conflicts. Please fix, commit, and re-run this tool with --resume") sys.exit(1)
def bless_namelists(test_name, report_only, force, baseline_name, baseline_root): ############################################################################### # Be aware that restart test will overwrite the original namelist files # with versions of the files that should not be blessed. This forces us to # re-run create_test. # Update namelist files"Test '{}' had namelist diff".format(test_name)) if (not report_only and (force or six.moves.input("Update namelists (y/n)? ").upper() in ["Y", "YES"])): create_test_gen_args = " -g {} ".format(baseline_name if get_model( ) == "cesm" else " -g -b {} ".format(baseline_name)) stat, out, _ = run_cmd( "{}/create_test {} -n {} --baseline-root {} -o".format( get_scripts_root(), test_name, create_test_gen_args, baseline_root), combine_output=True) if stat != 0: return False, "Namelist regen failed: '{}'".format(out) else: return True, None else: return True, None
def _save_build_provenance_cesm(case, lid): # pylint: disable=unused-argument version = case.get_value("MODEL_VERSION") # version has already been recorded srcroot = case.get_value("SRCROOT") manic = os.path.join("manage_externals","checkout_externals") manic_full_path = os.path.join(srcroot, manic) out = None if os.path.exists(manic_full_path): args = " --status --verbose --no-logging" stat, out, err = run_cmd(manic_full_path + args, from_dir=srcroot) errmsg = """Error gathering provenance information from manage_externals. manage_externals error message: {err} manage_externals output: {out} To solve this, either: (1) Find and fix the problem: From {srcroot}, try to get this command to work: {manic}{args} (2) If you don't need provenance information, rebuild with --skip-provenance-check """.format(out=indent_string(out, 4), err=indent_string(err, 4), srcroot=srcroot, manic=manic, args=args) expect(stat==0,errmsg) caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT") with open(os.path.join(caseroot, "CaseStatus"), "a") as fd: if version is not None and version != "unknown": fd.write("CESM version is {}\n".format(version)) if out is not None: fd.write("{}\n".format(out))
def generate_baseline(self): """ generate a new baseline case based on the current test """ if self._runstatus != "PASS": append_status("Cannot generate baselines, test did not pass.\n", sfile="TestStatus.log") return newestcpllogfile = self._get_latest_cpl_log() baselineroot = self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT") basegen_dir = os.path.join(baselineroot, self._case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE")) for bdir in (baselineroot, basegen_dir): if not os.path.isdir(bdir): append_status("GFAIL %s baseline\n" % self._case.get_value("CASEBASEID"), sfile="TestStatus") append_status("ERROR %s does not exist" % bdir, sfile="TestStatus.log") return -1 compgen = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("SCRIPTSROOT"),"Tools", "") compgen += " -baseline_dir "+basegen_dir compgen += " -test_dir "+self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") compgen += " -generate_tag "+self._case.get_value("BASELINE_NAME_GEN") compgen += " -testcase "+self._case.get_value("CASE") compgen += " -testcase_base "+self._case.get_value("CASEBASEID") rc, out, err = run_cmd(compgen, ok_to_fail=True) # copy latest cpl log to baseline # drop the date so that the name is generic shutil.copyfile(newestcpllogfile, os.path.join(basegen_dir,"cpl.log.gz")) append_status(out,sfile="TestStatus") if rc != 0: append_status("Error in Baseline Generate: %s"%err,sfile="TestStatus.log")
def fileexists(self, rel_path): stat,out,err = run_cmd("globus-url-copy -list {}".format(os.path.join(self._root_address, os.path.dirname(rel_path))+os.sep)) if stat or os.path.basename(rel_path) not in out: logging.warning("FAIL: File {} not found.\nstat={} error={}".format(rel_path, stat, err)) return False return True
def _run_pylint(on_file, interactive): ############################################################################### pylint = find_executable("pylint") cmd_options = " --disable=I,C,R,logging-not-lazy,wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import" cmd_options += ",fixme,broad-except,bare-except,eval-used,exec-used,global-statement" cmd_options += ",logging-format-interpolation,no-name-in-module" cimeroot = get_cime_root() if "scripts/Tools" in on_file: cmd_options +=",relative-import" # add init-hook option cmd_options += " --init-hook='sys.path.extend((\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"))'"%\ (os.path.join(cimeroot,"scripts","lib"), os.path.join(cimeroot,"scripts","Tools"), os.path.join(cimeroot,"scripts","fortran_unit_testing","python")) cmd = "%s %s %s" % (pylint, cmd_options, on_file) logger.debug("pylint command is %s"%cmd) stat, out, err = run_cmd(cmd, verbose=False, from_dir=cimeroot) if stat != 0: if interactive:"File %s has pylint problems, please fix\n Use command: %s" % (on_file, cmd)) + "\n" + err) return (on_file, out + "\n" + err) else: if interactive:"File %s has no pylint problems" % on_file) return (on_file, "")
def _build_model_thread( config_dir, compclass, compname, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp, compiler, ): ###############################################################################"Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build)) t1 = time.time() cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib") if os.path.isfile(cmd): logger.warning( "WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname)) else: cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib") expect(os.path.isfile(cmd), "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname)) compile_cmd = "COMP_CLASS={compclass} COMP_NAME={compname} {cmd} {caseroot} {libroot} {bldroot} ".format( compclass=compclass, compname=compname, cmd=cmd, caseroot=caseroot, libroot=libroot, bldroot=bldroot, ) if get_model() != "ufs": compile_cmd = "SMP={} {}".format(stringify_bool(smp), compile_cmd) if is_python_executable(cmd): logging_options = get_logging_options() if logging_options != "": compile_cmd = compile_cmd + logging_options with open(file_build, "w") as fd: stat = run_cmd(compile_cmd, from_dir=bldroot, arg_stdout=fd, arg_stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[0] if stat != 0: thread_bad_results.append( "BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format( compname, file_build)) analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler) for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot, "*_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp]_*.mod")): safe_copy(mod_file, incroot) t2 = time.time()"{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1)))
def build_libraries(exeroot, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, mpilib, lid, machines_file): ############################################################################### if (mpilib == "mpi-serial"): for header_to_copy in glob.glob(os.path.join(cimeroot, "externals/mct/mpi-serial/*.h")): shutil.copy(header_to_copy, os.path.join(libroot, "include")) sharedpath = os.environ["SHAREDPATH"] shared_lib = os.path.join(sharedpath, "lib") shared_inc = os.path.join(sharedpath, "include") for shared_item in [shared_lib, shared_inc]: if (not os.path.exists(shared_item)): os.makedirs(shared_item) libs = ["mct", "gptl", "pio", "csm_share"] logs = [] for lib in libs: full_lib_path = os.path.join(sharedpath, lib) if (not os.path.exists(full_lib_path)): os.makedirs(full_lib_path) file_build = os.path.join(sharedpath, "%s.bldlog.%s" % (lib, lid)) with open(file_build, "w") as fd: fd.write("Current env:\n%s" % "\n".join([" %s = %s" % (env, os.environ[env]) for env in sorted(os.environ)])) my_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(machines_file), "buildlib.%s" % lib) stat = run_cmd("%s %s %s >> %s 2>&1" % (my_file, sharedpath, caseroot, file_build), from_dir=exeroot, ok_to_fail=True, verbose=True)[0] expect(stat == 0, "ERROR: buildlib.%s failed, cat %s" % (lib, file_build)) logs.append(file_build) return logs
def _run_pylint(on_file, interactive): ############################################################################### pylint = find_executable("pylint") cmd_options = " --disable=I,C,R,logging-not-lazy,wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import,fixme,broad-except,bare-except,eval-used,exec-used,global-statement" cimeroot = get_cime_root() if "scripts/Tools" in on_file: cmd_options += ",relative-import" # add init-hook option cmd_options += " --init-hook='sys.path.extend((\"%s\",\"%s\"))'"%\ (os.path.join(cimeroot,"utils","python"), os.path.join(cimeroot,"scripts","Tools")) cmd = "%s %s %s" % (pylint, cmd_options, on_file) logger.debug("pylint command is %s" % cmd) stat, out, err = run_cmd(cmd, verbose=False, from_dir=cimeroot) if stat != 0: if interactive: "File %s has pylint problems, please fix\n Use command: %s" % (on_file, cmd)) + "\n" + err) return (on_file, out + "\n" + err) else: if interactive:"File %s has no pylint problems" % on_file) return (on_file, "")
def _build_model_thread(config_dir, compclass, compname, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp, compiler): ###############################################################################"Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build)) t1 = time.time() cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib") if os.path.isfile(cmd): logger.warning("WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname)) else: cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib") expect(os.path.isfile(cmd), "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname)) with open(file_build, "w") as fd: stat = run_cmd("MODEL={} SMP={} {} {} {} {} " .format(compclass, stringify_bool(smp), cmd, caseroot, libroot, bldroot), from_dir=bldroot, arg_stdout=fd, arg_stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[0] analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler) if (stat != 0): thread_bad_results.append("BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format(compname, file_build)) for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot, "*_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp]_*.mod")): safe_copy(mod_file, incroot) t2 = time.time()"{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1)))
def do_subtree_pull(squash=False, auto_conf=False): ############################################################################### stat = run_cmd("git subtree pull {} --prefix=cime {} master".format( "--squash" if squash else "", ESMCI_REMOTE_NAME), verbose=True)[0] if stat != 0: handle_conflicts(is_merge=True, auto_conf=auto_conf)
def run_gmake(case, compclass, libroot, libname="", user_cppdefs=""): ############################################################################### caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT") casetools = case.get_value("CASETOOLS") gmake_j = case.get_value("GMAKE_J") gmake = case.get_value("GMAKE") mach = case.get_value("MACH") complib = "" if libname: complib = os.path.join(libroot, "lib%s.a" % libname) else: complib = os.path.join(libroot, "lib%s.a" % compclass) makefile = os.path.join(casetools, "Makefile") macfile = os.path.join(caseroot, "Macros.%s" % mach) if user_cppdefs: cmd = "%s complib -j %d MODEL=%s COMPLIB=%s -f %s MACFILE=%s USER_CPPDEFS=%s" \ % (gmake, gmake_j, compclass, complib, makefile, macfile, user_cppdefs ) else: cmd = "%s complib -j %d MODEL=%s COMPLIB=%s -f %s MACFILE=%s " \ % (gmake, gmake_j, compclass, complib, makefile, macfile ) rc, out, err = run_cmd(cmd, ok_to_fail=True) expect(rc == 0, "Command %s failed rc=%d\nout=%s\nerr=%s" % (cmd, rc, out, err))"Command %s completed with output %s\nerr %s" ,cmd, out, err)
def apply_user_mods(caseroot, user_mods_path, ninst={}): ''' Recursivlely apply user_mods to caseroot ''' include_dirs = build_include_dirs_list(user_mods_path) for include_dir in include_dirs: for user_nl in glob.iglob(os.path.join(include_dir,"user_nl_*")): with open(os.path.join(include_dir, user_nl), "r") as fd: contents = case_user_nl = user_nl.replace(include_dir, caseroot) comp = case_user_nl.split('_')[-1] if comp in ninst.keys(): for comp_inst in xrange(1,ninst[comp]): case_user_nl_inst = case_user_nl + "_%4.4d"%comp_inst"Appending file %s"%case_user_nl_inst) with open(case_user_nl_inst, "a") as fd: fd.write(contents) else:"Appending file %s"%case_user_nl) with open(case_user_nl, "a") as fd: fd.write(contents) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(include_dir,followlinks=True,topdown=False): if "src" in os.path.basename(root): for sfile in files: source_mods = os.path.join(root,sfile) case_source_mods = source_mods.replace(include_dir, caseroot) if os.path.isfile(case_source_mods): logger.warn("Refusing to overwrite existing SourceMods in %s"%case_source_mods) else:"Adding SourceMod to case %s"%case_source_mods) try: shutil.copyfile(source_mods, case_source_mods) except: expect(False, "Could not write file %s in caseroot %s" %(case_source_mods,caseroot)) case_shell_commands = None shell_command_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(include_dir,"shell_commands")) +\ glob.glob(os.path.join(include_dir,"xmlchange_cmnds")) for shell_commands_file in shell_command_files: case_shell_commands = shell_commands_file.replace(include_dir, caseroot) with open(shell_commands_file,"r") as fd: new_shell_commands ="xmlchange","xmlchange --force") with open(case_shell_commands, "a") as fd: fd.write(new_shell_commands) if case_shell_commands is not None: os.chmod(case_shell_commands, 0777) run_cmd(case_shell_commands)
def getdirectory(self, rel_path, full_path): stat, _,err = run_cmd("globus-url-copy -v -r {}{} file://{}{}".format(os.path.join(self._root_address, rel_path), os.sep, full_path, os.sep)) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("FAIL: GridFTP repo '{}' does not have directory '{}' error={}\n". format(self._root_address,rel_path, err)) return False return True
def _get_procs_needed(self, test, phase): ########################################################################### if (phase == RUN_PHASE and self._no_batch): test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test) out = run_cmd("./xmlquery TOTALPES -value", from_dir=test_dir) return int(out) else: return 1
def merge_branch(branch, squash=False, auto_conf=False): ############################################################################### stat = run_cmd( "git merge {} -m 'Merge {branch}' -X rename-threshold=25 {branch}". format("--squash" if squash else "", branch=branch), verbose=True)[0] if stat != 0: handle_conflicts(auto_conf=auto_conf)
def test_e_xmlquery(self): # Set script and script path xmlquery = "./xmlquery" cls = self.__class__ casedir = cls._testdirs[0] # Check for environment self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.SCRIPT_DIR)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.TOOLS_DIR)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(casedir, xmlquery))) # Test command line options with Case(casedir, read_only=True) as case: STOP_N = case.get_value("STOP_N") COMP_CLASSES = case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES") BUILD_COMPLETE = case.get_value("BUILD_COMPLETE") cmd = xmlquery + " STOP_N --value" output = utils.run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, from_dir=casedir) self.assertTrue(output == str(STOP_N), msg="%s != %s" % (output, STOP_N)) cmd = xmlquery + " BUILD_COMPLETE --value" output = utils.run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, from_dir=casedir) self.assertTrue(output == "TRUE", msg="%s != %s" % (output, BUILD_COMPLETE)) # we expect DOCN_MODE to be undefined in this X compset # this test assures that we do not try to resolve this as a compvar cmd = xmlquery + " DOCN_MODE --value" _, output, error = utils.run_cmd(cmd, from_dir=casedir) self.assertTrue( error == "ERROR: No results found for variable DOCN_MODE", msg="unexpected result for DOCN_MODE, output {}, error {}".format( output, error ), ) for comp in COMP_CLASSES: caseresult = case.get_value("NTASKS_%s" % comp) cmd = xmlquery + " NTASKS_%s --value" % comp output = utils.run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, from_dir=casedir) self.assertTrue( output == str(caseresult), msg="%s != %s" % (output, caseresult) ) cmd = xmlquery + " NTASKS --subgroup %s --value" % comp output = utils.run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, from_dir=casedir) self.assertTrue( output == str(caseresult), msg="%s != %s" % (output, caseresult) ) if self.MACHINE.has_batch_system(): JOB_QUEUE = case.get_value("JOB_QUEUE", subgroup="") cmd = xmlquery + " JOB_QUEUE --subgroup --value" output = utils.run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, from_dir=casedir) self.assertTrue( output == JOB_QUEUE, msg="%s != %s" % (output, JOB_QUEUE) ) cmd = xmlquery + " --listall" utils.run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, from_dir=casedir) cls._do_teardown.append(cls._testroot)
def merge_branch(branch): ############################################################################### stat = run_cmd("git merge -m 'Merge {}' -X rename-threshold=25 {}".format(branch, branch), verbose=True)[0] if stat != 0:"There are merge conflicts. Please fix, commit, and re-run this tool with --resume")"If the histories are unrelated, you may need to rebase the branch manually:")"git rebase $pr_branch --onto $merge_tag")"Then repeat the above merge command") sys.exit(1)
def runModel(case): ############################################################################### # Set OMP_NUM_THREADS tm = TaskMaker(case) num_threads = tm.thread_count os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(num_threads) # Run the model"%s MODEL EXECUTION BEGINS HERE" %(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))) machine = Machines(machine=case.get_value("MACH")) cmd = machine.get_full_mpirun(tm, case, "") cmd = case.get_resolved_value(cmd) logger.debug("run command is %s " %cmd) rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") run_cmd(cmd, from_dir=rundir) "%s MODEL EXECUTION HAS FINISHED" %(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
def getfile(self, rel_path, full_path): stat, _, err = run_cmd("globus-url-copy -v {} file://{}".format( os.path.join(self._root_address, rel_path), full_path)) if stat != 0: logging.warning( "FAIL: GridFTP repo '{}' does not have file '{}' error={}\n". format(self._root_address, rel_path, err)) return False return True
def _component_compare_move(self, suffix): cmd = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("SCRIPTSROOT"), "Tools", "") rc, out, err = run_cmd("%s -rundir %s -testcase %s -suffix %s" % (cmd, self._case.get_value('RUNDIR'), self._case.get_value('CASE'), suffix), ok_to_fail=True) if rc == 0: append_status(out, sfile="TestStatus.log") else: append_status(" failed out: %s\n\nerr: %s\n"%(out,err) ,sfile="TestStatus.log")
def compare_baseline(self): """ compare the current test output to a baseline result """ if self._runstatus != "PASS": append_status("Cannot compare baselines, test did not pass.\n", sfile="TestStatus.log") return baselineroot = self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT") basecmp_dir = os.path.join(baselineroot, self._case.get_value("BASECMP_CASE")) for bdir in (baselineroot, basecmp_dir): if not os.path.isdir(bdir): append_status("GFAIL %s baseline\n",self._case.get_value("CASEBASEID"), sfile="TestStatus") append_status("ERROR %s does not exist"%bdir, sfile="TestStatus.log") return -1 compgen = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("SCRIPTSROOT"),"Tools", "") compgen += " -baseline_dir "+basecmp_dir compgen += " -test_dir "+self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") compgen += " -compare_tag "+self._case.get_value("BASELINE_NAME_CMP") compgen += " -testcase "+self._case.get_value("CASE") compgen += " -testcase_base "+self._case.get_value("CASEBASEID") rc, out, err = run_cmd(compgen, ok_to_fail=True) append_status(out.replace("compare","compare baseline", 1),sfile="TestStatus") if rc != 0: append_status("Error in Baseline compare: %s\n%s"%(out,err), sfile="TestStatus.log") # compare memory usage to baseline newestcpllogfile = self._get_latest_cpl_log() memlist = self._get_mem_usage(newestcpllogfile) baselog = os.path.join(basecmp_dir, "cpl.log.gz") if not os.path.isfile(baselog): # for backward compatibility baselog = os.path.join(basecmp_dir, "cpl.log") if len(memlist) > 3: blmem = self._get_mem_usage(baselog)[-1][1] curmem = memlist[-1][1] diff = (curmem-blmem)/blmem if(diff < 0.1): append_status("PASS Memory usage baseline compare ",sfile="TestStatus") else: append_status("FAIL Memory usage increase > 10% from baseline",sfile="TestStatus") # compare throughput to baseline current = self._get_throughput(newestcpllogfile) baseline = self._get_throughput(baselog) #comparing ypd so bigger is better if baseline is not None and current is not None: diff = (baseline - current)/baseline if(diff < 0.25): append_status("PASS Throughput baseline compare ",sfile="TestStatus") else: append_status("FAIL Throughput increase > 25% from baseline",sfile="TestStatus")
def _build_model_thread(config_dir, caseroot, bldroot, compspec, file_build, exeroot, model, comp, objdir, incroot, thread_bad_results): ############################################################################### stat = run_cmd("%s/buildlib %s %s %s >> %s 2>&1" % (config_dir, caseroot, bldroot, compspec, file_build), from_dir=objdir, ok_to_fail=True,verbose=True)[0] if (stat != 0): thread_bad_results.append("ERROR: %s.buildlib failed, see %s" % (comp, file_build)) for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(objdir, "*_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp]_*.mod")): shutil.copy(mod_file, incroot)
def download_if_in_repo(svn_loc, input_data_root, rel_path): """ Return True if successfully downloaded """ full_url = os.path.join(svn_loc, rel_path) full_path = os.path.join(input_data_root, rel_path)"Trying to download file: '%s' to path '%s'" % (full_url, full_path)) stat = run_cmd("svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert ls %s" % full_url, ok_to_fail=True) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("SVN repo '%s' does not have file '%s'" % (svn_loc, rel_path)) return False else: stat, output, errput = \ run_cmd("svn --non-interactive --trust-server-cert export %s %s" % (full_url, full_path)) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("svn export failed with output: %s and errput %s" % (output, errput)) return False else: return True
def _run_pylint(all_files, interactive): ############################################################################### pylint = find_executable("pylint") cmd_options = ( " --disable=I,C,R,logging-not-lazy,wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import" ) cmd_options += ( ",fixme,broad-except,bare-except,eval-used,exec-used,global-statement") cmd_options += ",logging-format-interpolation,no-name-in-module,arguments-renamed" cmd_options += " -j 0 -f json" cimeroot = get_cime_root() srcroot = get_src_root() # if "scripts/Tools" in on_file: # cmd_options +=",relative-import" # add init-hook option cmd_options += ' --init-hook=\'sys.path.extend(("%s","%s","%s","%s"))\'' % ( os.path.join(cimeroot, "CIME"), os.path.join(cimeroot, "CIME", "Tools"), os.path.join(cimeroot, "scripts", "fortran_unit_testing", "python"), os.path.join(srcroot, "components", "cmeps", "cime_config", "runseq"), ) files = " ".join(all_files) cmd = "%s %s %s" % (pylint, cmd_options, files) logger.debug("pylint command is %s" % cmd) stat, out, err = run_cmd(cmd, verbose=False, from_dir=cimeroot) data = json.loads(out) result = {} for item in data: if item["type"] != "error": continue path = item["path"] message = item["message"] line = item["line"] if path in result: result[path].append(f"{message}:{line}") else: result[path] = [ message, ] for k in result.keys(): result[k] = "\n".join(set(result[k])) return result
def build_libraries(case, exeroot, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, mpilib, lid, machines_file): ############################################################################### if (mpilib == "mpi-serial"): for header_to_copy in glob.glob(os.path.join(cimeroot, "externals/mct/mpi-serial/*.h")): shutil.copy(header_to_copy, os.path.join(libroot, "include")) sharedpath = os.environ["SHAREDPATH"] shared_lib = os.path.join(sharedpath, "lib") shared_inc = os.path.join(sharedpath, "include") for shared_item in [shared_lib, shared_inc]: if (not os.path.exists(shared_item)): os.makedirs(shared_item) libs = ["mct", "gptl", "pio", "csm_share"] logs = [] for lib in libs: full_lib_path = os.path.join(sharedpath, lib) if (not os.path.exists(full_lib_path)): os.makedirs(full_lib_path) file_build = os.path.join(sharedpath, "%s.bldlog.%s" % (lib, lid)) with open(file_build, "w") as fd: fd.write("Current env:\n%s" % "\n".join([" %s = %s" % (env, os.environ[env]) for env in sorted(os.environ)])) my_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(machines_file), "buildlib.%s" % lib) stat = run_cmd("%s %s %s >> %s 2>&1" % (my_file, sharedpath, caseroot, file_build), from_dir=exeroot, ok_to_fail=True, verbose=True)[0] expect(stat == 0, "ERROR: buildlib.%s failed, cat %s" % (lib, file_build)) logs.append(file_build) comp_lnd = case.get_value("COMP_LND") clm_config_opts = case.get_value("CLM_CONFIG_OPTS") if comp_lnd == "clm" and not "clm4_0" in clm_config_opts:" - Building clm4_5/clm5_0 Library ") esmfdir = "esmf" if case.get_value("USE_ESMF_LIB") else "noesmf" sharedpath = os.environ["SHAREDPATH"] bldroot = os.path.join(sharedpath, case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE"), esmfdir, "clm","obj" ) libroot = os.path.join(sharedpath, case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE"), esmfdir, "lib") incroot = os.path.join(sharedpath,"include") file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "lnd.bldlog.%s" % lid) config_lnd_dir = os.path.dirname(case.get_value("CONFIG_LND_FILE")) for ndir in [bldroot, libroot]: if (not os.path.isdir(ndir)): os.makedirs(ndir) _build_model_thread(config_lnd_dir, "lnd", caseroot, bldroot, libroot, incroot, file_build, logs) return logs
def _build_model_thread(config_dir, compclass, compname, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp, compiler, case): ###############################################################################"Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build)) t1 = time.time() cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib") if os.path.isfile(cmd): logger.warning( "WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname)) else: cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib") expect(os.path.isfile(cmd), "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname)) # Add to this list as components are converted to python/cmake if compname in ["cam"] and get_model() == "e3sm": try: stat = 0 run_sub_or_cmd(cmd, [caseroot, libroot, bldroot], "buildlib", [bldroot, libroot, case], logfile=file_build) except Exception: stat = 1 else: with open(file_build, "w") as fd: stat = run_cmd("MODEL={} SMP={} {} {} {} {} ".format( compclass, stringify_bool(smp), cmd, caseroot, libroot, bldroot), from_dir=bldroot, arg_stdout=fd, arg_stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[0] analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler) if stat != 0: thread_bad_results.append( "BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format( compname, file_build)) analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler) for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot, "*_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp]_*.mod")): safe_copy(mod_file, incroot) t2 = time.time()"{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1)))
def _extract_times(zipfiles, target_file): contents ="Target Build_time\n" for zipfile in zipfiles: stat, output, _ = run_cmd("zgrep 'built in' {}".format(zipfile)) if stat == 0: for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line: items = line.split() target, the_time = items[1], items[-2] contents += "{} {}\n".format(target, the_time) with open(target_file, "w") as fd: fd.write(contents)
def _extract_times(zipfiles, target_file): contents = "Target Build_time\n" total_build_time = 0.0 for zipfile in zipfiles: stat, output, _ = utils.run_cmd("zgrep 'built in' {}".format(zipfile)) if stat == 0: for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line: items = line.split() target, the_time = items[1], items[-2] contents += "{} {}\n".format(target, the_time) stat, output, _ = utils.run_cmd( "zgrep -E '^real [0-9.]+$' {}".format(zipfile)) if stat == 0: for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line: total_build_time += float(line.split()[-1]) with open(target_file, "w") as fd: fd.write(contents) fd.write("Total_Elapsed_Time {}".format(str(total_build_time)))
def _is_test_working(prev_results, src_root, testing=False): # If there is no history of success, prev run could not have succeeded and vice versa for failures if prev_results[0] is None: return False elif prev_results[1] is None: return True else: if not testing: stat, out, err = run_cmd("git merge-base --is-ancestor {}".format(" ".join(prev_results)), from_dir=src_root) expect(stat in [0, 1], "Unexpected status from ancestor check:\n{}\n{}".format(out, err)) else: # Hack for testing stat = 0 if prev_results[0] < prev_results[1] else 1 # stat == 0 tells us that pass is older than fail, so we must have failed, otherwise we passed return stat != 0
def bless_namelists(test_name, report_only, force, baseline_name, baseline_root): ############################################################################### # Be aware that restart test will overwrite the original namelist files # with versions of the files that should not be blessed. This forces us to # re-run create_test. # Update namelist files print "Test '%s' had namelist diff" % test_name if (not report_only and (force or raw_input("Update namelists (y/n)? ").upper() in ["Y", "YES"])): create_test_gen_args = " -g %s " % baseline_name if get_model() == "cesm" else " -g -b %s " % baseline_name stat, _, err = run_cmd("%s/create_test %s -n %s --baseline-root %s -o" % (get_scripts_root(), test_name, create_test_gen_args, baseline_root)) if stat != 0: return False, "Namelist regen failed: '%s'" % err else: return True, None else: return True, None
def bless_namelists(test_name, report_only, force, baseline_name, baseline_root): ############################################################################### # Be aware that restart test will overwrite the original namelist files # with versions of the files that should not be blessed. This forces us to # re-run create_test. # Update namelist files print "Test '%s' had a namelist diff" % test_name if (not report_only and (force or raw_input("Update namelists (y/n)? ").upper() in ["Y", "YES"])): stat, _, err = run_cmd( "create_test -n -g %s -b %s --baseline-root %s" % (test_name, baseline_name, baseline_root)) if stat != 0: return False, "Namelist regen failed: '%s'" % err else: return True, None